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weight loss and exercise, not necessarily a partnership?

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I can feel the heat already from the flaming I am sure to get ...

In all my post VSG weight loss years, I've had my best losses when I carefully monitor my nutrition and don't exercise. As soon as I exercise, the loss slows down dramatically and if I do only cardio, it comes to a complete stop. I think one of my (many) errors I made early on in the journey was actually to start exercising too soon. I should have focused on letting the honeymoon period get the bulk of the weight off first, and then started exercising.

This is my body, I have to live in it, and I am observing what works for me, I'm not preaching this practice to anyone, just conversing about this curiosity and wondering if anyone else has felt the same.

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No flame from me. Exercise builds muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. Exercise is good for "us" (though while I get my knee fixed I can't do much, sigh). But the One thing we all know is that everyone is different.

And it's good to see you again. Are you still in-theater'?

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I've had the exact same experience . . . I weigh myself every two weeks, and I've done off and on exercising in two week trials. The two week spans where I don't exercise, I consistently lose twice as much as the two week spans where I do exercise. And I'm eating the exact same way all the time -- I log every thing that goes in my mouth on mfp and I have a very clear picture of how I am doing, nutrition-wise.

Right now I am exercising for cardiovascular health and for strength, not for weight loss. But if I continue to have very slow loss while exercising, I may cut back or stop (temporarily, not for the rest of my life).

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While the number on the scale gets smaller faster for a brief period without exercise, my body looks better with. I look more toned and "tight" and I feel much better.

Muscle is heavier and it holds onto Water plus it burns more calories in a resting state. Exercise does make me hungrier, which is a big reason I've cut back on swimming. (Boooohoooooo!) I'm famished after and it's frustrating not to be able to eat more than a few nibbles. I know it's in my head, I eat what I need, but no need for the aggravation this close to surgery when I can do other activities.

It's a personal decision, but I am in this for health, not the number on my little friend in the restroom.

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I suspect a little of what's going on there is that perhaps when you exercise, and don't increase your calories to "eat back" your exercise, you may be going into starvation mode, aka slowing your metabolism. I too have wondered about this and had to think hard which way I wanted to go. Of course, being the fat person I am, I decide to eat more :P

I'm not burning that much through exercise. The difference is that in the old days, a 200 calorie burn would have been insignificant. Now, it's more than a fourth my daily intake! So I'm thinking every little bit matters.

While it is true that muscle burns more than fat, the differences are minor, and are not the make or break for weight loss.

Don't mean to ramble but my point is, it's entirely possible you aren't eating enough to exercise. I started a thread about increasing calories, good idea or bad idea? Gardengirl posted in it saying as soon as she started eating more and exercising a little bit less, her weight started coming off. And that was on doctor's orders. So i don't think your premise is entirely nutty :)

I noticed you said you wanted to lift weights on another thread, but lifting on a liquid diet seems....iffy to me. Seems like you'd really struggle to get enough intake to keep yourself going healthily.

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IMHO, weight loss is primarily related to what you eat.

For me, I stopped exercising for weight loss YEARS ago. I DO exercise, but I do it for FUN, personal growth, and for HEALTH...and to make my butt look better....I don't feel exercise is necessary for weight loss but I do feel it is necessary for optimal health and well being.

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I'm not entirely on liquids, I typically do 2 shakes a day with flaxseeds, then a complicated salad for dinner, full of omega3s, leafy greens, Beans, etc.

Arts - this old myth again - muscle does not weigh more than fat. It does not, it does not, it does not. It is more dense, smoother, but a pound is a pound the world around.

As for starvation mode, When I was dedicated to crossfit I upped my calories and ate responsibly and was still obese, and it took me 6 months to lose 17 pounds and I was a model goody two shoes of nutrition and fitness. The only time I have ever significantly lost weight was when I was extremely low cal, low carb, high Protein, and did no cardio.

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Arts - this old myth again - muscle does not weigh more than fat. It does not, it does not, it does not. It is more dense, smoother, but a pound is a pound the world around.

Would you agree that a box of rocks weighs more than a box of feathers? It's the same idea. If you'll notice, nobody says, "a pound of muscle weighs more than a pound of fat" When people say "muscle weighs more than fat" they mean by volume.

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I'm not entirely on liquids, I typically do 2 shakes a day with flaxseeds, then a complicated salad for dinner, full of omega3s, leafy greens, Beans, etc.

Arts - this old myth again - muscle does not weigh more than fat. It does not, it does not, it does not. It is more dense, smoother, but a pound is a pound the world around.

As for starvation mode, When I was dedicated to crossfit I upped my calories and ate responsibly and was still obese, and it took me 6 months to lose 17 pounds and I was a model goody two shoes of nutrition and fitness. The only time I have ever significantly lost weight was when I was extremely low cal, low carb, high Protein, and did no cardio.

Yep a pound is a pound the world around. Sorry. I meant to say that 'for its mass/size' fat takes up more space than muscle. Did not translate from my brain very well...


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No flame from me. Exercise builds muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. Exercise is good for "us" (though while I get my knee fixed I can't do much, sigh). But the One thing we all know is that everyone is different.

And it's good to see you again. Are you still in-theater'?

Muscle and fat weigh the same..The only difference is that muscle is more dense then fat so it takes up less room...

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oops sorry the point had already been made above while I was writing my answer... :huh:

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You people are something else weight is a pound fource and mass is a pound so being an ass and not even knowing what your talking about is a waste of time, everyone knew what he ment. I lost 150 lbs in 7 months and never exercised and only kept track of what I ate.

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Okay, here is what I know about this topic. Exercise CAN increase your appetite and cause you to eat too much too. I was working closely with a NUT during the loosing phase, and this was one of her cautions as well. I wish I could remember the detailed guidance she gave me - we were encouraged to strength train though - not heavy lifting, but calistenic type things and moderate aerobics.

I think different body types thrive on different things and the best thing I learned from my NUT is to listen to the best feedback I had - my own body.

I have posted alot about my workouts and I can't emphasize enough that I had lost over 100# ... probably more like 120 before I got intense about it. Prior to that, I did Water aerobics and other low impact, moderate to low intensity stuff and how much I did was based on how I felt. when my appetite seemed to go up for no reason - I examined my workouts and cut back if I needed to! We all know you can "eat through" ANY amount of working out so you are so right - the food part needs to be the main focus.

I also think it is a mistake for women to compare themselves to men. Our bodies are just different and there are a couple of examples of guys who have amazing results and we have a lot to learn from them - however, the female body does not always respond to the same style of eating and working out as men... I think especially as we get a little older.

I do think I have the body type that loves to exercise though - I am happier, more cheerful and overall just healthier when I get good vigorous exercise regularly. It is one of the joys of weight loss for me, that I CAN do this and feel great about it.

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I appreciate your insight. I too was an exercise/nutrition maniac and remained obese for years. I hope to get the sleeve in Dec., so I know it will be an adjustment to actually lose while I am doing less stressful exercise. It will be nice to see the results of actual weight loss for once!

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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