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Nj March Chat

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Kelly, thank you so much for updating us on your Mom. I am glad it is over, and behind her, now for the healing. Let her know, our prayers will continue, and we hope her pain eases. Thanks again.

Mandy, my heart is so sad for you right now. We want our childrens lives to be easy, and right now that isn't the case for Abi. I will for sure say extra prayers for all of you. I wish there was something more I could do. Does she like receiving mail? Can I send her a card or a little something every now and then? If ever you need a caring ear on the other end of the phone line, to vent to, to cry with----you can call me ANYTIME---I will PM the #. I know you have a supportive family, but I always felt like I was adding to the pain they were already feeling, knowing I was hurting too----we are all here, and sharing your concerns, and fears, and hopes for help for Abi. I hope you can feel the big hug I am sending you telepathically!!!

Deb--I had the crud it sounds like your family has. I had my DD call me in a prescription (with the Dr.s ok!) for some phenergren for the nausea, and it helped, knocked me out---but then it hit the other way, and for 2 days I couldn't get far from the bathroom. I know TMI---but be prepared!!! Today I feel human again! I actually yesterday---saw my scale read 200. BUT this morning it was up to 201, and I am sure tomorrow will be 202. I seriously thought about refusing to eat or drink for another day just to let it drop!!! Then the stupidity of the idea sunk in!!!

Betty--it has been so nice here! We had a rain storm the other day, but it passed, and the sun has returned. I dearly hope the rain you are getting is hitting our place in TX as well. It is so dry there, our tanks are almost dry. If it doesn't change, we will likely sell even more of the herd, if not all of it. That is happening to so many, the beef prices are bare bottom....which doesn't help the idea.

Beannie--glad you are home, and still employeed. That is scary! I think you are wise looking ahead at a change. Then if they pull it out, you have not lost anything. Extra knowledge will never hurt!

Your vacation sounds like it was just what you needed. Quality time with DH & your family. I want a pool.......and a hot pool boy....cuz I really don't want to have to take care of one!!!!

Sherry---how's the cold?

Darcy---you off walking on the new treadmill and ignoring us????

Cindy---time to check in!!! Do not make me do roll call!!!

Well, I am going to make the coffeepot, and likely head off to bed. I will remember all of you in my prayers tonight....promise!


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If anyone would like to help cheer up my princess, send her an email. She loves e-cards. Anything funny, or any holiday (even halloween LOL) she is funny like that. She came home from the library with a halloween book and a book about being Jewish (we aren't). Most of you have my e-mail address if not, let me know and I will PM it to you.

I am up, can't sleep. I just want to make it better. She seems so normal about 60% of the time. The other 40 she is angry, weepy, resentful. It's hard watching her struggle with who she is and how she feels. The doctor is leaning towards bi-polar disorder. He put her on a new med, called abilify (sp?) and upped the topamax dose. (that is her seizure medication) he says the topamax is also used in people with personality disorders. Seems like nothing helps, but I am willing to do whatever it takes. I am rereading the book "the ups and downs of raising a bi-polar child" it is written by a mom and their childs doctor. Seems more real than the medical books we have read, more hands on. I feel for the mom, and some of it scares me as I see that as our future. I am going to a parents of bi-polar kids support group next week, it's at the center that Abi will be attending. Tomorrow is battle with the school and insurance day. Fun huh? The center that Abi is going to is luckily in network so I should just need to pre-register for the center. I have the referral in hand, so I have all the codes and info they will need. I am more worried about school, I don't want to have to fight with them. I know they will want us to wait until spring break. I know they lose money when she is not there, they get so much per day per student for funding and she has already missed so much school this year, all medically excused. I just want her to feel normal as soon as possible, and if that means missing 2 weeks of school, or me homeschooling her for the rest of the year, then so be it. I think she is really having a hard time with it, but she won't talk about it at all. When she is stressed she breaks out in hives, and holds her bowels. Tonight she came to me crying that her stomach hurt. She finally went to the bathroom and called me up to help her. She was so backed up that when she was finished she had blood on the toilet paper, this has always been an issue. When she was in pre-school I had to mix mineral oil in her milk everyday, I think we are going to have to go back to that. I was a very nervous child and I had to be on medication for bleeding ulcers at 5. I think she has some of the same anexiety issuses. I have a half sister that is bi-polar but we have different fathers and that is where the mental illness comes from with her. There is no history of mental illness genetically on either Dave or my sides of the family, so we are unsure of where this is coming from. I think we just need prayer and strength right now. I am blessed to have my sisters here, you all mean so much to me. My family tries to be supportive but my mom says things like, it's just a phase and this will pass. She blames school, our move, even my dog for Abi's problems. (Abi loves the dog) She can't accept that there is something wrong with her and that she needs help. My mom hates that she is on zoloft and that is a regular fight with us. Then my sister with bi-polar disorder keeps saying "she's just like me" this sister has a history of drugs and bad choices, so that really doesn't help. My oldest sister has 4 kids and she says I'm too strict with Abi. I think I am a good mom, she doesn't see that I face major challenges with my child. She has 4 healthy kids other than my youngest niece having asthma, she thinks the two problems are the same amount of stress. She has never had to listen to her child say " I feel empty inside and don't want to be here anymore" she wasn't talking about being in a different location, she is talking about dying. My baby wants to die, and I can't help her.......How as a mom am I supposed to handle that? I can't let her play in her room with the door closed, I can't let her go and play at a friends house, I can't take a bath and let her play in her room. What would I do if she hurt herself? I am up every little bit checking in on her, worrying that she is going to wake up and do something drastic while I sleep. I have to have everything locked up, cleaning supplies, medicines, soaps, everything you can think of. I know that stuff should be locked away anyway, but we have to be extra careful. I worry when she is at school, with my mom, even when I have to run out and leave her with her dad. I don't know how to handle this anymore, and need help. I called and got info on the support group today, that was a huge step. Dave finally admited that she needs help. He asked me to write down the names of some books for him to check out at the library so he can be better informed, that was also a huge step. He says that he would rather admit it's bi-polar and get her help then try to pretend it's not a problem and allow it to get worse. I agree. Even though I hate having her on meds, and the thought of adding more meds is daunting, we will do what needs to be done. My 5 year old takes 7 or 8 pills each day, depending on the day, more than my 83 year old grandmother. I know I have rambled on, but I feel better I guess. Maybe I will just do this each night after everyone goes to bed, for therapy. I think I am going to start journaling again. I have a livejournal but never update it. I haven't written in it since being banded 20 months ago. I am going to try to get some sleep, I will check back tomorrow. Thanks again for the prayers, good thoughts, well wishes, and just for being my bandsisters. I love you guys, Mandy

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Good Morning Y'all!

We're in for storms today, I just hope they are good ones and not damaging ones. I don't like to drive in them, so I hope they don't hit just as we are coming home from work.

Mandy - I'm sorry you and your DD are going through all this right now. Anything is worth finding out what the problem is and how to fix or cope with it. The school is just going to have to understand this is something that has to be done now and not later. I don't have your e-mail to send her some cards, but if you send it to me I will be happy to do it. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Just don't forget to take some time for yourself along the way.

Dianne - I am glad to hear you are doing o.k. Hopefully the pain will get better today. Keep us in touch and let us know. Perky Missy!

Kat - I don't remember where your place is in Tx, but most of the stuff went south of the metroplex. They got quite a bit of rain down towards Austin.

Hey, I've got the pool but the only pool boy I have is DH! :) :) :D

Beanie - Vacations are for fun and relaxation. If all you gained is 5 pounds, consider yourself lucky! Glad you got some R & R. Yup, I would definately start looking into the teaching. I wouldn't sit around and wait for something to happen first. Be ready!

Deb - Sorry you are sick! Tell DH his is not allowed to pass it around. Don't keep throwing up, if you are still doing that call your doctor and get something.

Cindy - We are sending the monkeys out for you!

Darcy - How is everything going with DFIL? I bet you are keeping busy with everything that is going on.

Gotta run, time for the shower!

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Hey All...

Mandy... I am so sorry that your DD and your whole family are facing these hard times. I remember the horrible feeling when my dd was admitted for inpatient treatment due to selective mutism and it was such a helpless feeling to watch her go through all of the testing only to once again come up with zero answers. Leaving her at the hospital at age 5 was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. (((Hugs and positive thoughts being sent))) All of her dreams and aspirations can become a reality... especially with a mother as caring and informed as you are.

Dianne... WOO HOO... The girls are pointing to heaven and ready to sing AMEN! Congrats and sending healing vibes your way!!! Thanks Kel for updating us!

Betty... Yup...things are stressful... going through some other stuff as well but the key word is "going through" which means I get to come out the other side eventually. :) Didn't do the treadmill Sunday or Monday... and literally grazed and ate all day Monday but feel back on track today. DId 2 miles on the new tready and haven't been grazing at all. DD has piano lessons and a Bandorama tonight so there won't be any chances for snacking this evening!

Deb...Yucky... so sorry about the sickness... there is nothing worse than stomach flu in my book... definitely not worthe the weigh-loss that accompanies it! Hope you are feeling better!

Irene... Well... glad to have you back girl but sorry you are facing the worry at work. CHange is hard but sometimes it ends up being a blessing in disguise... great things await... that is for sure.

Okay... have to go jump into the shower... and run some errands. I have feelers out for jobs... hopefully there will be some return calls for those as well when I return.


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Dianne, hope you are feeling better each day. I need details, cuz I am looking into some reconstruction myself....LOL. ~Mandy

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Hey All...

Went to get my fill yesterday. For those that are keeping track, I have 9.2 cc's in my 11 cc band. (with tubing it holds like 14-15 cc's, or so I have been told)

I have officially gained only .5 pounds - I got 294 vs the 293.5 I had at the beginning of the month. Of course, I had lost another 3-4 pounds since then... *sigh* I am not going to adjust my signature line, though - since I am already back down to 293 this morning. Nothing like liquids...

So, it's back on plan for me. It looks very much like last month was the last trip to NY for me.... no mention of anybody going up north around here this month. Bummer. But - on the bright side - I will have more active dieting days and less excuses not to exercise and to eat like an idiot. Now, if I can just keep from going STARK RAVING MAD from boredom, it will be fine....

I guess I will just have to bring my school work in with me - since it's looking a little sketchy for work right now. They have ratcheted down on our guidelines so much that we just don't have many loans to work....

Deb - sorry to hear you have that nasty creepy crud. Rest and recover. Hugs!!

Mandy - HUGE hugs! I only have the slightest inkling of what you are going thru. My Sis has untreated bi-polar disorder. It is a very mild case - but it affects her more as she gets older. I am sorry that you are going to have to fight both the insurance company AND the school system. It seems like the whole world only cares about money...about keeping it and getting more. Stay strong. I am thinking good thoughts. Vent away any time you need to. PM Abi's e-mail address. Maybe I will write her a story.

Kelly - Thanks so much for updating us on Dianne. We will be expecting a personal report from the Perky Princess when the pain factor drops below 4... :]

Kat - One of these days you are going to wake up and have dropped down to 197. I swear it. Hugs! A hot pool boy, huh? Hmmm. Let me ponder that.... I suppose if one is going to have a big vat of Water in a sunny back yard, a nice bronzed bod might be decorative...

Betty - I guess I am lucky it was only five pounds... I REALLY love Mexican food... and it is SO good in Tucson!

Darcy - I guess that dream of becoming my PA is going to have to wait until I win the lottery... Cause I can't imagine our current budget extending to any assistants - for anybody! Hey - put it on my calendar for me to buy lottery tickets again on Thursday, ok? :) Seriously, Good luck with the job search.

Well - back to looking busy....

Hugs and Love to All.

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Thank you al for ur well wishes.....we are feeling better but my 4 year old is still having a stomach ache so he says.....but u never know....so it is back to work tomorrow...uuugghhhh....i did so bad tonite...had a cupcake and ice cream cake... but tomorrow it is back to cottage cheese and fruit......I am sorry but i cant remember everyones name....so i hope everyone is doing ok....talk to u all soon Deb

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Good Morning Y'all!

Well I survived the storms!:) It got pretty scarey at work for a while. I sit up front surrounded by windows and it got really black outside. It rained really hard and hailed too, but it was small hail and I don't think it did any damage to the car. :clap2: :clap2:

Dianne - Hope you are feeling much better now, just take it easy and get some well deserved rest from it all!

Beanie - I love the mexican food in Tucson! It is the best! Glad you had a good time and still maintained your weight.

Mary - Awwwww, hopefully you will get that darn computer fixed. We miss you!

Deb - Glad you are feeling better. We all jump into that sweet trip once in a while, I guess that is just being normal!

Darcy - Hang in there hon, better times are on the way!

Hello to all the rest that haven't posted. Time to send the monkeys out for everyone I guess! Got to run and get in the shower.

Have a great day!

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hey, I only have a second this morning. I just wanted to let you guys know that the email and e cards are really cheering Abi up. Today is probably her last day at her normal school for a few weeks. We are going to clean out her cubby, and get some worksheets so she isn't behind when she gets back. ~Mandy

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Hi Goils :)

Sorry I can't play, things are INSANE !!!! trying to do 2 jobs and not even 100% sure the 2nd job is mine... waiting for HR and bossman to do what ever the hell it is they have to do. CAN YOU SAY CRAZY!!!!!

Love you !!!


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Hey All

Must be a slow news day... lots of folks must be very busy, indeed.

Not much going on in beautiful Dallas, today. It's gray - as spring often is - and a little cooler than I would like. We survived the storms and got some much-needed rain.

I have been helping some co-workers today - since I have nothing much to do on my own pipeline. At least I feel like I am contributing something besides my charm and beauty in the office!!

Mary - Hugs and Love, Honey. I am thinking good thoughts for you & the boys. Maybe a new computer will fall from the sky.

Deb - Don't worry about the cake. So long as you don't make a habit of it - you will be Superfine. And don't worry about our names, either. Lots of us have been chatting here for well over a year - so we have had PLENTY of time to get everything straight in our minds. You'll pick up our real names as you go along. Since I hardly ever post mine - I will tell you my name is Irene. :( I use ReneBean cause that's a childhood nickname. Hope your baby feels better, soon!

Betty - Glad you survived the storms. I love a good Thunder & Lightning. I guess I get a little thrill out of hearing the windows rattle or something... :biggrin1: The scale is being kinder today. I guess 2 days of practically fasting are enough to knock my weight back down to pre-trip levels. Yee Haw!

Mandy - I am going to work on a story for the Divine Miss Abi if I get time today. Hugs & Love.

Eileenie - Glad to see your smiling face! Don't be a stranger...

Well - I have managed to use up my whole lunch... EATING, of all things! Sheesh! I have to get back and see if my co-workers need any more assistance... I, of course, still have nothing to do, here.

Home is another story: My BIL & SIL are coming for a visit and DH has some kind of flu... he is feverish and weak. Of course - he has that now that he needs to clean up the house so his relatives don't have to see the pigsty we live in. *sigh*

I guess I am going to have to **shudder** CLEAN when I get home tonight. EEEEEEWWWWWE! ICK!! LOL!

Love & Hugs!!

See y'all tomorrow!

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Nice and slwo laid back day here. Kinsey is running in and out---we had a bubble blowing contest---and I am proud to say I won---AND I ate way less bubbles than she did!!! Goofball, I keep telling her to keep it off her lips...but she doesn't get it! It is beautiful here, will be mid 70's today. And through the remainder of the week and weekend!!! And Rick is off---and the weather good--I feel a motorcycle ride a comin'!!! So if I am MIA over the next 4 days, remember he is off, and things may get crazy. Actually he is holding his breath, he is on jury duty and has to report in the morning, he is afraid he will get picked and destroy his days off. Last ones he spent in Colorado at a school....

Beannie--hope things pick up at work. I'm with you, I love an electrical storm, IF everyone I love is inside, safe and sound!!! My scale dropped the one pound, and promptly stuck again! What a special treat, a story for Abi!!! I needed to join Dorothy's crew in their visit to Oz---I need an imagination!!!

Mandy--hope things are settling into a good pattern, and all is going well. Hang in there---and let us know how we can help. If she needs something, if YOU need something---we do not know what you are going through entails, and the only way we can help is if you let us know. As a group we can do many things---please do not hesitate to ask.

Eileenie---2 jobs--hell we never saw you with one!!! Hope you get paid for both!!! Yeah I know, wishful thinking!!

Darcy--hope your job hunt turns out the way you want. Way to go with getting back on the treadmill. I haven't done my elliptical yet today, and usually I do it early---gotta get it in gear. But right now Kinsey is asleep on the bed in there---she decided a nap in there was called for today!

Dianne---hope today is better than yesterday, and that each day improves. We are thinking of you!

Sherry---worrying about you being sick---hope you are ok.

Deb--hope your little ones tummy is back to normal. I hate it when kids are sick. Yes it feels so helpless, and then the whining as they improve is enough to make me nutso!!!! Don't worry about names---heck for awhile I used a cheat sheet!!!

Mary---sending you good computer vibes!!!

Betty---our place is outside of a little town called Comanche. Past Abilene---near Brownwood. I checked with the cousin living on the land, and they got about 3/4 of an inch and are hoping for more. They said it didn't do much. Hope it comes a big, long lasting rain for them! My cows need it! Especially now, they are calving.

Cindy---you working again---or did you wash away in the rain?

Chris---you ok? Tattoo boy need his butt kicked?????

Cassie, Pat, Patty--miss you~ hurry back.

DH and I went to a musical production of Urban Cowboy last night at a local theater. The production was out of NYC. It was really good--but little things made me laugh!!! True Texans they were not!!! The accent takes years, not a coach! They modernized some of the music, but stayed with the story--cast it pretty well. We enjoyed it. My car began making a horrid noise on the way home, but it was 11 by the time we got in, so he is going to look at it tonight, and until then I am not driving it!

Will check in on y'all later----hope your hump day is smooooth sailing!


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Just got back from having my Bailey cat put down. I buried him up on the hill with Chelsea, my dog. He had been having trouble eating for a couple of days, and we had taken him in for an ear infection, andhe had lost huge amounts of weight. He would fall over today trying to get into his bed, which is up on a bench on the porch. I found him this morning in the back of the shed in the back yard, and he seemed to be lost, so I took him up and put him in his bed. But this afternoon, he was staggering, trying to eat & drink. And he couldn't swallow, he just cried. He was 16, so I knew it was the best for him.

I know in my heart of hearts it was the right thing to do---but it seems so horrid to tell them "here Kitty Bailey come to Mama, so I can take you in to be put down...." he comes so trustingly...and I do that. It just feels rotten.

He has kitty angel wings now.


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Sorry for your loss Kat :( It's nice to know though that you cared enough to do what needed to be done. I hope I'm as strong if and when my pups need my help. Your kitty isn't far away.....he's with you in spirit and heart.


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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