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I know that both ghosts and angels come around, I've been privy to each, and, even though I call myself a skeptic, I can't deny what my senses tell me.

When I was nine I took very ill. My parents took me to the doctor and it was decided that I had a bad bout of the flu. The doc sent me home with the usual fluids and aspirin.

The next day my parents were having a get together for their anniversary. I was laying on the sofa, trying to enjoy, but too sick to really care. I fell asleep.

I remember waking up and calling my mother over to me. I remember exactly what I said, when I was nine years old "I don't have the flu, I have appendicitis, and the appendix just burst, call the doctor."

I was nine! I didn't know from appendicitis. My Mom called the Doctor, and he had us come to his office for a blood test. He drew the blood, looked under his microscope and we rushed to the hospital. He said if we'd been thirty minutes later I would have not made it through.

Why did the doctor believe the diagnosis of a nine year old boy?

Because when I was six I fell into a hole and broke my arm. I sat it myself before climbing out. No, I don't know how to set a bone, but I remember doing it. When we got to the docs office I told him I broke my arm. He laughed and said that I'd be screaming, and the arm wouldn't be so straight. But he x-rayed anyhow, I think just to prove me wrong. When he saw that it was really broke he told my Mom that he would never doubt me again.

Sometimes I wonder if I broke my arm so he would believe me three years later, and save my life. How'd I get sophisticated medical knowledge at such a young age? I don't know.

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My dreams are extremely vivid. I may not be able to remember them completly, but can wake up with most details.

My sister who I lost 16 years ago, was 36 at the time. She was overweight, my whole family was. But in my dreams she's thin, young and beautiful. When we talk its as if she never died. One of my first dreams of her she was asking what I did with the money (I received an insurance settlement as one of her beneficiaries) right away I told her she can have the money, its hers. She told me to keep it. I woke up frazzled, I did put 8K down on my first condo.

She believed she was an old soul and has been on the earth several times before, saying that at one time she was a black slave helping others to freedom like Harriett Tubmen. She also believed I was once a mother of 8 kids and even bought me mothers day cards...

My Mom looks as she did when she died and seems like she still alive also. My dad never touches the ground, (I believe its because he was cremated) he sit in a chair about 6 feet off the ground with a big smile and doesn't say anything.. My sister and dad use-to bicker and fight all the time. When she died the others in the family decided to put my dads urn in the casket with her, I thought nothing of it until they were lowering the casket into the ground, I said what did we do they're fighting already...

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I dig this thread. My mom, sister & I have always been receptive to "ghosts" or whatever you want to call the unexplained. I grew up with my mother reading every book on the subject because this kind of thing happens a lot in my family. My mother made us hold a seance and took us to get our cards read before we even knew what those things mean (gives me the creeps now.)

Once my friend and I were stopped at a red light, and something passed through my body so fast that I lost my breath for a couple seconds. The hair on my arms was standing straight up, so I turned to tell Jill (she was driving) what I just felt, but she looked like she just got shot with a bolt of lightening. As we sat at the light, she freaked and told me "something weird just zipped through my body!" Whatever it was, it zipped into my right side, out my left side, then through Jill the same way. We both started laughing and crying at the same time, so she dropped me off at home and she ran home. We didn't go out that night - too creeped out.

Nothing ever came of it, but we still talk about it.

Another time, I jolted out of a dead sleep and sat upright. My fiance' at the time asked me what was wrong. I was crying and told him something was wrong, so I tried calling my mother. But he said it was just a nightmare and made me wait till the next day. When I called, my mother told me my grandmother had a stroke and was in a coma. She died before I saw her again. I think she's one of my guardian angels.

By the way, I'm totally not into all the metaphysical stuff. I love the candles, books, stories, etc., and I do get my tarrot cards read from time to time, but I'm not one that sits around trying to convince people this stuff is true. Even my non-believer husband now knows something "else" is out there.

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Wow - Ryan, too cool.

Do you have any deceased relatives that were medical doctors? Perhaps you were a medical doctor in a former life?

I am very interested in the idea of a collective consciousness that some claim they can "hook into". I liken it to my own experiences, on a very small, teeny, tiny, low level, where I go to sleep on a problem with the intent of finding inspiration in my dreams, and waking up with answers.

I saw a story a few years ago on TV about a person in India who does medical procedures (surgery!!!) without any kind of medical training, or anesthetic. They "channel" some deceased prominent doctor to do their work. Now that I write this, I get vague memories of a possible debunking story, as well.

The human mind is an amazing thing, and since science states we only actively use the smallest fraction of it, I like to believe the rest is for the psychic/telekenetic abilities that seem to lie dormant in the vast majority of us.

As I child I truly, truly believed that if I concentrated hard enough I could move things with my mind. The fact that I never succeeded in moving anything only made me think I had never concentrated hard enough, or not in the right way - never proved to me that it was impossible. lol

My scientific boyfriend finds that particular personality trait amusing. I'd prefer to be able to say "endearing", though... lol


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One more story

About a year after my Mom and Dad passed, my husband's Dad passed away. We got out to Arizona about 3 -4 days before he died. The first day or two he talked normal, and then he started looking over to his side and saying "leave me alone". I ask him why was he saying that and he said there is a bunch of people over there and they won't leave me alone. I ask him if he knew them and he said no. This went on for the few days, and he kept doing it and I told him sooner or later he would remember who those people were. He flat told me I was crazy, and he didn't believe in life after death. On the last day, he was really talking to them and yelling at them he was visiting with his son and daughter-in-law and leave him alone he was not going anywhere with them. Then he got the funniest look on his face, and I ask him what was wrong, and at first he wouldn't tell me. I ask him if he finally figured out if he knew any of those people and he said "yes"! He even called her by name. He turned for the worse later that day, and he just wouldn't let go while we were there, so we told him we had to head back home. When we got home, we got the call that said he passed not long after we left.


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Hey skeptics, my husband held his mom's hand on her deathbed. She was in and out of consciousness but waiting for both her boys to be there before she passed. While Chris held her hand, she told him she'd already been to the other side. He asked if she saw Gramma and their other deceased family, but his mom said, "no, there's nobody there."

So maybe there is nothing.

I think you gotta be really twisted to realize I just got you skeptics no matter which way you look at it! A ghost told me there's nothing!

All in fun though, all in fun.

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Donali is now know as Carrie. A mousy and abused girl with telekinetic powers who gets pushed too far on one special night. If You've Got A Taste For Terror... Take Carrie To The Prom. Cool

Thanks Lisa, Gobs of make-up, lighting just right and my chin is sticking way out.

Sue, Has anyone ever taken the words right out of your mouth? All in fun....

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I did the same thing as Donali when I was a kid. I was obsessed with Tabitha on Bewitched. When nobody was watching, I tried wiggling my nose to make things move. Then I realized I'd have to concentrate harder than Tabitha. I gave it my all, but nothing moved. I figured I'd get my powers as I got older. I'm still waiting.

I also got on my hands and knees and tried walking through the kitchen cupboards without opening them. There used to be this Chuck Wagon Dog food commercial. A sheepdog would chase this chuck wagon filled with beef through the house, but it would disappear into the cupboard, so he'd bark at the cupboard. I figured it would work for me, but I just banged my head up pretty bad.

What's funny is that my sister and I used to have séances before our mom even introduced us to that "other" world. So we had THE SHINING (lots of laughing please) before we were wise enough to know that we had a choice whether to believe or not to believe.

Then our mom raised us on this author named Edgar Casey, who was totally into all the metaphysical stuff. Spoon bending, mind reading, telepathic communications, etc. I don't even believe in most of that stuff, but enough stuff has happened to me that I don't mess with witchcraft cause I don't want to turn my boss into a pig, because I really like pigs and then I'd want to keep him for a pet, and let's just not go there.

Then again, my mom believes in vampires and UFOs. Gee, I wonder what happened to DeLarla to screw her up so bad? Go hide in a corner and eat, little girl... run!

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Sue, I really do understand. I consider myself a skeptic. I don't swallow it all wholesale. But like I said, I gotta believe my own senses. Perhaps all that we consider metaphysical now is merely science we haven't tapped yet. It is very arrogant to feel we have learned all there is........

So, here's another story.

My wife was injured four years ago. Shortly before that injury we acquired a little dog, Abby who was half pug, and half terrier. We drove out into the country to answer an ad for a puppy. They had several, and we looked at them all. But when we picked this one up she began licking (kissing) us like crazy. She acted like she knew us and hadn't seen us in ages. Even the lady selling the pups noted this.

We took her home and all was well, little Abby was a constant source of delight.

Then, one night a few weeks before my wife was injured, there was a program on television. There was a lot of angel talk back then, and this tv show was about that. They were talking about pets being angels in disguise sometimes.

I laughed, and watched our little pug terrier mix playing with a stuffed toy on the floor. "Maybe we picked up an angel instead of a puppy" I said to my wife, she smiled and nodded. Instantly Abby stopped playing and walked over to me and stared into my eyes. I mean really made eye contact. That's not normal for a dog, unless they are challenging to be Alpha Male or Female. Patty and I both agreed, it was an eerie moment.

If she is an angel she performs no magic I can see, other than to give my wife lighthearted company each day, while I"m at work. And little Abby is quite the little mother type, if Patty's fallen, Abby comes and gets me.

Angels? Maybe. Ghosts? Maybe. UFO's? I've seen one. But I think the unexplained is just that. Something that is not yet explainable.

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I believe in Angels!

My son was diagnosed with cancer at 17 years old and while he was in the hospital hooked up to every machine possible and totally druged with morphine and verced he told my husband and I that he had a dream about his youngest brother (we have 5 children) he told us that something was wrong with his baby brother who was 4 at the time. He told us we had to take him to the doctor, we did not take much stock into what he was telling us becasue of al lthe drugs he was taking for his pain but for 2 days my son tried to pull out every tube he was attached to he was very agitated so the nurses told us to come to the hospital one night in the middle of the night to try and comfort him when we arrived he again told us that something was wrong with his baby brother and we had to take him to the doctor so we did to apease him and to set his mind at ease and guess what..when we took our youngest son to the doctor the next morning we were given devastating news, our youngest son also had cancer. Imagine the shock that my husband and I were in when we heard the news..our youngest son and oldest son both with cancer diagnosed 3 weeks apart..my oldest son died and my youngest is now in remission but I truly believe that my son was an Angel or an Angel spoke to my son and told him to get our attention in regards to our youngest son..without my son telling us of his dream we would of never known becasue at the same time my mother was dying so all of our attention was focused on my mom and my oldest son who were both in hospitals in ICU. Our oldest son saved my younger sons life..to this day he is considered an Angel ..a guardian angel to his younger brother. My son and mother died 10 days apart while my youngest is in remission and healthy

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Guest lucky

oh, I love the ghost stories and the angel stories.

Ya know I believe in ghosts but I try not to say that too loud cause I'm afraid they will visit be and scare be to death. Now an angel has sat right beside me in my truck when I was having a wreck and saved my life. I could feel her arm around me and I could see the impression of her weight on the seat when the truck came to a halt. She kept my truck from going off a bridge when I started sliding on ice. No doubt in my mind

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Michelle, I knew YOU were going to come to the aid of the angel stories. Kids are so pure, and of coarse God would allow the little ones to see, feel, hear much more then us adults because of their innocence - their purity.

Debra, who said angels had to look like the ideas Hollywood gives us??? (white wings, white gown etc) Ill believe my Marcus over myths any day! That was just one of many "angel" stories Marcus has shared with us.

Betty, I have LOTS of questions about your story.... about the person your father-in-law was talking to. What was his relationship with her and was she deceased?

As far as the skeptics go.... actually Im not sure what a "skeptic" is. Ive always been a believer (I guess thats what you call a Christian??) :D

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Paula - I think she was an old girlfriend of his, but I don't know why she was deceased. I just know he kept seeing a lot of people and had been seeing them for about a week. It was really weird to see him talking to them and telling them to leave him alone. He certainly never believed in life after death.

When my Mom and Dad died, my Dad was in good health. My Mother had CHF for many years, but she fought it with everything she had. She was so terrified of dying, when she got real bad she would not close her eyes. She lived about 10 years past what they thought she would. My Father had a freak accident, tripped and fell against the banaster and crushed his chest, he thought he would be o.k. and went and layed on the couch. By the time one of us kids went over there he was almost gone. We all believe God took him first so my Mom wouldn't be so scared, my Dad would come and get her.


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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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