Dahlia 0 Posted February 25, 2007 You know, I came here looking for some help, info and support. Whenever I have posted I have gotten private messages as well as a few posts that weren't too suportive. I didn't come here to beg money off people or try to scam anyone. I am just a very, very sick fairly young (29) woman who needs help and is desperate to get this life saving surgery. For those who have sent messages... I have worked since I was 13 yrs old, and yes I could prove this in a court of law for all of those who are suspect of everyone. I have put in my taxes every year just like everyone else. I have never been one to ask for anything from anyone let alone a handout. However, when you are very ill and unable to work your whole life changes. Being 29 and basically living like someone 4 or 5 times my age is a horrible way to live. All of that aside...I have found another board where people are actually very nice, and not suspect of everyone who comes along. It seems that so many on here are caught up in being suspicious of others and their motives they don't really take the time to acutally try and help, maybe they just don't really care about much other than their own surgery and what is going on with them. Whatever. To those few who have been nice and written suportive things....THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. Dahlia Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DonnaMarie 0 Posted February 25, 2007 Sorry to see you are leaving! I just came back after a hiatus and never talked with you but I can understand if you have to leave. We all must do what we feel is best. I wish you luck with your endeavors and hope you are happier at the other board.(Although I wish you would stay..at least for the ones who have responded and spoken with you ) Good Luck! DonnaMarie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chris_NJ 9 Posted February 25, 2007 Have read all your posts and most seem very odd . don't take it out on other people because they can't answer your question the way you want them to. Have a nice day :peace::gluck: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
My_o_My 0 Posted February 25, 2007 I had an experience, where I didn't feel comfortable or understood, and I was looking for solace. It's very difficult when that happens, but I'm glad you kept looking and found a place where you can find what you are looking for. I have always felt supported here, but we are all so unique, Perhaps when all is said and done, you might let us know how things worked out for you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AngelaT 2 Posted February 25, 2007 You know, I came here looking for some help, info and support. Whenever I have posted I have gotten private messages as well as a few posts that weren't too suportive. I didn't come here to beg money off people or try to scam anyone. I am just a very, very sick fairly young (29) woman who needs help and is desperate to get this life saving surgery. For those who have sent messages... I have worked since I was 13 yrs old, and yes I could prove this in a court of law for all of those who are suspect of everyone. I have put in my taxes every year just like everyone else. I have never been one to ask for anything from anyone let alone a handout. However, when you are very ill and unable to work your whole life changes. Being 29 and basically living like someone 4 or 5 times my age is a horrible way to live. All of that aside...I have found another board where people are actually very nice, and not suspect of everyone who comes along. It seems that so many on here are caught up in being suspicious of others and their motives they don't really take the time to acutally try and help, maybe they just don't really care about much other than their own surgery and what is going on with them. Whatever. To those few who have been nice and written suportive things....THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. Dahlia Please watch The Secret...it will change your life. By using the principles in the Secret which I did and still do since many years ago...before the movie or book came out, I changed my life. I reversed my multiple sclerosis which had me not being able to walk or have a normal life. I fell into the VICTIM mode and it made things much worse. I can tell you that when you change your mind and the way you feel and think about things your health, your outlook and everything in your life will change!!! The Law of Attraction is real...if you think of illness you attract illness, if you think as a victim you will be a victim, if you think you are not loved or wanted, that will be true. But if you think you are healthy, happy and loved...then will be those. You will also be able to work, and enjoy life in a way you will not believe right now. At 29 you have a life time ahead of you to make it the best it can be. I never asked for a hand out...as I knew anyway it would not happen... I managed to make it with the help of positive thinking and working on my emotional issues and changing my life in Mind, body and Spirit. I am now healthy, work full time, have several degrees, have traveled the world and enjoy and VALUE my life. My work is to help others achieve what I have...and I know you can do it! Sometimes it hurts when people tell you truths...but just as an alcoholic...when you are told oh poor you and you are right and oh my you sad person you, then me o my...you are getting attention of the worst kind...that of a victim. Victims remain such until they get out of that mode and into one of power. Good luck! No matter where you go, you will find that people will call you on it until you learn and change. Such is life. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lapband4meNOW 0 Posted February 25, 2007 Hey Angela I just watched The Secret last night. It was great. My friend watched it. It is funny how everything is in your mindset. I am looking forward to facing each day with a new attitude. I have to start with my list of things to be grateful for. Sorry Dahlia you didn't get the support you needed. I don't always look at every new post. I haven't seen your posts yet. I will go see if I can help you. This board has helped me so much. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AngelaT 2 Posted February 25, 2007 Hey AngelaI just watched The Secret last night. It was great. My friend watched it. It is funny how everything is in your mindset. I am looking forward to facing each day with a new attitude. I have to start with my list of things to be grateful for. Sorry Dahlia you didn't get the support you needed. I don't always look at every new post. I haven't seen your posts yet. I will go see if I can help you. This board has helped me so much. i am so glad you watched it!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sherilynn 1 Posted February 25, 2007 Have read all your posts and most seem very odd . don't take it out on other people because they can't answer your question the way you want them to. Have a nice day :peace::gluck: Chris, I applaud you! :clap2: You had the guts to finally say what I've wanted to say to many of the naysayers who come to this board, don't like the answers to questions they ask, don't like the advice that is given and then threaten to leave the board. Everyone is here to support each other, there is no other place online or anywhere else that has been this wonderful to me and hundreds of other Bandsters. I do not always like the answers or advice I get, but I deal with it and move on to the next day. I don't threaten to leave the board either - this is my support system. I would venture to say that people like Dahlia are quick to 'quit' alot of other things in their lives, b/c not everything is 'sugar coated' and all answers that they get are 'what they want to hear'. To people like Dahlia who think it's a 'threat' they're going to leave the board, I said "Buh-bye"! And I'd be willing to bet the next place you move onto for support, once they give an answer you don't like, you'll quit that as well. I honestly do wish you good luck. Yes, I'm very lucky to have my band; but it was by no way 'luck' that got it for me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
revolution 0 Posted February 25, 2007 I've read your posts and I think you feel sorry for yourself. I, and many many others here I'm sure, have figured out ways to get our surgerys. My surgery was covered by the government but I still had to pay 5000 dollars for the band itself. I'm a poor university student who only works 3 days a week, pays the rent and tuition, so that money was pretty non-existant. My best friend was nice enough to take out a loan for me. People WERE helpful and people did give you advice so I don't know what you're whining about. If you want to feel sorry for yourself, go do it elsewhere. Everyones in the same boat and everyone is working hard to fix a lifelong problem so don't act like everything was handed to us on a silver platter because it really wasn't. Don't let the door hit your arse on the way out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alexandra 55 Posted February 25, 2007 This thread is about two beats from being locked. Keep it civil, people. Thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
revolution 0 Posted February 25, 2007 Sorry, it just really angers me when I see things like that. I myself went through hell to get where I am. Emotionally, physically, even financially and when I see people act like that, it really burns my butt. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
My_o_My 0 Posted February 25, 2007 Insurance would not approve me. I sold my car, and drove around a pile of junk so that I could have the band. My whole family sacrificed, I have three little mouths to feed, and pets who depend on me. I buy all my clothes at second hand stores. I would have sold anything - I wasn't even at the point you are where my health was adversely affected to the degree I could not work - but I know the burning I had to get it done, because I could feel my health fraying at the edges, beginning to unravel. So keep plugging away, and stay positive, I know you want it YESTERDAY, I sure did. But I started doing all the little things I needed to do, working all the little angles. I agree that weight loss will help many physical conditions, and health care companies should look at it that way - I wonder why they don't. I have GREAT insurance - and they absolutely would not do it for ANY of us with the policy - NONE. It was mind boggling. <!-- / message --><!-- sig --> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dahlia 0 Posted February 26, 2007 This is the kind of post that makes me want to leave. You say that my posts seem very odd to you and you put up a smiley face making the crazy gesture. And I was not mad that people couldn't answer questions how I wanted. I was upset by people that wrong private messages that were very rude and accusatory. Also, a post like this doesn't help...thanks Have read all your posts and most seem very odd . don't take it out on other people because they can't answer your question the way you want them to. Have a nice day :peace::gluck: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dahlia 0 Posted February 26, 2007 Wow, some of the things in these posts are very harsh. Again, I NEVER asked for a handout. I was looking for some nice people who are going through similar issues to talk with. Unfortunately it seems that because I asked financial advice about paying for surgery I was viewed as someone looking to take something. Honestly, I know you all think it's funny to post back and make snide comments...but truly I was looking for some outreach and help. And frankly yes at times I do feel sorry for myself...we all do, it's human. I was down in the dumps when I came on here and hoping to find some kind of online community. Funny, you come back with these analyzing, rude comments and none of you know me at all or have made an attempt to get to know me. Pathetic as it might be though, it hurts. And I really hate that I was so looking for some kind of connection that I am sitting here feeling hurt. Stupid I know so please don't send any comments telling me so. I wish everyone luck with their surgeries or their after-care. And for the 3 women who wrote such nice things...I will be emailing you off board. Thanks Dahlia Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Boo Boo Kitty 3 Posted February 26, 2007 I am sorry about the way people have reacted to you Dahlia, but you have to remember when you post something that you want people to notice, everyone does the good, the bad and the ugly! I am sorry you have not found the support that you needed here, in my honest opinion it sounds like because you life feels so negative, it is the negative comments that stick with you and affect you the most. People can be downright rude, and it is even easier to do with the aninomity of a computer. I wish you the best of luck, and remember many, if not most of us will be here for you if you choose to come back! Good luck! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites