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April 2006 Bandits' March Challenge

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Welcome to March, April Bandits! Can you believe next month is our Bandiversary? It doesn't seem possible that we've been banded almost a year. Let's keep up our exercise goal and cruise on into goal....

We're upping our challenge for the month in number of sessions (by one). Our ultimate goal is 20 sessions a month for 45 minutes each session, and we'll get there by April. For now, here's the March challenge:

(1) Complete 19 or more exercise sessions (counting only one session per day, if you're the type to do more!); and

(2) To count, each session must be at least 40 minutes in duration (two 20 min sessions in one day still counts).

Once we get past April, I would love to incorporate Boo's suggestion of having at least two levels to the challenge (maybe 15 sessions and 20 sesssions) in order to accommodate more people's long-term goals. Let's talk about that this month, as well as how we plan to Celebrate our bandiversaries. I love Amourette's idea of planning a chat time for all of us to "meet." Maybe we should set aside time on April 1st?

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Hello, everyone. Since I'm using my daughter's (college) laptop, my computer time is extremely limited. But I wanted to let you all know that I continue to improve. I'm still holed up in my daughter's bedroom. The visiting nurse will be here shortly to change the dressing on the PICC line in my arm. Mostly it's an endless round of sleeping and television, kind of boring. But the lighting here is not conducive to reading, plus I'm in an awkward position for that with my legs elevated. Thank you for your continued good wishes, and I look forward to rejoining y'all later on in the March challenge.

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We're so glad to hear from you! Thrilled that you're better, even though your accommodations are less than ideal. I know your daughter is doing everything she can for you and you'll be back home in no time.

Happy TV watching.

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Alrighty, I am in for the challenge.

I had a crazy busy week... some days education can be a tough field!!

But anyhow, the scales didn't move this week... but I did (got out most days) so I am happy about that.

Hope you are feeling a little better Bluehill.

Have a good weekend.


Banded April 4th, 2006



exercise sessions this month= 2 (oh it's fun to be perfect for a few days)

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Hi Everyone, I'm Back! Blue, I haven't been on in a while because my computer died and I have to fight to get on the hubby or daughter's. But alas, I have ordered a mac and should have it within a few days. I am not sure what is going on Blue, but I sure hope you get better soon!

I have had an interesting past couple of months. I am still experiencing some behind and leg pain, but it has definintely improved and I feel I am up to joining the challenge and starting my exercise again. I may not be able to do as much as you guys are, it will depend on my leg.

I had a major overfill in January. I went an entire week without eating! I kept thinking it would get better and I could just wait it out. Unfortunately, that didn't happen. I ended up vomiting a lot. Then, I got severly dehydrated and had to be put on IV fluids. And, as if that wasn't bad enough, all that vomiting caused my band to slip. It wasn't a major slip, but a slip none the less. So, I had my fill removed. I went back last week and everything was back where it should be and I am back to being filled again. I am also happy to report that while I did not lose during my time of having no fill, I did not gain and I thought that was a major victory in itself.

Anyways, I hope you guys will let me back in, as I need to get back on the program and start seeing that scale drop again. Plus, I just feel really lazy and lacking in energy, so I need you guys to push me!!

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We are glad to have you back Susan!!! Sorry about your slip--but glad it was corrected so simply!!! Yea!!!

Blue---take good care of yourself, I can imagine you are bored, but it will pass, you just need to HEAL!!! (She has cellulitus in her leg Susan--and was hospitalized for a long time! Is now recuperating at her DD's)

I am just planning to plug along on the challenge as I have been. I am still not losing---but I am losing body fat percentage, and inches---so go figure??? I said I was not going to get in a rush, that it took years to get this way...so I am not going to!!! I actually got into this discussion with a friend here today. She is not banded, but is going to hit Atkins hot & heavy, and was trying to get me to join her. I thought about it, and told her no, I would work on cutting my carbs down, but wasn't interested in the diet mentality of doing it. She was egging me on, telling me if I did it, I could be at goal when she lost her weight...which is all true. But I decided, I am happy doing what I am. I am not gaining, it is slowly coming off, it will pick up when I can be outside working in the yard, and walking, and playing with the grandkids. But for now, I am not willing to give up today's comfort and happiness in exchange for tomorrows. I don't feel complacent, just content. So in that light, I am all for 2 levels of challenge. Because you guys just pass me up!!! But I don't want to lose out in the friendship or the push to actually DO some exercise!!

I will cheer you on for your marathons---but will stick to my "walks" for MS and American Cancer Society!!!

One wierd thing about her wanting me to do this diet with her---she has about 40 pounds to lose. We used to "diet" together in years past, and I always thought to myself, "If all I had to lose was 40 pounds this would not be so intimidating--and she doesn't look bad as she is---it isn't like she looks like me". And now we both have 40 pounds to lose. It isn't as intimidating. I just don't SEE myself as looking no more overweight than she does. And DH tells me I look less, because I have height on her. I cannot imagine that I look that normal! I'm thinking maybe I needed this slow down time, for my head to wrap around this.

Betty where you at? Roberta? Boo? Come Out- come Out-Wherever you are!!!! Ollie Ollie In Free!!!!

(LMAO) I have sang that from the time I was probably 3 years old playing hide and seek---and just this second realized I don't know #1--if I was ever even saying it right, and #2 if it is right, how the hell you would spell it!!!!


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Susan! Yeah! I'm glad you are up for some exercise. It is good to hear from you again.

Kat, you are funny. I played that, too. "Ollie, ollie, oxen free," AND "Ollie, ollie, in come free." I have NO idea what it means! I think what you do is amazing!

I was on a trip and couldn't really post due to a very tight schedule with only three hours to sleep each night. Now I am pretty beat. I ran and walked 5 miles tonight. But it did not feel good. Sometimes we just need rest!

There is NO contest going on here! Please don't anyone feel that there is pressure to be in an elite group of marathon runners. We are all improving our lives on several levels. The exercise endows us with vitality, strength, and an upbeat attitude. We are here to give and receive support, and to also challenge each other to go for it! I don't want ANYONE, myself included, to feel like they have failed for not keeping up with "the group." I admire the consistency of Betty's walks and workouts! That challenges me, because I seem to fit in four workouts a week. I admire Kat's positive attitude to continue, through the toughest of challenges! I admire Julie's tenacity to go for the gold and invite us all along! Each person in this group contributes something very unique. I have appreciated every one of you!!

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Hello All, Been involved with grandkids all week (major babysitting while our kids were visiting in Florida)..........still at it tonight - will be back to normal retired life tomorrow! Phew!

Finally got to the gym this morning for my wonderful sweaty NIA class (first time since Monday) - I felt so icky the past few days - my body needs the daily routine of exercise now!

Yeah Susan - happy to see you back! Blue - keep getting better - want you to reschedule your trip to the Portland area..........Boo - did you take it? Boo is so right - we all help each other - no matter what our level - it's just our "just do it" attitude - whatever that do it is - it's sure a different life than we had before (remember those days - I hardly do - and never want to again!) Julie - how is the new home? How is the new job? When is your PS actually scheduled?

Alan is set to have his heart cath done on Tues and then will see the surgeon the following Tues...........so hopefully we'll know when the surgery will be scheduled soon. We've pretty much decided to cancel our France trip (we were supposed to go the middle of May) - sad, but we've decided it will be too soon for him to do that trip (pretty strenuous for just 6 weeks approx after surgery). We do hope tho that we'll be able to make his 50th college reunion (the first week in June) in Hoboken, New Jersey (he went to Stevens Inst. of Technology) - right across the harbor from Julie - but I think Julie is going to be out of town???? Hopefully since that trip will not be as far - we'll still get to go..........we shall see.

Gotta go tuck in some grandkids! I'm at their house and Alan is home with our doggies tonight - we've been taking turns sleeping at their house since they also have an adorable 8 month old "Golden Retriever" who is a bit distructive and can't be left at home alone (I thought about taking her over to our house (along with the kids), but she's been chewing on their porch railing - no thanks - think I'll wait until she "grows up".

Happy March!

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Yeah, I'm retired again - grandkids back in the hands of parents! Until tomorrow afternoon that is - watching the other set for a couple of hours - isn't that why G.. made grandparents?

Back to basics - enjoyed my NIA class this morning!

Stuck at this weight - seems like this is the way it is now............drop a couple of lbs, then stay the same for a few weeks - I'll take whatever I can get right now!.................if I don't lose those few extra lbs to get to overweight by the end of the month before my bandiversary - I might have to resort to "a liquid Protein diet - yuk"..............might do it tho to make it before the 7th of April - just to say I did it in a year!!!!!!

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Susan, Wow, what a saga you went through with your band. I'm so, so glad you're ok and that your slip resolved itself with an unfill. I think it's a HUGE accomplishment that you didn't gain any weight back while unfilled. I can't even imagine. I know I'd gain 10 lbs/week without my band. I'm so proud of you. Of course you're welcome in the challenge (or any version of it you set for yourself). We're so glad you're checking in with us this month. And, wahoo! It's almost our bandiversaries!

Kat, I think you're stronger and more self-confident now that you're "normal" sized and that's part of why you said no to doing Atkins with your friend. What do you think? You know what you're doing is working and that it's the right thing for your body. I'm so happy for you I could just jump up and down! And, you're exercising and, as you said, getting smaller, so that means the lbs are going to come off when they want to, but they WILL come off. You rock.

Boo said: "There is NO contest going on here! Please don't anyone feel that there is pressure to be in an elite group of marathon runners. We are all improving our lives on several levels. The exercise endows us with vitality, strength, and an upbeat attitude...." I am SO ON BOARD with that. Please, please, everyone feel that way. This group means so much to me. Without it, I would not have gone to the gym the last 3 days of February just to do the best I could, even though I couldn't technically meet the challenge that month. There are so many days where I don't want to go out -- whether it's for a walk or a run or whatever -- and I GO because of this group. I think of checking in on this thread and it really gives me something motivationally that I wouldn't otherwise have. It doesn't always get me to push myself to the "max" I've ever done -- it gets me through the door to do SOMETHING, which is the most important thing of all. Heck, one day I might even try another NIA class, just to see what Betty does, or I might chop wood like Kat. It shouldn't be everyone's goal to be a marathon runner --heaven knows it's not my goal-- (or a runner at all). It should be our goal to do something, more days than not. That's all. It's part of our new lives and I'm so glad you're all here with me making that part of my new life work.

Betty - I'm all moved in, thanks for asking. I've got little things to do -- one piece of furniture to buy and drapes to hem, but nothing drastic. I've already had houseguests and it all went well, so I'm officially moved in. I'm so sorry you're cancelling your trip to France, but Alan's health is, of course, the priority. Maybe you can reschedule for September, which is my favorite time in Paris. Did I ever tell you I lived there for nearly 4 years? If you need recommendations for anything, please let me know. Somehow I think we've already had this discussion and that you're a Paris veteran too. I think I'm going over in May, myself, if I'm all healed from my PS (which is March 28th, since you asked). Lastly, YES, I will be in NYC the first week of June. I so hope you make it to the city while you're in NJ for Alan's reunion. I would love, love, love to meet you in person (before I come see you sometime next fall, of course).

As for me generally , I'm with the rest of you -- my weight is STUCK STUCK STUCK at the same thing it has been for nearly 3 weeks. I guess we're at the hard part now. I'd been having a hard time with food, which was partly coming off of vacation and partly due to the place in my cycle (I have about 3-4 consecutive ravenous days in the month that I just have to suffer through to be "just right" the rest of the month and they fell last week). I've kept my exercise up, including running 4 miles today (in 45 min!), so when in times gone by I would have gained, I'm holding tight. Plus, the crazy head hunger is hopefully past me and I'm feeling good, so maybe the scale will reward me soon. I hope so because I'm dreaming of Onederland....I made a special (out of the way) trip to Trader Joe's today to get some really good groceries to help in my Quest. I'd been relying on deli food and other medium-quality items for too long, but now I'm stocked with fresh veggies, soy and fish. Onederland, here I come!

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Yipee Julie................so glad you'll be there in June! We'll be in Hoboken on the 31 of May, and the 1st and 2nd of June, then will be in NYC for another few days...........starting the 3rd ................then we'll be off for another few days to Washington DC (going to drive there) before heading home...............if all goes as planned! Julie, that makes me so happy - Alan is so thrilled about seeing all his old college roomies and frat brothers after all these years (I'm just going along for the ride!!!)...........now, I'll have something to be excited about. We'll probably try to take in a "show" if anything good is around - any suggestions?..........and just walk all over the city and "hug and kiss Julie" - finally in person! "Girls" - did you hear Julie say she's coming to see me in the fall.............so, why don't we try to have our own "BandBashInPortlandwithBetty" in the fall.........I've got this great "HotelBetty"............got room in my spare bedroom for 4 and can get some foldaways if needed for my office and a couple of couches!!!! Please join her...............lets set a date after all this stuff with Alan is over and done with! Come on - let's do it! We'll do NIA, walk, see the sights............and "talk Band"!

Feeling like an 'old poop' today.................my "baby" is 41!

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You're not an old poop. You're a young, thriving, NIA-attending grammie. GOOOO Betty! And happy birthday -- I always thought the Mom should Celebrate the birthday, not the baby. After all, you did all the work 41 years ago (and beyond).....

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hi everybody:-)

Im up for that challenge althoough Im afraid 19 excercise sessions is bit to much:-) although if walking and shopping (I mean walking from one store to another) counts then I might actually do it:-)

I had a rough week, we went out with my friend and she got so drunk (she does that a lot lately Im afraid shes an alcoholic) and she tried to seduce the guy I was flirting with and it worked both ways(seducing-not in some soft way she was like all over him trying to kiss him and her hands everywhere) .I was so mad because in a long time it was a guy I liked and he liked me!! there was no point of talking to her because she was so drunk that she wouldnt get what I was saying from her ears to her brain. In the end they decided they want more drinks, I didnt join them cause I had to go to work next day and also didnt want to deal with shitfaced friend (excuse my French:-)so the next day I found out that she took him home and slept with him!!!yep she spreads her legs while saying hi to a guy.I know I sound bitter, but I guess I am. I always told her not to sleep with random guys like hours after she meets them-cause of her safety and health (nope she doesnt use any protection except for a pill) but she didnt listen and I thought ok she knows what I think and shes an adult, but now her behaviour is actually affecting me! Shes 32 she should have a brain and know how to use it!

I told her that I was upset with her, but all she said is that she was drunk and doesnt remember anything.

Now what Im mad about is basically that she spoiled my chance to get to know that guy better and find out if we could see each other more often. I really liked him and he liked me, but I guess since his alcohol level was going up he went from hating Stepanka (first he was disghusred with her)to ok maybe I could sleep with her, hey its for free and he is a man.

Sorry for bothering you with this but I had to went it out.thanx for reading:-)

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I am sorry that I am having problems keeping up to date. Life is crazy busy at work so I apologize for not popping in more often. I hope everyone is well. Julie and others join the club... I too am stuck at this weight (I am actually up a pound - yikes), but I do have 2 great things I want to share.

I went to the nursing station on Friday for a pinched nerve and the doctor told me I have the stats of an athlete - bp 177/75 and resting pulse of 51. How oh how did this happen to me?? And then on Saturday I ran 5 km- (I am in training for a race on March 25th) and I hit my 'wanted time". I ran it in 39.5 minutes, which is just below the 40 minutes I have been pushing for. so... no weight of, but yep I am feeling good about other things!.. I did another 5 k this morning (I run every other day) and it was about the same time...

So... I will be grateful for those things!!


banded April 4th, 2006


358/ 197/ 179

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Awesome, Dawn, that's just awesome. You have the stats of an athlete! Woohoo!

Eficka, the guy isn't worth your time if he went after your friend like that -- seriously, you can do better. I know that doesn't take the sting out.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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