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No more lap bands in my area?

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I understand what your saying but my band only lasted 4 years and had to be removed in emergency surgery. I have since had bypass and truly wish I had done it from the beginning

Thanks for the reasoned comment. Just keep in mind that of all the different options with WLS, this is the only surgery where the patient has the option of revising(99%/time) to pre band or one of 4 other WLS options. Therefore it's easy to come to this forum and compare.

You won't see many bandsters on any other forum stating the bypass didn't work so now they're banded? This is why so many people choose the band.

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Amanda I say don't let the door hit you, I want to hear your opinion on what was stated wrong about vsg. I don't think you in anyway questioned people's choice of WLS. I will admit that there are people that say band is the only choice but did you read my response? My biggest debate for any conversation is that it is A choice, not the choice and definitely wouldn't push one or the other. I just don't like getting grouped or hated on because I made MY choice.

You don't have to leave band land forum but could you help keep haters out:) Seems that some sleevers post terrible things on band land then go to the sleeve side and brag about their war stirring post.

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The most common VSG misconception I've seen tossed around is about "stretching" the sleeve. That is damn near impossible due to the nature of the surgery. And the tone it's been used in is a taunting tone. I've read the mention of VSGers having a lot of dumping. Although it happens, it is rare. Very rare.

But you're right. No one from either "side" should antagonize each other simply for entertainment and sport. We discredit ourselves and look like jerks when we do.

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The most common VSG misconception I've seen tossed around is about "stretching" the sleeve. That is damn near impossible due to the nature of the surgery. And the tone it's been used in is a taunting tone. I've read the mention of VSGers having a lot of dumping. Although it happens, it is rare. Very rare.

But you're right. No one from either "side" should antagonize each other simply for entertainment and sport. We discredit ourselves and look like jerks when we do.

Was any of that brought up in this thread? Forgive me if I'm thinking wrong, can the sleeve not be stretched? As I said earlier, I know there are tremendous benefits of the sleeve, it doesn't go without its issues though. Can't a person mistreat their sleeve and eat around it just like you can with band or bypass? This is not a debate question I'm asking. I'm asking honest opinion or stated fact here.

I read where you said you're a social gal. I can appreciate that and wish everyone was more social. It seems that with the merger that there are more hens in the house and everyone is trying to determine a pecking order. Sad really cause I think we should all be able to support and congratulate each other.

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The most common VSG misconception I've seen tossed around is about "stretching" the sleeve. That is damn near impossible due to the nature of the surgery. And the tone it's been used in is a taunting tone. I've read the mention of VSGers having a lot of dumping. Although it happens, it is rare. Very rare.

But you're right. No one from either "side" should antagonize each other simply for entertainment and sport. We discredit ourselves and look like jerks when we do.

Was any of that brought up in this thread? Forgive me if I'm thinking wrong, can the sleeve not be stretched? As I said earlier, I know there are tremendous benefits of the sleeve, it doesn't go without its issues though. Can't a person mistreat their sleeve and eat around it just like you can with band or bypass? This is not a debate question I'm asking. I'm asking honest opinion or stated fact here.

I read where you said you're a social gal. I can appreciate that and wish everyone was more social. It seems that with the merger that there are more hens in the house and everyone is trying to determine a pecking order. Sad really cause I think we should all be able to support and congratulate each other.

More of a build up of various comments on different threads. Regarding the misinformation that is. Yes we most certainly can eat around our sleeve. And many people do. Crackers slide through rather easily. I've resolved to avoid them. But it's not a because we've stretched the sleeve. It's because we are making poor choices.Like the band, the sleeve is a WLS tool designed to aid us in our journey, and not carry us.

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Back on point...next visit to the Surgeon and I am going to have a serious talk about long term effects with the band...

I will be 62 before my 3 year mark (very soon) with the band...which means at least 3 good years left with my excellent insurance (unless Obama takes it away)....so if I am going to make any change, it will be soon....

I have also wondered what it would be like to have the band removed completely...I have been at my optimal goal for 2 years now, have a very low boidy fat %, and all my new eating habits are all part of me now, don't think twice about it....

However I do worry about my appetite and hunger returning, and also without the band and the returning hunger, there would be no stoppage to my portion sizes other than my shrunken hard stomach...but that could stretch again as before.

Need to have a good sit down with him....

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I certainly do not want drama or to bash anyone's choice. It is a personal choice... :)

I saw this thread and read through it, and there was a lot of misinformation about VSG and RNY being thrown out there insinuating that the band is The Choice, and the others were simply sub-par. That bothered me. :(

It bothered me that 2muchfun named "failed" banders as people who should not be heard from. That seems disingenuous. :angry:

But I agree with you about one thing. I am "trespassing" on Lapband Land. And I opined. I did not bash, but I did opine. :huh:

That said, I truly wish everyone infinite success and zero complications no matter which WLS tool they chose/choose. ;)

I will try not to let the door hit me as I make my way back on to VSG Land. Should you or any others venture over for a visit please bring high protein/low carb Snacks. Please, no sliders. B)

Wow, this thread seems to have gotten out of hand...I can't keep up with who said what.

I hope the belief that seems to be stated in this thread that ANYone is "trespassing" on here will end right now.

I think people with different opinions, different backgrounds, different ways of expressing their experience, and especially people who have chosen a different solution to the same problem I have (obesity) can really add a lot to the discussions we are all here to have.

I'm not here to agree or disagree with anyone. Sometimes I read a post out of curiosity and sometimes I read it because I think I might be able to help and sometimes I read it because I think it might help ME! And I guess I have assumed that is why we're all here. Assumptions tend to get me in trouble :) especially when I assume someone elses intent.

I hope we can all get back to some clarity here.

I hope all are welcome on this site.

And as we all know, being respectful of eachother's differing view points is a must. I have learned a lot from people with completely different view points than mine. Sometimes hearing from them cements my own point of view even stronger, but there are times when it has really helped to see something from a different vantage point that I wouldn't otherwise have seen.

Amanda, I hope you'll pop in as you like along with anyone else who would like to be part of supporting each other on one of the most difficult things we will ever do in this lifetime.


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Back on point...next visit to the Surgeon and I am going to have a serious talk about long term effects with the band... I will be 62 before my 3 year mark (very soon) with the band...which means at least 3 good years left with my excellent insurance (unless Obama takes it away)....so if I am going to make any change, it will be soon.... I have also wondered what it would be like to have the band removed completely...I have been at my optimal goal for 2 years now, have a very low boidy fat %, and all my new eating habits are all part of me now, don't think twice about it.... However I do worry about my appetite and hunger returning, and also without the band and the returning hunger, there would be no stoppage to my portion sizes other than my shrunken hard stomach...but that could stretch again as before. Need to have a good sit down with him....

Interesting, so you believe that the band had shrunken your stomach kind of like the sleeve but without the cutting?

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Back on point...next visit to the Surgeon and I am going to have a serious talk about long term effects with the band...

I will be 62 before my 3 year mark (very soon) with the band...which means at least 3 good years left with my excellent insurance (unless Obama takes it away)....so if I am going to make any change, it will be soon....

I have also wondered what it would be like to have the band removed completely...I have been at my optimal goal for 2 years now, have a very low boidy fat %, and all my new eating habits are all part of me now, don't think twice about it....

However I do worry about my appetite and hunger returning, and also without the band and the returning hunger, there would be no stoppage to my portion sizes other than my shrunken hard stomach...but that could stretch again as before.

Need to have a good sit down with him....

Very good idea to have a good sit down with your doctor. I wonder how old the oldest person with a Band is and how it has been for them as they got older?

I had my band removed because my body could not tolerate it and I am continuing to lose weight without it, and fairly easily. Congratulations on reaching and keeping your goal!!!!

It's great you have the foresight to start making plans about what to do in accordance with your situation and what's best for your health.

I hope you'll share what your doctor says!


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The decision on which procedure to undergo is a personal decision. I have lost and regained 50-100lbs several times during my adult life and initially was going to be banded. The decider for me was watching three neighbors who underwent the band experience severe complications. Two ultimately had their bands removed after band slippage, port infections, and erosion, and have undergone revision surgery.

After recovering from a life threatening MRSA infection, I did not want to have anymore foreign bodies in me than the titanium I already have. I also don't believe anyone who did not have the band should be bashed as being misinformed or stupid. My surgeon and his partners no longer performs LapBands after removing more than they implant, and don't expect it to be around much longer. My brother in law underwent RnY six weeks earlier than, but there were issues with that procedure were too much for me. I am happy for anyone who has the band and is happy and successful with it. However, others should not be assailed for having a dissenting opinion.

Since all three procedures have been joined into under one umbrella, no one should be accused of "trespassing". We all have our own experiences and opinions and should not be denigrated for it. For me the sleeve was the right procedure at the right time in my life. I am 9 months post op and 108lbs lighter with no worries about regain this time and only 32lbs left to goal. Good luck to us all since we all have the same common disease know as obesity and are doing our best to conquer it.

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The decision on which procedure to undergo is a personal decision. I have lost and regained 50-100lbs several times during my adult life and initially was going to be banded. The decider for me was watching three neighbors who underwent the band experience severe complications. Two ultimately had their bands removed after band slippage, port infections, and erosion, and have undergone revision surgery.

After recovering from a life threatening MRSA infection, I did not want to have anymore foreign bodies in me than the titanium I already have. I also don't believe anyone who did not have the band should be bashed as being misinformed or stupid. My surgeon and his partners no longer performs LapBands after removing more than they implant, and don't expect it to be around much longer. My brother in law underwent RnY six weeks earlier than, but there were issues with that procedure were too much for me. I am happy for anyone who has the band and is happy and successful with it. However, others should not be assailed for having a dissenting opinion.

Since all three procedures have been joined into under one umbrella, no one should be accused of "trespassing". We all have our own experiences and opinions and should not be denigrated for it. For me the sleeve was the right procedure at the right time in my life. I am 9 months post op and 108lbs lighter with no worries about regain this time and only 32lbs left to goal. Good luck to us all since we all have the same common disease know as obesity and are doing our best to conquer it.

I really like what you had to say. You gave your own personal reasons for a very personal type of surgery. And I especially like that you have been successful!!! Yahoo!

Let's get this "trespassing" thing OUT of our combined forum!! :)

Being at odds with people who are dealing with the very same medical issue we all have (obesity) doesn't make any sense....and we're all doing the best we can do right now. Some days we're doing pretty well, other days not so much.

Thank you for your reply!


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Thank you Hiddnstar. I try to keep my replies related to my personal experiences. I have undergone 6 surgeries in 5 years including 2 neurosurgeries in 1 year and feel life is too unpredictable to spend it fighting over trivial things. Good luck on you weight loss journey.

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Thank you Hiddnstar. I try to keep my replies related to my personal experiences. I have undergone 6 surgeries in 5 years including 2 neurosurgeries in 1 year and feel life is too unpredictable to spend it fighting over trivial things. Good luck on you weight loss journey.

Thank you! I can feel you coming from your heart :)

Good luck to you, as well!

I love your outlook on life.


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I have to respectfully disagree on the trespassing statement. There is no reason for someone who's not even a Lap Band patient to come onto this portion of the forum, on a thread that has nothing to do with them, and start posting half backed articles bashing on the Lap Band. I have seen a lot of downright ridiculous threads over on the Gastric Bypass and Sleeve forums yet I don't get involved. Why? Because I don't have the Sleeve or Gastric Bypass so it's none of my business. It's not my place to tell them what's wrong with their WLS of choice. I choose to take the high road and respect their decision rather than attempt to discredit it. It's too bad everyone else can't do the same.

I haven't and will not discredit anyone for their respective decision on which procedure to undergo. My brother in law had a bypass, it wasn't for me but I didn't speak Ill of him or discredit him for it. That was his decision and I am happy for his success. I joined the old RnY site as I did the old LapBand forum when I was researching the procedures and have read the sites periodically to learn about the experiences of others. I truly am happy for anyone who is successful with their respective surgical choice. I respect your right to your opinion and I ask that you do the same for mine.

We all have the right to read, visit, and comment on anything we choose. However, none of us should ever be negative towards the other.

If you do not agree with at, then we will have to agree to respectfully disagree.

However, I truly wish you well on your journey. As I have said on the sleeve site many times when things got contentious- can't we all just get along?

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I had a lap and for almost 3 years, decent success but much misery, had to have a revision due to prolapse. ANYWAY at the time of my revision my doc and I had this discussion on the shift in bariatric procedures. There are many factors at play (FYI I'm a physician assistant so my appointments with him tend to be 1/2 patient/doctor and 1/2 medical politics). I can't speak for every bariatric surgeon but for mine, reimbursement for the band, fills, etc is very good. They get paid well for very little effort, I personally put no weight in the argument that it's all about the money. The fills and follow up on a lap band patient essentially guarantee continued income. His personal issue with the band was the increasing complication rate. In fact, as of last fall, he was still performing bands, but no longer recommended them, he only did a band when patients specifically requested them.

I am not band bashing, don't jump my butt, but PERSONALLY I think there was a huge influx of patients several years ago looking for an easy fix and the band was all the hype. It's quick, it's easy, it's reversible. I think a lot of surgeons jumped in looking for easy money and not thinking of the long term maintenance. I think a lot of people jumped on board because A-it worked, and B-it's a relatively easy procedure, again, not thinking of the long term commitment needed. We are now seeing the results and complications from this. It's not a bad surgery, for the right people, but I do think it got pushed hard for not necessarily the best reasons and now we're seeing that taper off to a more normal level.

I love my RNY. Should have gotten it in the first place. Yes I dump, I'm one of the few. The vast majority of RNYers have no issues with dumping. This was the right choice for me,but it took me twice to figure that out. Yes my plumbing is slightly rerouted, yes I will have to take Vitamins for the rest of my life because I have malabsorption. In all honesty, I don't care! It's working, it feel fabulous, that's what matters. This is what works for me.

Can't we all just be friends??? We have so much knowledge and experience we can share if we pool our resources.....

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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