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Nj March Chat

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Kat, I am so sorry for your loss. I know how hard that is, we were getting ready to have to put down my Hobbes Kitty in Oct and the day before the appointment I found him, he had died in his sleep. I took him and had him cremated. That was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. He was like a child to me and a sibling to Abi. She still cries about him all the time. So my heart goes out to you. (((hugs)))~Mandy

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I took Abi for the assessment tonight. She starts the program tomorrow. It's a 10 day program, Mon-Fri from AM to PM. It seems very structured. They have group therapy, educational time, recreation, and creative expression. I have to pack her a lunch each day and they provide a snack. She is a little nervous but I am sure she will be fine, the place is very well regarded. I will check in again tomorrow, I'm off to bed. ~Mandy

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Hey Kat - I am sorry about your baby kitty. I am sure he is glad of the release from his frail old body. Hugs & Love.

Sherry - Hugs! Hope all is well with you.

Mandy - Oh sure - days of nothing and today I was busy right til the end. I will try to work up a story tomorrow, if I have any free time. Remember - structure is a good thing when it comes to kids.

I went from work to the grocery store - first time since returning from vacation - and then had to come home, put it all away and wait hand and foot on my poor delirious husband.

Fortunately - Soup isn't terribly taxing to prepare and after I gathered a few essentials, it wasn't too bad. Of course, the whole cleaning thing did not get very far when I had to stop every ten seconds to get Soup or juice or cold medicine - but I guess we can always meet the family at a restaurant!

I got some weird news today. I am feeling a little guilty about it, actually. My youngest sister is a little bit crazy. She's that relative who nobody wants to talk about... always in financial distress, always in drama, always a mess. She has always been willing to go to extreme lengths to get money without working - like lying to my parents constantly.

So - when she called my Mom and said she had a brain tumor and was going yo have surgery, we were ALL unwilling to believe her. She had told some real whoppers before - we just assumed this was a last desperate attempt... But - just for the sake of finding out exactly how far she was willing to go, I decided to call the hospital today.

While I did not verify with a doctor - I did discover that she is a patient there - and that the nurse transfered me to my BIL when I tried to call my Sis. Either my BIL has dramatically improved acting skills, or my sis really had some kind of major surgery yesterday.

I guess I am not going to beat myself up about it too badly - because she has earned her "Boy who cried wolf" tag for years, now - but I am a little freaked out because I said yesterday that she would practically have to die to make me believe it - and according to BIL, she nearly did. So, now I am going to have to feel like dirt for a bit - I guess until she tells the next whopper... I guess I am going to have to work through this weirdness.

Thanks for letting me vent. You understand that if I find out she had an ingrown toenail removed, I WILL kill her...

Love you guys!

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Good Morning Y'all!

I want to stay in bed today! I don't want to work! :) :) :cool: I stayed up an hour later last night and I am paying for it this morning!

Mandy - I am sure things will be fine for her and this is probably a very good thing for her to do. Sometimes I think it is harder for the parents than the children.

Beanie - Sorry about your DS, I'll keep her in my prayers. Does she live far from you?

Kat - Awwww, poor kitty is probably feeling much better now. It's hard to do, but the best thing for them.

Darcy - Girl thinking about you! Hugs!

Dianne - Sending ((((((((((((((get better)))))))))))))) vibes to you!

Cindy - Where are you girlie?

Sherry - I miss your long posts! Hope to see more of you soon!

Chrispy - How's things going?

Gotta run!

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So sorry Kat for ur loss...i know how hard it is to have to put ur animals down....we had to do it with in 3 weeks of our dogs.....our shepard then our rotti....well my moms and sis but they lived with us....I live with my mom ....she lives down stairs and me and hubby and the boys live upstairs but are downstairs more often....we also just recently lost two cats within a few months...we still have 3 cats and a mni dachshund....we are animal lovers and my mom is still looking for another shepard...well i hope everyone else is doing ok...and still losing ....i am down to 201 as of this morning....woohooo...have two more pounds to get to 199....i am counting every ounce.....

Mandy - I hope ur daughter is doing well....

everyone else have a good day and talk to u all soon.,...


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So...I was looking outside (a beautiful sunny Texas spring day) and all of a sudden WHOOSH! What was it? I ran to the door, opened it and stood on the front porch. I had to duck this time, to miss something that flew so close to my head, I could smell its strange, but musky, odor. As it passed by, flying up over the house, I realized what it was....


I'm sure it's on it's way home to whomever sent it...sorry you had to go to the trouble!

I don't know WHY I have less time to play on the computer than I did when I was working...it is indeed one of the great mysteries. I have just been running errands and doing little projects. Nothing big.

Unlike some of you.

Dianne, I sure hope you are on your way to getting to peek under those bandages! Kelly, thanks for posting updates for us...and tell her we are all very interested and are praying for her.

Kat, I am soooo sorry to hear about your cat going to kittie heaven. I've had to do that a few times, too, and it's just hard, is what it is. Hugs to you. I am glad you are winning the bubble-blowing contests...way to go!

Mandy, wow. I will pray for all of you. I hope this treatment will get things on a stable basis for Abi. Remember to take care of yourself.

Beanie, glad you are back, and have had another fill. You can call about the teaching anytime!

Darcy, you are doing so great on your training! I am way impressed!

Betty, lunch would be fantastic! We really should meet!

Eileen, 2 jobs? Good luck, sweetie.

Deb, hope your family is on the mend...let us know!

Sherry, I can't scroll back far enough to check, but were you also sick or feeling bad? I hope you are well...and your job isn't too stressful. How's the Reiki going?

If I can find it (after moving the house stuff out and around during the flooring thing), I did have Patty's address once upon a time. If I find it, I will let ya'll know. I have no idea what has happened with her, and I sure hope all is well and just busy. Sherry, you have talked to her more recently, right?

Haven's recital was really good...the owner of the music academy complimented her, which totally made her day! I'm starting to learn not to be nervous...she just handles herself so well in that setting. Okay, I'm still a little nervous...but I'm LOTS more nervous when I watch her learning to play softball. God bless the coaches who have the nerve to teach kids a new skill like that. And thank God for batting helmets! I have to sit in my car, so the kids don't hear my goaning and laughing...I'm not kidding!

I hope this super long post is good enough to keep those dang flying monkeys at home for a little while, but thanks for missing me! I still don't know why I had more time at work than I do at home...:success1:

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Howdy Friends and Loved Ones...

My company has changed the underwriting guidelines AGAIN - that would be the 3rd or 4th time in the last 2 mos. Our poor brokers don't know what to do with themselves, as loans that were approved yesterday are being denied, today. It is pretty weird around here, so I have spent the morning commiserating, and writing Abi's story - A fairy tale called Princess True. The beginning is complete and I am about ready to break into the body of the story. I hope to have it done by tomorrow. Assuming I still have a job tomorrow, that is. I will have to save the story to a disk tonight, so I won't have to start over on my laptop... :]

Aside from the work drama - DH's illness has progressed to throwing up, the poor baby. Not much else is new, except that I am trying not to get sucked into my old stress-eating habits. I did pass up the box of cake donut holes last night, in favor of a single serving of Ding Dongs. I got them for my official Cheat day on Saturday and put them in a drawer so they wouldn't be looking at me for the rest of the week...

Betty - my DS lives in Bend, Oregon. If she were closer to me, I would have GONE to the hospital to check up on her. I haven't seen or spoken to her since I left Oregon over 4 yrs ago. I tried contacting her, at first - but she moved and she never responded to my e-mails. I must admit that I never tried very hard. I called to say goodbye before I left the state - and she couldn't take a full five minutes to talk to me without stopping to yell at her kids or take another call. I was a bit miffed by that... and when she didn't respond, I stopped trying to e-mail her. Thanks for your prayers.

Deb - Congrats on your weightloss!! I hope you break into Onederland soon. Hugs!

Cindy - I am having some moments of indecision about the teaching. One part of me wants to take on something completely new and different and break away from this crazy mortgage business for good - but another part of me is lazy and greedy. I have heard that FHA is taking qualified sub-prime underwriters (like me) and certifying them to underwrite FHA loans. The pay would be closer to what I make now and I would't have to completely start over. I have processed FHA loans before - and I would not have to make much of a transition... *sigh*. So now I have to decide whether to be lazy, or whether to break out. I have a week or so to think about it. I will for sure let you know what I decide.

Well, I am going to get back to the story, now. I am pulling a Scarlett O'Hara on the job thing. I will think on that, tomorrow.

Hugs and Love to All.

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Hi Girls

Kat sorry to hear about DK :) *hugs* My pup is 12 years old, its just to heart breaking to even think about.

Beanie I don't know what to say to make you feel better because I have a sibling like that too. As much as we want nothing to do with them b/c they have used and abused us, we STILL don't want any harm to come their way... after all, they are family and even with all the crap they do, we still love them. Try not to feel to bad.... remember they make their beds.

Cindy love yah girlie.... :success1:

Betty, Deb, Darcy, Sherry, Dianne and all you other lovies.... I miss you so much.

HUGS !!!!

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Just popping in quickly... have to go get dinner on the table...

KAT... I am so sorry about your kitty... gosh that is so hard. ((((hugs))))

Love to all of you...

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WOW Mandy, I'm so sorry I would like to send her a card I just need to feel better then I will. I am praying for her and you and your husband. Hang in there you are doing the best for her. Family makes it so hard for us. They think they know everything that is best for us and our children when they have no idea! We had to take a stand with my family years ago when my DGM wanted to pay for a special school fr DS to go to. It was a great school and who knows if it would have been the best for him, but for us and for him we said no he needs to stay home with us and go to our local school. I drove him 3 times a week and hour away to special tutor which cost us 75 an hour. He is on his way to being a PA now. We made the right choice it was a tough time not knowing if what we were doing was the best thing or not cause they were telling us that we were foolish not to send him to this school. THANK GOD WE DIDN'T! Mothers truly know best and although we question ourselves and our choice we really do the best for our children. I know that you are doing the best for Abi and there will be more desisions in the future to make and they will be difficult, pray, ask us, seek out people who have gone through this, seek help from the state, medical community and schools. Fight the fight and know that we are here to support, love and trust you!

Kat sorry about the kiddie...thats so sad.

Beanie, sorry about DS

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I dodn't want to lose everyhting thats why you have me posting twice.

OK I don't feel good guys. Although today has been the best day so far.

I had a lot of fibroid tumors on my left side and he took them out and sent them to pathology he said everything looked good though nothing scary. But my left side is hurting REALLy bad. I look terrifying! It is pretty scary.

I'm taking pain meds every 4-5 hours today I was able to go to 5 hours although I think I should have kept it to 4. I am more awake today, which is good.

The compression bra is a silky material and it's starting to drive me nuts so tomorrow I"m going to call the office and see if they have a cotton one, if they don't there is a specialty store not far from here that I'll get DH to take me to.

Well I'm off to putting ice on the boobs, OH I do have to tell you though that I saw my neighbor this afternoon outside and she said wow you look great, you really look like you've lost 50 pounds since the last time I saw you. I said well you know I had my surgery on Monday, she said you did I thought it was this comng Monday! LOL that felt great! I was even in my PJs. The girls are a lot smaller I'm scared that they are to small but she sure made me feel great tonight!

Night night. Thanks for the prayers...

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In my best kid on the play ground voice "Dianne's got smaller boobies, Dianne's got smaller boobies!!!" Sorry the pain is so bad, but you know it is better to maintain the pain meds than to have to try to stop the pain. Keep it under control, and get plenty of rest. We are here for you.

Thanks for the kind words, I am sure that things will be ok. Abi started at the special school today and was a bit weepy when she got home. They have group and individual therapy everyday. They also do animal therapy, family counseling and of course school work. It's a wonderful facility and she seems to like it there. The people I worked with today were very nice too. I will update again tomorrow, I'm off to bed. ~Mandy

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Just stopped in before i hit the hay. My computor is fixed! I broke down and took the tower in on Tuesday and they had to wipe it clean and start over.

It cost me a pretty penny but i was going insane with out it here at home - like i am on it so much

Kat I am so sorry for your loss.

Dianne - Take it slow and easy and keep up with your pain meds.

Would love to do more personals but it is already after 10pm here.

Good Night.

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Good Morning Y'all!

Just popping in to say hello, running really late this morning, I goofed off too much!

I went to lunch with some of the gals at work yesterday and we really had a great time. The are so much younger than me (a lot) and it didn't seem to matter much. We laughed and told old stories about dating and men! I really enjoyed it! They are already talking about doing it again!

Dianne I am glad to see you posting. They always say the 3-4 days are the worst so maybe you will start the upswing of things soon!

Mary - Glad you got your purter fixed!

Not ignoring y'all, but it is time for me to go! I'm glad it is Friday!

Have a great day and I'll catch you tonight or tomorrow!

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Wow guys I had major anxiety attack last night I finially took a xanax around 4AM and I may take another on soon. I just kepted wondering what have I done. How will I look, was this a mistake what if it doesn't heal right, what if Garry doesn't like them, what if I don't like them, what if my stomach sticks out further than them...and so on...I called the Drs office this mornign told her about the pain and the axiety. She said that the anxiety is to be expected and that I am perfectly normal and it will come in waves. She also told me I could just buy a camisole and wear that instead of the bra they gave me or wven a sports bra. So I'm going to costco today somehow..She wants me to come in and see him on Tuesday and to keep taking pain meds and rest.

I was actually shaking/shivering. I know in reality that it will be fine. I already love them, it's just wierd. Kind of like who am I, I"m sure not the 268 48DDD woman I used to be. I know I'm me inside but I sure see someone differen't in the mirror. tHE 15 YEAR OLD BOOBS IN THE MIRROR ARE COOL, but do they really belong on a 47 year old woman?

Ok I'm rambling can you tell, the pain meds are kicking in they eyes are losing focus and the thought of my pillow is getting to be a wonderul idea.

night night thanks guys...

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