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Nj March Chat

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Happy Saturday Everyone...

Today is my distance day on my treadmill and I am hjappy to say that my Spirit treadmill stuck in there with me for 4.50 miles and 90 minutes! I am sooooooo happy to have a treadmill again! My daughter has been having some difficutlies with depression... and so Dr. Mom has also prescribed 30 minutes a day on it for her too. SHe was tickled... couldn't wait to get on and do her time this morning. Her grades have been slipping as well so there have been major changes in the way we all work together as a family as well. I have even been communicatiing with Em's Dad... which is a very challenging task for me but we all have to work together to help her help herself.

Cindy... I wish I could come and watch the performance! Your DD is going to be awesome!

Okay... I stink... off to take a shower and go out and soak up a little sun and hopefully some above 40 degree temps!

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We had a birthday party today, it was a dress-up party. The girls were asked to wear a bathing suit or leotard. Abi didn't want to go, she didn't want the girls to see her rash on her skin. (it's really bad ezcema) There is nothing we can do for it, none of the medications have helped. She decided today that she wanted to stay home, she was affraid of being embarassed. I told her we would make it work. I got out the box of her summer clothes and found a pair of bike shorts and a fitted tank top, we lied and told them she had sensitive skin and that detergents and fabic softners make her break out. She was able to go and had a great time. While she was at the party I went and visited with my mom, we had a great long talk. They are getting ready to go on a cruise and she is really excited. I also stopped at a resale shop and bought 2 t-shirts and a pair of cute jeans. All for $8. While I was gone hubby and his friend installed my built-in microwave, it looks great!!! I did not pick out a fridge yesterday. I looked but didn't find anything. I'm still open to information, pros and cons of a side by side. My sister says she hates hers because she can't put big items in the freezer. I have a chest freezer in the garage so that's not a problem. Any other thoughts? I also bought this beutiful pumpkin colored paint, I am going to paint the kitchen with it, and do a back splash of teal, ocean blue and yellow. (think gulf of Mexico, tropical aztec) I am in search of tile for the backsplash next. Gotta run, I'll check in later. ~Mandy

P.S. how is your mom today Kat?

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Hi all--

Mom is home, walking well, says she is sore all over---but that is common following anesthetic, so nothing to worry over. She is being referred to a sleep clinic, for a sleep study on her apnea issues, so that is a relief.

Mandy---wanna come paint my kitchen? I really don't want to paint, but need to take things down and clean....yuck! And I need a new light....may go shopping for that tomorrow, if I feel better. Speaking of----how are YOU feeling?

Darcy---I am glad you like your new treadmill. I think DH is going to wear my new eliptical out for me! He uses it all the time!!! If he doesn't quit I am not going to get to weigh less than him for long! I finally do after many, many years---I want it to last!!!

Cindy---how'd DD's performance go tonight? I bet you were so proud!!!

Ack---I can't scroll back any further----and my brain is fried. Time to go to bed. Will catch the rest of you tomorrow!!!!


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Hi all, I think I am starting to feel like myself again. But it's been so long I forget what I am supposed to feel like LOL! I am supposed to meet some bandsters but don't have a sitter. I am searching for someone to keep her, she will not sit for lunch I can't imagine wanting to sit and talk after. That would be trouble. I'll be back later. ~Mandy

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Good Morning Y'all!

I was busy all day yesterday, went grocery shopping, then ran some errands, then I came home cleaned some of my house, did a load of laundry, then I went outside and worked in my flower beds. I was tired needless to say, but then we walked over to the neighbors and sat for a while and when we got home I still had to cook supper (7:00), and then some of the neighbors stopped over here! Next thing I knew it was 9:30!

Today I still have some work in the house to do, I already did a couple loads of laundry, swept the floors and mopped. Once I get finished there, I think I have to work on some of my contract stuff, unless I put it off till tomorrow. Hmmmmmmm....

Cindy - I am hoping to have you and Beanie over for lunch one day when it warms up. I want to meet you too! Maybe we can make it a family thing and y'all can bring your sweetie with you and your DD.

Kat - Glad to hear your Mom is doing well. Tell you DH to send me some of his energy~ I need some right now!

Darcy - Whoooo Hoooo on the great job on the treadmill! You'll be fit for sure!

Beanie - I bet you are resting up from the trip huh? It really is a long drive! I enjoy it though!

Dianne - How are things going for you? Hope you are doing fine and feeling much better!

Mandy - You kitchen plans sound wonderful. I have a pretty big side by side, and I still don't think I would buy another one. Not only is it a pain for things big, but it cuts way down on the inside of the fridge. I think if I ever get a new one it will be the one with the fridge on top and the freezer on the bottom. I also have 2 regular fridge's and a freezer in the garage. I still don't have enough room at times.

Well, I'm not getting my work done sitting here, so I have to get moving. We actually slept with the windows open all night and it was heaven!

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UGH....head cold time. DH had been sick for 3 days not looks like I'm headed in the same direction. Got the nice runny nose, scratching throat and roof of my mouth and my ears are getting blocked. YUCK. So already went to the grocery store to make myself some homemade chicken rice Soup. The guys wanted pineapple upside down cake but, not sure I'm up to make that today...we'll see. Got chicken marinating for supper so I'm hoping DH will make that for us :girl_hug: I was freezing earlier today but, it's warm out...now I'm hotter than heck. Fever setting it I think UGH. Beautiful day out there too hard to believe just a few days ago it was -5 degrees here now its over 40 out there almost 50 I think.

Well I have to get out of this sweatshirt and into a tshirt for a while. Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

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Hi, Well in 13 hours I'll be under the knief..ew that sounds awful! Went to church this morning which was the first time in a few weeks and my GF pretended she had a saw and was cutting...we all laughed. I can't WAIT to take this bra off at 5:30AM for the VERY last time. Good bye 34 G and 34 FF!!! GOOD BYE wire!! Goodbye back pain and neck pain and shoulder pain..I hope...

Thank you for your prayers I know I don't even have to ask.

Yesterday was crazy DH and I did everything and he has to go back and finish up. We are both totally exhausted I don't think I've ever been this tired.

Today has been a nice day doing laundry and just hanging out at home in crummy clothes.

Well I'm off..I asked Kelly to post you and let you know I'm ok. Should be about 3 hour surgery I have no idea what time I'll be home tomorrow but I have a feeling this is going to be harder than the band so you may not see me for a few days.

Love you guys, if you want to call me and have my # feel free. I think you all have it.

OK I need Gods peace and a good nights sleep...

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Hi goilies!

Dianne---my prayers will be with you, and all will be well, you will wake up with perky girls!!! Lotsa Love, know we will be thinking of you, and waiting to hear from you!

Mandy, I agree with Betty. I have a 26 CF side by side, but it still feels kind of narrow on both sides. We went looking to buy a top fridge, bottom freezer, but the ones with the ice & Water out the door, are still so new, they are not getting good ratings on the ice expulsion, and the cost is still prohibitive. But I used to love my Grandma's top fridge, I use it so much more than the freezer in the house, it was great, not having to bend over to hunt everything. But until they can get me good ice, and water out the door, I will stick with my side by side. They do make one called a Wide by Side now, it jogs over, so you have a wider top section on the fridge and a wider bottom section on the freezer. Might be an option.

Sherry--I am so sorry you are getting the cold junk! I have been having some problems the last couple of days----but mine entail not getting too far away from the bathroom. I have taken meds, but nothing is helping....I hate this! Hope you feel better soon!

Betty---I am beginning to wonder if you EVER relax!!!! Sounds like you go from sun up to sun down. Speaking of---we had the most awesome sunset today---DH and I stood on the porch and just watched the sky, I love the time changed this way, we actually get some daylight together. We like to eat on the patio, and watch the sunset.

Beannie---hope the remainder of your travels were trouble free. We will be glad to have you back, but sorry your fun time is over....

Does anyone have anyway of contacting Patty? She never sent in an address or anything on our Christmas card exchange. I worry about her. Her one son had had some serious health issues. It is reminisent of Donna---I hate when our friends just drop off....it scares me!

My scale finally for 3 days in a row has read down a pound! I used to be thrilled when it moved 2-3 pounds overnight, now the occasional pound has to work!!! My body fate percentage has dropped a lot! I hav even lost 3 more inches, but the scale, it hates me! Oh well, it will move eventually, and someday..... will see Onederland!!! It wants to be sure I appreciate it properly I guess!!

Well I am going to check on a few things, and head to bed. See y'all tomorrow!


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Good Morning Y'all!

It's a rainy Monday morning here, we need it and since I will be at work all day, I am glad to see it. I think we are supposed to get it thru Wednesday.

Dianne - Good Luck! Yup, all the prayers are with you! I am anxious to hear about the surgery and to see a picture when you are all healed up!:) :) :)

Kat - I'll take inches over pounds any day! Heck, I'll take either one at this point. :D :D :D

Beanie - Welcome home! Waiting to hear all about your trip!

Eileen - Is this the week you will learn more about the new job?

Cindy - What's the busy retiree doing this week?:D :D :D

Sherry - UGH! I hate colds this time of year! I have has so much luck with Airbone keeping me from getting all that crap that has been going around. I just get sick for eating something bad!:D :D Hope you feel better soon!

Well, got to jump up and get dressed! Catch you all later!

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Hi all, I am fridge shopping today. In our last place I had the fridge on top del and it was really nice. I don't need the water/ice in the door. I have a nice Water cooler by brita that filters tap Water and then dispenses it hot or cold. We rarely use ice, and our water isn't that good anyway. I buy ice for parties and such but my family will use maybe a tray of ice in a week. I drink hot tea or brewed tea that is in the fridge. If it's too cold it kills mt band, and hubby is too lazy to get ice out. Abi drinks milk or juice or water from the dispenser. I'll look into those since I had forgot that was an option. I am getting stuffed up again, I think I'm ready to give up at this point.

Abi has an appointment with the psych today, they are talking about hospitalizing her for a few days for observation and testing. My DH is freaking out, but if that's what she needs then that is what we have to do. We spent the weekend changing clothes because she decided to wet her pants 6 and 7 times both days. She is so stubborn when she wants to be. She has also been very angry and teetering on violent. She is kicking things, but the doc says people will be next. So we are in for an emergency appointment this afternoon. I will check in and let you know how it goes.

Don't forget prayers for Dianne, she should be done by now it's almost noon. ~Mandy

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Hi All

I am officially back. The Phantom signal did not make an appearance over the weekend, so I was not able to check in until today.

Call off the Monkeys... I am back.

Our trip was all about relaxation - and we actually had a lovely drive from Dallas to Tucson - spread over 3 days. Normally it only takes two days - but we were just "strolling" along. We spent Tues, Wed & Thursday with Mom & Dad and headed out toward home. The sun was hot, the pool was warm and we did nothing much of anything while we were there except laze around, talk and (yep, you guessed it) Eat.

So, I am up a pound or two (or 5) from when I left. DANG! I love Mexican food in all it's forms... Fortunately, I have a fill scheduled for this afternoon - so I will be able to get back on plan with a little more ease.

I got back to my office to find that the company closed a number of branches last week - leaving us with only 4 nationwide. Thank God my office was one that is staying open! I am relieved to remain employed this morning... as so many offices closed, and they even consolidated some departments - so no office went unscathed. The office looks a bit like a bomb went off in it this morning - with empty desks, and desks moving and everyone has that Shell Shocked look. I figure the next 6 mos will decide whether our company survives - whether the surgery saves the patient or kills it.

I guess I had better start working on that Teacher stuff, just in case.

Well - that's all I know, for now. I have to get back to looking busy and sounding important, now... lol!

Love you guys! I hope everybody is doing well today.


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Hi All...

Well it started last wed. when my husband came home from work early cause he wasnt feeling well....then I got it sat nite vomiting ...it is hard when I didnt eat anything all day becuase i was so nauseas all day...now my oldest son has it he got at 2:30 in the morning....glad we made it through his birthday party on sunday...I still feel queasy....but i am down 2 pounds...i have 2.5 pounds to get into the 100's now.....wooohoooo....I had to take off of work today and might stay home tomorrow depending on how my son feels....just hope the little one doesnt get it....hope all is well with everyone....talk to u all soon Deb

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Hi guys, we are back from the psych doc. He is putting Abi into an outpatient treatment center for 10 days. She will miss 2 weeks of school but the school will send the missed work home for us to work on. This program will do a complete evaluation and help her build coping skills for anger, depression and all the other emotions that she feels so strongly. They have finally listed bipolar as her diagnosis and that is what she will be treated for in this program. It could become an inpatient thing, we will take it one day at a time. Say a prayer for my baby, she needs all the love and support she can get right now. ~Mandy

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I hope it all works out for ur daughter Mandy....and the diagnois is right.....my prays are with u and your family....god bless....Deb

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Hey everyone!!!! This is Kelly, Dianne's daughter :)

I am just updating you all on how she is doing!! The surgery went great this morning, she got out of surgery around 10, and had a lot of pain... So my dad didn't get to see her until around 3!!! She is home now and feeling okay! She definately can't wait to look underneath her bandages!!! She said her pain on a scale of 1-10 (ten being worst ever) is an 8. She wanted me to tell you all "I have perky tits!"

Thanks so much for all your prayers and support!!!!! Keep em coming! She's hurting tonight, but she'll be just fine!

Till the next update :)

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