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random musings from a really bored woman...lol

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The hardest and I mean the hardest thing about recovering from plastics is the firm instructions to move like an 85 year old arthritic woman walking on an icy sidewalk - slowly and carefully. I want to go freaking run a marathon or ride a bike or something. Good news... I feel GOOD (to the tune of James Brown, but dancing isn't allowed either)

Since my dear friend care taker wont let me do a 5 k, and I have read alot and have walked the local mall and have explored every corner of the hotel and we have discussed the meaning of life about 100 times.... I am filled with random thoughts to spew...haha

I watched a newstory about a woman boxer down here in Mexico. Didn't understand a dang word... but I thought...that looks fun, but I don't want someone hitting back.lol. It inspired my friend to tell me about a class to take that teaches women hand to hand self defense that is near me (her son works there) and also to think about doing crossfit or something like that once I am recovered. I just want to MOVE. Anyway, at the moment, the idea of doing hand to hand combat with someone that wont hit back just sounds very appealing... maybe I have been cooped up too long...LOL

I do plan to take a gun safety and shooting course in January (ooohh maybe I can start a board war over the topic? - told you I am bored). I have several reasons, but one is that I am going to start competing in a horse event called cowboy mounted shooting. I am a pretty good rider, love to ride FAST but never shot a gun before so thought I should start there...haha

I must also notice that where I am at in Mexico is so muchlike the USA that other then the language and the nacho like dish at the Breakfast bar at the hotel, I am shocked with howmuch things are the same. No problem at huge grocery store - laid out the same way as typical urban / suburban American grocery. cars are the same, people act and look very similar etc etc. I had been to TJ mexico before, but I am in Monterrey and it really is quite... familiar feeling. I have traveled alot internationally so keep that in mind too.

Found the cutest dang outfit at the mall. cant try it on over drains, but think I am going to take a chance and buy it anyway because I want some kind of souvenier and it is at least useful (and my freaking drain doesnt count as a souvenier!!!) And it i just adorable.

Today, 2 of 7 drains come out. I think 4 should come out based on output, but another day to be sure.... grrr. They tell me I will travel home with one drain which will be easy peasy compared to 7!

Read a book called the 5 languages of love. Its been out forever, and I hate self help books in general, but it is really awesome. Clarified in my mind beyond what I already knew why I felt so unloved by my ex that is for sure. I recommend it - easy read and just helps you see that different people need to receive love in different ways to really feel it.

I have more random thoughts, but nurse will behere soon so it is time to start undoing the torture device...ie compression garments... so my heart gets used to beating without without it before the shower. seriously, it is so tight you faint if you take it off and get up too fast. This is why women used to "swoon" I think... those corsets that they wore so tight change your blood pressure and when that thing loosens...hello floor if you don't give yourself a few minutes.

your random thoughts for the day?

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No doubt....that damn binder is like something they used to get heretics to confess back in the dark ages. I'm 3 weeks post op today and feeling and walking very well. I didn't think I'd feel this good this soon. Yes, I'm bored and yes I feel cooped up.

I've gone skinny clothes shopping several times since the last drain came out but haven't bought a damn thing. I'm going again tomorrow and I'm determined to buy something. I need a new outfit for an upcoming wedding. Definitely need something because all I have in my closet that fits are running clothes. I'd wear that to the wedding but my wife seems to think it will be inappropriate. And of course, she's in charge.

One thing I did to make my sitting around time more enjoyable....I bought the world's most comfortable flannel robe and some great new house shoes. So I may be channeling my grandma now....but I swear this robe makes me not wanna leave the house....or even get dressed. It's that comfy.

If you really need to get a drain out, you're gonna have to work hard to top my "cat bit a hole in it" trick. My surgeon told me that was a medical first. I will admit it sounds alot like "my dog ate my homework." But it worked. It's weird getting those things pulled out though right? Nothing quite like 18" of plastic tubing being pulled out of your body while you're wide awake.

I may have more random musings later. Right now I need to freshen up my hot chocolate.

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Hi Jane,

Enjoyed your post. If you get really bored you can take selfies and post them for us ;) Is this Dr. Saucedo? I was thinking of going to him when I get done. Getting anything else interesting done while you are there? Facelift? Arms?

Take care and quick healing to you.

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Woah there Annie Oakley. Guns and hand to hand combat? Sounds like you have some pent up frustrations for sure. "I either want to b-slap someone or just chootem". LOL. Someone earlier on said that plastic surgery, liposuction in particular, was way worse pain than the sleeve. What are your thoughts on your separate recoveries?

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No Lipo.. I wanted to have fat deferred to my butt but who would guess that i dont have enough fat to do that!?!

Different recovery then sleeve. Not terribly painful but I think I described the discomforts... movement restricted and compression garments from hell.

Sleeve wasnt that painful either, but so hard to get Water in those early days. Very different experiences.

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No doubt....that damn binder is like something they used to get heretics to confess back in the dark ages. I'm 3 weeks post op today and feeling and walking very well. I didn't think I'd feel this good this soon. Yes, I'm bored and yes I feel cooped up.

I've gone skinny clothes shopping several times since the last drain came out but haven't bought a damn thing. I'm going again tomorrow and I'm determined to buy something. I need a new outfit for an upcoming wedding. Definitely need something because all I have in my closet that fits are running clothes. I'd wear that to the wedding but my wife seems to think it will be inappropriate. And of course, she's in charge.

One thing I did to make my sitting around time more enjoyable....I bought the world's most comfortable flannel robe and some great new house shoes. So I may be channeling my grandma now....but I swear this robe makes me not wanna leave the house....or even get dressed. It's that comfy.

If you really need to get a drain out, you're gonna have to work hard to top my "cat bit a hole in it" trick. My surgeon told me that was a medical first. I will admit it sounds alot like "my dog ate my homework." But it worked. It's weird getting those things pulled out though right? Nothing quite like 18" of plastic tubing being pulled out of your body while you're wide awake.

I may have more random musings later. Right now I need to freshen up my hot chocolate.

Bean u always make me laugh. I'd confess to being a witch if it would get me out of this thing. Mine is special, a lovely capri length long panty affair with a drop crotch for using the potty. Since doc claims I am cleared for intimate activities at 4 weeks but am sentenced to six weeks in the torture garmet, i have come to suspect other reasons for the sexy crotchless panty..haha. Anyhoo, garment two they call a bra but that is thhe most ridiculous term for a straightjacet that goes just past the elbows on the sleeves and overlaps with the lovely long undies around the midsection. Where those two overlap, my stars, I think the actual bones of my ribs are moved when it is fastened. When I am set free daily for a shower I feel my rib expanding to their former width. The garments are marked "med" which is my size but I suggested that perhaps they gave me a toddler medium by mistake..haha

I was afraid about the arm drains coming out. the arm area is more sensitve and I visualized passing out. It stung a little, but really wasn't bad at all.... and then to be free of them..woo hoo!!! I can put my bathrobe on without fear of catching the buggers. I no longer get stares in public when the little tubes sneak out of my sleeves... I am sure i have frightened a few small children.... halloween is early this year,,,haha

I dont have a cat with me, but my dear friend has proven herself willing to be a real help. Do you think asking her to put puncture wounds in my drains with her teeth might be asking just a leeetttllle bit too much???

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Well Jane,

I'm glad your procedures haven't lessened your sense of humor:) besides utter boredom, you sound terrific. I rather enjoyed reading your musings. I have the book "Five Languages of Love", but have never read it...sounds like I might have to pull it out of the bookshelf and read. So glad you're doing good!

And I have a feeling SOMEWHERE near you, there is a cat who would be more than happy to take a bite of your drain lines ;-P

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HAHAalolol, this thread is hilarious, love the random! Jane you sound like you have a serious case of cabin fever! How much longer are you there for? Do you have a Stateside doctor that will do your follow up care?

It was just crisp enough this morning to wear a pashmina that I bought here, a beautiful shade of rose with green paisleys.

I have only had 1 bm since Friday, this doesn't feel great and is also keeping me from enjoying the scale :/

If I were in the States right now, living my dream of owning a cafe/book shop/philosophy salon/community living room, I would be serving a hot quinoa porridge for Breakfast, gluten free doughnuts, pumpkin spice lattes, london fogs, Mexican hot chocolate. I would open the doors for the day with some Billy Holiday playing and a fire going in the fireplace. I would wear a fisherman's sweater and bamboo fabric leggings with sturdy boots, my hair held back under a kercheif.

How's that for random? :P

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HI CGJ. I want to own a shotgun. The pump action ones I see on TV.. I see myself defending my family with a pump action and pointing at the person to get to stepping, and they run away in fear!.. As a child and now I love westerns. Cowboys were my favorites. OH so manly ( LOL ) Don't get my started on my obsession with the Rifleman!. For my random thought of the day. One of my ( and I have a few ) pet peeves. People that wear baseball hats backwards, then use their hands to shield the sun from their eyes. I just hate that :D . Can't suggest any good books the last book I read was the Twilight series (i'm not ashamed to say) Stay strong, don't do too much, rest and heal you'll be moving soon enough

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Oh and btw...us southern gals can tell you, shooting is FUN!!! Pistols, rifles, shotguns, BB guns, any of them - only thing, as a hobby it can get quite expensive!!! Guns AND bullets don't come cheap:)

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I woke up dreaming of Breakfast this morning..lol. Big day yday at the mall. Walked super slow and sat alot but still wore me out so I slept like the dead and awoke starving..lol

I love travel and everytime I go somewhere I just relish it and love doing ordinary things. A month ago I wanted to move to NYC after visiting mostly due to fashion. The shoes at the upscale mall here in monterrey were shoegasmic and now I think I could live here..Haha. Seattle is awesome but is outdoorsy oriented almost rejecting the concept of fashion over comfort. Yes I too love my REI gear BUT Love going blingy places too, which Seattle is NOT.

Globe send me the addy of that bookstore coffee shop and I'll be there (with booties, tights and most likely a sweater dress).

Brown, I will soon be living alone out in the country, down a dead end country dark street. Small dog is early warning systm, big huge dog lets you know wr mean it and nothing like the sound of a shotgun being "readied" to get the attention of a would be intruder that cant take a hint. I am NOT a violent person in spite of my silliness above but house and home should be a safe place.

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I grew up competition shooting and loved every minute of it! Practice is important is on the ground before mounting, I tried horse mounted once and lost my groove. I'll keep the two sports separate but enjoy watching! Start with something small and cheap until you get the hang of it maybe a .22 pistol (ammo is fairly cheap) then move to your competition size pistol of choice!

Glad to hear your doing well plastics are a long way off for me, but I will be traveling for them. I still need to shed about 180 more pounds.

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Hi Jane,

Enjoyed your post. If you get really bored you can take selfies and post them for us ;) Is this Dr. Saucedo? I was thinking of going to him when I get done. Getting anything else interesting done while you are there? Facelift? Arms?

Take care and quick healing to you.

si, Dr S

Once I am back to my laptop I will do more of a writeup but I highly recommend. I did enough consults and talked to PS patients to understand pros and cons of various options.

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Jane, I used to live in a 1000sf storefront with 20 foot ceilings. (artist live/work... in the hood) I had a couch set up at one end, and a target practice area set up 35 feet away at the other... with little googlie jigs that would spin when you hit them, and paper targets that were bulls eyes and the outlines of "criminals". I would lay on the couch, and steady the old daisy BB rifle on my knees and shoot away. I also had a hand held pump action pellet gun... it was a blast! I am definitely a "make love not war" type, and gave away my real gun (a pearl handled 22long derringer) early on, but hand eye coordination is a great pass time!

...One thing I did to make my sitting around time more enjoyable....I bought the world's most comfortable flannel robe and some great new house shoes. So I may be channeling my grandma now....but I swear this robe makes me not wanna leave the house....or even get dressed.

May I suggest the next step up is to channel Hugh Hefner, get a smoking Jacket, a pipe and some of those velvet slippers with the gold tassels on them.... Now that might even pass at the wedding!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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