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What to expect in the first year after banding

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Be prepared this is a long one. I found this post on Wlsinfo.org and thought that you guys might benefit from the words of wisdom contained within. This is a girl called Delly from Manchester, she was banded last April.... I hope that it brings some comfort to those who are feeling frustrated and the certain knowledge that fills will provide them with the restriction and therefore results that we expect and crave....... Please feel free to post any additional pearls of wisdom or comments on the helpfulness of this post below:clap2:

It saddens me to read of so many bandsters feeling despondent in the early months of being banded, even brandishing themselves failures! frown.gif

When I was conducting my research it became apparent to me very quickly that there appeared to be a pattern with bandsters, I admit not everyone fit the pattern but it appeared like a very strong trend to me.

For most a pre-op diet is recommended and consequently most enjoy some weight loss, then in the 7-10 days following surgery another good weight loss is usually enjoyed as restriction is felt due to stomach swelling after the op. Some 3lbs some as high as 16lbs – all depending I suspect on our starting weight and pre-band eating habits. Most people seem to get their appetite back by 2 weeks post op so and weight loss consequently either seems to grind to a halt or even we regain some of the weight we lost. Yes there are the very disciplined/lucky or maybe the higher starting BMI’s who continue to lose after 2 weeks but they appear in the minority to me?

So in most cases we have 4 more weeks to wait for our first fill (some NHS patients have 10 more weeks to wait) Its all very well for the dieticians to give us a post op diet to follow but lets be honest here whilst it’s a fantastic plan of course to eat as healthily as possible lets not forget that its continuous diets that got us fat in the first place. I have been on a diet for over 20 years and I don’t know about anyone else but I just got FATTER!mad.gif

I read of members joining WW or SW and if that works for them that’s fabulous but for me I have done WW etc more than 20 times and if it worked for me, if I could be a success on a diet then I wouldn’t have ever considered WLS! Long term success with a band stems from reduced quantity and satiety training not doing another diet!

So we have to get through these 4-10 weeks whilst waiting for our first fill without feeling like a failure –that’s not easy I know because I'm currently going through it, yes I'm eating a lot less than I ever ate pre-op but obviously not enough to continue losing as I'm still at the same weight I was 1 week post-op. I'm not disappointed though as this is EXACTLY what I expected and it’s what everyone should EXPECT! If your expectations are realistic then you won’t be frustrated when things don’t go according to some weight loss plan you have hatched that had you in a size 10 by Christmas! LOL biggrin.gif

At last the day comes for our first fill we have been waiting for it like Christmas morning but again we must be patient as the very large majority of bandsters don’t feel adequate restriction after their first fill. We mustn’t feel despondent we must accept and fully grasp the concept that most bandsters don’t reach their “sweet spot” until their 3rd, 4th or 5th fill. If you’re having private fills this gets you to approximately 4 or 5 months post-op, if you’re having NHS fills this could be as much as 12 months post-op.

Then of course you have to allow time to lose the weight, lets just say this could take another 12-18 months so before you know it your goal weight is 2 years away. This seems like an inordinate amount of time to wait but the statistics show that 18 months - 2 years is the average time to goal so there is little point expecting to reach goal before then and if we do then whoopee dooo darrr that’s a great bonus but if we are average or a little longer than average that’s whooooppeee doo darrr too because I bet it sure took a lot longer than 2 years to gain all that excess weight in the first place so what’s the rush?

It’s not a race with a band it’s more of a marathon but we will all reach the finish line, happier, healthier and most importantly lighter!!! biggrin.gif

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Ditto LibertySuzzane, and thanks ANON,

the above post cheer me up too and its like a reconfirmation of what I already know, but hate to admit cos Im so impatient. I know it wud take at least 2yrs before I will achieve my weight lost cos thats what Dr M told me, yet Im sooooooooo impatient. Since we are on this subject, this is 2 wks in total my weight is at a standstill, (positive thinking - at least its not going up) Suzzanne, since your 2nd fill, how are you doing? As I also did it in Chimay, can I assume you are also banded with a 7ml band?

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I keep forgetting that it was my second fill. The first was when the band was fitted lol. So I now have 4 ml in. I have lost a little but been a bit unwell so been eating all the wrong sort of stuff so the lbs I lost have come back on! But haven't gone higher, thankfully! So fingers crossed now I am recovering I should lose the lbs again. I know when I eat properly it is restricted, I only kn ow too well that chocolate goes through easily!

I'm going to start going to a gym next week. But, what I have noticed, even with the weight kind of 'on hold'. I am losing inches, not in great amounts but my waist is definitely reducing!

When did you have your band fitted Sa?


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Hi Suzanne,

Had my band fitted last Sept06. The fill during the op is not counted as 1st fill. So looks like you only had 1 fill since the operation. You have done very well considering that. I agreed with you that even though my weight is at at stand still, I am losing inches on my waist and boobs. Today I started joining beginners Salsa lesson with my 17 yrs old son. It was real embarrasing as I dance with 2 left feet. But it was a real good exercise. So I think I'll give it one more try next week. Cheaper for me to go back to my gym though but just abit lazy and cant get motivated at the mo. It's going to be great this friday cos Im meeting up with another lady that was banded same time with me at Chimay. She has lose over 3 stones even though we were banded together and go to the same radiologist. She only has 5.5ml in her band, whereas I have 6.8ml. Yet she's losing more! Hmmm! Goes to show the band works differently on each individual. xxx

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Wow saggi!

Salsa sounds like really good fun, even if you do have two left feet! At least you have a willing partner. I bet in time you will lose those left feet and become a twinkle toes :)

I am considering starting at a gym in the next month. I need somewhere that gives a good bit of one to one attention, don't want to end up dislocating my joints in my excitement! I would love to do some dance lessons but they are rather expensive here in Shropshire and I would have to travel 26 miles to enjoy it. So it really isn't an option :(

It's good that you are meeting up with one of your chimay cohorts. I know that a couple of the women from my time are meeting up. I was in the wrong age group, so I didn't really create any firm connections with the women.

It would be wonderful if everyone lost the same way but us humans have to be awkward :P Mind you, if you have been going to the gym your weight will have been changing from fat to muscle and muscles weigh a lot more!

Let me know how your meeting goes.

Kind regards


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Thanks for this thread anon, must say it does put things in perspective on what to expect after surgery. Be prepeared for frustration after too...I have read others say about the 'inbetween time' of surgery and your first fills and more besides. Its a shame the Drs dont fill the band up to your own level the first time they do it, but then I guess problems may happen if they do.

Dont know about you guys, but Im practically hooked on this site now, as surgery looms closer! My hubby (I now call him a DH on here as thats what everone else calls there other halfs, lol, thinks I have some sort of cyber person I talk to all the time!) Because when ever I have a spare minute Im loging on!


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Hi Liberty Suzanne,

Im back from Dom Rep. Had food poisonning out there and ended up in hosp for 3days 2nites. And put on 10pounds when they put 5big pack of saline drip in me. Glad to say I lose the 10pounds the 1st week I returned back to UK. Nevetheless, it was a good holiday, nice hot sunshine and beautiful beach.

I see u r going with a personal trainer now. Well done. Im too lazy since I come back from Dom Rep and have not done any exerciser. So have not lose any weight either. How is yr last thyroid test? Did yr doc increase yr tablets?? I've given up salsa too cos my 17yr old son who was my partner decided he doesnt want to tag along anymore, and I did not have anyone to go with me. So dropping out was an easy option. Have you lose any more weight? Let me know.



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Welcome back, what a bummer getting food posioning on holiday! Glad it was a good one even with that little distraction!

Yep I've had 7 sessions so far withim, he is brilliant, although now he is getting tough! I guess it has to happen if I am to make any real physical changes.

As for the weight, I've been bouncing in between 15.7 and 16.2! At the mo I am 15.11. Johnny is going to do a complete body scan every week. Th first one was really funny. I had more fat on my organs than around my body! I was close to being dehydrated and my muscle mas was 7.10! My metabloic age was 50!

So have a lot of work to do! He weighed me at the end of my fifth session. My organ fat has dropped a bit, I am now well hydrated and I have gained a pound in muscle mass! But, I am still 50! I guess that is going to take along time to come down! And even though I had gained muscle I had lost some weight as well. So it's all working out nicely at the mo!

Sorry to hear that you've given up on the salsa lessons, couldn't you bribe a friend into joining you?

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Hi LSuzanne,

No, cant find anyone to bribe. The problem is some of my 'overweight' friends are too shy to go (just like me) and my skinny friend, cant find the time as they are having too good a time themselves I suppose. Also as I work full time, I hardly find the energy myself, so when my son didnt want to go anymore, it was a good excuse for me to drop out as well. I have not been good since coming back. Since coming back from my hols, Ive been dipping in the 'no zone' chocolate and desert area. Really naughty of me, so I have not lose any weight. As least I hv not put any on. Previously before the banding, every bar of chocs I eat means my weight shoot right up.

U mentioned u went to see you doc again re yr thyroid. Did he up yr thyroidxine?? Yr personal trainer seems truly professsional. Perhaps thats what I need too. Dr M did say that the banding will not work on its own, and I will need to get some exercise. Looks like u r going the right way. Well done to you. Im going to a Thai Restaurant for a part time cash in hand job interview 2moro. If Im thinking of a TT and Boobs job in future due to the weight lost, I will hv to start saving up as my day job would hardly been enough. Alas, working in a restaurant also means facing food every evening. Mmmm I got to have lots of self-control I suppose.

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AVOID THE CHOCOLATE! I had a phase where all I was eating was chocolate, it does go down so easily and it did start making a difference to my weight. I have now replaced chocolate with nuts.

Yep I am complete agreement with the doc, you do need the exercise as a partner to your band.

I was unable to exercise until I lost 2 stone, my joints just laughed at me. Now with the help of the P.T I am strengthening those pesky joints, building muscle mass and getting a more streamlined figure! I have only had 8 sessions with him but I already feel the difference. I am so lucky to have the opportunity to do it.

As for my Thyroid, all is good, I am sticking to the 100mcg, my blood test came back and my thyroid is nicely balanced and I can feel the difference. Still haven't plucked up the courage to fess up that I had upped my dosage. But, as all is well, I shouldn't be such a coward!

You really are looking ahead! I've noticed a lot of new bandees already preparing for cosmetic surgery in two years time. I find it hard seeing what I will be like in 3 months time! I think cosmetic surgery is very low on the agenda for me, I want to lose the weight first and then make those decisions, but, it is sense to start saving now.

Just don't tire yourself out because that will make it even harder for you to resist all the gooey, quick fix foods. So you may end up doing a disservice to yourself.

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Hi Suzanne,

Just wondering what dose of thyroxine you were on and what you upped it by - I've been considering this too.




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Hi Suzanne & Yvonne,

I've been extremely extremely bad too. The doc put me on 100mcg, but since last month, I've up myself to 200mcg cos Im constantly tired and cold and no amount of pleading with my doc wud she increase my dose. So I up it myself. Not telling her though. I think when the sun starts coming out again, I will go back to 100mcg but I need my energy cos having an underactive thyroid can make me feel so tired. Im only early 40 but these days after coming home from work, I sat in front of tv and doze straight off like an old lady, and waking up 1 hr later, thus making it impossible for me to sleep at night.

Anyway, I hear u re NO CHOCs but its difficult cos its EASTER!!!! But truly speaking, I dont usually go for choc comfort eat, but since i came home from my hols, Im getting fed up with my Soup, lasagnea and cottage pie. So what did I do? I went and had thai curry rice for lunch and nandos chick for dinner today and both time end up puking it all out and suffering!!!! Did I learn from my mistake #? No. I get so angry and bought myself a scoope of ice cream, telling myself Im calming my burning throat!!!! No, definately not been a good day for me today. I want to blame it on my montly PMT!!! But I hv promise myself that I will be good tomorrow. Finger cross. Oh, my colleague got me a leaflet from our local sports center for engaging a PT. So I might go down the same route as you. Have to tone up those muscles. At least I found some now, which is something.

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Aww Saggi! *Bug Massive Hugs to you!*

I am the same with PMT, funnily enough I never really had any problems period wise for years but since having the thyroid diagnosed and the band fitted. I am a woman from hell two days before and I I comfort eat as well. Wonder if they are connected, or is it old age creeping up on me :)

Wish you hadn't mentioned the sleep thing. I have been waking up bright as a bunny for a good few months now, but this week I have just wanted to sleep. Mind you that could be my body wanting to catch up, after being put through the mill an hour a day! I shall see how things go, before I start experimenting with my dosage again. I know my most obvious sign of thyroid getting sluggish is the appearance of little black hairs on my chin. I spend ages plucking them out. They still haven't appeared *touch wood*.

I certainly would recommend a P.T. I know Iw ill have probablyg ained some weight this week. I know I feel it despite hte fact my clothes are getting loser lol. The added weight is muscles not fat. Johnny says that will eventually mean I burn more calories naturally, feeding the muscles instead of the fat reserves. I just have to remain positive. What is so good about Johnnys weigh ins, it measures the amount of muscle you have, as well as your weight.

It's weigh in day today, if I want to. Part of me doesn't want to, but the other part knows I have to or else i will be beating myself up on my own scales, without the ability to take the muscle weight out of the equation!

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thought I'd bump this up for those who missed it the first time....

Any chance of making it a sticky???

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