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Nj March Chat

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Evening, All.

The phantom signal is functioning tonight - so I thought I would stop by and say Howdy.

Today was my second Aftercare visit - pretty much the same as the last one - but I have lost 4.5 pounds this month. Ooooo - an average month. A whole pound over my avg loss since surgery. That fill must be working - cause I surely haven't been doing anything right!

Will no refridgerator, I have been bringing dinner home every night. Fast food is the devil. And I just haven't had the motivation to care about much, courtesy of my current job issues. So, 4.5 pounds is a testament to the efficacy of the band with good restriction.

So, anyway, I have decided to schedule aftercare for only every other month - and my surgeon the months in between. One appt a month is really all I can spare - especially since I have actually used all but 3 hours of sick time for the year! I have NEVER before used all my sick time. This is the first time, ever, in my entire work history. I feel like a total flake. It's not even APRIL. I have practically been off more than at work so far this year. Sheesh.

Of course, if they close the office - using up my sick time will be a good thing. But, if I end up riding out the wave, I will have to work a lot of late nights to cover my doc's apptmts. bummer...

I spent my morning at work listening to Spanish Classic Rock and working on my flashcards...

Not a darned thing else is going on right now. The repairman comes to check out the fridge tomorrow. My DH is much better - he has even been outside to mow the weeds. And Saturday is the informational session for Teacher Certification.

I think this is the opening weekend for the Scarborough Faire, too - but I don't know if DH is up to strolling around in the wet quite yet.... Cindy & Betty - I have 4 free tickets - if either or both of you want to go... just e-mail me and we will work out a hand-off of the passes.

Pat - funny! Cheers!

Kat - I am actually surprised by how much is coming back to me. I think that once I go thru all NINE segments of the on-line course that I am using, and practice with the flash cards for a bit, I will be a lot closer to where I was in 1989...

Mandy - I am glad to hear that Abi is doing well at regular school. Hopefully, this will continue. Hugs!

Cindy - I am disgusted by the world that we live in. I can't believe that this nut job is suing you. I totally believe that some slimy lawyer put her up to it. Hugs!! If you want to go to Scarborough Faire to get your mind off of it - send me an e-mail.

Mary - You might try Boost for Chalio, too. I haven't tried Ensure - but I know that the Boost drinks are pretty good. It's always good to have additional options.

Chrispy - how are you doing? Hope things are looking up for you.

Well, it's pumpkin time for me. Tomorrow is another exotic and exciting day of studying Spanish.

Good Night!

Hugs & Love to All.

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Good Morning Y'all!


I don't know if I could take one more day this week! It has been a busy, busy, and tiring week! I am so ready for the weekend!

Beanie - We went to the fair for the first time last year with our neighbors. It was so much fun and I enjoyed it so much! I definately want to go back again! I really loved the nun show! I laughed so hard! We sat down there just to rest a minute when it started, and I thought to myself this is going to be boring! Well, we laughed about it for a long time! There is a lot we didn't even get to see because a storm moved in and we had to leave. But we had a wonderful time while it lasted! Did you win the lottery?:):D I didn't even get tickets this week!

Cindy - Hey girl, don't let that case get you down, your insurance will deal with it. If they pay off that person, then they will sue the one that was the cause and get the money back. It is terrible that people sue for the things that they do. I am not a believer of suing anyone unless it is absolutely necessary!

Mandy - Glad to hear Abi is doing so good!

Pat - I knew anything w/o calories wasn't good for you!:D :D :D I guess I will just have to go buy more wine now!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Kat - I hope you come to Texas at a time I can come and meet you! Gosh, that would be so much fun, and I would even get to meet Ms Cindy too!:clap2: :clap2:

Sorry I didn't get to say hello to all of you, my clock says 10 till 7 and I have to leave in 20 minutes and I'm not even dressed yet! Yikes! My computer says an hour earlier and I keep looking at that!

I'll catch you all later! Have a great day!

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Hi gang,

I'm trying to catch up here on everyone. WOW a lot is going on. I'm glad Abi is doing better.

I haven't had much recovery time due to inlaws and DD. DD was in the hopsital from last Wednesday until Tuesday. I've been running inlaws to Dr.s appointments. I went into this surgery exhausted so I shouldn't be suprised that I still am.

I do like the results so far. Except for the fact that I am still in quite a bit of pain on my left side. I have a folded stick that I think he really needs to open up! It is making me very uncomfortable. I called yesterday and told them about it. They said take it easy this weekend and call on Monday and let them know how I"m doing.

Well I'm off to the coach.

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Cindy, the sad thing is you'll go through all this Bull Chit, then the ins company will settle with her, because it's less expensive to settle.

What is going on with the fonts on here? Yikes, I'm all for the reduction, but some of us old chicks need larger print, I like to have never found the NJ thread, LOL.

I'm trying to get my frame of mind together, we're having all three grandsons over Saturday night for a sleepover, to watch Happy Feet. Hopefully the 1yr old will fall asleep early, so I can deal with the 3 year old, then the 13yr old can take care of himself, LOL.

Have a great day!

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Hi gang,

I'm trying to catch up here on everyone. WOW a lot is going on. I'm glad Abi is doing better.

DD was in the hopsital from last Wednesday until Tuesday.

I do like the results so far. Except for the fact that I am still in quite a bit of pain on my left side. I have a folded stick that I think he really needs to open up! It is making me very uncomfortable. I called yesterday and told them about it. They said take it easy this weekend and call on Monday and let them know how I"m doing.

Well I'm off to the coach.

Dianne, thanks for thinking of Abi while all this is going on.

Did I miss something about your DD being sick?

I would call back today and tell them that you are still hurting and want to be seen. If there is something you are worried about keep calling. Offer to take a digital picture and email it to the doc, if it is a visable problem. Keep us updated, (((hugs))) ~Mandy

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Not much going on, here. I was pretty unmotivated today, so I didn't even study my Spanish... although I did listen to Spanish radio all day. I figure imersion therapy has to be good for something!

I spent the day surfing and chatting with my co-workers. I cleared some of the junk out of my desk - you know, just in case I end up unemployed... and I am taking lots of the "stuff" I have collected on my computer home. I wouldn't want to lose any of the important addresses or e-mails of my friends at LBT!!

The refridgerator repairman came to the house today. He had to order parts - so we are without a fridge for several more days. Oh Joy. Plus, we have to empty out the freezer before the parts get here and the guy comes back. I see lots of meat dishes in my immediate future.

So that's all I know, at the moment. I think I am going to go home and eat fudgecycles... :]

Love you guys!

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Hi Girls,

Okay wild week for me. Mom wound up having emergency hernia surgery on wednesday night, thursday she was puking so bad that they rushed her into xray only to find nothing and realizing that she had an alergic reaction to the meds they give you to stop puking. Imagine being alergic to the meds they give you to help you stop puking and it making you puke even worse. Anyway, she came home yesterday and she is already fighting w/my sister b/c she was doing laundry ????? OY !!!!!!!!!

Anyway, today I have a ton of cleaning b/c next week is Easter and if I don't start NOW I'll never have the house ready in time for my family. I know, I'm sure they won't care if the house is clean but you know... I do it for me cause I care LOL. Easter is my favorite holiday.

Beanie I think your doing wonderful with your WL...wish I could lose 4 lbs a month geepers :clap2:

I'm off to read the past few days here but I'll be back :)


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Okay well, it seems we have a lot going on around here LOL

Sherry !!!!!! Pat said we are doing it all wrong... *F the Water and whip out those wine glasses :D *shrug* who knew? Thanks Pat.

Cindy what a crock of kaka !!!! Its bull like this that ties up our legal system and why would they allow something like this to even take root is beyond me. That girl is full of Beans. I'll be praying for you and that that girl sees what she is doing is wrong.

Beanie lov, hang in there. I'm sorry things are looking down at work.. is it a for sure that you are losing your job???? On a happier note... your WL ROCKS !!!!! I'm so happy and proud of you.

Dianne, how are you feeling??

Kat, thats so nice your mom and dad are celebrating their 50th, yes I agree she deserves a princess dress with crown :) How's rick feeling?

Luv2Blab, I hear ya on the fill, I can't wait for my next one too. Hang in there !!

Crispy, how is tattoo boy? sorry to hear about his GF :D

Mary, I'm glad your DS is okay and I agree with you about his WL. One thing you don't want to do is shove to much food at him, b/c some kids get scared when they know they HAVE to eat. Maybe give him a milkshake w/some Protein powder in it. When you cook his food, you might want to add a table spoon of healthy olive oil (120 calories right??) stuff like that. Think healthy :D

Pat I agree, whats with the fonts, its horrible trying to read around here... Makes me not wanna hang around as long ya know LOL.

Betty one more day of work for me would have set me over the edge this week LOL, TGIS :D

Mandy I'm glad your DD is doing well. Teeny steps are the best.

Patty....... where are ya lovley lady????? hope things are okay :)

Have a wonderful day y'all :)

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Ohhhh darnit so that's it? Wine...ok any particular one? hee hee

Eileen so sorry about mom...sounds like she's already on the mend though if she's at your sister for helping her hahaha.

In the middle of cleaning my office, this should take weeks UGH. No clue how it gets so dang cluttered all the time. I have my first client today and I need to cleanse this room for sure plus...my friend Donna and I have decided to start to study more and concentrate more on our Reiki practices. She's going to come over to help me cleanse the room and it's kinda like having a maid...you clean before she comes hahaha. Wacked I know!

Speaking of maid...has anyone ever had one? Not that I can afford it but, I was thinking it sure would be nice to have a hand at least in scrubbing some wood trim clean (you know the guys touch the walls all the time..must be trying to hold themselves up as they take a corner? lol) and just wash them to get the dust off the baseboards and stuff. Cabinets need scrubbing...thought maybe some help would be nice so I'm not stuck doing it all by myself. Anyone ever have a maid service for that stuff?

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Good Morning,

Sherry, I have a lady that cleans every Friday, it's wonderful, only problem is, she's also a personal friend, so it's quite difficult to tell her she missed some light switches, or she's not getting the corners, or she missed wiping the door trim. We have bright, white trim in our house, so every fingerprint shows. I'm constantly walking around with my Mr. Clean scrubby thing. Who ever came up with that thing is debomb! I even used one on my stainless steel pan the other night, worked like a charm. She's not cheap either, I could get someone about $50.00 a week cheaper, but this is her living and I'd feel so guilty. I'd like to hire someone to do a "deep" cleaning and get all the missed corners. On the brighter side, she does do all the ironing and she changes my sheets every week..awwww, clean sheets.

I think all you girls deserve a maid at least once a month, if not every week, especially with kids. When I had kids at home, I had a lady on Tuesday and Friday, talk about spoiled, hehehe.

These freakin fonts are really upsetting me, this is way too small.

Betty, you gotta slow down, you're pushing yourself too hard, ya gotta smell the roses, or in your case. the trumpets.

Eileenie, sorry about your mom, what a shocker. Is she staying with you, OH MY! I was already to get a fill, then a couple days of high temp and the band tightened up like I'd had too tight of a fill. Crazy Band.

Mandy, hope every day is a better day for DD and you....hugs!

Diane, how're the..., well you know.

Mary, my kids loved Instant Breakfast, being the microwave Mama that I am, I always felt better knowing right after they drank their glass, they'd just had two eggs, bacon and toast, all in a glass.

Rene, four pounds in a month, chit I haven't lost four pounds in a year! Great Job.

I made the best chicken salad last night, it was awesome AND so easy to make.

Do we have any interior designers in the group here, I need help with window treatments. I've lived here almost 5 years and only have curtains three rooms.

Have a great day.

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Happy Saturday!!

This morning I got up at a normal human hour and went to the Teacher Certification Info Session. It was good and very educational - they even gave us some basic info on getting loans and stuff so we can afford to get the schooling we need. So long as I don't get laid off any time soon - all will work out perfectly. Now, if I DO get laid off, I will have more time to brush up on what I need to...but less money to do it with and a strictly limited time-frame in which to do it - so everybody pray for continued employment - at least for the next 12 mos or so. :]

Other than that - no big plans. Tomorrow DH & I are going to go looking for an additional freezer. We had a spare one when we first moved in - the sellers left their old one - but it died and we haven't yet replaced it.

Since the refridgerator is out of commission for a few more days, we are going to the the most bang that we can out of using the freezer.

Betty - PM me if you want to hook up sometime today for free passes to the Faire. I could prolly meet you someplace - or you could come north... and yes - I did get to the store and pick up my tickets... I buy them all at once for the next ten drawings - so I am good for all the drawings into mid/late April. :]

Dianne - Que es un "folded stick"? Como se dice en inglais? LOL? I don't know what that means... is it a medical term - or do you really have some sort of a stick in you? Glad you are up and moving around. Hope you feel less pain, soon.

Pat - are your urchins there, yet? Are you ready for the big sleep over? What fabulous Boy Things do you have planned? Just Happy Feet?

Mandy - hope you & yourn are having a fab weekend!

Eileenie - Hope your DM takes some time to heal up. Geez - doing laundry right after surgery? Yikes! Is she a masochist, or what?? And no, nothing is for sure on the job front. That's actually the worst part. If I were SURE I was going to be laid off, I would be out looking for other employment, right now. As is is, I just have to wait and see. It would be far preferable to keep my existing job while I work toward teacher certification, assuming the job still exists. I know everybody and they know me, and it would not be much trouble to adjust my schedule so that I can be at all my class sessions and take the occassional day off, as needed. If I suddenly had to learn a whole new job - new computer system, new guidelines, blah, blah, blah - it would be difficult on top of going to school. Besides, I would not have the option to just work whatever hours I please at a new place... which I sort of do have at my current job. So, everybody think good thoughts for the Dallas Office to remain viable and for me to remain gainfully employed, there. :)

Sherry - Have I missed something? Are you starting a new venture? Your first client for what, Darlink? I have never actually HAD a maid, but I am really, really hoping to hit the lottery - for at least a few hundred thousand, anyway. I want a maid badly. Love him, though I do, DH is a LOUSY housekeeper. A great cook, a lousy housekeeper - just the opposite of what I could really use right now. *maybe if he were a lousier cook, I could lose more than 3.5 pound s a month. At this rate - it will take me another 3 years to get to goal.... Just call me Veruca. I want it NOW.

Thanks, Ladies, for all the congrats. I have averaged less than 3 pounds a month since surgery - 42-44 pounds in a little less than 14 mos. Since I logged NO exercise in March - and it isn't looking good for today, either - I am going to have to re-dedicate myself to the cause. The band can only do so much on it's own (about 3 pounds per month, actually.. :heh: ) and I really would like to speed up the process. Of course, I would also like to be able to laze around on the couch at the computer all the time - and that is the urge that has been winning out. *sigh*

I guess if I were more distressed about the slow loss, I would be more motivated to get up off my oh-so-large butt. Unfortunately, as long as the scale is still moving and moving in the right direction, I have a hard time getting to fired up about it.

Well, I am pondering the mystery of pulling some weeds in the back yard... I'll let you know what I find out about that... lol!

Love you guys!


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Decision, decisions....do I post here---or start an April thread, since some of you are already in April...with the time difference....what a dilemma!!!!!

Glad to see things are ok with most of us.

Eileen---hope DM is ok again.

Dianne---did you call the doc?

Darcy---where you at girlie???

Mary--my youngest granddaughter is very thin---she was a preemie, and has stayed pretty small. She turned 2 the first of December, and is still wearing mostly 12 month size clothes---but her shorts I bought her for this summer are 6/9 months!!! But they have to be bought small, because she is potty trained, and the bigger sizes make allowances for diapers. She is getting a bit taller, but has never made it above the 3rd percentile on the charts, and only made it that far once. She is right on target for her developement, with her motor skills, her vocabulary astounds her pediatrician!!! She is just little...of course her pediatrician says nothing about it, she is 4'11" and about 90 pounds!!! When my DD ask about "plumping" her up a bit, they said not to worry about the weight, to concentrate on a healthy, varied diet, and she would be fine.

Beannie---glad your info seminar was helpful. Hope it all falls neatly into place for you! I could not operate without my freezer!!! My DW parts are in, they called Friday, but by the time I made it home it was too late to call---so will call Monday to schedule them to come and fix it---yea!!!!!!

Betty---I told Rick I wanted to get together with you guys when we go to TX---he said he was willing to do whatever he could to help me out! Actually he looked at me like I had lost it!!! I was not asking his permission, just more his opinion on whether I'd get my butt lost!!!

Sherry---I don't get it---are you trying to tell me that things are supposed to be clean? omg.....I am in such trouble if that is the case!!!! LOL---actually we have talked about it several times, but I am in a similar situation to where Pat is. I have a "friend" who does house cleaning---and it is a strained relationship now, and I do not want her cleaning for me. So now I might actually look into it!!! We used to be close, but she is the one person I told about my plan to be banded, that was totally against it. Now she is not so mad that I am banded, but that I didn't bow down and listen to her...she is very controlling. So she refuses to acknowledge any weight loss, or even speak of it, so I have just moved away from her....and feel better for it. Now I can hire someone else, and not worry about offending her, she is already offended!!!!

Gotta tell you what I got in the mail today!!! Now keep in mind I live in New Mexico. I live at (this is a for instance---I am not totally stupid!!!) 816 State Street. So today I get an envelope, and glancing through the mail at the return, it is a name I do not recognize, in Staten Island NY. This mail is made out to "New York -------------- Board, PO Box 816 State Street Station, NY NY 10009. this is a bill someone mailed off---to go just a few miles in New York. Instead we get it in New Mexico!!! I thought they routed these things by zip code????? the zip on this is 10009---mine is 874__.........a bit of difference there!!! My friend Becky says well maybe it just got stuck on a piece of yours---but the address is the same in a manner....816 State...and PO Box 816 State Street Station. So that cannot be coincidental!!! I am still floored by it. Makes me wonder where the heck the payment I sent for my lamps I bought that never made it, really went!!! And postage is going up!

Cindy---that sucks about the lawsuit. Can you discuss it with your insurance rep, or is it going to be handled by them without you?

Pat---what did you think of Happy Feet? I bought it the other day, but it is going in one of the girls Easter baskets---Charlottes Web in the other. Not sure what Connor is going to get movie wise, have to see what he doesn't have...my DIL is worse than the kids, when it is released, she grabs it!!! Maybe she hasn't bought Peter Pan---but not holding my breath!!!

Well I am going to go check on Rick, he is coughing---see if he took his Protonix!!! See you all on the April Thread!!! No Fooling!


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Kat, how old is Conner? Abi got Flushed Away, it's funny but I would say for 5 and up. It has some toilet humor in it. Peter Pan is also very good. I thought Happy feet was cute and funny but also a bit sad. Another great movie was Night at the Museum. ~Mandy

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He won't follow any of them, truth be known, he just turned a year old on the 3rd of this month!!! But if we get them as they come out, he will always have them I figure! My DIL, is very touchy about things, if I buy for the others, she expects similar for him....and in this case it is just easier!!! I liked Flushed Away! My DD bought it for the girls. I bought him Cars for his birthday.

Thanks for the suggestions!


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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