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Nj March Chat

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Hi everyone...

went to my brothers house yesterday for his daughters 4th birthday....to many people as usual...took my kids down in theeir basemant and sat there and played with them...then other kids came down tore the place up and left...uggghhh....

my mom and me ened up cleaning it..or my kids would be blamed for it....i am craving sweets tod ay so had a little piece of chocolate, ,,i know i shouldnt have....

well i have a job interview tomorrow which i am praying i will get it.....i also had a accident with my car on my way home from work and on my way to pick up hte kids...a paramedic truck hit mine when they were making a turn to go to a emergency,.....so now i have to use moms car and take her to work and my kids to the babysitter....then get a rental which i hope will be paid for by the paramedic insurance....well enough about my weekend hope everyone had a great weekend..talk to u soon...deb

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I'm lucky I have a tiger direct not too far from my house. It's good and it's bad. It's good cuz I don't pay shipping or have to wait to get stuff, it's bad cuz I can go there and shop and shop and shop. It takes a while to get rebates from them but they do send them, and the prices even without the rebates are good. ~Mandy

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Deb, forget the car, are you and everyone else ok? Good luck with the job interview. Hope next week is better for you. ~Mandy

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Hi guys!

Dianne - I'm still praying for you and family! I agree with Kat - your family is very lucky to have such a loving DIL! Just remember to take care of yourself, too!

Mandy - hope you are on your way to being well. How fun to get some new stuff for the house!

Betty - sorry about your monitor, but glad you are on the road again! (computer-wise, that is!)

Eileen - what are you doing? Tell us how that new book is...you never know when you might pick up a good tip!

Beanie - you know, I'm a big believer in a piece of pizza now and then...so don't sweat it.

Where's Darcy? Did I miss a post?

We had a good time in Norman...saw a play, had some great milk tea with tapioca at an Asian place my nephew enjoys...I've GOT to find a place that makes that here! Some places call it Bubble Tea? Anybody had that?

Deb, glad you are still posting here! Sounds like the party was fun, even if it was messy! Sorry about your car, and sure hope everyone is okay! Please let us know!

I am "working" at DD's school again tomorrow...the receptionist is still away at her stepson's funeral. Hopefully, that will be the last time for a good long while, for her sake! The Girl Scout cookie mom gig should be over as of tomorrow night, too...let's all do the happy dance for that, shall we?????!!!!!!!

Love ya lots,


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Oh yeah...for exercise, what I'm doing is wearing a pedometer every day...2,000 steps equals a mile. This last month, with selling Cookies, working at the school (it's a spread out campus, lots of buildings) and going to basketball games and school events, I just logged a lot of steps! Get yourself a pedometer!

I don't think that qualifies me for Queen of Exercise....maybe just Princess of Clever....

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Good Morning Y'all!

Gosh, it's nice to have my computer back! You don't realize how much you actually use it until you don't have it!

Back to work, I sure could use one more day off! Maybe one all for myself!:)

Eileen - Is today the day you find out about the new job? Good luck, keeping my fingers, legs, eyes, all crossed for you!:D:(:D

Darcy - How is DFIL doing today? Hopefully yesterday wasn't too bad of a day for you!

Dianne - Same question for you, hope your day is better too!

Beanie - Hope you are safe and sound while traveling. I would like to be in your backseat! (That is if you have one)

Cindy - It is awsome the miles you put in regardless of how you got them! I sure miss walking, I imagine I will never be able to do it as an exercise again.

Deb - Sure hope you are doing ok after the accident.

Mandy - Are you on the upside of being sick now?

Kat - I am lucky, my DB is a whiz at the computers. He actually writes a bunch of his programs etc. I don't know what I would do without his help. I just give him a shout and if he can't help me over the phone, then he comes over and fixes me up! I don't know Jack Daniels about fixing it, I can use them pretty good, just not fix them.

Sherry - How ya feeling now sweetie? Are you still flashing? (thought that would get your attention) Your chicken sounded real good yesterday. I ended up fixing catfish, I love it but can't eat much of it.

Pat - Hey girlie, come out and play!

Patty - What's up?????? You didn't give up did you?

Mary - How are your computer problems? Hope you get them fixed fast!

Chrispy - Your fella sounds like a winner to me! He just sounds so sweet.

Cassie - How are the wedding plans going?

I am still reading the "you on a diet" book. It is funny to read and you do learn some stuff from it. I don't know that I agree with everything. I know on the show I saw him on he recommended taking 2 low dose asprin. I ask my doctor about that when I went (pcp) and he said no, he doesn't agree with that. He thinks everyone should take 1 low dose one, and he said he actually thought in the future they would lower the dose to 40 because of all the brusing it causes. But some of the recipes in the book are not the kind I would make. Oh well, to each it's own.

Well, got to go fix my lunch and get dressed! Catch you all later!

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Peeking in from work. Cindy - I have my pedometer on today :) Thanks for reminding me. At least maybe now I can help my goils add some miles to the total. Wish they had a better clip...I'm afraid I'll lose it in the commode hahaha. Gotta keep my hand on it when I'm in there :D

The chicken came out great in the crockpot but, I couldn't tell ya the recipe hahaha. I changed things a few times trying to thicken it up. Tried a Rue, tried a little cornstarch...didn't want to use too much because then you taste it so guess what I did? I used instant potatoes to thicken it up and it was great! We served if over wheat Pasta and the family loved it. I have plenty left over so tonight it's grilled chicken, mashed potatoes with the ala-Sherry (lol) over it. Yumm!

How did everyone do with the full moon/eclipse?

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Good Afternoon,

I'm leaving work a bit early to register my DD for school this september...its a different school (she is in private right now). Other than that, sosdd.

Sherry... oh do tell the recipe.

Betty... boss is out... I'll prob find out about the job next week or so.

Deb... good luck with the job !!! and i'm sorry to hear about the car. Hope everyone is okay.

Kattttty, good luck buying a new PC. I hate buying bit ticket items like that. When ever an electronic is purchased in my house DH takes care of it b/c I suck. I always wind up buying a lemon. Glad DH is home :D

Dianne.... how are things dolly ???

Cindy, 2000 steps = 1 mile... COOL wonder if I even do 2000 in a day. Here's the info I took from the PBS show I watched... not exact but you get the point.

Betty, I just watched You on a diet... PBS special: The doctor did a good job.. parts of it were gross when he showed actual body parts (no Beanie.. its not what your thinking) He showed a real liver and a fatty liver and other icky stuff. Amazing.

He had some folks on his show that lost like 30 lbs. I was kinda hoping I'd see some one who has lost like 80+.

One of the things he really stressed was walking 30 minutes a day, every day.

He also had "Action Steps," 25 of them to be exact..... here's some of what he said.....(not perfect but you get the picture).

1. Measure yourself (around the waist and at the bellybutton), the idea womans waist should be approx 32 1/2"

2. Walk 30 min a day/every day

3. Dump the frig.... no simple sugars, get rid of any grain but 100% whole grains, no flour (enriched, bleached) no sat fats or trans fats, avoid all white food cept egg whites, cauliflower.

4. Automate Choices (prepare foods ahead, this helps keep you on track)

5. Walk 30 minutes a day (he likes this one I guess or I got it wrong LOL).

6. Go food shopping.... veggies, 100% whole grains, cinnamon.etc.

7. Invest in a good 8" knife...makes it easier to prepare veggies, etc.

8. Prepare yourself before you start anything

9. Regroup your team... meaning your doctors, support, etc.

10. Never be hungry

11. Its okay to make mistakes..just make a U turn....don't beat yourself up.

12. Eat healthy fats 20 - 30 min b/4 your meal

13. I think this one was 13.... ?? build muscle... 3x week for 20

minutes...muscle strengthening.

14. Do the U on a Diet workout daily... they showed some chick exercising at a beginners level... it looked pretty good and doable.

15. Vitamins and Minerals VEDDDDY important.

16. Fish oils should be taken unless your eating 13 oz of fish a week.

17. coffee is good for you unless you have certain health issues, also alcohol (a few oz) LOL

18. Fix fast food dishes and have them ready for you..... Also eat low cal dressing not low fat. GET TO KNOW YOUR FATS (((again he stressed good fats)))

19. Get a good pair of running shoes and socks (not cotton).

20. Make a dr. appt and get your vitals

21. Brag.... when all this starts working for you .... brag to your friends so they can learn too.

22. Grade yourself A, B, C.... ?????

23. Restock your kitchen

24. Learn what whole grains really are.. ... Bran, endosperm, germ... always get 100% whole grain... stay away from grain blends.

25.. Teach a friend.

Thats about it girls.... I"ll talk to you later :)

Luv yah's :(

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Ummm recipe.....Let me try here

1 box or can chicken stock (about 28oz?)

1 chicken bouillan cube

1 cup hot Water

3 boneless chicken breasts, cut into 1'' chunks

1 cups sliced baby carrots

1 small can baby sweet peas, drained

2 celery stalks, sliced

3 tablespoons dried minced onion

2 tsp dried parsley

1/2 tsp garlic powder

1/2 tsp black pepper

2 tsp crushed rosemary

Instant mashed potatoes used for thickening

put all ingredients except the instant mashed potatoes into the crockpot and cook for 6 hours or until chicken cooked and carrots tender. Add instant mashed potatoes 1/4 cup at a time until consistancy is what you like for the sauce/gravy. I think I ended up using about 1 cup of potatoes. Make sure to stir really well so the potatoes don't clump up although they still taste good if you do hahaha. Serve over wheat Pasta...we used the Rontini or spirals.

We actually thought...this same mixture would be great with real potatoes in it cubed up. After it's done cooking in the crockpot you could pour it into a 9x13 baking dish and put the Pillsbury biscuits on top and bake it until the biscuits were done. We're going to try that next time.

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Good Morning Y'all!

Gosh, I can't type this morning! Took me three trys to get good morning right!:D

Sherry - Your recipe sounds really good! I'll have to try it!

Eileen - I really think it is more of a heart healthy diet more than a weight loss diet. I think he makes some good points, but I don't think it will get you skinny! Maybe if you only have 10 or 20 pounds to lose it might be alright.

Darcy - How is DFIL today? My prayers are with you and your family right now. Hugs to you sweetie!

Cindy - you are doing great with the exercise! I never seem to get a pedometer to work for me. I can go the same distance and come up with 3 different numbers on it! Crazy!

Dianne - How you doing today? Hope things are getting better for you!

Well, I need to go check out the board and see what needs to be deleted real fast then go get dressed. Back to the old grind today!

Have a good one!

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Hey All...

Tough week... FIL's nodes came back positive and there is one edge of the tumor they removed with the edges undefined. They said it is a particularly agressive cancer. This is all much more complicated by the fact that his boys want so badly to help him and it appears that the only thing really on his mind is getting home to pour himself a drink. How this man was so lucky to have two sons that care so much and give him so much respect. Anyhoo... both boys are going to take care of as much business as possible and make his home as safe as possible while he is still sober. He is refusing to have them spend a couple of days with him at home to help him with food and shopping...etc. We don't know if he will go ahead with radiation or not... if he continues to smoke and drink... I'm not sure what the point of radiation therapy would be. ANyhoo... there is a challenging road ahead for all...but especially for his two boys that love him and deserve to see him sober for more than one week out of 35 years.

Love you guys and will get back to doing personals soon...


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Good Morning,

Betty, well heart healthy is what we all want to be... isn't it ? LOLOL He promised if you followed his diet you'd lose 10 lbs in the first two weeks and 1 lb there after. I could follow some rules but not all of them. I think thats a way of eating you must be trained on early in life. Besides, I'm just to tarted to follow anything but my nose sniff sniff :bananajump:

Darcy, I'm so sorry to hear about FIL and all that his boys are going thru. Not only does it break their hearts to see him like that but I can tell in your post that the effect of this man goes farther than just his sons. Its also breaking your heart seeing his sons go thru this. My prayers are with you and keep walking chickie... don't stop !!!!!!

Sherry, that recipe sounds so good and I like it that its easy and has simple ingred. I hate when a recipe calls for something funky and you only wind up using it once. THANKS !!

Nothing happening here goilies... sosdd. I did good eating yesterday but need to get a little better with the night time ... "gotta eat something sweet before bed" thingy. Even though its fat free pudding... I really don't NEED it.

Anyway..... I'll be back later (i hope LOL).

Luv Yah's :D

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No wait just a minute here Eileen----are you trying to tell me ( I find this so hard to imagine!) that we are only supposed to eat food we NEED?????

Oh the horrors!

Keep up the good job!

Darcy---be extra understanding of all that your DH is headed for, I know you will be---you are so sensitive. It seems like that is often the case, the kids want so much for things to change. Makes you wonder exactly how the boys turned out so well! hugs to you all.

Betty---I bet my dyslexia of the fingers is contagious is why you are having trouble typing too!! I hit 2 letters at once, or invert letters---my typing consists of 2 letters forward, one delete back!!

Dianne--how go things in your busy house? Getting ready for your surgery????

Deb--everyone feeling ok after the accident? Sometimes the aches take awhile to show up.

Sherry---from now on there is chicken a'la King, and chicken a'la Queen Sherry!!! sounds yummy.

Chris---you been busy? You haven't popped in!

Mandy--feeling any better yet? I hope so! I have the crud. It is more of a laryngitis than anything, my lower throat is kinda scratchy and makes me cough, but mostly it is just affecting my voice! I don't have one! DH must be in hubby heaven!

Cindy---I wore a pedometer for several days, but like Betty, it didn't register right. One day it said I took over 3000 steps---I thought it was still short, but the next day, I took it off, after a busy day, and it only logged 175 steps! I gave up. Then someone recommended putting it on the laces of my tenny shoes, that it moves, and logs them better than at the waist---how do you do yours???

Hope Beannie is off having a wonderful visit, and great vacation!!!

Anyone have any new ideas for dinner tonight---would try Chicken a'la Queen Sherry, but we just had chicken!!!!

Well guys---I am off to change laundry. Get this---I am hanging bedding out on the clothesline to dry and to air---it is 65 degrees out--sunny...I am loving it!!!!!!



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I am doing ok thanks everyone.....my car had to be towed....and the police report came back as i pulled back into lane and caused the collision...so now i hav eto go and have it amended....well i was so frustrated this weekend i was bad on my diet....now i have to get back on track....i am going to get a pedometer and track my steps also....i know i have to do some excercise...but right now with the weather kinda hard to do.....so when it starts to warm up i will be taking the kids for walks....i keep going up and down a pound or two....uughhhh...well hope everyone is doing good. talk soon Deb

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Hey All...

Well... I Miss Eileenie... I guess I took your advice... I went out and bought a new treadmill today. I'll still miss the old gal in the basement... but the glare from the flashing lights on the new one should help distract me. :) She is being delivered tomorrow and this is after looking at a gazillion different brands and types of treadmills so she should be a perfect fit. Besides... she's a Spirit and yah gotta love that name. :P

Thanks to all of you for your prayers and thoughts. (((hugs))) The boys took my FIL home today... they have spent the entire day there cleaning and organizing and cooking up food for him. I can't help but smile at the thought of them getting to spend and entire day with him as a sober man. That is the blessing and gift and if we get more that will be a big bonus!

Snowing here... I know Spring is under the magic white carpet somewhere!

Can someone tell me if they have talked to Patty... I am worried about her.

Kat... SHerry... Betty... Cindy...Deb... Mandy... Pat... Irene... Dianne... Cassandra... (((hugs))) to you and anyone that I forgot.

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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