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Bandster support for us Heathens/Pagans

What is your spiritual Path?  

2 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your spiritual Path?

    • Wicca
    • Kitchen Witch
    • Buddism
    • Agnostic
    • Atheist
    • Native American
    • Druid
    • Kabala
    • Hinduism
    • taoism
    • Hereditary
    • Gardenarians
    • Other: There are TONS more.. but can't think of the names

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Hello all :wave:, my name is Brandy and I am new to the whole forum and pagan scene. I have an appointment on June 22nd for my pre op physical :clap2:, and will be having my surgery 30 days after that sometime. So I am waiting patiently :bored!

I have always been interested in many pagan religions and am currently reading, reading, and reading, to help me define what I believe, I am currently leaning towards wiccan, but as with anything I do not want to rush into anything.

Hope everyone is doing great and keeping up the good work!

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This is by far not my highest but still good to measure by. I don't have any measurements from my 340 & 330 days.

1/9/06 3/13/07 6/11/07xb_rose.gif

Bust/Chest55" 57 54.25ab_grin.gif

Waist 48" 49.5 46 xl_thumbsup.gif

Abdomen 60" 60.5 58wh_palms.gif

Hips 61" 61.75 53we_star_shooting.gif

Thighs 33" 32.5 31cm_snail.gif

Calves 19" 18.5 xk_arrow_up.gif18.75aj_confused.gif

Arms 18" 19.5 18.5cm_snail.gif

Weight 321 319 xj_arrow_down.gif295ag_tongue.gif

Update on house stuff:

  • We are still mudding and sanding. Todd got the master bedroom ready to paint except for one more round of fine sanding =)
  • Ripped out small 32x32 shower in master bath, discovered that it has been leaking for quite some time and the floor and walls will have to be cut out and replaced. I am SO glad we decided to rip out the shower. It's going to be my dirty laundry closet.
  • I finished scraping all of the walls which contained 1 layer of wall paper and about 3-4 layers of paint (except for the hobby room). In just one room I found hunter green/burgandy/cream followed by a light blue.
  • All of the beams/door frames/wooden wall strips have been ripped off
  • All of the flooring removed & most of the carpet tack strips ~ ugh.. they are hard to get off and are still in a couple of rooms
  • Air works fabulously
  • New Fridge plugged in and working in the dining room
  • Huge dumpster completely filled up and ready to haul off by dumpter people.

After the final sanding in the bedroom, we may actually get to apply the primer with our fabulous new Wagnor Power Pro Painter.

This weekend will be all about mudding/sinking screws & sanding. hoorah.

My mom is flying in this week to help me pick out paint colors. I am totally stumped & am relieved to have that burden taken off of my head.

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I am SOOOOO happy to discover that I can still have sushi. Ok... it took me 45 minutes to an hour to eat one roll and I had to cut it up with a v. sharp knife but OH MY IT WAS DIVINE! When you consider pre surgery I would have woofed that roll down in about 5 minutes and could have easily eaten 2 0r 3 more with salad and some of Todd's main course... Major improvement I would say!

Yesterday was our 1st anniversary. I got beautiful orange/peach roses a small dark chock dove bar SUSHI and I'm getting a set of wide bottom rocking chairs for the front porch... well and of course.. I got my sweetiexa_heart.gif

My visit with mom was fabulous and fun. The paint is officially all picked out and I don't have to think about it again! We dropped her off at the airport saturday @ 1 then left for KY to work on the house (she didn't have a cell phone) then when I called dad @ 5 to see if she got there ok I find out she is in Nashville still and won't be flying out until 10. Bad weather in Houston. She didn't get to Houston until midnight and home until almost 2 a.m.ae_sad.gif

I spent the rest of the weekend on my bum/belly pulling nails/staples/screws & carpet tack strips out of the floor leftover from the carpet and linoleum. Almost every room is done for that, but not quite. should finish that this Friday evening. Todd got the master bedroom ceiling painted and the walls sprayed down with primer. I think we are going to need one more coat of primer so you don't see the color diff between where we mudded & the reg wall.

Our plan is to have the bedroom done and completed 1st floor to ceiling.

We are going with a Raven Oak in the bedroom and a smokey maple in the rest of the house except for the kitchen and small bathroom which will be 16x16 neutral tile. My hobby/craft room will be done in vinyl so It won't matter if I get dye and stuff on the floor.

I think I'm at about 293/2 but it's that LOVELY time of the month so it's hard to tell for certain.

I have our new land line phone number, the girls vet appointment scheduled for October w/ their new Doc, & their new collars and name tags ordered. Slowly but surely things are starting to kind of come together.

fe_coffee.gifcoffee timefe_coffee.gif

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Happy Anniversary! I'm thrilled to hear how well you ladies are all doing! :scalesno:

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Glad to see this thread here too! Hopefully we won't be kicked out of the March thread because we have beliefs different from others :eek:


I'm a Marchie too....I just caught this thread. I thought they'd kick me off that thread for being a lesbian. Hasn't happened yet.

I'm not so much Pagan, but I was raised that way. My mom, sister and 22 year old niece have their "3 generations" workshop stuff they do in at different events.

Really you could call me a humanist, all the gods and goddesses of the multi theistic paths only confuse me. :o

But MM ya'll. Glad you have a place to call you own.


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"I now have the side profile of a beer wench & hello... burps aren't REALLY burps anymore"

I haven't really reported lately because food wise/lap band wise, there really isn't much to report. I'm at 3.2 in my 4cc band and it seems to be working. tight in the a.m. slightly tight for lunch and eating fairly easy but not much for supper.

I've been fighting my stinking back stuff for about a week and a half now. I have arthritis/bone spurs in my middle back/thoracic area. Normally not that big a deal with chiro maintenance every 3 weeks. I have, however, been painting, scraping,sanding, mudding, sanding, mudding, sanding, mudding, sanding pulling nails/staples for almost 2 months every single weekend with Saturdays sometimes going for 10-14 hours. Well apparently, when you do repetitive stuff like the above aforementioned, and you have bone spurs, it pisses your muscles off.. go figure.

Well, I thought, I'll nip this in the bud, go see an orthopedic dude, get a shot in the muscle and spasms be GONE! It will be 7 days tomorrow and though with the exception of this afternoon, they have been better and fewer in-between but.. I'm still having those hateful spasms. I did NOTHING this weekend but supervise and sleep. My sweet hubby got the floor installed in the master bedroom and I slept.

I get up this a.m. and was like.. well SHOOT, this is kind of like when they 1st started... I drug my gimpy self to work and ignored them for the most part. I had a 'female' appointment today @ 2 so I figured I'd ask her about my back. Now.. I'd almost rather get poked in the shin with a pointy stick that to have a pap smear done... throw in some spasms on top of that & you have one hoot'in holler'in of time I'll tell you.

By the time I got there they were kicked in to almost high gear. I was sitting in the waiting room having vision of a leather strap in which to put in my mouth so others around me wouldn't suspect that I had Tourettes Syndrome. (which reminds me.. the other day I was talking to my mother while getting into the truck when a spasm hit and I hollered into the phone... F$%^! I thought Todd was going to die laughing. My mom is a preachers wife. He was like.. I can't BELIEVE you screamed that bad word to her on the phone.)

ANYwho... imagine if you will... being in the assumed mortifying position that we females have to get in for this... and WHAM SPASM. That poor woman.. it took her 10 minutes to get in the right spot to get what she needed. I reached a whole new realm of physical and mental uncomfyness right there. She said.. You know... Why don't I write you a script for that and you come back to see me Monday. OH.. I almost forgot to mention... she had to get her assistant to lift my leg up(i couldn't because it hurt) so she's doing all this while her assistant held my leg up in the air... very dignified I assure youah_shock.gif

After this lovely experience I drove my unhappy not-so-little arse across town, spasms in full bloom at this point, to the chiro. They proceeded to tell me how unique I was & that bone spurs weren't common in the thoracic area. Well, isn't that nice... uh.. now can you fix me please? They did there thing all the while announcing how tight I was and how there was NO MOVEMENT and how unusual it was. I felt like I was flopping around on the table like a fish out of Water. This episode ended with me trying on a rib cage Velcro thingy. It's right under my 'glorious DDD rack' and now my rack is even more the 'rackier' & I look like a beer wench... man where are those Lederhosen when you need 'em? Maybe I could pick up some tips?

I finally made it home without running anyone off of the road and am fixing to take drugs.

I come home, heat up a meat patty to eat so I can take my pills, eat half of it, guessing that the rib thing cutting off my circulation is affecting the quantity and I 'burp' not thinking that there is no such thing for a bandster as just a 'burp'. THAT was fun. I loosened up the rib thing after that.

And that.. is the rest of the story... well not quite.. but I love Paul Harvey and it seemed to fit.


p.s. I forgot to mention that I was running a low grade fever and my chiro wants me to get my galbladder out.

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neat thread!

i'm an athetist. i was actually kicked out of sunday school at 7 years old because they didn't like what i was asking. weee.

I am not an atheist, but I was kicked out of three Sunday schools. Once for comparing communion to cannibalism, a second time for throwing the Bible to prove that they did worship it as an idol, and a third time because I wore a Prince shirt to church. I was told that I couldn't wear such things and I said, but Jesus allowed whores into the Church; I am not a whore. I am just wearing a shirt.

Anyway, nice meeting you.

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Buddhist here. SGI-USA. 25 years. I left the Sunday school realm when my instructor started preaching against "secular music" after he stopped me from playing the theme from Fiddler on the Roof on the piano in the church multi-purpose room. Decided to start attending Temple with my Jewish friends. Did that for years. Until we were all turning 18 and they wanted to join the Israeli army to fight. I don't think warfare is ever the answer, yanno?

Shortly thereafter, I encountered Buddhism. Been chanting ever since. In fact I see this, my 24th year, as a new beginning for me in that one of the first things I ever chanted about was losing weight and keeping it off. So I had to do a little Human Revolution and change some fundamental negativy before having WLS, but I'm there, really soon and I couldn't be more appreciative.

Darr :)

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Buddhist here. SGI-USA. 25 years.

Wow Darr -- so glad you posted!

I'm truly an atheist (my earliest memory is thinking there isn't a god; I was cerebral even as a kid) but dipping my toe in SGI. I love the concept of Buddhism and personal responsibility, etc. but the some of the people in SGI act very much the same as organized religion; which I hate. I know, a few bad apples, etc.

Just interesting and not coincidental you'd post.

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WAKE UP EVERYBODY! wow it's been a long time! My one year bandiversary is today. I am at 260 down from day of surgery 331. LIfe changing procedure and I'd do it again in a hear beat. A lot of y'all on this thread are approaching your one year... report in and let me know how you are doing!!!!


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Merry Meet!

I wanted to introduce myself here! I've been Wiccan for my whole adult life. I was raised Jewish, and never lost that heritage, so I consider myself a Jew-Witch. Which also makes me a kitchen witch by default LOL.

I had my lap band last month and I'm in bandster hell. I haven't lost a pound since my inintial weight loss (during the liquids phase). But I go next week for my first fill, and I'm looking forward to that. Even if I just maintain till then, I'm still down 15 lbs since 1/1 so that's something.

I'm so glad you started this thread! We could probably chat in the Religeon--other board easily too.

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Had my one year/1 month check up with Dr. Morton. I was there last month, however, Dr. Morton wasn't there to do my 1 year check up so I had to come back today. I wanted to cancel... REALLY bad because I have been able to eat quantity wise more than I should have been able to, and well, lovingxa_heart.gif foodfc_cone.gif, like you do... , I didn't stop until I felt I couldn't fit more inai_chewing.gif. AND as we all know from previous post and doing a 'challenge' Exercise has NOT been happening since last fall. That being said..... well, I gained 2 pounds.. an_angry.gif I have to say I thought it would be a LOT worseaa_smile.gif AND I didn't get griped at by my most wonderful surgeonzd_rainbow.gif.

It's been 1 year and 1 month(on the 27th) and they said I was doing great that up until this point I've had slow steady weight loss so he wanted to check the actual Fluid content in my band. It will hold 4 blah blah's of saline and I was supposed to have 3.3

Basically he went in through my port with a needleah_shock.gif and pulled everything out and I only had 2.8 if he didn't pull up on the stopper & left it relaxed. When he created suction he could make it read 3.2 so, basically some dissipated. At which point we aren't sure so it's possible that when I was filled to 3.3 it may not really have been 3.3 but today.. for SURE I'm a 3.4 and jeezy creezy can I tell, but that's cool. In the past I would lose down to a certain size.. like now, buy some clothes then slowly the weight would creep back on. NOT this time! We fixed the problem and I'm on my way to losing more! YAYwe_star_shooting.gif

The moral of the story.. DON'T cancel your Doc appointments....xl_thumbsup.gif

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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