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Hi everyone back in Miami. I wrote a beautiful long email overnight on thurs bc of course I was still on east coast time but I fell asleep and it was deleted. Sorry...hehe.

Ok so here I go...I have a low bmi. I started Jan 2012 at 5'3 188/190. I have tried everything...my dedication and passion for working out is unwavering until something happened and I can't explain it...no one can. In 2006 I weigh 160 and I looked great even though 134 is my perfect weight or well my dream #. I had an amazing trainer but finances and + the death of my grandmother spiraled me upwards until I could no longer look back. The best years with the most grandiose moments I spent so miserable about my weigh. In 2009 after some of my greatest professional accomplishments I laid in a hotel pool w 3 friends. 2 of which had come back from Colombia from Lipo, 1 which had gastric plication from a dr.sales puccini then lipo. He would not perform lipo unless she lost weight. They looked unbelievable frolicking in bikinis. I was sooo envious but happy for them. We went to a pizza place after and I'll never forget it...she could barely eat half a slice meanwhile I thought I was being modest with just 2. At the time bariatric surgery was an obscene notion.

Years passed I dieted, went back to my trainer, did cross fit, paleo diets, saw homeopathic dr's for what I thought was a hormone problem, gyno for pcos, cardiologist for heart, endocrinologist for diabetes, nutritionist for diet...nothing...all came back negative. No pcos thyroid problem cholesterol or diabetes...wtf!!! Am I the only human to defy the law of thermogenics...the lowest I got was 175 and I though I rocked 175...190 creeped back up. So this past summer while laying on a beach in puerto Rico in a rolly Polly bathing suit I was DONE...I vowed to do whatever it took 134 in 2012 is my goal this is my year to make magic and personal happiness mine. I wasn't even sure where to start. But I prayed and just let God know my health first and he would lead the way. The first week of Feb one of my three friends the one that had gone for lipo but no plication told me she had gained weight and then some that the Colombian dr. Was in town doing consults and she was going no matter what the 1st week of March. I ran and made an appt. I was a week out from seeing him and I started doing research to formulate questions. This dr does not call it plication rather branded the procedure his own name. oops battery died...as i was saying. I started researching ferosciouly. I couldn't find a whole lot on Dr. Puccini-Sales all i had was the evidence of my friends and their overwhelming success. BTW the original friend that had plication/lipo, had a baby a year after her plication and she had a healthy beautiful baby and bounced right back to her thin weight after giving birth, they actually had to photo shop her baby bump it was so small. i digress, other friends went after her and they too look like bombshells but going to colombia to baranquilla didn't appeal to me and i did not like that i could not find posts on Puccini Sales, not on the bariatric times, or public state posting, nothing. The proof was in the pudding, but i wasn't convinced and the price although similar to what i ended up paying at the OCC + or Minus was about the same. I researched Dr. Ortiz and OCC, i was pretty convinced even though i not one to fall for many marketing tools which they use many, nonetheless the decision was made. I was going to go in March for the sake of combining it with another trip, but after things kinda of fell apart from the perspective of company going with me, my friend who had gastric bypass over 10 years ago went with me. i booked the week before valentines day and was scheduled for the 15th. Tijuana was hard to roll off the tongue, i don't recommend you tell too many people but your closest confidants because you will get an ear full about Tijuana, everyone has an opinion, yet no one has gone or can provide evidence outside their perception.

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so i flew on Vday, started my liquid diet Friday before going. Which to be frank i didn't mind, i was zoo busy i hardly had time to pay attention. flying from the east coast is a bit of a pain, there are no direct flights, but VIRGIN AMERICA was amazing, every time we made it to the gate it was already boarding, seamless. when we arrived finally in San Diego, the van to from the OCC was already there. on time and ready. I speak spanish and it was nice conversation. Everything the OCC does is perfectly choreographed. From the moment you meet the driver at SAN to the moment you end you journey and drive home. I don't want to ruin the experience for you but trust me its funny. The marriott was great, really clean and safe. Lots of security in the lobby and you cannot enter the floor of your guest room without a key. The room was very clean and comfortable. The duvets are white which i prefer at hotels. there is not dates coverall. The bellman gave me instructions for ordering room service bc everything in my OCC diet is included. broth, popsicles. They know what you need and are ready. My friend who ate regular food as well found the prices to be VERY affordable. No meal from room service was more than $12 with tip. The bellman even scheduled the wake up call. The shower was very clean and the bath products are Bath and Body Works. It does not feel like a hotel outside of the states. Marriott brand standards are very well kept. In the morning i was the first one in. Everything started at 7am, bloodwork, nutritionist, cardiologist, the works...and from the reception to the nursing staff, everyone is EXTREMELY attentive, loving, caring and nurturing. The walk you step by step through every single little thing they do to you and for you. I was taken back though, i don't know what i was thinking but i did not expect to stay overnight. I though i would leave the night of surgery back to the marriott, but you actually stay there. The room is everything they post online. EXTREMELY clean, nice duvets, a calming little Water thing on the side of your bed and free calls to the US. Without as much as question. Wifi is there in the center throughout. I went into my room and they had to give me a sedative, i was pretty hysterical. But once that kicked in my friend and i met with the surgeons, from the General Medical Dr. to Dr. Martinez and Dr. Ortiz. They have UNREAL bedside manners, they talk so much with you and address every concern. To the point that my friend and i were in shock because it was at least 30min in the room just talking and talking. I went into surgery very very calm, i lay on that black surgical bed, i was so calm. The anesthesiologist was wonderful and Dr. Ortiz said CIAO! I woke up in my bed with my friend next to me. No pain. Just very thirsty. I spoke to my family and everything was ok. visiting hours ends at 4pm. my friend was taken back to the marriott and she felt very safe. Also, getting into the OCC is no small feat. They don't open the door even for food delivery. My friend ordered food while i was in surgery, there was a delivery selection book.

Overnight, i walked a lot. It just felt better. As soon as i got up there was the nurse. I cannot account accurately how ofter or how many times but there were two overnight nurses and one overnight general doctor.

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They took my temperature, kept my IV always refreshed and constantly monitored my meds. There was never a moment when i questioned where they were or if they had remembered me...i mean unreal the service. Constantly at my call. Although thank goodness i didn't need them. Walking is vital. It helps so much with the gases which is the main source of pain or rather angst. I was up very often but not because of pain simply discomfort. I DO NOT recommend you drink anything or ask for ice. as soon as i sipped on ice and threw it back up and it was not pretty. you don't need it my IV was running and changed so ofter i knew i was hydrated. The morning came, they finished monitoring my med, asked questions, the surgeons came in and checked on me again, spent quite some time again at least 45min this time talking and talking. I was released probably around noon, but not before i was checked with an X-ray machine for leaks and digestion track. I went back to the hotel and just showered, rested and tried to take down anything i could. I walked a lot, i would force myself to do at least 5-6 rounds sometimes ten around the entire floor with my friend. We went down by the hotel pool and took in some fresh air, walked around again and just relaxed. I did not like the broth at the marriott, i was thankful that i packed some ramon noodle packs, i would add hot Water from a tea order on the flight or even at the hotel. You can barely take down half a cup. I recommend you pack Gatorade, electrolyte water and packs of ramon noodles even though you will only have the broth. i like mine hot so the room temp broths were not my thing. The meds i bough at the OCC were great. I did not need pain meds even though i bough the sublinguals. The anti-acid is great and the naseau has gone unopened - i had ZERO naseau the entire time. Friday i went back to the OCC for one last check up, even though it was not included they welcomed me and gave me one more look on the Xray, since i live clear across the US it is not easy to get back here nor do i feel comfortable going to a bariatric surgeon in Miami that has neither performed the surgery or knows what they are looking for. I did tell the dr. that the pangs or discomfort from eating and drinking which feels like fireworks are going off in your tummy whenever you eat something was driving me crazy he gave me a small pill that i took a box home. It helps with the stomach muscle spasms which i think is what they were. I will be back in 6mos for my endoscopy and to enjoy everything i missed out on in Tijuana and San Diego. The trip back i booked FIRST CLASS, if your flight is more than 1-2hrs, i highly recommend this. Although you will have a very small amount of discomfort really from the external larascopic sutures, you want need and deserve the care and comfort of not waiting-every dime i spent on first class back on the red eye was worth it. I am back home, i have slept for hours and hours, I've taken very little down, i can't even count. Powerade, electrolyte water, grandma's life saving broth (she claims it can bring the dead back to life lol) and i went to whole foods. I bought some organic popsicles, stocked up on my keffir yogurt for the week and i also purchased a green food supplement that has Probiotics and lots of Vibrant Health and Green Vibrance. It has 25 million probiotics from 12 strains. I have been adding a little bit at a time to my broth. Nothing worries me more than nutrition right now. I think it will be key to my success but also in not becoming a small version of a heavy girl. I want to be healthy, vibrant, frisky and fun. Knowing that i have this secret tool that is going to get me to where i want to be forever. So i have been taking my meds religiously, i have only taken 2 small pills that help with the spasms. the only think i wish is i could gulp down a big fat cold glass of water but thats not the case you can only sip and you WILL feel is hit you stomach. EVERY DROP. I am thrilled with my decision, the choice i have made because it is the key to my long term health. I plan on resting tonight and tomorrow a lot, need to get back to work on Monday, and thank goodness it is a holiday and things will be slow. I do work in my own office so i know i can close the door if anything happens but i know everything will be fine. The nutritionist recommends a min of 3days on Clear Liquids, i am going the full 7 days so that i heal well. yogurt and hearty Soups from whole foods will hopefully start on Wed. I bought some veg based Protein Powder since it might be softer on my tummy in the beginning with almond milk and berries. Lets see just one step and one day at a time but planning ahead. Also, my dreams are soo fun and vivid, all i dream about is shopping for new clothes and funny things i have wanted to do for a while. Its as if psychologically and subconsciously i am preparing for the changes that lie ahead. I can't go back to my trainer for another 3weeks but i plan on doing some slow long distance walking on Monday night - trust me it helps A LOT with the gas. Ok this is all for now, i hope this post helps because when i was soul searching online i could not find a whole lot. not sure how ofter i will dedicate to updates but i will do my best. If you are in search of a decision i promise you i made the right one with occ so far everything was better than expected. My friend that went to see the colombian doctor also changed her mind and is going with a Dr. Kelly in mexico next week. I will have her post as well so that she can offer a contrast and options. I know OCC is not the only once in mexico and i a sure that there are other qualified dr"s that offer the same great care. I don't mean to boast in anyway in my post and i apologize if i offended anyone in any fashion, i am just happy and on a high with the decision i made. I have not weighed my self but i assume i must be at 170 by now...36 healthy pounds to GO! Cheers to loving yourself beyond that which you thought possible. With all of my love

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****LUCKY DAY 13****

Hi friends...it's day 13 for me since surgery. I feel and look great. I'm down to 165 which translates to this progression:

Jan 23 188lbs

Feb 10 181lbs

Feb 15 174lbs

Feb 27 165lbs

My clothes already feel loose and people are starting to notice, big time....I have been consuming Soups and liquids at least once every 2-3hrs. I can't take much down, no more than 2-3oz except smoothies. I make a killer smoothie with Frozen Berries, Lakeland Coconut juice, Half of a banana blended and its delish! I can take about 4oz of that but in sips and over time. Love keeping that at my desk, totally curves my appetite.

Last week I was very good about my walking. The last day I walked 2miles was last Thursday. 3days since a good long walk kinda bums me out, because tonight i have an event and i am not sure i can get the walk in without being exhausted when i get home. I will do whatever it takes to get these walks in everyday.

Wednesday makes two weeks since my surgery. I am finally getting use to this new appetite and mentality. Although this situation with the liquids is getting old already. At first it was kinda of fun to find different things to drink, fun soups, great yogurts etc but now its just getting to me. I want something to CHEW on for the love of Christ. I don't miss food, i don't care for it, i just need to find more variety. I still have another week before dr.'s orders will allow for soft foods, tuna, cottage cheese, apple sauce, pudding, puree vegetables, mashed potatoes.

I am terrified of eating at restaurants and events. This weekend was my first experience being out of my 'comfort zone' with food and one of the worst for someone in this post surgery condition. In Miami it was the South Beach Wine and Food Festival an event that i not only work but also love to attend. This year was different, i could have cared less partially b/c my fear of being around all that food but also i am just over food. I think its the same stuff over and over and over again. I gave up some pretty expensive tickets all in the name of my sanity. On Friday, i worked the event and never walked in the doors, i did everything i could from the outside and left early. My grandmother made me black bean Soup and i ran home to eat that...so good. On Saturday i had an event late at night and thank goodness it was passed canapés, because they crossed my path but i never even blinked. I got extremely hungry during the event while it was in full swing and i took a break. I took a 10min break and sat down and had my Soup. The key to bad circumstances is to fill up. Even though it takes 2-4oz of anything it is just like when you are full and eating large amounts of food, once you are full that sensation of disgust after is still there. When i got home almost 4hrs after my last meal, i tore up a small bowl of black bean soup...yes at 2am. Don't judge.. lol

The next day i passed on the Paula Deen Brunch and the grand tasting village. Even though i could have gone and i am not tempted to EAT desirable things, i was just fearful that friends would want me to try something or drink wine or that i would be without something to eat for a while and I might panic. Especially since i don't want to tell anyone and i do need to eat my soups etc by 2hrs. I know this is a problem but i will ease into it little by little. I am going to try with friends that know my situation just so that i can start to ease back into normal life with my new stomach and not have to feel like i am explaining to the world. This to me is forever...

Also my nutrition is worrying me...i am not eating but a mere 500 calories a day and not getting enough Protein that is for sure. going to my doctor on Wed for some b-12 shots and going to up the consumption of my Protein shakes.

Lessons learned so far:

  1. Plans your meals or have plenty of back up just in case
  2. Throw a single packet or two of Protein Powder in your purse. Worst case scenario. You can mix it in a bottle of Water a voila! a meal
  3. MILK products are not your friend.
  4. When on the liquid portion of your diet do not expect to evacuate every day, its more like every 4-5 and if you feel Constipation take Milk of Magnesia before going to bed, you'll thank me in the morning.

This is all for now. I start back up with my trainer next week so i am excited about that and major GOAL is 150 right now. Hoping to get there soon.

Until then....feel free to ask questions. I am happy to help with what little experience i have with this and as with all things, I am not a medical professional nor does this post imply any medical advise or suggestions, these are personal accounts.

Good night SPT friends.


134 and Happy!

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Hi 123andhappy- It sounds like you have it all together! With a name like HAPPY, you'll be at your first goal in no time! Thanks for the pick-me-up post. BTW, can grandma tell us how to make that Soup? Linda

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Thanks Linda & btw I lived in Canada my entire childhood. Grandmas Soup recipe on it's way. That thing is soo good, warm and yummy. Thanks for the responses happy to share my story since sadly I can't with my friends...only family....

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Wearing a strapless TRINA TURK DRESS SIZE 12 and its too big!!! YAY Best morning ever. I bought it last year on memorial day weekend for a trip, i wore it for 2hrs and then had to take it off it was too tight. Feb 29th, 2012 its big on me...

The small things that make baby progress so worth it. Good times friend good times...and the best is yet to come...134 and Happy!

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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