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To fill or not to fill? That is the question!

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Hi All!

I can use some advice. What do you mean by restriction? I mean I know what restriction is..but is saying 'I have good restriction' mean 'I am not hungry now'? I want to know when you talk about knowing if you have a good restriction if that means you just don't feel hungry or does that mean you have trouble getting things down.

I have this fear that if I get 'restricted' from a fill that all that means is it forces you to not eat certain foods and things can get stuck.

If a 'good restriction' means that you feel more in control, less hungry, can eat less and get full faster...I feel much better about getting filled.

I am just curious what these fills do for us. I don't want to have to be afraid of things getting stuck, etc. I travel for my job and OH that would suck if I was on a plane having problems. I don't want restriction to mean FEAR for me.

Any advice is greatly appreciated. I guess I am just curious if getting a fill is right. I think if it does make me less hungry and full faster it would be worth it for me. :)

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When I say to you I have good restriction, I personally mean....

#1. That I can eat solid Protein without issue.

#2. That I get full on just a small amount of food.

#3. I stay full for several hours following a meal.

#4. I no longer feel "hunger".

Hunger meaning, my stomach growling and churning wanting food. Being properly restricted does nothing for head hunger.

Yes I have had a PB experience, actually 2--and several times I have slimed, and wanted to lose it, but thought better of it!!! Both times were totally my own fault, for not paying attention. I have to be very careful when I am eating with friends, I tend to slip back into old habits, of big bites, chew twice and swallow. That does not work at all when you have restriction! Chewing small bites very well is very important!

When you do have restriction, some people do have problems with some foods. If you cannot eat any type of meat, in my opinion you are too tight! Many cannot eat bread, that is because it tends to swell as it hits liquids---so it is bigger when it gets in there, than it was when you ate it, and you don't have much room in there! It also tends to ball up into dough that is sometimes hard to pass through the band, it doesn't break up well, it wants to pass through in the dough ball it has formed, which is not possible, so it is painful. I have no problem with bread, if I eat it either toasted, or with something else. I have not tried to be honest to just eat a slice of bread---I never would have done that before either! It seems if I have something on the bread, as in a sandwich or something, if I take small bites, and chew it all together well, I have not had a problem. Pasta and rice seem to work the same way, they continue to grow! So watch them very closely when you first begin eating following a fill. I think the biggest issue when getting a fill is to follow the Dr.s recommendations for liquids following it, and if something hurts, if it feels stuck, even if it doesn't result in a full blown PB, go back to liquids for minimally several hours, give your stomach a rest period, so you do not begin a swelling cycle every time you try to eat. Pick moist meats, and chew til you think it is good, then chew some more!!! It makes a huge difference!

Take adding in new foods slowly, and keep in mind if it gives you problems today---it may not in 2 weeks. The band is a fickle friend---you never know for sure what today will bring!!!

I had a fairly aggresive first fill I thought, at 1.25 in a 4cc. band---and only got a mild change. I did have to slow down, but could still eat a large amount of food if I did not make myself stop on my own. Then my 2nd fill was small only 1/2 a cc. and wham---I got good restriction on that little extra amount---and have been riding with it ever since---that was 7 months ago. So it will vary what kind of result you get---just work with your Dr. he will help you find a good level, without it being too much. Too tight doesn't help anyone, you don't lose more weight, and it increases the Dr.'s chances of you have problems, so he doesn't want you too tight either. It is so individual, you will just have to play it day to day---but it is well worth it!

Good Luck!!!


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THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! This info is so great.

I now have a better understanding of what fills are for. I guess reading all about those people who couldn't get even Water down, or had other complications after a fill, they were probably just too tight. Like you said, too tight is not what they want.

I will getting my first fill in about 4 weeks as I will be traveling for the next couple of weeks. Until then, I will try to increase exercise and battle my head hunger. I have been logging what I am eating and each day I seem to be eating a little more. That is why I think I need a fill. I find myself getting a sense of hunger quickly after eating, within an hour or two I am seeking food. I am still learning how to know if I am really physically hungry or if I am doing the head hunger thing.

I have to say this experience has been such an awakening as to how bad my eating habits were before. I have learned so much about what made me have the weight problem. It feels empowering to have that knowledge that I don't think I would of gotten without having the surgery.


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that was a wonderful explanation and even after all this time of being banded - I still struggle finding that sweet spot.

It is amazing to me the amount of restriction i have now at the lowest level of fills since starting fills. I can also eat many more foods without pbing so i think it is close. I know I am happier not being scared of every single bite and eating more solids than liquids. I may have even lost two pounds since my last fill which is significant for me although I have been taking diet pills too.

I still stop way before full and fight that head hunger but have never had that full feeling with the amount I am eating. Maybe I am properly restricted - still don't know.

Regardless you described it perfectly - thanks

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Thanks for this thread. I hope to be banded soon and was wondering what a "sweet spot" and what a "good fill" level is to folks. Thanks for expressing it so well, Kat!

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Wow!! Y'all make me feel so special!!! Thaks! I was just going to say to say to Lapband4meNOW, you refer to the band as letting you feel empowered. I love the fact that the scale shows a smaller number, and that I buy much smaller clothes---but I really love the feeling of "control" that the band gives me! Control over my own eating habits, and control over the hunger beast that dwells inside me---it is exactly as you say totally empowering!!!


marys, I hope you have good luck with the endocrinologist---maybe he/she can point you in a direction, or have an insight that a general practitioner does not, or even things a surgeon does not. I think it is a WISE move! I mean yes it is discouraging for you not losing any better, but there could be apsects of something that would affect your health in other ways. Things your children might need to know. I really think it is a good move. And know we are here for you--pulling for you to find some answers!!


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Lapband4menow - unfortunately yes i was banded in 2005 but please please please don't let that discourage you. I am a very rare and strange case and mentioned i am seeking metabolic help. Right before i was banded i tried ww 3 times and couldn't lose and then did scarsdale once which in the past was successful and didn't lose and then decided on the band. if i was a bit smarter i might have checked out my problem sooner - my body just doesn't seem to want to lose weight. But as i said please don't go by my slow weight loss - i only know one other bandster like me - i know many others and thousands here that keep plugging away and it will work. And, as a serious yo yo dieter (i could gain easily 60 pounds a year if not more and have done that my whole life) I am happy with even 11 pounds - and by the way today it is 13lbs - yippee.

Kat - I love you - you are so supportive and kind. BubbleBut gave me tons of good info last night and I'm looking for an endocronologist as we speak. I will post again when I get some results/news about it all.

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Hi All!

I have this fear that if I get 'restricted' from a fill that all that means is it forces you to not eat certain foods and things can get stuck.

If a 'good restriction' means that you feel more in control, less hungry, can eat less and get full faster...I feel much better about getting filled.

I wish I knew the answer, lol. I need another fill to lose the last bit of weight, I really do. I made an appointment last week and I chickened out. I'm so afraid of getting to tight, every single fill has left me able to still eat everything for which I've been very glad, as I've still lost weight without being very restricted.

I feel like I'm just pushing the envelope to go for another and that this one will be the one that forces me into a very restrictive bandster life. Its probahbly more likely that the next one will make no more difference than the last five have, just a slight increase in restriction for two or three weeks and then back to normal.

But I like being able to go out or go on holidays or whatever and not have to worry abotu what am I going to eat, what if I PB in front of everyone etc.

But there's no way of knowing till you actually do it, lol.

I'm ringing for another appointment today - what did I get this band for if I'm not going to use it properly to achieve the last big of weight loss? Its not permanent, a fill, if its too much you can have some taken out.

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So I have a question! I pretty much can eat whatever and it takes me awhile to feel full. I also still get hunger pains, with that said does it sound like I need a fill. My first fill is not even until April 3. It seems so far away, I just want that weight loss to continue at a good rate and at this point it is completely slowing down.

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Yeah Redfred, you are entering what we call around here---"bandster Hell". You have a band (yippee) but it is unfilled, and you are on a restricted diet!!! It is hell!

Weight loss usually does slow down about now, and your workhas to begin. You have to call on all the willpower you hoped you would never have to employ again. Keeping your Protein intake up will help, not a lot, but it will help some. Eliminating as many of the carbs, and as much of the sugar as you can at this point will help in 2 ways. It will help the weight loss to continue, and it will also ease the cravings for those type of foods. With carbs and sugars, the more you eat, the more you want. Once the habit is broke, it is much easier.

Another thing to keep in mind, is that often times thirst is mistaken for hunger. Be sure you are getting plenty of liquids in. It will also help you feel fuller. Just remember not to eat with your food.< /strong>

Find some things you can eat, and like fairly well, and stock up--and have little else on hand for awhile. Yogurt, cottage cheese, Soups, things along those lines until you get to add in regular food. Then begin with soft Proteins, fish, moist dark chicken....

You will go back to eating these same things in the same slow additions patterns following your fill--so that your stomach has time to adjust to the change.

Once you begin the fill process, you may still have time before reaching a point that you feel restriction. It is best snuck up on! I felt very little from my first fill, but the second made a major change.

Right now, just plan on logging in and reading and talking, anything to take your mind off of the old eating habits. This site will keep you focused---just avoid the food porn sites!!!

Hang in there---this too shall pass!!!


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I was reading your thread on how to know the diff between being too restricted and just right. I really loved the way you explained it.

I was banded Sept 29th, 06 and have had 3 fills. The last being 4.9 on a 10cc band. I now know the meaning of being TIGHT. I felt I needed more restriction because I had been out eating my band up untill this point and my doc said liquids/mushies only for the next 6 weeks.

So I've been PB'ing about once a day... sucks. I'm too tight in the morning for anything but coffee and Water and both have to be hot and sipped slowly. It's not until around 3-4pm that I loosen up enough to take in thicker Soups, mashed potatoes with gravy and sometimes tiny bits of chicken. For some insane reason, I keep trying to eat bread or flour products and items I know might get stuck (which ultimately do make me PB) but I keep trying. I have to learn to just give those things up but I'm having a hard time letting go.

It feels as if all I do is think about what I can eat because I'm hungry but can't eat. Good thing is I've lost 10 lbs in two weeks without working out. I'm afraid to get an unfil because I don't want to be able to over eat again. I'm also not doing myself any favors by searching out more fattening soups which satisfy my hunger but are not helping my efforts either.

I just wish I could stop the insanity of food in my life once and for all. Sorry for the pity party I just needed to vent and hopefully hear from others that are having the same problems... Did any of you go through this and what finally got you on the right path? Thanks for listening

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Wow! It sounds to me as though you are too tight. Keep in mind while not being so tight, will let you eat more, it also will relax you some, and allow you to eat enough that your body will respond. It is in a starvation mode now, and while you will lose weight, it will be muscle mass, and you really don't want to lose that. You need to be able to eat a normal type of food to keep your body healthy. We all would love to be instantly thin, but we REALLY need to keep the health aspect in the fore front.

Our relationship with food has to be compared to an addiction, in my opinion, I was/am, addicted. It is hard, especially in your situation to think of little else, because right now it rules every breath you take! When you cannot eat---is when you want to the worst. It is just like when our car breaks down, is when we want to go somewhere, or your hands are full of something when your nose itches the worst. We always want what we can't have---it is human nature I guess. I really do feel like you would focus less on food and eating if you weren't so tight. Being that tight can also lead to other issues, and cause you to lose your band. If you were to lose it now, you would not have learned any other eating habits that would allow you to keep the weight off without the band.

I went through the bandster hell I mentioned earlier---same as everyone. I literally purged our house of food I couldn't have for a few weeks! I also made a point of getting up and taking a walk around the house or out into the yard...eventually down the road---whenever the urge to eat was just overwhelming!!! I missed favorite TV shows, because the urge to eat, and the commercials were just too much, so I went for a walk. Ironically the walking did me good---but my goal was just to get my mind off of food! I was not going to walk down the road eating---I could just imagine what people would have thought or said---and instead I imagined them watching the transformation of me....as I lost weight! If I owned a dog, he would have been one happy camper---I walked a lot!!! Short quick bursts around the block---but got away from where there was food. Then as I could I started putting out flowers, watering....anything, that was out of the house and away from the food. Soon the weight was dropping, and some of my habits had changed. The longer you stay away from the carbs and sugars, the easier it is.

I would seriously consider a small unfill, until you can at least eat say tuna fish, or ground meat...something that will do your body good.

You know how an alcoholic has a sponsor in AA---maybe that's what we need to start here.

If you don't have someone you can call on to talk to and stay away from the food---you let me know, and I will PM you my #. This CAN be done without starving your body. We want to be healthy hotties!!!

Consider it anyway....


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Kat thanks for the advice. That was a great help. I just need to be reassured that the band will work with my help and to stay on the right path. I have another question for you, have you had any problems with natural Peanut Butter, not skippy or jiff, but natural Trader Joes Peanutbutter. I would like to try toasting a whole wheat waffle with peanutbutter and suggestions?

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I used regular Skippy Peanut Butter in some of my Protein Shakes. I have not attempted it with anything else, because I always had to have something to drink with it before---and since that isn't an option, I have kind of shied away. I took a tiny bite of one of the round crustless peanut butter & jelly sandwiches that one of my grandbabies had the other day---but it was a tiny nibble, to encourage him to eat---not me!!!

I would say if you can eat it without drinking, it would be a great Protein source, and a nice strong flavor, which goes a long way towards satisfaction.

Let me know how it goes. Be super cautious with the waffle as well---breads sometimes tend to swell to bigger proportions once they are eaten, and cause some serious pb's.....so whatever you do---proceed with caution! Tiny bites----rest a minute between, and really see how it feels. I mean a minute---at least 60 seconds---let it go down and see how it feels. It is always easier to quit than hurt!


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