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April 2006 Bandits' March Challenge

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Molly, that is a great start, and exactly how I started last September when I joined this challenge.

Betty, hang in there! We are still thinking about you and Alan.

Julie, enjoy your last few days before the surgery. You had the courage to face the band, you can face this, too. Of course, we will be envious of your flat stomach.

Bluehill, where are you? How are you? I hope you are healing and not getting too down. You've been through a terrible ordeal. I hope things are going better.

Roberta, how are you feeling, now that spring is in the air?

Susan, are you up for some exercise?

I am just starting to get my strength back after being so sick! I'm supposed to run a 5K in a month, so that is my goal! I doubt I will make the challenge this month. I'm just glad that I can tolerate liquids and that the band didn't slip! If I have another surgery, I want what JULIE is having!!!!

TODAY'S EXERCISE: Cross-trainer for 48 minutes at level 10, bike for 10 minutes.

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Alan continues to do great! He's out of intensive care and today is suppposed to get all the hanging stuff out of his arms and the pee-pee line out of his you know what! He walked pushing the wheel chair from the intensive care unit to the elevator - up the elevator and into his new room............smiling all the way - he truely is amazing and our son is flabergasted at how fast he is healing (Craig at this point was still doing lots of complaining - Craig did go thru a lot more than his daddy tho!). I bet they'll kick him out tomorrow or the next day!

This month's challenge is kaput, but who cares - I've got my guy back! If Alan does as well today - I'll hit the gym tomorrow morning before I head to the hospital.

Julie - are you on your way? I'm with you there in the hospital and when you get home - speedy, painfree (as much as possible) recovery! Love you baby girl!

Kat - is Rick ok? Worried.

I'm going to call Bluehill - think I still have her number - worried that she hasn't checked in.

Boo - saw your other post - will join in when I get time - I'm off to the hospital.

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Oh, Betty, that's FABULOUS news about Alan. Aren't you just thrilled? He'll be home before you know it. I'm so glad the worst is behind you.

Boo, I can't believe how sick you've been and I'm so glad you're on the mend. I know I said this on the main board already, but your bandiversary thread is really cool.

As for me, I had a great run last night. Tons of energy and increased my speed a little because I felt so good. Strangely, I had the weirdest moment at work this afternoon, just after lunch, where I actually passed out sitting at the lunch table (my colleague caught me, so didn't actually hit the floor). They took my blood sugar to make sure it wasn't something with that and ultimately determined it was just a combination of stress (I had a VERY stressful hearing this morning that I'd been worried about for a week) and side effects from the weight loss, probably combined with low BP, though it was normal by the time they took it. Anyway, no cause for worry unless it happens again, but it really was the weirdest thing.

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Betty, this is such good news. You are very sweet to be concerned about our group when you have a major event ocurring in your life now. You take care of yourself a little bit, okay? You must be thrilled, but exhausted, also.

Julie, we can't have you fainting. Is it your Southern Belle charm and strategy to swoon into the arms of handsome strangers? haha

Seriously, you have major stress now, with the job move and surgery coming. You have produced a miraculous weight-loss, but need strength and nutrition for good healing after the TT. Eat a little more!

I am really inspired by the responses to the Bandiversary thread I started. Should I start one that is open to everyone, no matter when they were banded? I don't know what to call it..."Reflect, Succeed and Dream"? What do you think?

To the gym I go!

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Hi Girls-

Betty we are all sighing with relief right along with you! I am so glad Alan is doing this well! Did they have to replace the valve? You know Rick's Dr. told us this is one surgery where older people do much better than younger ones in recovery. He said the reasons are that older patients have more neuropathy---older nerve endings don't "feel" as much anymore, so they overall have less pain. Plus the older ones he said have less pectoral muscle so there is less muscle pain there as well. So I guess it makes perfect sense! I just thought he was either saying Rick was getting old---or was a wimp!!

I really am glad it is behind you, and he will soon be home, and walking with you---that is just awesome!!!

Julie---if you faint again---get yourself checked out! That isn't supposed to happen!

Boo---I think starting an open thread like the other one would be really good---especially for the newbies. So many people are banded then leave the site, that it seems there are more people here with complications, than not. I respond to a lot of people just looking around that it scares off. I think anything that highlights the positives would be an excellent move. Smart woman you IS!!

Molly---you are doing it!!! One step at a time will get you there!

Blue---I'm getting worried....check in with us. Hoping your leg (and the rest of you too) is ok!

Dawn---how cold is it now? It rained here today, and poof things already look greener!!! I have flowers getting ready to bloom!! When it hits over 100 for days in a row here, I will be jealous, but right now I am loving it!!!

I spent over an hour at the park with Kinsey today---she is learning to play tag---so I ran around with her, and just had to laugh with sheer joy---that was one of the things I prayed to be able to do with this surgery, run and play with my grandbabies, and I was doing it! There was a young girl---maybe 26 there with her 2 children, she was easily as heavy as I was in the begining of this so in the neighborhood of 300 pounds. She was sitting on the railroad ties that border the play area in the park, and they were all eating McDonalds which is right outside the park. She was shoving handfuls of fries in her mouth, and bribing the kids to eat their lunch. It was sad to me. The kids wanted her to push them on the swings, she refused. The oldest one played and ran with Kinsey and I--the youngest was just toddling, and scared me, she would walk over by the swings, I just knew she was going to walk in front of one---and the Mom just sat, and ate. It was like I could feel her unhappiness. Her frustrations were so obvious. She had no hope---and I really didn't know how to give her any. I tried a couple of times to talk to her, about the kids, nothing else, but she was not willing to say more than single word answers so I didn't bother her, but I have thought of her all day. Wierd.

Rick is doing fine. We are at a point that is kinda difficult for us. He cannot have hard Protein in the form of steak, or chops, or roasts---he has to have ground meat only. And other soft foods. He has ate whatever I needed for the last year, without complaint. So I am trying to return the favor, and not tempt him unfairly, and yet keep my eating from piling on pounds. My scale is still reading 200 then 201....but I don't want it going up again! But I don't want him feeling bad that I am not eating right either. So we have been trying to be creative with hamburger!!! Tonight we didn't even try to be creative, we grilled burgers and called it good!!!

He see's the Dr. on the 2nd. Hope to get some plan in motion for improvement. Will keep you all posted.

Well I am going to surf for awhile and will be back.

I started this post before dinner and am finishing it 4 hours later---had to watch Greys Anatomy!!! So if I missed anything in the meantime---I'll be back!!!


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No more fainting, I promise. Actually, I took the "eat a little more" suggestion from my doctor a little too far -- I went on what can only be called a 2 day binge. I've had a few binge days post-band. Very few because I usually remember that binging makes me feel worse, not better, but I really went for it and ate completely "around the band" like you read about. It was a little scary, but the thing is, this only ever happens to me when I'm a few days before the start of my period AND something else is going on (i.e. right now with the surgery stress and insane work stress). I guess what I'm saying is, before the band, I could binge eat every day for a month. Now, I don't like that I can still lose control of my food, but the certainty is that I AM going to come out of it. It might be one meal, or 4, but it's not going to be 10. I guess there's security in that.

So what was the binge? Well, I ate a pint of ice cream in one sitting and didn't even bother to buy low fat. 1200 cals. Then I ate an entire order of saag paneer (spinach with sort of like cottage cheese) from the Indian delivery place around the corner. If I'd have mixed in the rice like the dish is supposed to be served, I wouldn't have been able to eat the whole thing, but I intentionally didn't eat the rice so that I could eat the whole thing. Probably 1000 cals. I ate a side order of Beans, but by that point I couldn't eat much more, so probably only 200 cals or so. I did this 2 days in a row. So let's see, that's 2400 cals when usually I'd eat about 600 cals for those 2 dinners. And I did workout BOTH days (I met the challenge today), so it's probably only about 1/2 lb in true damage.

All that said, I've come out of it. I'm going to handle the stress in a different way now. Binging didn't make me feel better. It made me sleep poorly and feel unproductive. Strangely, I didn't feel "guilty" per se. Just not good, physically. That's probably a turning point too.

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Kat, I have felt what you felt in watching the heavy Mom at the park. It's so hard to watch someone else struggle, when you know the "answer" and they might not have even started looking yet. Anyway, I don't think there's a thing you could have done differently, but I know it was hard for you to watch. I'm so glad you found the band (and the rest of us too)!

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The story of the mom in the park reminds me of one of my mom's lifelong friends. They have known each other since the were like 10. When I was researching surgeons, I discovered that this friend lived next door to my surgeon of choice and that she hated him. My mom cautioned me that he was a jerk. I met with him and he was so super nice. I asked my mom why her friend hated him so much, so mom did some digging and found out that the friend had been approached by him and he had suggested that maybe she would like to consider wls to help with her weight problem. She was very offended. She doesn't consider herself fat. Granted she is easily 150lbs overweight and about 4'11". I guess my point is, some people don't see themselves accurately, they don't realize how overweight they are, or how out of control their life is, or how harmful their lifestyle is. All we can do is make ourselves healthy and support others on that same journey.

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Hi Everyone,

I have been quiet this week as I have been in Montreal on business (what an amazing city... I am here a lot and still love it... if you have never been you should go!!)

Anyway, I hope you are all doing well.

Kat, I am glad Rick is doing well and I love G A too!!!

Betty, how are you and Alan?

Molly, good for you!

Boo... I love reflect, dream, succeed!!! That is so true.

Julie, how are you? Your strength and positive attitude always inspire me!!!

Well... today is the day!!!! I am going to be running my 5 k here in MTL. It is around -2 C, so that is fine by me... used to running in the cold ya know!!

So... I will post later and let you know how it went. I have three goals, and the last goal is not that important.

1. Finish the race (really the only one that matters)

2. Finish in under 40 minutes

3. Don't be the last to finish (or least don't let everyone be waiting for me to cross the line... okay here she comes we can go home now!!)

So... I will post later today.

Yikes I am nervous!!!


Banded April 4, 2006



Exercise this month= 20

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Hello everybody,I hit the plateu like 4 days without losing ounce and Im excercising like crazy:-) But it is going to get better,I hope:-)

Molly I can tell you that I always knew that I was obese, but I still kinda saw myself like not that bad...Until I posted the before and after pics last week I was amazed how fat I was and the fat pic is day of op when I had already lost like 20 pounds and I was feeling good.

Once a man approached me (definitely herbalife dealer or something like that) and told me that I should lose weight and that was in the bussiest street in the city, I was so mad that I wasnt far from slapping him in his face.So I kinda understand that the lady was offended by the surgeon telling her that she needs wsl,but once again at that time I was kinda in denial...

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Yeah, she still is in denial, maybe she always will be.

I am shedding inches but not pounds and getting a bit frustrated. I totally had the munchies last night, something I haven't experienced for a while. I wasn't hungry, just felt the need to munch on something sweet. So I chose cheerios. My DH asked if I wanted to go to the store and buy one of my old favorites and I actually said no! I had no desire to eat chips or candy! I was perfectly satisfied to munch on a couple of cups worth of cheerios over the course of a couple of hours. Amazing. And it didn't mess up my total calories for the day! Tastes really do change.

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Hi Guys,

Quick note.

I did my first 5 km race today an I met all three of my goals.

1. I finished the race

2. I did it in under 40 minutes- my time was 37:48

3. I was not last.

Thanks everyone for your amazing support!!!!!


banded April 4, 2006



Exercise sessions this month =21

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YEAAAAAA DAWN!! I'm so excited for you! So, are you addicted to racing now? WOOHOO! That's great. And in such "balmy" weather too (wink).

I'm beaming for you. Dancing bananas!


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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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