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Thunder thigh exercises

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Don't know if someone started this thread already but I need advice on how to lose my thunder, ugly looking, bumpy fat thighs. I carry my weight in my thighs and it bothers me a lot. I see some big and beautiful ladies with cute looking thighs that are big but not bumpy or ugly. Anyone has an advice on what machines to use at the gym for thighs mostly?

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Don't know if someone started this thread already but I need advice on how to lose my thunder, ugly looking, bumpy fat thighs. I carry my weight in my thighs and it bothers me a lot. I see some big and beautiful ladies with cute looking thighs that are big but not bumpy or ugly. Anyone has an advice on what machines to use at the gym for thighs mostly?

Oh sweetie...I feel your pain!!!

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Think it's the way we are built. I've resigned myself to the fact I will never have cute little shapely legs.. Just not made that way. My personal trainer always tells me you can't spot train. But obviously exercises that work the muscles in your legs are squats, sumo squats for the insides, box stepping, hill walking always hurts my butt and hamstrings the next day etc. As you loose weight they will decrease.. I've lost about 114lbs but in comparison they're still big, bumpy, wrinkly.. But now they have muscle underneath all that!!! Roll off the next 100lbs!!

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I'm bumpy too

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I'm bumpy too

Just took a look at your AWESOME before/after pics and have decided you are my new VSG heroine! I'll never have the view-from-behind that you do now (I'm much older and have lots of miles on my frame) but by golly, I love seeing what is possible. Seeing your photos has convinced me to stay the course and get as close to the "win" as I can. Congrats!

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Just took a look at your AWESOME before/after pics and have decided you are my new VSG heroine! I'll never have the view-from-behind that you do now (I'm much older and have lots of miles on my frame) but by golly' date=' I love seeing what is possible. Seeing your photos has convinced me to stay the course and get as close to the "win" as I can. Congrats![/quote']

Thank you so much. I have plans to run in a 15K marathon this March 2014, however I have not started training yet. I am hoping that will help my thighs. If not, I am going back for more plastic surgery to have a mini thigh lift. I only have a butt, because it was built for me by my plastic surgeon. This is my first time in my life that I have had a butt. I was sitting on my tail bone before.

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You might consider either standing lunges, walking lunges, or if you can, jumping lunges. Start at a small number and work your way up to, 25, 50, 100. As you get better at them and your legs get stronger, you can add dumbbells (increase weight over time). This should help create some nice quads, thighs, etc. Running is also excellent for toning up the legs. Wall sits will help. Sit against the wall as if you are sitting in a chair and hold for as long as you can. Start with 30 seconds and work up to 3-5 minutes. This is real easy to do and can be done anywhere you have a wall space. Next consider squats. Start out with air squats. Do 10 and work your way up to 25 and 50 at a time. You can also add dumbbells or a medicine ball as you wish to increase the challenge. If you have access to a barbell and plates, advance to back squats. Start out with a reasonable amount of weight, say 55 lbs (5 on each side with 45 lb bar) and work up to 95 (25 on each side), 180 and so on. If using a barbell, be careful and use a spotter if you are doing back squats near your 1 rep max. Squats are going to really help the conditioning of many muscle groupie below the waist. I know there are quite a number of suggestions here. Do what you are comfortable with.

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Thanks Fiddleman!!!!!

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Thanks Fiddleman!!!!!
you are welcome - always. :)

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Also keep in mind that even those bigger ladies in tv and in magazines are airbrushed. There are way more of us bumpy ladies than smooth! As long as the hills in between the bumps are getting smaller, you are winning!

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I had this issue and kept trying to shift the stubborn fat on my thighs before realising it wasn't fat, it was skin. It was a low point, for sure. Oddly enough, it is worse on one thigh and despite realising it is skin I keep working it like crazy! I am trying, very much so, to love the 'skin' I am in :-)

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I'd like to hear the answer to this too. I do squats and lunges but I know there are more exercises for those outer thighs.

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I had this issue and kept trying to shift the stubborn fat on my thighs before realising it wasn't fat' date=' it was skin. It was a low point, for sure. Oddly enough, it is worse on one thigh and despite realising it is skin I keep working it like crazy! I am trying, very much so, to love the 'skin' I am in :-)[/quote']

Have you tried dry brushing? I started before surgery, to avoid the loose skin, and it works! (So far I see a difference in my thighs) I do it everytime before I bathe...and use palmers skin therapy after to tighten my skin....it will take a few weeks to months to notice and it reduces cellulite also....keep working out because that helps too! Good luck

Edited by Roxiaa

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What is dry brushing? Please do tell!

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What is dry brushing? Please do tell!

What are the Benefits of Dry Skin Brushing?

What are the Benefits of Dry Skin Brushing? I’m writing about How Dry Skin Brushing Benefits help me now because I’ve written so much about the challenging side effects. Is Dry Skin Brushing the same as Dry Body Brushing? Yes it is. Other countries besides America call Dry Skin Brushing by the name of Dry Body Brushing.

I had horrific Dry Skin Brushing Side Effects and crazy emotional issues that made it difficult to start Dry Skin Brushing. I still have detox side effects from Dry Skin Brushing, but now I have learned how to live with that result. Every one of the side effects are worth it to get these wonderful Dry Skin Brushing benefits and results I see today.

Loose Skin – This is the reason I started Dry Skin Brushing – to tighten my loose skin. Being as large as I was for as long as I was has left lasting damage to my skin. I’m saying this to every possible person who can hear – try to get in control as young as you can to reduce skin damage.

I can see that my loose skin has improved in the 18 months since I lost the weight and started Dry Skin Brushing. I also use lots of coconut oil, clay and salt on my skin, swim, stretch, drink lots of Water, and stay consistent in my habits. These are the only things I can afford to do that I also have confidence might help with loose skin at this time.

I think my skin is tighter since Fall 2011 when I proclaimed I was done losing weight. It seems as if my skin tone and elasticity has improved since then. My skin isn’t sagging as much as I used to see. It has been 18 months now, and I am supposed to give it two years, so I’m trying to be generous and non-critical with myself.

Body Image – A great benefit of Dry Skin Brushing is help with physical and emotional issues that have come up from losing over 120 pounds and keeping it off for 18 months now. Soon I will write a big long post about starting Dry Skin Brushing when you are obese, because I fervently wish I had done so.

I have both physical and emotional side effects from obesity and from losing weight that Dry Skin Brushing is helping me work through. If you start when you still recognize your body, it will be easier than waiting until you have lost weight.

I think I am still fat. I think I still look really bad even though I lost my excess weight. Your opinion of how great I look in clothes doesn’t help me. If I get going, I can start on my feet and work up to my hair and tell you everything that is wrong with me because you, as an amateur at viewing me, will miss it all if I don’t point it out.

Dry Skin Brushing is helping me with my body image issues by forcing me to confront my body every day. I have to be minutely involved with all of my skin and actually be naked at the same time. I know I would not do that and pay so much attention to myself for any other reason. I actually notice changes in my body because I’m Dry Skin Brushing all the time. I can feel that something has changed, even if I can’t always bring myself to look.

Soft Skin – People are shocked by my soft skin. They grab at it sometimes after they shake my hand. It’s funny how often it happens now. I credit Dry Skin Brushing. Softer skin was the first immediate benefit I noticed within the first days of starting Dry Skin Brushing.

Even my elbows are soft. No more scaly patch at the point of my elbow. Can you believe that? I didn’t know you could make that go away. I didn’t have that goal, but I should have. This is a very nice and unexpected result.

Keratosis Pilaris bumps are gone – I never had a huge problem with Keratosis Pilaris, but in the last ten years I have noticed some bumps on the backs of my arms and the outsides of my thighs. Since I’ve been Dry Skin Brushing, those little annoying bumps are gone – 100% gone. I was startled to look for them one day and find none – zero. I don’t know how long they took to leave, because I wasn’t paying attention but they are gone now.

The reason I even looked for this result is because I have read other bloggers report it many times. It seems to be a universal surprise to all of us when those bumps disappear quickly.

stretch marks are Improving – I know that they are less deep and less dark. Less purple and more skin colored. I am so well acquainted with my stretch marks that it is pathetic. I can see a very big difference and I’m thrilled by it. Is it Dry Skin Brushing, Excellent Diet, Coconut Oil, or just the passage of time? I don’t know, but I am not changing a thing.

Less Money Spent on Beauty Products – I used to spend a ton of money on products to exfoliate and moisturize and clean my skin. Now that I do Dry Skin Brushing, I don’t use anything at all besides coconut oil and a little bit of sunscreen if I’m going to be out in the middle of the day. Anything I use on my skin that has chemicals will burn now and not soak in, so I stopped trying. My skin started rejecting lotion in the very first days I started Dry Skin Brushing and it has never gone back. I still have some organic products at home, but no need to use them very often, if at all.

It’s just all that coconut oil now…

Detoxing – When I do not do Dry Skin Brushing, toxins build up in me. There is no doubt of this result. Because:

Something happens and I stop Dry Skin Brushing for a couple or a few days.

I start to feel terrible – tired, bloated, want junk food etc…

I hit myself on the head and realize I’ve missed a couple Dry Skin Brushing times.

I do Dry Skin Brushing at the next available opportunity.

All the physical symptoms of detox http://www.fitinfun.com/dry-skin-brushing/physical-symptoms-of-detox-with-dry-skin-brushing.php come back to some degree as Dry Skin Brushing eliminates toxins that built up over those missed days.

The detox effects settle down after a day or two.

Life goes on as normal until I forget again – rarely does this happen.

Well OK– that’s really all I need to know. If you need more, I will also say that Dry Skin Brushing makes me go to the bathroom in 15 minutes – 80% of the time I do it. I think that is not a coincidence.

Lumps of fat under my skin – Oh this was so gross. Here comes another medical opinion from an accountant, but I think I’m right.

When I first lost weight, the fat loss was uneven and not necessarily in the place where it was needed. I’m not talking about my skin. I’m talking about the underlying fat. If you ran your hands over my body, it was very lumpy under there. And by there, I mean everywhere. And by lumpy, I mean big, huge lumps of – ew – yuck. It was like a bunch of hard marshmallows with gaps between them. I would touch myself and confront a lump of – WTH is that? – that would send me screaming and crying to my room and don’t think I’m kidding. This went on for months as I lost weight and looked worse every day.

My opinion of what happens is that fat melts and disappears unevenly.

I think the moving and massaging of Dry Skin Brushing is helping me even out that lumpy texture that used to lie beneath my skin. Since I run my hands and a Dry Skin Brush over every inch of my skin so frequently, I am able to stir things up and both create and notice improvement. I’m putting Coconut Oil on my skin very frequently as well, so again I feel what my skin and body feel like and I’m massaging at the same time.

I do not have those huge disgusting lumps today. I don’t feel them anywhere on my body. The lumps are still there but lumpy aspect to this whole mess of my body is reduced. It’s not that I’m used to it, it’s that it is better and the lumps are smaller. I think the extra blood flow helps, and maybe just the passage of time, but I don’t really care. It’s easy, cheap and I’m doing it anyway.

Emotional Adjustment to Weight Loss I really hated myself when I started Dry Skin Brushing. At the time I started, I had lost about 100 pounds of the 130 I would eventually lose. My body was mushy and soft and scary to live inside of. I would look at obese women in Vons with envy. They didn’t have saggy skin like me, so they were the lucky ones even though I weighed 170 and they weighed 275. I was really a mess and so disappointed in myself.

My forearms were the best part and even they were horrific to me. I had to see them every day as I typed (until I found shirts that cover down to my wrists). I couldn’t look at the rest of me in more than quick glances. I had paper taped over my one and only bathroom mirror for a while. Someone else finally tore it down.

I believe that Dry Skin Brushing has improved this condition of scary self-hatred. I know the repetition of Dry Skin Brushing is helping me emotionally. How? Because every 36 hours or so I do this thing to all of my skin – 100% of it – brushing it towards my heart. That necessarily means that all of my skin is lifted up and pushed around and touched – by me, while I’m kind of forced to think about it.

Therefore, I am familiar with how it feels and I can tell when it improves. What else would make me confront myself like that?

(Sorry its long, but copied from website) There are more websites that have more info such as drybrushing.net

Edited by Roxiaa

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

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