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Nj March Chat

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Sorry I keep dropping off the face of the earth...this week, I have been working full time as the receptionist/nurse at DD's school (I think I told ya'll that at the end of last week...can't remember....). Every night, DD has had an activity, so I've had absolutely no computer time. I am not able to sign on to any of the computers at the school, so I'm out of luck there, too....that's why I've missed checking in on everyone.

Mandy, so sorry about your DD's recent problems, and really sorry you are still suffering. Hope it's getting somewhat better. Your ideas for Dianne were great, IMHO...slowing down, and taking care of yourself is a great place to start.

I agree with you, Kat...it is hard sometimes feeling so close to each other on here, but in reality being too far away to be of any real help. I know being a listening ear is helpful, but it would be nice to get someone's laundry done or something!

Dianne, loved your list, and hope you had good luck with it! Breathe a little, and put your feet up, and help your DH face what has to be faced. That's the hardst job of all, huh? More hugs for you, sweetie!

Betty, sorry you are sick...hope you are better!

Darcy, good for you! A new treadmill!

Sherry, you had the great advice, too! As always...I've missed keeping up with everyone...how is your job going right now?

I have not had time to read all that I have missed. I did want to check in and say HI! Love ya and hugs to all, even if not named in this post! You know I love ya!


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Hey Kat how your mom?

Well I din't do anythign on my list..lol..sucker I finished the magazine delivery with FIL we had fun together. So now I really am done with that.

Tomorrow I'm going to go in for my prop appointment with the anestes...how ever you spell him...I have to leave here at 6:45 yikes

Then I'm hoping to go to Bible study, meet some GF's for pre-op lunch and do a few more things for me hopefully.

FIL's Dr appointment went well today. Doesn't look like he has Cancer at this point just a reacord breaking HUGE prostrate. He is talking about moving into the apartment on Sunday or Monday. I am going to let Garry handle things from tomorrow afternoon on when it comes to his parents. I can't do anything next week for them so he can start now. I will help with the move on Saturday but I am not going to exhaust myself with getting things together. So be it.

We got Cindy the collar today and Kelly put the stuff in it and then barked we laughed so hard and she barked a few more times...Well the dog hasn't barked once! As a matter of fact she is being a sweety sleeping in the crate in the living room not complaining at all!!

Speaking of her I have to take her out and then go to bed.

Thanks for the hugs and prayers oh DH job interview went well.

night night

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Hi guys---just wanted to let you know how today went. My Mom's surgery went ok, the Dr. said she had a pretty severe tear of the medial meniscus, and that she has an average of 5 years then will likely need a knee replacement. She had trouble coming up from the anesthesia. Everytime she would drop off to sleep her SAT # would drop....and I mean drop, down into the 60's on room air, and only into the 70's on 4% O2. So they of course kept telling her to breath deep---and she could, but as soon as she relaxed it plummeted. so she is in the hospital tonight, so they can keep a closer eye on the oxygen. They were worried, she would take something for pain, and then both she and Dad would go to sleep, and she would lapse, and not breath. She was doing better this evening after eating. I see a C-PAP in her VERY near future!

I got my $$$$ in court this morning. He did not even show up! His attorney claimed he suggested that he not, and the judge actually fined the attorney for contempt, saying he was court ordered to show, and he knew he should be there. So now the attorney and "the Moron" both have to appear on a contempt charge, but I do not have to be there. The judge apologized to me, for the system making my life more difficult! I got done there in plenty of time to go be with my Mom. I ended up with 2 checks! One cashiers check from "the Moron" for the damages, and the judge made a judgement that they had no right to decide who fixed the fence---that they just had to pay for it. So the attorney had 3 estimates on the cost of repair, and the judge had his assistant call one of them during the hearing! He ended up adding $300.00 to the cost of what they estimated the fencing to be. The attorney wrote me the check for that, and told the judge (who he was MAJOR kissing up to by then) he would just collect it from his client rather than make me waste any more of my time!!! The judge ask me if I was requesting any compensation for time missed from work, or day care expenses, or anything during the time I was trying to get this taken care of---I told him, same as I did the mediator---no. He told me I should have had representation, and I could have received a better settlement of the case. I told him, I just wanted him to fix the fence, so we could once again graze the cattle in the field. He just looked at me, like I didn't know how to do this!!! It's ok, I was not in it to get rich---only wanted what we lost! Crazy. If we had had to go to court to let them hear the case as opposed to the agreement we reached in mediation---the next open date on the docket was mid JUNE! I would have had to of fixed it ourselves. As it is, they will be out Tuesday to build the fence. Both checks are in the bank.

Mom is doing ok tonight--surgery is over, fence fiasco is over---day is over---whew!

Talk to y'all tomorrow! Gotta go donate blood tomorrow, forgot what time.....


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Kat, I would have asked for at least some of my time to be compensated. It was a different ball game when you were dealing with a mediator. If he had setteled then no biggie, but you had to make another day at the courthouse. I would have stuck it to him for being an a** but that's just me. Glad that your mom will have a few years before a knee replacement is needed. I need one, or I did, I was told when I lost the weight I could have a replacement, I was too heavy for it before. (the doc said I would burn through it in 10 years at my previous weight) Now that I have lost the weight I don't have as many problems as I did before. I have hyalgan injections every year at the beginning of the summer. It's 5 injections, a week apart and they work wonders. It's a thick viscous liquid that helps to cushion and lubricate the joint. I hurt myself 7 years ago next month and my knee has never been the same. I had a miniscus repair, part of my synvisc removed and the latteral muscles released. It was a tough surgery, and I never fully recovered. I have had soooo many problems with it, but the weightloss has helped me so much, I can't believe it. My knee was the final straw that got me approved for my band. It was the size of a very large cantelope the day of my band consult, the band doctor actually took pictures of it and submitted them with my paperwork. When the insurance nurse was reviewing my case she called and ask if my knee had recovered from being dislocated, I was puzzeled and ask what she was talking about. She explained that she had the pictures of my knee injury and I explained that it looked like that most of the time. She felt sorry for me, but still denied my surgery. I finally won the case, and they said the joint pain was the only co-morbid they took from my case. Cholestrol of 325, and joint pain is what they consider....LOL. Oh well. The weight was a major issue and the fact that surgery was covered by workers comp and a knee replacement wasn't an option, so I had to have majo repair work done. I'm glad I didn't do it then, have you seen the new replacements that are made for women? They are sized and shaped more for a womans body. Oh well, I am tired and headed to bed Night all....~Mandy

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I'm alive just been too busy during the day to post and too tired at night. I've been keeping up with the reading though. Please know that whenever any of you mentions a loved one or yourselves not feeling well I say a prayer and send well wishes to you and your families. So sorry you're all going through so much lately.....this website certainly makes the world a smaller place though doesn't it? Its nice to know we have a place to come to and vent, laugh, cry and just enjoy each others accomplishments and company. I love ya all and hope you all have a wonderful Friday! Hopefully I'll get back here this weekend to peek around some more. Got some things going on here as well.....gray hairs are popping like crazy lol. Hugs!

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Good Morning Y'all!


Diane - You sound so much more relaxed and in control! I'm glad to hear you feeling so much better! Wish I lived closer, I would come take you out for lunch and give you a hand with things. Gosh, that is good news on FIL!

Kat - I'm glad it's over for you and the moron! I'm like you, just fix it and be done with it. It's good they kept your Mom in the hospital to watch her, it's just a little safer that way.

Darcy - Glad you finally got to use your new treadmill! You might be right, maybe they scared him enough to make him realize drinking isn't worth it. I hope he hangs in there. I'll keep him in my prayers!

Sherry - You need to take a day for yourself girl! You sound so worn out! Big bubble bath, glass of wine and some soft music with a candle burning is ordered for you!

Well, got to run and get dressed for work. I'll catch everyone else later!

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Beannie is here at the same time as me!!!! She didn't go on vacation and decide to stay there!!!! Hope you had a GREAT time!

Talked to Mom this morning, going to drop the granddaughter with my DIL in about an hour and head over to the hospital, and hopefully bring her home.

I had the same exact knee surgery on my right knee 5 years ago Mandy. I have had miniscal repair on my left, but they did the removal and the lateral patella release on my right. Lucky for me, my weight never really seemed to affect it, and I have had no issues at all with it. I could not have ask for better results. I haven't had much arthritis in it.....never needed the shots, he thought I may, but never had any follow up on it since PT. Sorry yours didn't go as well....

Sherry, I agree with Betty---sounds like you need some down time. Maybe you and Dianne need to get together, soak in a hot tub, and gossip for awhile!!!!

I guess it was stress, my stomach is a mess. I didn't eat much of anything yesterday, and when I would try, it just sat there. I still feel like my stomach is bloated, and yucky this morning. Going to make it a day of liquids I think, and see if it settles down. It isn't a "stuck" feeling, it is just like all bubbly and yucky.....

Will check in with everyone in awhile, going to get ready to get Mom.


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Kat, order some egg drop Soup and enjoy. As for my knee, it is much better now. I do some strengthing stuff with it daily and it really helps. I do a workot with one of those huge rubber bands. I also take that gluclosimine/chondroiten stuf. It really does help. ~Mandy

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Morning! I am alive and well. I am hailing y'all from a Super 8 in Van Horn

TX. DH and I are soon to be on the road toward home. We have had a fabulous trip. If I were a nicer person, I wouldn't tell you that I have a sunburn from swimming in the pool at my Mom's... LOL! It was 85 degrees in the air, 80 degrees in the pool. *ahhhhhhhhh*

Love you guys! I will check in from home if my phantom signal is working.


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Mornin loverly ladies :woot:

Betty... Fear of death is a powerful motivator... especially if you see it from a sober state of mind! It would sure be wonderful to see him live out the remainder of his years traveling and living his life... but in the end... only he can make the choice. Helping him through this has really helped both of the boys as for so many years they have felt so helpless to do anything for him.

Dianne... I am soooooooooooo glad the collar helped! I can hear the change in your state of mind in your post! (((hugs))) So glad that everything is looking good for the FIL and his super-sized prostate. :woot:

Kat... WOW... I can't believe the crazy booger didn't show!!! At least is over and it is just plain crazy that you even had to go through the courts. Jeeze! I hope your Mom has a very quick recovery from her surgery! Often the pain from the surgery minor compared to the joint pain that was happening prior to surgical intervention... at least that is what a lot of patients said after total knee replacements when I worked on ortho floor. Anyhoo... keep us updated... take a deep breath... do something really nice and relaxing for yourself and know that all of your buds here at LPT love ya!

Irene... Wow... I am really super jealous of the whole warm weather pool stuff you are enjoying!!!! I especially think you could use your assistant right now. :)

Sherry... I think you should put together a cookbook and send it to all of your good jersey girls for editing purposes. :girl_hug: We are here for ya. I am proud of you for recording your miles! I have to say... having the treadmill in front of a TV has helped me a lot! I just set the speed and pick a show and before you know it... the show is done and so am I!

Okay.... treamilled it yesterday and this morning so I would say that I am officially back on track for the exercise. YAY! I was terrified that nearly a week of loafing might have sent me back into Lazyville for good!

Have a great day!

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HEHEHEHEHEHEHE.... Back atcha girlie!

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Hi tomorrow is move out day..yikes...I woke up stressing and full of anxiety at 3 am and have pretty much been up since then. I made a list and got a lot done on it. After all the boxes are in tomorrow I am coming home doing some laundry and going to bed!

Kat, that is scary about your mom! Prayers for her and you.

Well I'm going to sleep now have a good night I hope to get back on tomorrow but who knows.

Thanks for all your hugs thoughts and prayers..love ya

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Good Luck tomorrow Dianne!

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Good morning!

What a difference a day makes! Sounds like several of the issues have resolved themselves at least somewhat...what a relief!

Dianne, good luck with moving day!

Mandy, sure sounds like you are feeling a lot better. How's Abi?

Kat, I am super happy that you have your fence money from the moron! Also, am hoping your mom is on the mend.

Darcy, tell about the new treadmill...is it really great? I think I missed the post where you described it. I didn't know you were applying to be Beanie's assistant...is this just when she travels? (wink)

Beanie, sounds like a relaxing trip...the weather is definitely on the warming trend, and I love spring! Just not so much on the super hot Texas summers...but that's what air conditioning is for!

Hi Betty! What are you doing this weekend? Are you going on a bike trip pretty soon, maybe to my little town? Or even a drive? Still would love to meet you!

Eileen, I really do feel your pain...when I was working this week, I couldn't even turn on the computer on my desk, because I did not have the password for it. If I do work again, that is going to be a deal-breaker. i MUST have a way to check in with my pals during the day...I have just missed out on too much!

All we have going on this weekend is DD's Off-Broadway workshop (Sound of Music); performance is Sunday. Today is a dress rehearsal. It's a nice slow day.

Hope everyone is having a good Saturday!

Hugs, Cindy

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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