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Nj March Chat

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Just checking in to say hello. Be back later on...gotta head out to work now. Hugs to you all, TGIF and hope you all have a wonderful Shrinking day hee hee

oh yea....I'll be checking out tattoo boy for sure! heh heh he better treat Chrispy right or DH will have something to say believe me. lol. Chrispy and my DH are like brother and sister...they'd kill each other if they lived together but would do harm to someone that hurt the other. DH knew Chrispy before I did...SHE gave John the approval of me hahaha told him I'm a good one and he should keep me lol

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Haha yes I did Sherry. I knew she was special the first night I met her!

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Good Morning,

NJLoser, good to see you. I'm guessing after your fill you did mushies and now your eating normal? If thats the case then you can eat anything really. What my doc told me to do is Protein first, then veggies and then good carbs (((now if ONLY i'd follow that lol))). I would just eat what ever you can tollerate, make sure your taking a good Vitamin and try to drink lots of Water. ... oh yeah... the "E" word ..... sigh... LOLOL just kidding, don't forget Exercise :) (((ok there, I said it))).

Beanie congrats on the lb down WHOOT!! I've been stuck foreverrrrrrrrr. Lucky girlie gets to go on vacation...are you going anywhere or ya just hanging? Yes a promotion b/c one of the ladies here is retiring... it would mean traveling for me and well...i've never been in a plane so I'm nervous about that part. But I'll be made Exempt and I'll get bonus at the end of the year WHOOT! (((hopefully)))) we haven't talked details b/c my boss is out ((yes its the same boss)).

Cindy, gosh thats sad about the woman's stepson... heart breaking is more like it. I'll cross my fingers for you that the job works out the way hope. Are you enjoying being home? well, when you are home LOL.

Crispy... ;) you go girl. Enjoy watching the tots.

Darcy you did awesome w/your exercise for February.. YOU GET AN *A+* YEAH FOR DARCY!!! you really inspire me girl. How is your FIL ???

Dianne, how are you feeling love. I'm sorry about your FIL's puppy :(

Sherry.... we'll talk ;) BOOOO !

Mandy you sound alot better, how are you feeling?

Kat the fence guy is a WACKO!!!! that is so scary to have to deal with an @sswipe like him. When does Rick come home? How is your DD and Grandbaby feeling?

Whats everyone doing this weekend???? nothing here and I LOVE IT!!!! well maybe I'll visit my MIL but thats it.


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Good Morning All-

Personally I am dragging---I didn't sleep well. Something woke me up just after midnight, not sure if it was a noise, a dream, what....but then my mind didn't want to shut down. I have had a few concerns about "the Moron" with Rick being gone. My brother was trying to be helpful (and it WAS) and he filled my porch with wood for me, so I didn't have to go out and haul it to the house. But I started thinking, that combined with Rick's truck being gone is like screaming to the world that I am alone. The world I don't worry too much about but "the Moron" psycho, I do a bit. I really thought I saw him drive by----but that was during the daylight, and never seen anything since....but will be glad when me honey gets home. I did not tell him. He needed this class, he enjoys it so much, and he needed to get his guys through it to meet his own projections--and his raises depend on those projections---so get outta here!!!!

NJLoser---glad to have you join us! A quick catch up----"the Moron" is a guy who ran through our field fence and left. Even with police involvment, he was losing his temper, and refused to fix it, so I sued him, he lost it in mediation (his temper again), and finally agreed to settle so we go to court on the 8th. He is just not someone you trust.

Eileenie--how exciting--what kind of travel is involved? You better plan some trips to TX---looks like Beannie planning to stop traveling! The plane is the easy part of flying these days!!! The airports are what is scary---takes foreeeeeever!! Good Luck! How's the sore throat? Mine is sore this morning on one side---waaah!!!

Mandy, how are you feeling this morning? Hope each day is an improvement! I used to get sick and stay sick that way. I was anemic all the time, felt horrid half the time. I had went to the Dr. and discussed a hysterectomy before, but when I got the cancer dx, it was done---and I have never been sick like that again. I feel healthier than I did in years. Anemia about did me in! Now not only is my blood good---I give it away! I donate again next week.

Sherry--yep you check out Tattoo boy for us---he is sounding pretty good to me!!! My DH's oldest sister and he are very close, and she told him "you picked out your ex wife---I get to pick the next one!" So when we met, and began spending time together, she told him he did good this time around!

Darcy--how's your FIL? Didn't sound so good. I hope things are ok.

Dianne--Same with you---in laws improving any? How is FIL handling his doggy being gone? Have you found any time for YOU yet?

Betty---where are you? Are you sick now too? Are you stuck in February? I would laugh it off at that if Sherry hadn't redirected us---now I am worrying!

Cindy--that is too sad about the poor woman you are filling in for. I would do what I could during the real stresses she is facing, but I would not GIVE them all of my time now--they may think you would just continue to do it unpaid, would be my worry.

Beannie--vacation? Hey I'd need a smaller suitcase to hide in now than a year ago...hint hint hint!!!! Where ya going? Any plans? Our first vacation this year is headed your way, we have lots of work to do on the place in TX. Spring is when we try to do it.

Mary--how's life chica? Kiddos? Car? 'Puter? the "W" word (work)? Pop in and update us.

Anne---I think work was a ruse...someone kidnapped you---we haven't heard from you. Are you familiar with the flying monkeys my friend????

Time to go brew some tea----too bad it is Decaf, I need something to wake me up this morning!

Talk to y'all laterz!!!


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Hey Gals...

I am keeping track of the miles everyone is posting... WTG Kat, Irene and CIndy!!!!!! I will wait and see if anyone else wants to pop in with a few more to add to our Feb. total! I haven't exercised since Saturday... and feel pretty darn bad about it ...have also been cowing out... but today... that ends. I am not going back to my old ways... I have a half marathon to do and I don't have time for flaking out. So... I am going down after I post this and doing my 3 mile WATP video.

FIL is starting to go through DT's which has been a major concern on our minds since the day this surgery was scheduled. He told the surgeon he has one martini a day. AHEM... well... make that 2-3 and make that 8 ounces of straight vodka out of the bottle...filling the glass to the brim without ice. His family MD didn't even tell the surgeon....jeeze. I think they were questioning if we were giving accurate info...until he started the DT's. He also told them he quit smoking one month ago... we disputed that and when they went to get his watch out of his bag for him they were likely to agree considering he stuff reeked of tobacco. So... he is now on Ativan... as he was getting agitated...trying to pull his tubes out... and gown off and was getting pretty beligerant. They are now going to keep him in ICU as I think they are finally realizing that we were not exagerating and that he is in for some serious detox issues. I think we are going to have an interesting and pretty complicated road ahead of us as a family. There must be a gift wrapped up in all of this somewhere...

Okay...Love all of you ladies... I need to go get my butt back on the healthy road for my own sanity.

Oh...Sherry... finished my vision board. :)

Dianne... I am so sorry about your FIL's fur baby... gosh that's hard. ((((hugs))))

Okay... Okay... Leslie... I'm coming...

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Cindy... did I read that right....???????????????????????

52 miles for Feb??????????????????? Holy WOWZA! WTG girl!!!!

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ummmmm guilty one sleeking into the corner. Miles...what miles...what ya talkin bout Willis? OH me oh my the "E" word again. I keep saying my Weightloss, exercise prayer but it hasn't kicked in yet. Hmmm New Month...New Start. I'll get miles in there this month to help our cause and me ;) Sorry I've been a slacker :)

Oooo vision board done...good job there Darcy. Mine is a work in progress. It's hanging up, it has stuff on there but, I still have some things I want on there just haven't found the right picture. Guess it's just not the right time yet ;)

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Sherry... Try calling it Motion Devotion. :)

Okay... I have Kat at 34 miles and Irene at 24 miles and CIndy at 52 miles... is there anyone else that has miles to add for Feb. totals?????? I will go ahead and post out monthly total and edit it if anyone else pops up with some Motion Devotions. ;)

FIL now has a feeding tube down. They are now planning to keep him for a number of days.

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Maybe with the feeding tube they will keep him sedated enought to let some of the addiction cravings ease. I hope so for all of you.

We are going to make that 1000 easy as a group!!!

Cindy---52 miles!!! Wow!!! How did you fit that in with everything else? I hop on the treadmill or the eliptical everynight (or try)---and just upped myself from 1 1/2 to 2 miles at a time. I may be able to add more when I can get out during the summer. I haven't added anything for my curves or weight lifting. I can see a difference in my arms tho---and boy did they need it!!!

Well I have an interesting "situation". I was sitting reading a book to Kinsey and someone come to my door, they never rang, but I had got up and went to the door...and the City had red-tagged me for past due utilities. I about come undone---my bill was paid! I just got the new one, no arrears on it! So I grab the red tag, and when I was looking for the phone # I realize it isn't for me---it is for my new neighbors, who can you believe this---have the same last name. So now do I walk over meet them for the 2nd tme, and hand them that? Do I call the City and make them re-do it.....any suggestions. I know he is home, she is a teacher and gone, but he is outside off and on sawing, they are remodeling already! I figure the bill is from the old place they lived, they have only been in this house maybe 3 weeks. I would be embarassed for my neighbor to deliver a cut off notice to me!! Hmmmmmmm


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Howdy All!

I am having some pretty serious Pre-Vacation Short-Timer's Syndrome (PVSTS). I so don't care about being here today. Of course, it's hard to care when there is so little to do. So, I have updated my airline miles, signed up for the Hilton Points thing and cleaned out my e-mail... yes - that much excitement.

Tomorrow morning we head out to my Mom & Dad's house in Tucson. It's a two day drive - unless you are a psychotic and feel the need to drive for 18 hours straight. So, we will meander across TX, NM and into AZ. No big plans once we get there - just a visit - but I am excited, anyway. I haven't seen The M & P for ages.

Cindy - (see Irene's chin hit the floor) 52 miles?!? You ROCK. I kneel before the Queen of Exercise! Wow! Are you tracking actual miles? Or did you just exercise ALL of the days in February?

NJ Loser - Hi!! Welcome to LBT and the Jersey Chat. Pull up a keyboard and tell us your life story. In terms of food - try to avoid McDonalds as much as is humanly possible. Even their "healthy" choices leave an awful lot to be desired. Try getting some sliced meats from your local deli counter - they will be a big step up from anything you can get at McD's. If you are on solids - you want them to be just that - solid. Grilled chicken Breast, Turkey, Fish (grilled or steamed), Lean Roast Beef - and cheese, in moderation are some of my favorites. Avoide sauces If you have tight restriction in the AM - try SF yogurt or a low-carb Protein shake with your coffee. Trust me when I tell you - I have done all the wrong stuff, and I have the slow weightloss to prove it. Since I have been behaving better, I have lost a full 15% of my total loss for the last year... in less than a month. Good Luck!

Mandy - How you feelin'? Hope you are getting better.

Sherry - so, you're saying Chrispy is a good judge of character? I think she just might be. She decided YOU were a keeper. Maybe we will let her make her own decision on Andy... LOL! And hey, don't make me sharpen up the old size nines... Get Thee to the Gym!!

Chrispy - don't get all excited. Andy still has to pass muster with Sherry. :)

Eileenie - so you might get to travel to Dallas? That is totally cool. Of course, if you are travelling, we will probably miss each other MORE because of conflicting travel schedules. *sigh* So you would be stuck with Boss Man - but you would be able to escape HIM once in a while, huh? Sounds promising. More money, right? I mean, travel and responsiblity are nice and all... but it's all about the money.

Kat - I can pick you up as I fly by... it's a Detour, but heck, DH will understand... I have to get out of TX before the cold weather comes back... Oh my. That's a hard one... but if the city is threatening to shut them down - you might want to take it over to them. Pretty embarrassing - but better than being without hot Water...

Darcy - How will I EVER live up to Cindy's example? Geez - that would be 26 days out of the month for me... THAT just isn't going to happen! But at least March is a longer month. So, did the doc's think you were Exaggerating about FIL? When will they learn. I hope he is doing ok. Hugs!

Well - the scale continues to reward my good behavior - which makes it SO much easier to be good. We'll see how the whole Vacation thing goes.

Today my home-scale + 4 is 290. That is pretty darned exciting.

I will have to see if I can just MAINTAIN that while I am on Vacation.

Well, I have to run to the bank.

I will check in again later.


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Well..lets see where do I begin....i work full-time and my husband works two jobs....I have two boys...4 and 17 months..who keep me very busy because they are always into something they shouldnt be....I am having a hard time putting meals together....not sure what to eat....I work for a fire dept...doing the billing for the ambulance service here....and anything else they need help with except putting out fires...lol...good thing i dont like to climb ladders....everyone is so nice here...such a pleasure to come in and see the people that actually talk to u and respnd to mail...well good lick all on the weight loss...take care Deb

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ahhhhh---now see there's the post I was waiting for----Deb---it just feels wrong to carry on a conversation with someone and call them Loser in any context!!!

Yep hang out with us, we are a talkin' bunch!!!


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Hi Deb!!!

I'm with Kat - calling you Loser just seemed wrong, somehow...

We have lots of Super Mom's on this thread - and some Super Grandmas, too.

What to eat is always the question - and it comes down to whatever kind of foods that you like - that fall within the guidelines.

Do you like chicken? Can you eat it? When DH doesn't want to cook, I stop off at Tom Thumb and pick up a roasted chicken or a Turkey Breast. They taste delicious and are good solid Protein.

I eat lots of raw veggies with severly portioned dip**. **Dip is dangerous. It's only in the last month or two that I have figured out how to control it: 1/2 cup gladware containers. I make a whole 1.5 - 2 cup batch and portion it out into 5 or 6 of these little containers. When I make the dip, I measure everything conscientiously and add up the calories for a batch total. Then I divide the total by the number of containers that I use. So, when I go to work, I can grab a back of sliced veggies and a container of dip and know that I have "X" number of calories in that container. Even when I make it myself using low cal ingredients - dip is high calorie stuff... so Portion Control is crucial.

Aside from poultry and veggies, I have been known to just pick the meat & veggies out of whatever DH has cooked for the evening. He has been trying to accomodate me by not putting potatoes and turnips in everything - but if he does, I just pick around them.

If you don't want to go low carb (not everybody does) I would suggest that you drag out whatever your most successful diet plan was and take recipe's from that. Alas - we still have to "diet" to some extent. It just doesn't hurt as much as it used to. :]

Right now, I am counting both carbs and calories. I still say 1500 is a good number - but that's just me. Pick a calorie number that you have been successful at before and use that. Eating 1500 calories a day - and keeping my carb count low (I can't give you and accurate number. I think I am realistically getting about 40 grams a day) I have been losing .3 to .5 pounds a day. **IF** I exercise, too. 30 minutes at the gym at least 3-4 times a week is absolutely required.

This is just my most recent experience. I am an expert at how easy it is to lie to yourself about how many calories you are eating - so I have become very strict with myself.

Nice to meet you~!! Good Luck with the whole diet plan - and with those darling bambinos!

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Here is a nice low carb treat. I make these for my 5 year old nd she loves them

lunch meat sliced thick (ham or turkey work best)

fat free cream cheese I also like the creamy dill spread my mom uses ricotta

a dill pickle spear

make a thin layer of cream cheese on the lunch meat, then wrap around the pickle, slice into pinwheels. They taste good, are low carb, low fat and really filling. They also keep for 2 or 3 days in the fridge.

I do the same thing with roast beef slices and goat cheese, then put them under the broiler for a quick second to brown the cheese. yum!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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