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Nj March Chat

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Hi girls.

Betty those flowers are beautiful, they really put a smile on my face and boy I needed that today. Just found out I'll prob be doing my job as well as the new one for a few months and not guaranteed the position ;) I don't mind helping out but I hate the feeling of being jerked around... ya know.. just be honest w/me is all I ask. Rant over LOLOL

I hope you all are having a wonderful Monday... spring IS in the air for sure. I saw two swans in the lake across the street from the daycare.. they are so pretty... now I wanna see baby bunnies running around :lol:

Gotta get a fill, I can eat ALOT!!! So I"m gonna call my doc and make it for the week after Easter *grin*

Hope your all doing good... and Pat.. its about time you got your arse in here *hug*

Love you girlies

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Those are the most beautiful flowers. Makes me want to go out in my 60 degree yard and start pulling weeds out of the pots.

Thanks for all the birthday wishes, it was a great day, actually, I started celebrating on Thursday, went to Coldwater Creek and bought myself tons of clothes, singing Happy Bday to me, Happy Bday to me, as I picked out each item. Although, it was a little sad none of the sizes were any smaller than last year, BUT, they weren't any larger either, which is a very good thing.

It feels good to be back, got a lot of catching up to do, actually, I'm not even going to try to catch up, just start a new, LOL.

Thanks girlies for the PM's, it's so nice to feel so special here.

Hugs to all.

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I only have a second, today is going to busy. Today is Abi's last day at the mental health center. She is a bit sad, she really likes it there, she says being able to talk in the group sessions makes her feel happy. She also thinks that she will be behind at school. I doubt that, her teacher is a bit of a flake. We have been working on the worksheets that were sent home from school each day. The sheets are adding and subtracting money, the same thing that my niece in 2nd grade is just starting to learn. There was no introduction to addition and subtraction and then adding the money factor in, it was all thrown at the kids at one time. I am going to guess that there are a bunch of kids lost right now. It's good to know that she did well in the program and I too wish she could be there longer but we will work on her emotions at home and try to get her caught up before 1st grade. I am enrolling her in some summer programs that are for kids struggling in school. Well I have to go I have to make an appointment for Abi to see a counselor and I have to make sure that the psych appointment is confirmed, we need these dates for discharge this afternoon. I'll try to check in later. ~Mandy

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Pat is Back... WooHoo!!! Why I could kiss a flyin monkey!

Was great at the cabin this weekend... boy... a real cabin sure would be nice! We are just not sure if we can swing it financially. We'll see! I finally got on the treadmill yesterday... did 2 miles and then we went for another 30 minute walk later in the afternoon outside! OMIGOSH... it was in the 70's yesterday!!!!! It is really warm today as well and just came in from giving Miss Ava and myself a bath...hehehe.

Betty... LOVED the pictures!!! No flowers blooming here but we should seeing a few things pop out of the ground soon with this weather!

Eileenie... I really do believe that when one door closes...another one opens... if this opportunity doesn't pan out... there is a better one with your name written all over it. :) Hehehehe on waiting until AFTER Easter for you fill. Naughty girl!

Kat... Girl... if we get this cabin we will probably have to rent it out for the EAA every year to help pay the taxes...lol. Heck... we may rent out our house too... I guess folks make a killing renting out their places during the fly-In. I live right here and have never been to the EAA... not once. Go figure.

Dianne... How are you and the girls doing?????

Patty... Sure am glad you are back posting with us!

SHerry... Losing things... sheesh... I am 39 and I have the worst case of ICRS ever! My sister has it too... it makes converstation easy... we can never remember what we said the day before....hehehehe. Half the time... she says..."Oh... I was out shopping the other day and I found this great pattern...... " and I say... "I know... I was with you. " LOLOLOL.

Everyone else... (((hugs)))

Oh... my brother went out to California to my Step-Monster's funeral... he's a much nicer persona than I am. He brought back pictures that I haven't seen since I was a very little girl. I am going to post one. I was up most of the night thinking that I have few memories of that time in my life and no memories of my living with my Dad (Age 3 when they divorced). It was bittersweet seeing the pics... the reason there were not older pictures of me in her collection was due to the fact that I really never spent any amount of time with him after that age. Anyhoo... here is a blast from my past... and one of the few pictures you will ever see of me in a swimsuit!


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Happy Monday!

I am still employed as of 1:45 pm on Monday. Other than that, who knows?

DH is much better and despite the fact that he is still a bit weak & wobbly, he is quite capable of taking care of himself, now.

I still haven't been to the gym, and the scale is still hovering at 283 (+4=287). I suppose if I was making better choices, the scale would be moving.... but I am a flake. :tired

The refrigerator is broken, I think. Yesterday, it was room temp inside, so I have to call the repairman to come out and fix it. Oh joy.

That's the bulk of the excitement in my life, today.

I finished!!! the story for Abi this morning (Yee Haw!!!) and I am going to have my friend and co-worker edit before I send it.

Mandy, I hope Abi likes it - although I expect you will have to read it to her, since I tend to relate better to grown ups than to children. It will be great bonding time while you explain to her what "Beseeched" means.... :] I am glad to hear that the leftover days at the center can be used later, if needed. And, hey, if she doesn't need them - maybe you can send her as a treat toward the end of the year expiration time! Sounds like she enjoyed the whole thing. How cool is that?

Darcy - Cute picture!! A real cabin? I don't know - the live bug shows add that special layer of entertainment value that you just can't get in a real cabin. And come on - can you beat the joy of communing with nature in the outhouse?

Kat - any chance you will make it to DFW when you come to TX? I would love to get together with you! Heck, I could get a vacation day if you came during the week.... just tell me where and when. :]

Cindy - Hugs! Do I see SEVENTY-TWO miles on your post? Girl, you are making me look BAD! lol! ;] Yes, I am going to ride it out, here - while I work on teacher certification. It seems that I may have some competition - since the informational session for Fall is booked solid and they are asking for advance notice if you aren't coming. Perhaps I am not the only mortgage person changing careers right now? Hmmm. :]

Sherry - Queen of the Crockpot. Can I have dinner at your house? I have been eating my own cooking for the last week - and it's just plain sad. I could use some sloppy joes... :] I am forever putting things "where I will be able to find them" too. My husband teases me about it every time I misplace something. You're right - they will turn up. Did you check the magnet on the front of the fridge?

Eileenie - So, you think this is one of those "Why buy the cow...?" situations, huh? Bummer. Hopefully, it will all shake out to your benefit. Hugs! Don't go too mad on the chocolate bunnies!

PAT!!! - The monkeys have returned, victorious! Sorry I missed your Birthday - I hope you are still celebrating! Don't fret about not changing to a smaller size. Just think about where you would have been if you had never been banded!

Betty - your flowers are prettier than mine. Although my Jessamine is blooming a festive yellow right now. Do the trumpets smell good? I love smelly flowers... I am going to have to get up off my oversized butt and do some yard work. I need to do something about what used to be my lawn... *sigh*

Well, I have Spanish vocabulary and verb tenses to study.

Hugs and Love to All!

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Hi guys, I just got home from picking up Abi. She had a great last day at the center. Tomorrow we retun to her regular school, she wants to keep going to the center. I have already talked to school and have made the follow up appointments for the next week or so. The weather here is great, it's in the low 70's and only partly cloudy. I am starting to think about plants for my back yard and for the flowerbed in front of my house. I need something that will work well with very limited sun for the back yard, we have a very small yard with a privacy fence, and my house is 2 story so it blocks most of the sun. The front yard gets direct sun most of the day. I am looking at possible butterfly bushes for the front of the house. I have a flower bed that I want to till under and plant grass and just incorporate it into the yard ( I dont have a green thumb at all) I have some roses that are not coming back yet, I don't think they are going to at all. I am also thinking about lavender, it smells nice seems hardy and purple is my favorite color. Also I don't have to replant each year. Any suggestions for anything else? ~Mandy

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Mandy, I can't make suggestions for Chicago...our climates are so different. We use butterfly bushes down here, too, and they are pretty. We also use salvia, but I think they need a warmer climate. We can't have lavender, because it is too dang hot for that. Hopefully, some of the gals in the northern areas can help you!

Darcy, you are the cutest little girl! Thanks for posting that pic!

It's finally raining here...we really need it! I had lunch with a friend, and did some errand-shopping...now it's time to cook dinner.

Hugs, Cindy

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HI girls!

Well--it has been one of those days---yech! Went to have the oil changed on the car---and it took them forever! They drove my car off, and I went to the waiting room, there were a couple of women there already, onehad been there since 7:30 the other 9:30! It was almost noon!!! One went to check on her car, and found out the crew had all went to lunch! Lucky for me I was just getting service done, but it still took dang near an hour. From there I went to have the tires rotated---another 45 minutes. I was going to go have it cleaned, but looked at the line, and thought....It'll rain anyway! So I come home. On the way home my DH calls me and said they called him saying my car payment had not been made! I come home and called them, gave them my reference #. I had made it too early---by one day! It credited to last month, so now my this month payment is 10 days late! Made me want to scream! So now I am a payment ahead, but it won't help me a bit until payoff. She was a SNOT on the phone too. So I refused to pay it through her, I did it online.

Going to try to cook some chicken tonight, and hope Rick continues to chew well. We did steak last night, and made a joke of it, tiny bites.....so he cuts it up just fine, then tries to stab 3-4 of them on his fork at once!!! NO!!! He started being more careful and ate it fine. Next step is feeding him like a baby bird I told him---which grossed him out!!! Love it!

Mandy---I am glad Abi settled in to the center so well, I wish since she liked it so well she could continue---but maybe it taught her how much better she feels talking about how she feels. Sounds like the positive is there, for some control mechanisms. Like Cindy said, take detailed notes!!! Let them know you will NOT be swept under the rug!

Betty--Beannie---I will be in the Abilene area---unfortunately---not very close. Will have to see what I can work out!!!

Sherry---somewhere I have a small phonebook thing with several addresses I need---I cannot find it to save my life!!! Like you I have several "go to" places. Not there, so I wander around like the damn thing is going to jump out at me---not happening!

Pat---I love that you had Dora the Explorer Ice Cream---isn't that required with tiramisu????

Eileen---I am sorry they are yanking your chain---wish there was some way of NOT doing both jobs for you---you are in a bad place for you, and a lucky one for them.

Well I need to get busy, or nothing will get done today. My DW is still not fixed, and it is making me crazy!!!! They said the parts would be about 2 weeks, so I have another week of hand washing to go---grrrrrrr. It wouldn't have taken so long, but Maytag has a massive recall out on dishwashers, getting Water into the electrical junk....and Maytag bought out Whirlpool----so now I have to wait for the VERY BUSY maytag man! So anyway off I go to manicure my hands!

Talk to you all laters!!!


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Good Morning Y'all!

Already running 15 minutes behind schedule so I guess I will just drop in and

say hello! I spent too much time checking out the posts and getting rid of the bad ones! You would think someday they would get tired of posting places that it didn't last. I guess they just get paid for getting one posted and they don't care if it stays or not.

We got some badly need rain yesterday. My yard and flowers really needed a good soaking.

Well, I'll catch you all later! Have a great day!

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Good Morning Ladies,

It's supposed to be 84 here today, woohoo, all I can think about is Betty's beautiful flowers. I'm going to see if I can find a few plants on line.

Kat, the Dora ice cream was a secret, LOL. I'm waiting on the Sears guy as I sit here typing, my stand alone ice machine died, right after I cleaned it, ran it through the self clean cycle, guess I cleaned it to death.

Rene the monkeys returned me, lol. It was a great weekend and birthday. When are you traveling to VA, you're every place, but here.

Darcy, I'm sorry you missed time with your real dad, memories are part of what makes us who we are, but if it's any consolation, it looks like you were pretty happy when you WERE with him, cute pic.

Ms Retired Cindy, lovin life I'm sure..Sounds like you're pretty busy and haven't touched on the retired life yet.

Eileenie, those darn bosses, just who do they think they are getting two for the price of one. You should at least get some comp time for working so hard. My gson's mom just got a promotion, without the raise...WTF!

Mandy, sounds like DD is on the right track. Just remember, that's part of the constitution, all children are entitled to a quality eduction, or something like that, ask Cindy.

Oops, Sears guy is here, WBBL

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Ok I'm back, boy the Sears guy is a ball of personality, he must really hate his job, what a grump.

Sherry, did you find your tickets, let me help, you put them right where you'd be able to find them..on top of the fridge?, in the side door panel of the car or the glove box? where you keep all the past birthday cards?, with the safety deposit box keys? in that most favorite drawer with all the other paperwork that needs to be addressed or filed?, in your laptop case or briefcase pocket?, well I tried.

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Hi Ladies,

I have to run out and see if the stores carry any professional looking tents... I have a big meeting tomorrow with the chairs and all I have is casual tents... so I hope Omar has been working OT this season :success1: I just hate clothes shopping, I'm built all wrong. Anyway :bolt:

I've read all of your posts just so you know tap tap tap but I can't reply to all of them :scalesno: not today anyway *evil grin*

Darcy your picture is sooooooooooooooooo cute !!!! its nice to see you haven't changed much :)

toodles... ttyl


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Coldwater Creek girl, the sale of the century's going on. If they'll fit my fat arse, I know they'll fit your skinny one. My problem is the top, still have to get the XL and 1X.

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Mornin' Y'All.

Another glorious day in mortgage lending... 'nuff said.

It's gray here, today, and a bit wet. Not cold - but not exactly warm, either. Not much exciting in the weather report, either.

I have contacted the Sears repairman to come to my house, too. My fridge did not get any colder since yesterday - so I hauled everything that was salvageable in to work and popped it into the fridge. At least I have plenty of food for lunch this week!

I guess we are eating out of cans until Friday night - or whenever the darned thing is actually fixed.

I figure a few more weeks of studying Spanish and I might actually be able to converse, again. That will be a plus. It would be pretty darned special to get that skill back. That's all the big excitement around here today.

DANG it. I had my personals ALMOST DONE - and I hit a wrong key and lost it all. The above was the last time I copied... Grrr. I will come back and do personals in a bit. I think I am going to have some salami & cheese.


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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