lauraj 0 Posted February 25, 2007 I am wondering if any of you that have had lap band are sorry they did it. I've heard some negative comments about band slippage, horrible gas pains, GERD (which I am on Prevacid for now, don't want it to get worse) plus I am going to be paying out of pocket and it's a huge investment, and I wonder what happens if I don't lose the weight after spending so much money. I am so on the fence right now. I have an appointment with a nutritionist tomorrow. Am considering weight watchers or something else, even though I've tried every diet out there! I lose weight if I try hard, but can't seem to keep it off. I'm 46 years old and have been yo-yoing for 25 years! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Louisianagirl 0 Posted February 25, 2007 I do not regret it one bit, I would do it again. I don't think it is very hard to follow the rules but I guess everyone is different. I go for my first fill thursday. I would recommend it to anyone who has struggled with a weight problem. My mom also had it done the same day and we are both doing great. I would say maybe 10% of the people that do it may reget it for those reasons. I know someone who had it done and she just vomited the whole time and had to get it remove, she then went with the by-pass and is doing great. I was self-pay too. If you do, Good luck to you and hope everythng goes well. Any questions, just ask. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jport1975 0 Posted February 26, 2007 I considered this for three years before i finally decided to do it. I went to a nutritionist as well and lost some weight, but whenever something slipped in my life, i went right back to my weight and then some. I have no regrets about the decision i made. i know i will lose weight. you really DON'T feel as hungry as you might think for eating such tiny portions. I can tell you I am still adjusting, but having lost so much weight in just two weeks my body feels a lot of energy. That's something that has been missing for some time now. Take your time and do whats right for you. When you're ready you will know it. Also, even after I decided i was going to do it, I still had questions about whether it was right or not. I thought it through and told myself that I was tired of trying to lose weight and failing, tired of being controlled by my stomach, tired of being too tired for my family and freinds, and most of all tired of being judged on sight by people because of my weight. All that is what finally got me to realize I NEEDED this. I wouldnt go back on my decision at all. so no regrets from me on this. Like I said, take your time, when you are ready you will know it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lianna 3 Posted February 26, 2007 I also was not sure if this would be right for me, and researched for months. When I was comfortable and secure that this was the right thing for me.....I did it. I am happy to say that I have no regrets. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
waitingtiljan 0 Posted February 26, 2007 I'm almost 4 weeks post op. Of course I've had regrets since surgery. I think I questioned my decision a dozen times since then. I was going through withdrawal from food. I missed it. I was mad at myself because I couldn't do this without help. BUT everyday I've felt so optimistic as I lose weight. It's so great to know that I'm finally going to lose this weight that I too have been losing and gaining for 20 years. I NEED THIS TOOL!! It's very hard being on the liquid diet before and after surgery. It took a lot out of me to get through that. I'm so proud of myself because that was a very hard time for me...the withdrawal of real food. Now I am on mushy food and you really realize how you really only need food to just survive and not just to pig out for now reason. I'm perfectly happy with my 1/2 cup of refried Beans or Soup. I look forward to it. I'm happy that I'm not grabbing a bag of doritos and eating the whole bag, having a huge sub sandwich, and later feeling terrible because I'm so stuffed and "why did I do that?" I watched my mom and sister walk to my car today, coming out of the store. We are all the same size. I told myself...I don't want to look like that anymore!!!!! I felt bad because I want them to lose weight with me. Hopefully they will. It was a hard have to be ready to change. It took a lot of things for me. I just had to remember all the times I've been to Disney World with my kids, the fair, the beach, vacations. I had to remember how disgusted I was with myself for being so overweight and not really getting to enjoy the good time they were all having. Now I'm so happy with my decision and look forward to my future!!!! I'm sure most people ask themselves.."what have I done?" I think that's only normal. Good luck to you! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Poodles 0 Posted February 26, 2007 Well, yes and no. I am glad I have a "stopper" to help me learn portion control... but in my weight loss struggle, I have not lost a lot of weight with the band. Partially because of "soft food syndrome" when I was overfilled, and partially because crap goes thru the band so easy. It is hard to live the banded life. If you are a sweet eater, in my opinion, it is even harder. I can honestly be satisfied with 2 ounces of meat only at each meal... but... a pint of Ben and Jerry's goes down just as well... and I am a pig. The beauty of the band is that you can have those moments of splurges without side effects (besides a big behind) but the negatives of the band are that you have to relearn what you can eat (without pain), and avoid the things you can eat without pain that are bad for you. As soon as I figure this thing out, I think I will be happy with my decision. As soon as the scale moves downward, like so many other bandsters have seen, I will be happy. But until then the learning curve is a pain in the backside. Good luck. :love: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
silry 0 Posted February 26, 2007 i'm having regrets. but it's because i am on the liquid post op diet and going through bandster hell. hungry, but can't do anything about it. i watched my hubby chow down on a burrito and wanted to CRY. i was so hungry... and helpless. :phanvan i'm hoping that when i hit the Soup phase, my regrets will fade... hungry silry = cranky silry. *sighs* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jport1975 0 Posted February 26, 2007 i'm having regrets. but it's because i am on the liquid post op diet and going through bandster hell. hungry, but can't do anything about it. i watched my hubby chow down on a burrito and wanted to CRY. i was so hungry... and helpless. :phanvan i'm hoping that when i hit the Soup phase, my regrets will fade... hungry silry = cranky silry. *sighs* It's amazing how different each person doctor is advising them. I was on liquids for one week, and on mushy foods the second week, I am on the third week and can now eat solid foods again. I feel for you. that liquid diet is tough. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kat817 19 Posted February 26, 2007 My only regret is not having it done years ago....I know it was not widely available, but I truly wish it had been an option for me 10-15 years ago. But since that can't be....I do not for a second regret getting my band---it gave me control, freedom from fear of eating--mostly it gave me hope for a brighter future. Kat Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sugarplum 0 Posted February 26, 2007 Its been hard, but even with the hard times ive been through id still do it all again with out a doubt. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yvonne 0 Posted February 26, 2007 My only regret is not having it done sooner Yvonne x Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yukaputz 0 Posted February 26, 2007 No regrets here. I'm week 3 post op. Did the two week liquid diet prior to surgery, and then two weeks after. I'm not gonna say it was easy because it wasn't. But I have not regretted this decision at any point. Not once. Sure I long for the food my wife is eating but I knew why I couldn't. I am proud of myself for finally taking control of a situation that has controlled me for so long. You know what? We went out to Breakfast yesterday. I ate two scrambled eggs with a slice of deli cheese. It took me 45 minutes to get it down and it kept me full from 8am till 4pm. I had a great time talking to my wife, watching the snow from the diner car, and taking the time to really enjoy my food. WOW,That was FREAKING COOL. Pre band, I would have been hungry again before leaving the resturant and probably couldn't remember what I had inhaled for Breakfast.< /p> **edit*** Forgot to add that I'm down 32.5 lbs. Next goal? 50lbs of loss. Also, you must absolutely remember, the band is not a magic bullet cure all. It's a tool, a hunk of plastic strategically placed in your body. The only miracle at work here is the one on top of your shoulders. If you choose to not work the tool, the tool will do very little for you. This means, search your soul, find out the reasons you eat. Be aware and ready to rebel against those reasons. Get out your athletic shoes. You must must must excercise. You must make healthy choices for food. If you slip up occasionally, the band will help you along. But if you slip up and give up, the band will slip up "literally" and give up right along with you. Work the plan. Use the Tool. Your the miracle. Not the band. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
niecyrenee 2 Posted February 26, 2007 Regrets? Not a chance! This is the best decision I've made (outside of marrying dh!). We researched and thought about lapband surgery for a year because my dh had doubts but now, he's as much for it as I am! The risks of being obese are significantly worse than the risks of surgery. It has saved my life! Don't let anyone tell you it's not hard work, because it is. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to make it work but it's well worth it! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites