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I have two sets of stories, but I'll break them up into two separate posts.

When I was 16 I was driving home at night from a friends house. I lived in the country, so there was almost always a cornfield on one or both sides of the road. I was driving at 65 or 70 and it was a really dark night (obviously, not a smart move, but I was 16 and stupid). Anyway, all of a sudden I had a premonition that a deer was going to jump out in front of me. In my premonition, I saw the deer jumping in front of my car, as I tried to swerve to miss it, but ultimately hitting it and running into a ditch. Mind you, the premonition was only a couple of seconds - it was just a flash, like a quick thought. Well, it freaked me out so I slowed way down; I think I slowed to 15 mph or so. As soon as I slowed down and let out my breath, a deer jumped out exactly as I seen a few seconds earlier. Luckily, because I was going so slow, I was able to slam the breaks and not hit it. I also remembered not to swerve. I remember going home and telling my mom about it - she said out loud, "thank you for watching over her!" She thought I had a guardian angel. I laughed it off...

I have lived in the city for several years and 19 years after that incident, I am back living in the country (different state) and have since had two similar premonitions. Each time I slow down (although I'm never going more than 40 mph!) and sure enough, a deer jumps out but luckily I've slowed to about 10 mph so I can stop. Very interesting!

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ooohhh... that gave me goosebumps, especially the part about the smoke instead of the drawing in the picture! I would like to propose a rating system for stories. 1 ghost to 10. I am rating this one 8 ghosts!!!

Yeah, it freaked us out. When we realized that it happened both times when the boys were 6 years old, it made it creepier and even more so that we moved 140 miles away before it happened to my youngest brother. Needless to say, I watched my son very carefully when he was 6! I am glad to report, he was hamburgler free, although both he and my daughter seem to be sensitive to things of that nature.

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Second story (long post):

At the beginning of my second year in law school, my parents divorced and my mom moved to Illinois where I was currently living. We decided to get a house together, so we bought a newly constructed home. When I graduated law school I moved up to Michigan to begin a judicial clerkship. My aunt and uncle let me stay in their cabin they coincidentally had in the same town as my new job. I was a bit lonely, so I brought one of my dogs, Lilly, to live with me (my mom and I had three German Shepherds). After driving the 5+ hours to the cabin, I brought Lilly into the cabin and I went about putting my things away. After a few minutes, I wondered what Lilly was up to… She was sitting in the doorway of the bathroom, staring at the ceiling, moving her head around as though she was watching something move. All the while, she was growling and her hair was raised on her back. I had no idea what was bothering her, but I figured we let in a moth or something, and that perhaps it was buzzing around the bathroom light. I walked closer to her and realized the bathroom light was not on. Turning the light on, I didn’t see anything, so I just laughed at her and took her outside for a quick walk. During the time I was in Michigan, I often found Lilly watching the ceiling and moving her head around, all the while growling and being uneasy.

After my clerkship I moved back to Illinois and moved back into the house I shared with my mom. Once I was back, weird things started to happen in the house. Mind you, we had lived in the house for over three years without incident. My mom would say to me that at night when she’d stand in the kitchen, she felt that she was pushed none too gently into the cabinets. She said had happened several times. I honesty thought she was cracking up and didn’t take her seriously. She then said that at times at night she’d see her recliner chair (that can rock too) start to rock by itself and then stop. I’d always say it was probably just one of the dogs walking past that probably bumped it. She’d reply that the dogs were always asleep at the time.

Next my mom started to tell me that at night when she was in bed, she’d feel someone sit down on her bed. The first few times she thought it was me, and thinking I was ill or whatever, she’d sit up and turn her light on… only to see no one was there.

Then I began to experience some odd things- always at night. There were times I’d be watching tv in the family room, alone, with one dog asleep next to me on the couch and the other two on the floor in their dogs beds. There were several instances where I’d feel a light breeze and then I felt as though someone leaned against the back of the couch. The first couple of times I thought it was my mom. When I looked over my shoulder, she wasn’t there. I then figured it was one of the dogs, only to realize they were all asleep.

I then started seeing the dogs all looking up at the ceiling at the same time, with their heads moving back and forth in unison as though something was moving Again, no bugs or anything I could see.

Then some really weird stuff started to happen to me. I can’t believe I’m admitting this – I promise I’m not nuts!! I’d be in bed and as I began to drift off I felt myself levitate from the bed and spin around really fast, as though I was drunk (I was sober each time this happened). While spinning, I’d always move beyond my bed and I was always afraid that I was going to fall to the floor and/or hit my head on my dresser or something. When this would get out of control I’d try to yell, “stop!” It always took several times for me to actually get the words out – it was hard to find my voice. If I could say “stop” loud enough, it would stop. Then, I’d always find myself back on my bed, but always positioned at an angle in the bed. I suppose this was just a dream, but it felt so freakin’ real and it happened several times! I finally told my mom what had been happening to me and she then told me some other things that she was also experiencing.

We have also taken several photos while in the house, usually of the dogs being cute or whatever, and we have more photos with what appears to be wisps of smoke in the picture. We have one picture that is the most clear – and the “smoke” looks like a mans face with an old fashioned hat on.

We realized that whatever was in our house was not a happy spirit – it was very mean. After a couple of years I transferred jobs and had to move to New York. We happily put the house for sale, and although it took over eighteen months to sell, it finally sold. I would love to ask the new owners if they ever experience anything, but of course, I don’t want to sound nuts. So luckily, after almost two years in our new house in New York, we never experience anything of a similar nature. We were honestly concerned that if I brought whatever from the Michigan cabin to the house in Illinois, that we would also bring it to New York. Luckily, it seems to have remained in Illinois!

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Yeah, it freaked us out. When we realized that it happened both times when the boys were 6 years old, it made it creepier and even more so that we moved 140 miles away before it happened to my youngest brother. Needless to say, I watched my son very carefully when he was 6! I am glad to report, he was hamburgler free, although both he and my daughter seem to be sensitive to things of that nature.

I used to live in Lafayette, LA and I miss the south soooo much!!

In an earlier post I promised to tell about somethng that happened to me when I was 19. Here goes.....

I got married at 18 and moved to California with my husband, who was a US Marine stationed at Camp Pendleton. (oooh Rah!)

We lived in brand new base housing, I worked on base, we had lots of friends around us in the housing area, etc., but when my husband had to be away from home for training I was a little scared. (very young country bumpkin + strange place 2000 miles away from home with no family around = well... you get the picture)

Anyway, I woke up one morning very early sobbing and shaking. I remembered that I dreamed my husband and I flew home to Indiana and we were at a hospital visiting someone who was dying. I had no idea who. The doctors were saying anytime now, etc. Well, being alone, I called my mom and asked her if everyone was okay, especially my great grandmother who was in a nursing home. She assured me everyone was fine and I was just afraid because my husband was away training.

The next morning I again awoke sobbing and shaking. This time my dream was again home in Indiana, but this time we were attending a funeral. I could see the coffin at the front of the funeral home, but we could not see who was in it. I again called home asking after my family. Again my mother assured me everything was fine.

I went to work that day as usual, and although my husband was not due back for 10-12 days he and some other Marines showed up at our apartment on base shortly after I returned home from work. A fellow Marine who was from Indiana ( he and my husband had met on the plane going to boot camp and had been close ever since) had gone AWOL and had been murdered in Arizona trying to drive home to Indiana. My first dream was determined to be at the time he was shot and the second dream.........exactly when he was found.

I did not get to travel home with my husband for his funeral because of money, although he had spent a lot of time at our house and I considered him like a brother. The following summer we went home on leave and went with another couple to visit the grave. We parked the car, my husband turned off the radio and A/C and we stood around the grave talking and crying. We got back into the car and as soon as my husband turned the key, the radio (turned off remember?) BLARED Aerosmith "Angel", which was his favorite song. He sung it all the time, complete with comical air guitar. He had even attended a concert in L.A. the weekend before he went AWOL. No one knows why he went AWOL. or what happened on that stretch of highway in Arizona, but we do know he was trying to tell us something that day. We still think of him often, almost 22 years later. Especially when I hear that song!!!

Edited by lose2regainme

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i got one! preety creepy but also sad.my mom tells this story and cries. my parents bought an old farmhouse 47 yrs. ago. the large family who lived there before had built a larger more modern home right next door. so my mom was making friendly neighbors with the other mother. the first month my parents moved in my mom was awakened at night by a toddler aged girl standing next to her at her bedside. my mom thought it was my sis who was 2yrs. at the time. she said"laura how did you get out of your crib?" she then realized it wasn't my sister! she was very upset and my dad had to calm her. about a week later my mom went to visit the old owner next door. she had never been inside thier home. she was talking to the neighbor when she saw a corner table with candles lit and a picture of a little girl. the same small child my mom had encountered! my mom was clearly shaken and the neighbor asked her if she was alright. my mom composed herself and asked who the child was. the neighbor replied, she was thier 8th child who was killed in a tractor accident on the property! my mom did not share with her the experience as they were not close by any means. but my mother felt that she knew something had happened as over the next 47 yrs. she never talked to my mom. my mother then spoke a message in her bedroom just in case the child could here her. she told the child that her mother no longer lived there, but that she was in the house next door. my mom never seen her again. i grew up in that creepy house, never experiencing the child but weird things would happen and as a teenager my friends and i named the ghost"martha" and would blame everything on her! lisa6

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Interesting about the 4-leaf clover! My grandmother had that ability, too. I was always so jealous. No matter where she was, she find one.

My aunts on my mom's side have several stories about waking up and seeing members as they passed, or right after. My mom has asked for signs and received them.

For me, I also have a Ouji board experience.

My friend in 7th grade got one for "fun" and went into her basement to do it (fully furnished, non-creepy basement) and we lit the fireplace, put a circle of candles around us and had fun. At first we were moving the marker, and have a silly time asking about crushes and grades and stupid stuff.

Then, we asked more serious questions, and we both got a weird chilly feeling. We swore neither was moving the marker, asking questions about death...if there was someone in the room, etc. The marker would spell out things, or go to dates....I asked if Satan was in the room and it went to yes almost immediately, the flames in the fireplace turned blue, then went out, and so did EVERY SINGLE CANDLE we'd put in our circle. We let go of the board, and ran upstairs.

I accused her of moving it, and she accused me - we were scared out of our minds and never touched it again. To this day she thinks I moved it and I know I didn't...but even so, we can't explain the fires.

Funny that this thread got bumped. on the 28th of Aug, we're going to stay in San Antonio at the Emily Morgan - which is supposedly haunted! :) I'll let ya'll know if I have anything freaky happen!

I know some people will think i'm weird, but I will NOT mess with Ouija boards. I truly and honestly believe they open up portals that should NOT be messed with!

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This one isn't exactly a ghost or creepy story, but I remember one morning laying in bed (hubby had already left for work) and I "felt" this body next to me cuddle up next to me as if it was laying facing towards my front, wrapping what felt like arms and legs around me, and hugging me tight... to the point that I woke up because I was smiling so broadly. I really and truly felt whatever it was.

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Beth, I don't normally get that sensation, but that is cool. I very often will feel someone sit on the bed, turn around and there is no one there. It used to freak me out, but then I got used to it. My kids and I experience sensing someone walk past in our hallway, but then no one is there. We aren't scared of it. It definitely doesn't seem scary in anyway. My brothers and I, however, have always been scared of the "hamburgler" incidents from our childhood.

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As I was reading these posts yesterday, my mom called me and said that someone had tried to break into her house. She was laying in bed and heard the door handle rattle. She thought my step-father was home early (he takes classes every day and has a bus driver pick him up early and drop him off around 4. So, this was around 10am yesterday) and she thought to herself, "Great, he left his key." and got up to open the door and no one was there.

I said maybe it was a ghost! LOL She thinks, and it probably is, just punk kids, but it weirded me out that it happened while I was reading all these posts!!!

Beth, my mom's aunt was really into witch craft/ghosts/siances (sp?) when she was younger, and when I told the family about the Ouji board she got angry at me. This woman was the softest lady I'd ever known and was surprised to find out that she'd been into all that.

She told me that anything can be used as a portal, but the Ouji board, and how it sits on the knees, creates some kind of energy that attracts evil. That Ouji boards rarely, if ever, attract any benign spirits. She made me swear never to use it again, and believe me - she didn't have to ask me twice!!!

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Crzy: That experience was strange because there wasn't anything like that going on in my house that I ever recall. It was a one-time thing.

Glou: I have never EVER heard ANYthing good about people "playing" with Ouija boards. Those things are EVIL.

I forgot another story. The house I lived in in Houston may or may not have had something going on there.

My husband was gone for a while either working in Kuwait or living here while I tried to sell the house in Houston. During that time, my mom would leave my dad at home and come to my place for slumber parties where we would stay up late, watch movies, and talk (they also lived there).

Anyway, one morning she asked me if we had ghosts. I said not that I knew of, why? She said as we were in my room (and apparently I was asleep) she could hear talking and stuff, like it was coming from the attic, as if there was a party -- she could hear numerous voices, male and female. I said I had never heard such a thing.

A few months later my daughter had a friend spend the night and the friend freaked out and woke my daughter and said she heard stuff from the area of the attic, and it sounded like there was a party going on, with voices, male and female, etc. I hadn't mentioned anything previously to my daughter, so nothing was said to the friend. I just brushed off my mom's story as her imagination or something. Now I'm not so sure. :)

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Yeah, it freaked us out. When we realized that it happened both times when the boys were 6 years old, it made it creepier and even more so that we moved 140 miles away before it happened to my youngest brother. Needless to say, I watched my son very carefully when he was 6! I am glad to report, he was hamburgler free, although both he and my daughter seem to be sensitive to things of that nature.

Unless of course your son just hasn't mentioned it; perhaps he has befriended the 'hamburglar'.

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Nothing spooky has happened to me (yet) even though I am open to it!

My mother has had a few odd things happen. One: she grew up in the country, and there were train tracks not far from the house. One day for whatever reason, she decided to take pictures of the train, and took many pictures - all of the train. (This would be about 75 years ago - so steam engines). In one of the pictures you can see quite clearly within the steam a man's face...very distinct. This is not a 'tilt you head sideways, squint your eyes' thing - it is very clear. The moustache, the hair, the shirt collar, etc. Septics says, a double exposure, but all the pictures from that day are in the same envelope - not one person is in a picture. AND the man's face was instantly recognizeable to my mother and her family - it was a close cousin who had died the day the pics were taken. My mother refuses to look at the picture, it is kept put away, but also refuses to throw it away believing it will be bad luck. My aunt (her sister) freaks out at the mention of the picture; hates trains since then, and avoids them as much as is possible.

As for animals, I believe that cats and dogs can be 'tuned into' another dimension or parallel universe or something. I've owned MANY cats and dogs, and many have an eerie characteristic of sometimes staring at nothing that I can see. Cats are particularly 'attuned'; I have observed one or two of my cats not only starting at nothing, but apparently also responding to something invisible to me.

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As for animals, I believe that cats and dogs can be 'tuned into' another dimension or parallel universe or something. I've owned MANY cats and dogs, and many have an eerie characteristic of sometimes staring at nothing that I can see. Cats are particularly 'attuned'; I have observed one or two of my cats not only starting at nothing, but apparently also responding to something invisible to me.

Absolutely agree!

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Unless of course your son just hasn't mentioned it; perhaps he has befriended the 'hamburglar'.

Nope. Both he and my daughter befriended "Michael", whoever that may be. From around 18 months to age 3 or so, they both had an "imaginary" friend named Michael. Neither played with him together, but each had the friend around the same age. They are 2 1/2 years apart, so that explains why he was their friend at different times.

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hey guys i love paranormal stories too! in fact,my family has had such experiences and are all intrigued to the point ,my sister has a production company "in lieu of flowers" look it up on the web! we make movies based on all tales and research from family and friends! anyway let me tell you another one! in 1994 my older sister's husband committed suicide in the garage.myself and my son,(2 at the time) and also my other sis moved into her house with her as she couldn't work grief stricken and was unable to make her house payments. over the next few months my widowed sis insisted she would see him. one day my little boy came to ask me why is his uncle downstairs. i was creeped out and asked him questions. he was confused by this and said" mommy you said uncle was in heaven, no he isn't! then later in the following weeks, my widowed sis started drinking alot and hanging out at bars. bringing home a guy one night. my sister and i confronted widowed sis that this wasn't the right way for her to grieve. it was x-mas time and we had a tree set up behind us. as we were arguing about this my one sis says that brother-in-law would roll over in his grave. right then a x-mas bulb off the tree in the center was PITCHED out of the tree and hit my sis and then slowly rolled away from her, down a flight of stairs,to the landing and suddenly stopped on a dime! a glass bulb that did not break on hard wood floors! we all knew that it was him. unfinished business. we didn't say a word to one another. we didn't talk about what had happened. a couple of years later me and my sister (the one who was trying to set my grieveing sister straight) talked about it, but we have never mentioned it to my widowed sis. lisa6

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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