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Bandster support for us Heathens/Pagans

What is your spiritual Path?  

2 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your spiritual Path?

    • Wicca
    • Kitchen Witch
    • Buddism
    • Agnostic
    • Atheist
    • Native American
    • Druid
    • Kabala
    • Hinduism
    • taoism
    • Hereditary
    • Gardenarians
    • Other: There are TONS more.. but can't think of the names

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Yah.. I KNOW.. weird huh? ANYwho. I saw your incision pics on the scar stages thread. I posted mine but I can't figure out how to post it in the actual email and not just a word document you have to click on. YOu must go see it so you can see the cute heart shaped gauze some mysterious sweetie pie cut out for me after surgery. I woke up and hade seven hearts of various sizes all over my tummy!

i love the little hearts! too cute!!!

i am going to take another pic at one month post op. hopefully by then some of the glue will be gone... i think my black skirt stained it so i have little black rings around all my incisions. it looks dirty. LOL. i am afraid to scrub them, so i just deal with the rings. that superglue stuff is amazing!

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I had an exploratory gynecological laproscopic procedure about three years ago and I was pretty surprised with how fast the scars healed. I just had one tiny one by the belly button I could barely see a couple of weeks later and one for a catheter. They are both all gone completely now and I'm sure they were gone within one year possibly six months. But it took a few months back then for the abdominal incision to heal completely before all achiness and twinges and stuff from it was gone.

I wonder if we can put lidocaine ointment over our incisions? I'll ask my surgeon about it. I've got a big tube of it. Probably not. I also have pain meds because I always have pain meds with my entrapped nerve ending. I'm getting kind of nervous. Not about the surgery. About after the surgery. Thats the part I never like-- the part where it hurts and you have to heal and deal with it.

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I had an exploratory gynecological laproscopic procedure about three years ago and I was pretty surprised with how fast the scars healed. I just had one tiny one by the belly button I could barely see a couple of weeks later and one for a catheter. They are both all gone completely now and I'm sure they were gone within one year possibly six months. But it took a few months back then for the abdominal incision to heal completely before all achiness and twinges and stuff from it was gone.

I wonder if we can put lidocaine ointment over our incisions? I'll ask my surgeon about it. I've got a big tube of it. Probably not. I also have pain meds because I always have pain meds with my entrapped nerve ending. I'm getting kind of nervous. Not about the surgery. About after the surgery. Thats the part I never like-- the part where it hurts and you have to heal and deal with it.

There is not much to worry about. The biggest problem I had was getting in and out of bed, and rolling over while in bed. A few days sleeping in my recliner and things were A-Ok after that.

I was walking for 30 minutes within 3 or 4 days of surgery and gradually increased my walking duration steadily after that.

Best suggestion: Exercise as much as possible pre-op. The better shape your body is in in before the operation, the quicker you will feel better afterward. It is not too late to start exercising. It never is.

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ACK... my mouth is still on fire. I've had four doses of the prescrip stuff so hopefully it will be better by this afternoon.

Back at work today and will probably leave this afternoon when I start to get tired.

I can tell the swelling is starting to go down now cause I'm hungry more often. I had 3 ounces of chicken breast this a.m. then a 15 g Protein Shake around 9 and then a sf Jello a few minutes ago. I forgot to bring my chicken to work so I'll do another drink I guess for lunch plus I brought some kefir probiotic yogurt smoothie stuff too. My mouth is so friggin' tender that just about anything I eat or drink hurts... i think I'm ssssin' my words too. Tongue feel swollen.

Soreness is SLOWLY but surely diminishing each day. I feel like I've been in a wreck every a.m. when I wake up and try to get out of bed. I haven't had any ibuprophen yet today but may break down and take some here in a few minutes.

Surgeon and other fellow bansdters say I should start feeling about normal around Friday. Considering I am one week to the day today from the operation I'm doing GREAT. Driving myself to work and everything.


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i had an all around bad day today.

first, we went to adopt a pug i saw at the shelter yesterday and she was adopted! i left 15 minutes before the shelter closed! i was so sure she was ours that i made her a vet appointment! i cried and cried, like a total goober. i just really wanted a girl pug for my boy pug.

then, i go get my oil changed. i tell the guy that i want my tires rotated. he says fine. i wait my 35 minutes, get my car and am looking at my paperwork at a redlight and see it says 'customer declined tire rotation'. i'm pissed and i didn't want to go back so i pull into some tire place. they have ONE PERSON in their stalls. i go inside and the dude says it will be 3 HOURS before anyone can get to my tires. WTF?! so i drive back to the oil place and when i confront the guy about not rotating my tires like i asked, he said that my tires were too bare and it was against company policy. well, why didn't they tell me that when i picked up my car?!?! or put it on the paperwork?! so now i need new tires. GREAT. i love extra expense!

AND, what really drove me over the edge - i've been hungry all day. looks like the honeymoon is over. Soup isn't cutting it for me anymore. i even added cream Soups and i'm still hungry an hour later. i was at the store and seriously was staring at the peanuts thinking "well, if i chew them really good and drink Water with them, maybe it could count as a mushie". i didn't do it. instead i got a coffee drink, but still.

so. bad day. and i took it out on my hubby. he called to say he loved me and was sorry about the puggie and i snapped at him. i'm horrible. and hungry.


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I'm going to start this by saying.. *Please* don't bother to read this. It's a bitching/grumpy whiny pity party pants session and I needed to sit down and type out my grumblings so I can grab my britches and trek on...

I KNOW I am SO lucky.. for real, to have been given this opportunity, this gift, if you will, of the band and I have been wanting this for FOUR years.. and here I am one week to the day post op, and I'm going to bitch. So, please.. especially for those of you who are not banded yet.. IGNORE MY PITY PARTY.

I am freakin miserable. I flippin mouth feels like a firely dragon took a piss in it because of this hateful thrush crap (which is a yeast overload by the way generaly caused by antibiotics and a low imune system) AND....







ARGH. WHY WHY WHY?!?!?!? ARGH I STILL can't sleep on my side which means I'm stuck sleeping on my back, which causes me to snore, which irritates my already on fire, dry mouth and I don't sleep as well, and I can't take my pain meds because it sets my mouth on fire even worse so when I wake up in the a.m. I feel like a heard of elephants has been tap dancing on my freaking large ass stomach, which by the way, is so freaking large, that I can't really reach my now on fire itchy nether regions for fear of ripping a port stich or opening up an incision. I am also, starting today.... H U N G R Y. so.. what's going through my mind today? I'm HUNGRY.. #$%* one fricking week post op and I want to EAT EAT EAT EAT. I've had

3 oz chicken breast 120c 20prtn 6:30

1 can Atkins 160c 15 prtn 9:36

SF Jello 10c 10:30

1 cup Probiotic Kifir smoothie yogurt thingy 174 c 14Prtn 12:30

Fruit fusion Peach smoothie drink 250 c prtn7 3:30

Sfree pudding 60c 2prtn 4:00

Chicken of the Sea Roasted Garlic Salmon Steak 150c prtn 25

with one slice provolone cheese melted on top 70c 5prtn 5:00

another slice 'o provolone.. well.. I had to read the package so.. I ate a slice 70c 5prtn

Let's add this up shall we..

Well.. uh. according to my calculations.. that's only 1064cs with 93 prtn. Ok... I feel as though I pigged out today and now I'm seeing that I've only had 1064 c's. Ok.. so it's not that bad. I felt like I really screwed up when I bought and drank the 250 c smoothie. and I'm really full right now so I reckon I haven't blown it food wise.

hmmm ANYwho, I was feeling like, oh my god.. maybe I can't do this, I'm never going to even get below 300 little long lose around 170 lbs... and part of me still feels this way. I've been reading post on here (lap band forum) since jan and I have seen some discouragement.. I just wasn't expecting to be one of the discouraged.. especially one week out. This can work. I just have to make good food choices. I need to bring more stuff to work with me tomorrow.

Part of my issues I think are as far as feeling physically like crap, is that I have Fibromyalgia ( can't spell) and that's really dealing me a hand right now. I can't take my liquid kids ibuprophen because my mouth is so

$%(*ed up and that really keeps my fibro in check

whine whine whine. sorry guys. I really think I would feel a little better if I could just freaking sleep on my side again. It will get better I know.

Thanks for not reading my bull$%^(

SYNICALchick aka Tracy

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OH MAH GOD> We both had crap days today. I, as a fellow fur/watermom am SO SORRY ABOUT your pug baby:(

We are both hungry today... of course, after typing up my whiny bitchy pathetic pity party.. I noticed that even though I *thought* that I had pigged out today, I actually hadn't. I started not to post about my frustrating day and decided.. you know what.. that's what this forum is FOR... support each other through the good and bad so.. I frickin posted it.. only to notice yours.

Tomorrow my sister.. is a new day and it WILL be better.


Tracy :hug:

i had an all around bad day today.

first, we went to adopt a pug i saw at the shelter yesterday and she was adopted! i left 15 minutes before the shelter closed! i was so sure she was ours that i made her a vet appointment! i cried and cried, like a total goober. i just really wanted a girl pug for my boy pug.

then, i go get my oil changed. i tell the guy that i want my tires rotated. he says fine. i wait my 35 minutes, get my car and am looking at my paperwork at a redlight and see it says 'customer declined tire rotation'. i'm pissed and i didn't want to go back so i pull into some tire place. they have ONE PERSON in their stalls. i go inside and the dude says it will be 3 HOURS before anyone can get to my tires. WTF?! so i drive back to the oil place and when i confront the guy about not rotating my tires like i asked, he said that my tires were too bare and it was against company policy. well, why didn't they tell me that when i picked up my car?!?! or put it on the paperwork?! so now i need new tires. GREAT. i love extra expense!

AND, what really drove me over the edge - i've been hungry all day. looks like the honeymoon is over. Soup isn't cutting it for me anymore. i even added cream Soups and i'm still hungry an hour later. i was at the store and seriously was staring at the peanuts thinking "well, if i chew them really good and drink Water with them, maybe it could count as a mushie". i didn't do it. instead i got a coffee drink, but still.

so. bad day. and i took it out on my hubby. he called to say he loved me and was sorry about the puggie and i snapped at him. i'm horrible. and hungry.


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Merry Meet -

I have not been to lapband talk for several months. This afternoon I was having some unusual discomfort in my belly, and I thought I would see what other bandsters had to say about it. I can't tell you how happy I was to find this thread.

Usually when the topic of religion/lifestyles comes up, I tell people that "I am on my own spiritual path". A little this, a little that.

I am Wiccan/ pagan with bits and pieces of other practices that I find helpful, meaningful, fulfilling, or fun, thrown in. I've always wanted to be a kitchen witch, but I haven’t really gotten my act together to head in that direction yet. Plus I am allergic to cats...don't you have to have a cat to be a kitchen witch?

I have always been a solitary practitioner, but there were always others around and we had the sabbats and celebrations, and discussions. It is fun to have found y’all.

Now my band info: I was banded in September 2005 (age 45). My start weight was 234. I now weigh between 175-180. I am 5'11" so I am pretty happy at 175, but I am quite sure if I paid better attention to what I ate and did more aerobic exercise I could lose a few more pounds. After my band was placed I lost fifty pounds in about six months. It came off pretty easily. The remaining weight (another 10 pounds or so) came of much slower, but it has stayed off.

I have had NO PROBLEMS AT ALL with my band. I feel very fortunate. My surgeon was Dr. Ariel Ortiz in Tijuana, and it was THE BEST medical experience of my life. About eight months ago I moved to Sonora, Mexico, from New Mexico and every time I have dealt with Dr's and clinics here it has been very personal and very professional. I have no qualms about the level of care and expertise I receive here. I LOVE LIVING IN MEXICO.

Oh, by the way, apparently the discomfort in my belly was just gas. I feel better now.

I am happy to correspond with anyone who has questions or concerns.

In love and trust


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Welcome to our humble little thread Anu and any other newbies out there that have stumbled across us but haven't posted.

Anu, that is great.. sounds like you have had a really great experience and is v. encourging.

LOL... I wasn't aware that it was necessary to own a cat in order to be a kitchen witch... I guess it depends on your definition. I've never been without the furry little buggers.

I love herbs and oils and I love to cook and bake and with everything we do in the kitchen or.. well just our home.. whether we realize it or not.. we are putting a little bit of ourselves/energy into it for ourselves and the ones we love.

Merry part!


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Merry Meet!

I have no idea how I missed this thread! Here I am browsing and I catch the title of the thread and think "Can it be!?!" :)

I am Pagan and a kitchen witch of sorts. I was raised in a split religion home (Mom - orthodox Jew, Dad - Roman catholic, to this day I have no idea how that happened) and between the two extremes from the fanatical families it drove me away from any kind of 'organized' religion. I could not stand living my life in fear so off I went in my own direction.

It is refreshing to stumble across this thread! Thank you!


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you know what.. that's what this forum is FOR... support each other through the good and bad so..

yes! exactly! i love that i can come here and someone will know what i am going through in some way... and even if they don't, i still feel comfortable sharing. that is such a gift!

did you say you had waterbabies? what kind? i have 2 turtles. they are fat, spoiled and lazy. LOL.

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Welcome and congrats on your weight loss!!!! Not a day goes by when I am not thankful for starting this thread. THIS IS GREAT!

Merry Meet!

I have no idea how I missed this thread! Here I am browsing and I catch the title of the thread and think "Can it be!?!" :)

I am Pagan and a kitchen witch of sorts. I was raised in a split religion home (Mom - orthodox Jew, Dad - Roman catholic, to this day I have no idea how that happened) and between the two extremes from the fanatical families it drove me away from any kind of 'organized' religion. I could not stand living my life in fear so off I went in my own direction.

It is refreshing to stumble across this thread! Thank you!


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OH MY GOSH>> i'm going back through the thread readong all of the post and I come across this one. PLEASE tell me I have responded. If not.. a thousand swipes with a twizzler... Let me know and I'll pm you.


Hi Tracy...i was reading your signature and noticed that you have BCBST and were apporved for the lap-band procedure...do you mind sharing what you did for your approval? We have BCBST and there is an exclusion policy for WLS, so I haven't even pursued it any further. I went today for an initial consultation with Dr. Ponce in Chattanooga and found that I am too heavy for the outpatient procedure at a non-hospital facility. If I want the surgery, I have to come up with another $5000. The first $14000 has been difficult enough!! Any help you can offer would be SOOO much appreciated!

Thanks a bunch!



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I would love to hear how you are doing. If I remember correctly you were banded 3/2??

I've sooo heard of the flying spaghetti monster! I can't remember where though?

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I'm hoping by now you have heard something and might have a date???

Hi, all! You have no idea how refreshing it is to see this post! I generally spend most of my time over in the Rants and Raves forum, going head to head with some of the fundamentalist Christians. It's nice to have our own thread. I'm an atheist, by the way. I went to church every Sunday until I was 18, but what they were teaching never seemed right to me. I guess I like to ask "Why?" and "How?" too much and I am too analytical for religion as a whole.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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