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No more lap bands in my area?

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I had a lap and for almost 3 years, decent success but much misery, had to have a revision due to prolapse. ANYWAY at the time of my revision my doc and I had this discussion on the shift in bariatric procedures. There are many factors at play (FYI I'm a physician assistant so my appointments with him tend to be 1/2 patient/doctor and 1/2 medical politics). I can't speak for every bariatric surgeon but for mine, reimbursement for the band, fills, etc is very good. They get paid well for very little effort, I personally put no weight in the argument that it's all about the money. The fills and follow up on a lap band patient essentially guarantee continued income. His personal issue with the band was the increasing complication rate. In fact, as of last fall, he was still performing bands, but no longer recommended them, he only did a band when patients specifically requested them. I am not band bashing, don't jump my butt, but PERSONALLY I think there was a huge influx of patients several years ago looking for an easy fix and the band was all the hype. It's quick, it's easy, it's reversible. I think a lot of surgeons jumped in looking for easy money and not thinking of the long term maintenance. I think a lot of people jumped on board because A-it worked, and B-it's a relatively easy procedure, again, not thinking of the long term commitment needed. We are now seeing the results and complications from this. It's not a bad surgery, for the right people, but I do think it got pushed hard for not necessarily the best reasons and now we're seeing that taper off to a more normal level. I love my RNY. Should have gotten it in the first place. Yes I dump, I'm one of the few. The vast majority of RNYers have no issues with dumping. This was the right choice for me,but it took me twice to figure that out. Yes my plumbing is slightly rerouted, yes I will have to take Vitamins for the rest of my life because I have malabsorption. In all honesty, I don't care! It's working, it feel fabulous, that's what matters. This is what works for me. Can't we all just be friends??? We have so much knowledge and experience we can share if we pool our resources.....

I applaud you posting about your experience and would never jump on anyone for a post. I agree that we all need to get along, but will limit my posts on this forum until that takes place. As I said previously, we are all fighting and hopefully winning our respective fight against obesity and I would like us all to learn from each other. Good luck to you

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I had a lap and for almost 3 years

I am not band bashing, don't jump my butt, but PERSONALLY I think there was a huge influx of patients several years ago looking for an easy fix and the band was all the hype. It's quick, it's easy, it's reversible. I think a lot of surgeons jumped in looking for easy money and not thinking of the long term maintenance. I think a lot of people jumped on board because A-it worked, and B-it's a relatively easy procedure, again, not thinking of the long term commitment needed. We are now seeing the results and complications from this. It's not a bad surgery, for the right people, but I do think it got pushed hard for not necessarily the best reasons and now we're seeing that taper off to a more normal level.

Can't we all just be friends??? We have so much knowledge and experience we can share if we pool our resources.....

Yet, you still couldn't help yourself from taking a shot? Yeah, let's all be friends?

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It's like B-52 said, docs see so many band patients that come in to their office in tears but then a year later want to live life the way they did before the band and go back to making poor decisions. Looking at it from the docs point of view, why would they want to bust their ass doing these surgeries to have their work destroyed by some lazy band patient or one that just wasnt mentally prepared for the work involved with the band. The band is work. We all know that. In my industry, I only want to make so many repairs before I just get frustrated and say I'm done. I'm sure docs feel that way everyday. If there is no reward for you in your work then why would you keep doing it? There are actually many benefits of the sleeve. More so than the band I believe. I still ultimately chose the band because I wanted to start with moderate severity surgery wise. I knew I could work the band and mentally handle all that it requires. I liked having the adjustability and I just liked the idea of having more control of me. Do I expect complications with the band?? Honestly yes. I will cross that path when it comes. Do I hope there are complications? Not at all. It just makes sense that docs are moving away from bands, higher reward for their work rate and higher success rate with the sleeve. Docs end up being graded by patients based on their success rates of their surgeries performed. Band patients take the control of success in their own hands and out of the docs. No one likes to be graded on something they don't have control of. Do I believe that all docs are giving the band a fair shake? Nope. I think they ultimately want to do what they feel is best for their practice and the general population not just the individual patient. I don't think it has anything to do with money making. Docs charge accordingly for their services. I believe it all has to do with lack of control and success with band patients. You have to admit, most band patients don't give the band a good name when it comes to long term control.

Like the other surgeries, I think people start out very strong willed when banded. But as the years pass, many revert to old habits. They don't only do it with the band; they do it with ALL surgeries. The difference is, the other surgeries have a huge weight loss right out of the gate. The band takes more work. Some have the will to carry through, and some don't. At the end of 3-5 years, many people do gain a portion of weight, no matter what surgery they chose. No matter how you slice or dice it, it all comes down to some sort of self control……..something most all of us were never good with long term. We can only take this journey one day at a time, and I don't care WHAT surgery you have. That is just a reality with the issue we've dealt with most of our lives.

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There are many factors at play (FYI I'm a physician assistant so my appointments with him tend to be 1/2 patient/doctor and 1/2 medical politics). I can't speak for every bariatric surgeon but for mine, reimbursement for the band, fills, etc is very good. They get paid well for very little effort, I personally put no weight in the argument that it's all about the money.

Yes! the argument presented here that the doctors don't want to be bothered with repeat business therefore promote the sleeve (or bypass) is ridiculous! Oh by the by I have regular appointments with my surgeon... He wasn't just operating and shoving me out the door.

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Thanks for the reasoned comment. Just keep in mind that of all the different options with WLS, this is the only surgery where the patient has the option of revising(99%/time) to pre band or one of 4 other WLS options. Therefore it's easy to come to this forum and compare.

You won't see many bandsters on any other forum stating the bypass didn't work so now they're banded? This is why so many people choose the band.

I know a couple of people who had the bypass a few years ago, and ended up having the band placed over it. Really? If the bypass is so successful long term, what's up with the added band??

Challenging each other's surgery on this or any other site is ridiculous. It ALL boils down to control; like it or not. None of these surgeries are a magic wand that changes our psyche. The combination of WLS forums on this site was a huge mistake. It's bad enough that we argue within our own "family". Now this? I don't know how much longer I will stay on this forum. It seems there is way too much of an influx from the other surgery posters. I'm not judging anyone's surgery choice, but we had enough issues with e-fights without adding the opinions of other WLS patients.

Geez……Alex, I really miss the old site.

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Hey 2muchfun, I have read soccermomma's post over and over again. You claimed she was taking a shot. I read nowhere in her post a "shot" being taken. Did I miss something? I actually found it to be a good read. She posted her own experience, stated what she had learned from her surgeon, threw in her opinion as to why there is becoming a lack of the band in many areas (isn't that this threads topic anyway), she admitted that its not a bad surgery and even threw up a white flag to try and pool resources. What am I missing? I think she's the type of person this site needs because she obviously appears to be able to be unbiased which can't be said for many others, even our own. I didn't read that she was trying to discredit the band or sell the sleeve, she merely stated it didn't work for her but it is a good option for the right people. If I missed something than I'll join in with torches and axes at her forum door step right beside you but I don't think I did.

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The difference is, the other surgeries have a huge weight loss right out of the gate.

I'm glad you said this. Brings up a lingering question I've had. It seems like I read or hear so many instances of huge loss amounts within months of the surgeries aside from the band. This is great for those people losing weight and I commend them on their journey. My question is this though, can you lose weight too fast?? I've heard that you can and its obvious that dramatic amounts of pounds can be shed quickly with the other surgeries. Excuse my ignorance again but is that really all that healthy or safe? Again, I'm asking, not trying to wage a war. I truly seek an answer.

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I'm glad you said this. Brings up a lingering question I've had. It seems like I read or hear so many instances of huge loss amounts within months of the surgeries aside from the band. This is great for those people losing weight and I commend them on their journey. My question is this though, can you lose weight too fast?? I've heard that you can and its obvious that dramatic amounts of pounds can be shed quickly with the other surgeries. Excuse my ignorance again but is that really all that healthy or safe? Again, I'm asking, not trying to wage a war. I truly seek an answer.

I lost weight very fast and I did it with the Lap Band. I lost 178 pounds in the first year and had lost 230 pounds within 20 months.

My surgeon, nutritionist, and my own research all confirm that it's a big myth that you can't lose weight both quickly and in a healthy manner. If you're starving yourself or losing because of malabsorbtion, then yes you can become unhealthy and sickly looking. But if you're getting the necessary Vitamins and calories you most certainly lose quickly while remaining healthy.

There are others on this forum who've lost quickly with the Lap Band while remaining very healthy, too. We're not the norm by any means but we are proof it is possible.

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whatever weight loss surgery one decides to get, i wish them all the best and to have better health

that is the the only thing i will add to this forum thread..

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Congrats on your success. I hope to share very similar numbers when Sleeve Perry and I get to goal.

I'll not quote you but it seems like your last two posts proclaimed your success, as well it should, and slammed alternative WLS options, which is counterproductive and fuels the fire.

If you do not want the drama then perhaps join me and many others in ignoring those who stir the pot and instead wish to share in each other's successes?

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The difference is, the other surgeries have a huge weight loss right out of the gate.

I'm glad you said this. Brings up a lingering question I've had. It seems like I read or hear so many instances of huge loss amounts within months of the surgeries aside from the band. This is great for those people losing weight and I commend them on their journey. My question is this though, can you lose weight too fast?? I've heard that you can and its obvious that dramatic amounts of pounds can be shed quickly with the other surgeries. Excuse my ignorance again but is that really all that healthy or safe? Again, I'm asking, not trying to wage a war. I truly seek an answer.


Protein is pushed immediately after surgery, second only to hydration for VSG patients.

(I cannot speak to RNY aftercare)

This is in part to ensure that vital organs, like the heart, are staying healthy while the rapid weight loss occurs.

If a patient chooses to ignore the postop diet, designed with healing and health, then there certainly is risk.

If a patient follows those guidelines then the risk is greatly mitigated.

If you stroll through the VSG forums you will find many a post bemoaning Protein shakes.

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Of the three bariatric practices I visited in my state, two refuse to do lapband (entire practice, not just individual docs) and the third had one doc out of twelve who would only do it if you did a WHOLE LOTTA pre-op work. I wasn't interested in LB but I did find this trend interesting. (Not slamming the LB before anyone gets all ape-sheet crazy on me, just stating my "experience". :D )

Each surgery has it's pros and cons and only I can make the best decision for me, just as only you can make the best decision for you. That doesn't make me right *or* you right, it makes us BOTH right as long as we are making strides towards good habits and healthy weight loss.

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I don't know how much longer I will stay on this forum. It seems there is way too much of an influx from the other surgery posters. I'm not judging anyone's surgery choice, but we had enough issues with e-fights without adding the opinions of other WLS patients. Geez……Alex, I really miss the old site.

I was thinking the same thing. I got flamed just last week for commenting about what I feel is the superior attitudes of some of our own....now it comes from all sites. I'm grateful I had this site, but I sure do feel sorry for those really looking for advice. Way too much fighting and a lot less sharing. Even the sharing is turning into arguments. And this was such a good forum. I'm sure Alex meant well. I still love my band.

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Hey 2muchfun, I have read soccermomma's post over and over again. You claimed she was taking a shot. I read nowhere in her post a "shot" being taken. Did I miss something? I actually found it to be a good read. She posted her own experience, stated what she had learned from her surgeon, threw in her opinion as to why there is becoming a lack of the band in many areas (isn't that this threads topic anyway), she admitted that its not a bad surgery and even threw up a white flag to try and pool resources. What am I missing? I think she's the type of person this site needs because she obviously appears to be able to be unbiased which can't be said for many others, even our own. I didn't read that she was trying to discredit the band or sell the sleeve, she merely stated it didn't work for her but it is a good option for the right people. If I missed something than I'll join in with torches and axes at her forum door step right beside you but I don't think I did.

"I think a lot of surgeons jumped in looking for easy money and not thinking of the long term maintenance. I think a lot of people jumped on board because A-it worked, and B-it's a relatively easy procedure, again, not thinking of the long term commitment needed. We are now seeing the results and complications from this. It's not a bad surgery, for the right people, but I do think it got pushed hard for not necessarily the best reasons and now we're seeing that taper off to a more normal level."

I'm reading a backhanded compliment here . By comparison it's not nearly as egregious as some of the others but still, it reads, oh the band is good, but! I don't think it was malicious or intentional and I'm not one who wants all other forum members to go away. I'm sure she has much to offer and welcome her and all others with open arms.


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