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Please read this and help me. I need to know i'm not alone.

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Ok first off I did my surgery January 18, 2012

Now it's about almost 9 months. Well I only lost 60 pounds and gained 5 pounds because all I do is...

Eat junk food ( I can't control myself)

And I literally eat a lot that I completely don't understand how possible that can be especially my stomach is so small. For example

I can eat for example

10 big Peanut Butter and jelly crackers

A whole cheesesteak sandwich

3 big piece of chicken cutlets

4 slice of pizzas

Now I can eat that stuff and takes me less than 5 minutes to eat each one of those and then I get hungry later like an hour and go eat more.

This is everyday and I don't understand. Because when I eat I do not get no pain like everyone would talk about, I would not throw up nothing. It's like I have my old stomach back. That I never went into surgery. I'm so confused and want to know does anyone else has this issue?

Thank you

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Hi. You need to stop, take a deep breath and regroup yourself. A 60lb lost is fantastic, why are you throwing that away, you have done great so far. This surgery is not a cure all, it is a tool, a tool that you use in conjunction with eating healthy and exercising. We all fall off the band wagon at times, it's human, but then we get right back on. Think about those 60lbs, think about all you have gone thru with the surgery...you don't want that to all be for nothing. So you ate this stuff and you didn't feel anything, if you keep eating this, then your stomach will stretch, don't keep pushing it. Do you want to gain those lbs back? You are an inspiration to so many people, wow 60lbs lost, just think about that. Don't let your old habits take over your life again, you can stop now and get back on track...I believe in you and so do others.

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What did you think this surgery would do, allow you to eat as unhealthily as possible, while still losing weight? Ever hear the phrase, "just because you can, doesn't mean you should"? Why are you eating 4 pieces of pizza? Why are you eating an entire cheesesteak sandwich? It has been 9 months, was counseling ever part of your aftercare program? A nutritionist? Follow ups with your Dr.? Don't throw away this expensive and invasive surgery, seek help. What was your start weight, how tall are you? food addiction is very real, and needs to be treated as an addiction.

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Ok first off I did my surgery January 18, 2012

Now it's about almost 9 months. Well I only lost 60 pounds and gained 5 pounds because all I do is...

Eat junk food ( I can't control myself)

And I literally eat a lot that I completely don't understand how possible that can be especially my stomach is so small. For example

I can eat for example

10 big Peanut Butter and jelly crackers

A whole cheesesteak sandwich

3 big piece of chicken cutlets

4 slice of pizzas

Now I can eat that stuff and takes me less than 5 minutes to eat each one of those and then I get hungry later like an hour and go eat more.

This is everyday and I don't understand. Because when I eat I do not get no pain like everyone would talk about, I would not throw up nothing. It's like I have my old stomach back. That I never went into surgery. I'm so confused and want to know does anyone else has this issue?

Thank you

There is a bigger issue going on here then food...Something in your head has not been fixed....What is driving you to abuse yourself like this...Only you know the answer hun!

food addiction is a horrible roller coast ride that can have horrible life threatening side effects...You know that because you did the hardest thing anyone can do....You had this surgery....

Now and only now you have to start listening to your body and your sleeve...Sounds silly....But your body sends you signals to stop eating......you are eating because of an emotional reason....

Measure out your 1 cup and place it beautifully on your plate and only eat that..Slow down and chew a lot..Put your fork down after each small bite and feel the food going down and you will realize you are being fed.....Give your brain enough time to tell you you have eaten enough....If you are hungry a hour later eat some fruit or a few nuts....

This is not a low calorie diet..This is a tool we all chose to get to give us the time to work out our food addictions...You have kept a lot off....It is a battle for sure...Hope you are getting in all your Water....

There are better days a head...grab them and run with them...This is your turn to be the person inside that really wants to come out...Brush the dust off, get back on the horse and ride like the wind....Stop sabotaging yourself for only the reasons you know...Take the time to find them and if you need to talk about it...I would be happy to help where I can....send me a message if you so desire!

I am only 2 months a head of you and paid a huge price for my surgery.....I work at it every day and so does everyone else....It is your turn to get where you want to be....You can do this .....K

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Thank you everyone for responding and giving me your opinion. I appreciate it. The problem that I didn't put up there is I been struggling

Depression and OCD basically all my life and it's taken over me. I switch dr and still in the process finding the right medicine that can help me.

I don't have no job so literally all I do is eat and sleep eat and sleep. And I'm really doing that. i lay in my bed all day long and eat. I'm stuck here and don't know how to get myself out of it.

I don't want to hang with friends or boyfriend no more. This is taken over my life. And the food eating is getting out of control. I just want to just give up sometimes. My body just shut down on me. And don't know how to get up.

I need to go to therapist but soon no insurance I will be out of luck to get help. My life keeps getting worse and worse so that's why I just gave up and go to food and fene for it. I don't know. No one understands me.

Im 5"4 287 pounds before surgery after surgery I'm 222. And I'm 26 years old. I don't know what to do anymore I wish I wasn't depressed anymore and finally got better and find a job and eat right and exercise. And I have high cholesterol so imagine that.

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I haven't had my surgery yet but I do know that the bariatric team is there to help. Get in touch with your group. The other thing, carbs make you hungrier and are empty calories. Get back on track and take control of you! You make the decision of what you put in your mouth.

Find out why you are eating, frustration, boredom, depressed.... Remember, it's your health that is going to suffer in the long run. We are all here for you for support too, but you have to decide what you want to do. What I have started doing is BEFORE I eat something I say to myself..."why do I want this cake, candy, whatever?" Then I think.....I'm frustrated, sad, upset, etc." and it's been helping.

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So eating habits are both physical and emotional. I cant advise you on the emotional issues, but I can omn the physical.

Get the junky food out of your house!

Go back to basics, eat Protein and green or other low carb veggies.

Make a list of food and buy ONLY those foods:


greek yogurt

Protein drinks

salad fixins

vegetables for roasting



Remove all trigger foods from sight - no pizza - that is a horrible trigger food.

What happens when u do what I suggest is yuor cravings reduce by alot.

Make a plan for success... even if you need emotional help in order to reach full success... eating the way I suggest will prevent regain of what you have lost at least.

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Try and get up and go for a walk for 10 minutes today. Depression can take over your life so easily and it is important not to let. Even a little walk will help.

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I feel for you, darlin'. You definitely need to reach out for some tangible and realistic support where you live.

Firstly and as these good people above have stated - you need to go back to the people who supplied the surgical procedure in the first instance and ask them about bariatric support mechanisms.

Secondly, go and see your local GP and in addition to getting a prescription; find out where local and free support groups for depression/anxiety are. You could even google it. A lot of these groups are often supported by local religious societies and are free. Once you find out where all the free support groups are, get yourself a little diary or create a timetable for the week and FILL IT with things to do. Even if it's a walk for an hour, a long bath, attendance at a group, attendance at a free lecture at your local library or university, go to a gallery? You need to be out and busy so you don't have to stare at your fridge and its contents. Maybe tell your partner what is going on and ask if he'd help you with it? Telling someone who is close to you, face to face, shares the burden and can make you feel lighter and more ready to face the task ahead. Besides, it's nice to have a partner in crime :)

You're sounding like you're in the depths of a pretty hefty depression, my love and the only way you can climb out of those depths is to reach out. You've taken the first step by being honest on here and if we could, we'd all mobilise to assist in any way we could. However, this one you're going to have to take the first tentative steps in getting a grip of yourself.

I'm not going to smother you with platitudes. You're cognizant of the downward spiral you've found yourself in and you've got clarity enough to be able to articulate it effectively. Sadly, you're going to have to grab the issue by the balls and talk to people who can actively help you...

The first step has been recognising the situation and you have done that. Just a few more steps and you will make progress and the clouds will lift.. Promise. Hang on in there, honey :) x

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Thank you everyone for responding and giving me your opinion. I appreciate it. The problem that I didn't put up there is I been struggling

Depression and OCD basically all my life and it's taken over me. I switch dr and still in the process finding the right medicine that can help me.

I don't have no job so literally all I do is eat and sleep eat and sleep. And I'm really doing that. i lay in my bed all day long and eat. I'm stuck here and don't know how to get myself out of it.

I don't want to hang with friends or boyfriend no more. This is taken over my life. And the food eating is getting out of control. I just want to just give up sometimes. My body just shut down on me. And don't know how to get up.

I need to go to therapist but soon no insurance I will be out of luck to get help. My life keeps getting worse and worse so that's why I just gave up and go to food and fene for it. I don't know. No one understands me.

Im 5"4 287 pounds before surgery after surgery I'm 222. And I'm 26 years old. I don't know what to do anymore I wish I wasn't depressed anymore and finally got better and find a job and eat right and exercise. And I have high cholesterol so imagine that.

I too suffer from chronic depression and OCD...There have been some pretty dark days for me on this journey...I was silly enough to think that the weight loss would help with my depression because I was told by my team that some people get right off of depression meds after surgery...I realized that these were people who had bouts of depression, not chronic depression..There is a huge difference....Some would argue that point...but who cares....When mine flares up and I just had a terrible last 4 days of it..I busy myself..I start organizing cupboards and washing floors etc,,,,

I have also taken up canning..Looking for fresh food to can so that I can eat better at times when the so called good food comes from somewhere else....OCD with that by the way...

I am hardly home either now...I am out a about and so I am working on doing other things then eating as my option....

There are things we can do but we are so used to using food as our crutch that it is hard to find something else to take its place......Find yours K

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I am you. I had LB surgery Dec 08 and lost 80lbs. since I've gained back 40lb, maybe more now. I can eat OUT OF SIGHT and nothing stops me, i.e., slipped band. This "tool" I paid CASH for wasn't going to be a fix-all - it helped me, but then I lost my support tools, gym, groups, counseling/therapy, etc. I'm now trying to get converted to the sleeve and when I hear stories like yours it just scares the bee-jessus out of me. Just last week I consumed a large cheesesteak - wasn't even hungry. 1/2 the time I eat its because its "noon" or dinner time or my kids/husband are eating. I'm addicted to food and I need to be addicted to exercise and changing my bad habits. I don't even know if I need the LB removed and sleeve done b/c like I said - 1/2 the time I eat I'm not even hungry. If I made healthy choice, no cheesesteak or pizza or pasta...I'd probably be able to loose on my own. Its sad to hear how much mind struggle we have and the bigger question is how do we conquer it? Food is a drug to me...I'm going to see a new bariatric doctor in liue of removing the band and doing the sleeve with insurance this time. I paid 14k for my band in 08 and feel like a complete failure. I understand. what are you doing for support and guidance?

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I too suffer from chronic depression and OCD...There have been some pretty dark days for me on this journey...I was silly enough to think that the weight loss would help with my depression because I was told by my team that some people get right off of depression meds after surgery...I realized that these were people who had bouts of depression' date=' not chronic depression..There is a huge difference....Some would argue that point...but who cares....When mine flares up and I just had a terrible last 4 days of it..I busy myself..I start organizing cupboards and washing floors etc,,,,

I have also taken up canning..Looking for fresh food to can so that I can eat better at times when the so called good food comes from somewhere else....OCD with that by the way...

I am hardly home either now...I am out a about and so I am working on doing other things then eating as my option....

There are things we can do but we are so used to using food as our crutch that it is hard to find something else to take its place......Find yours K[/quote']

How did you overcome your depression. I can't seem to just get up and go. I'm struggling with that. I always say I'm gonna go walk and eat right but I have no will power I'm so weak. I don't know how to get out of this state of mind.

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I am you. I had LB surgery Dec 08 and lost 80lbs. since I've gained back 40lb' date=' maybe more now. I can eat OUT OF SIGHT and nothing stops me, i.e., slipped band. This "tool" I paid CASH for wasn't going to be a fix-all - it helped me, but then I lost my support tools, gym, groups, counseling/therapy, etc. I'm now trying to get converted to the sleeve and when I hear stories like yours it just scares the bee-jessus out of me. Just last week I consumed a large cheesesteak - wasn't even hungry. 1/2 the time I eat its because its "noon" or dinner time or my kids/husband are eating. I'm addicted to food and I need to be addicted to exercise and changing my bad habits. I don't even know if I need the LB removed and sleeve done b/c like I said - 1/2 the time I eat I'm not even hungry. If I made healthy choice, no cheesesteak or pizza or Pasta...I'd probably be able to loose on my own. Its sad to hear how much mind struggle we have and the bigger question is how do we conquer it? food is a drug to me...I'm going to see a new bariatric doctor in liue of removing the band and doing the sleeve with insurance this time. I paid 14k for my band in 08 and feel like a complete failure. I understand. what are you doing for support and guidance?[/quote']

So it can happen what I'm going through. Sorry to hear your going through the same it's so horribal I can't take it anymore. I am doing nothing for support and guidance I just gave up in myself.

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Hi. You need to stop' date=' take a deep breath and regroup yourself. A 60lb lost is fantastic, why are you throwing that away, you have done great so far. This surgery is not a cure all, it is a tool, a tool that you use in conjunction with eating healthy and exercising. We all fall off the band wagon at times, it's human, but then we get right back on. Think about those 60lbs, think about all you have gone thru with the surgery...you don't want that to all be for nothing. So you ate this stuff and you didn't feel anything, if you keep eating this, then your stomach will stretch, don't keep pushing it. Do you want to gain those lbs back? You are an inspiration to so many people, wow 60lbs lost, just think about that. Don't let your old habits take over your life again, you can stop now and get back on track...I believe in you and so do others.[/quote']

Thank you but it's just so hard to get back in track. I'm so weak. I don't know what's wrong with me why I can't just stop and start eating right an get up and exercise

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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