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Enjoying all the stories.

When I had finished 6th grade, my best friend and I made plans to hang all summer, but first, she was going to go on a vacation with her grandma and great aunt. She never returned from her vacation - she died in a head-on car collision. It was the first death that I remember - the first funeral - and with a closed casket, I didn't believe she was really inside. The night of the funeral was extremely hard for me, I remember my parents helping me walk out of the church. We got home and my folks helped me into bed. I crashed rather quickly but was awoken a few hours later and there she was standing at the bottom of my bed, smiling at me......scared the crap out of me. From that point on, I just considered her my angel.


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I am always so anal I don't noticed normal changes going on around me, so I sure wouldn't notice anything abnormal! For all I know I could have a family of spirits living with me... I always blame everything on the cats anyway.

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I am a firm believer in spirits and angels and ghosts. Good and bad.

When we moved into the apt in Tampa while getting settled my son (3 at the time) kept going into his closet and talking to someone. and not like he was talking to someone that was just imagination. he was answering questions, and using words we never used with him because he would not be able to pronounce them. When asked who he was talking to, he said there was a man in his closet like papa (his grandfather) who sings him christmas songs. He even started singing christmas songs (middle of april) that we never played.

We got a kitten about 18 months ago, but it was sickly, and ended up passing away one day when we were all out. we found him laying on our bed, on my pillow. he liked sleeping right next to my head when he was alive. our other cat, elwood, hated him because he was new. even after he passed we would see a kitten run down the hallway to the master bedroom. And at night I would feel a purring breath next to my face, wake up and have elwood asleep by my feet, not my head.

When my grandmother passed my DH and I were living together but not married. We were having sex one evening (i know...shocking!) and heard "Oh my!" clear as a bell. We both were very startled and looked around. We thought someone had actually come into the house and into our room, but Elwood (faithfull and trusty) was asleep right in front of the shut door. No one would have come in and left him undisturbed. I thought the TV might have made the noise, but it was off completely. It wasn't like a whisper, it was very clear and in the room with us. I got a call about an hour later from my mother that my grandmother had died. my mother told me her last words were "Oh My!" I still have not told my mom. Kind of embarassing that your grandma's ghost comes to say good bye and you are getting busy with your man.

When my daughter was born her umbilical cord was attached to the Water bag and tore during delivery. Both my daughter and I were losing lots and lots of blood. The doctor carved me up down there, reached in, and grabbed her. I was not even fully dialated. Emily's heart had stopped. It was a scary situation. They rushed her to the table and started working to revive her. She began breathing and her heart started after less than a minute. I am still not even sure what they did with her, as I was not allowed to have her til the next day, but they gave me a transfusion for the lost blood. We found out a few days later that Dh's grandmother, who had been in an almost coma from a stroke for the last 3 years, woke up completely cognisent and with full motor skills and told dh's mom that she was right. We had a girl. Then she died.

When I was a kid I used to ride with my mom to work in hawaii before having a friend's mom take me to school. Every morning we would drive along this stretch of road near a sugar cane field. One morning there was terrible traffic, and we found out a teenage boy had been hit by a car and died. A few times after that occasionally we would see a teenage boy walking along the road minding his own business and a few blocks after passing him we would see him walking in the other direction coming towards us. We would pass him without event. He never looked up or strayed from his path. it was quite spooky for me.

there are more but i will share at a later date. :)

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Paula, I love the story about your son's angel. I'd love to hear more angel stories.

ABout a year ago, I got pancreatis from a bad gallbladder. I was so sick and also afraid t'd get chronic pancreatitis. One day, I was thinking about it a lot, while waiting for diagnosis and I was praying for someone else and I heard a voice say to me "Your going to be allright" And I was. But when I heard that voice, I knew it was angelic and I knew thenI would be okay.

One other time I had an angelic intervention was I was at a dinner party. During the day I had lit a candle, and my memory is so foggy since getting fibromyalgia. I was laughing and having a great time and I heard a voice, clear as a bell (it was the same male voice I heard above) say "You left the candle burning".

I stopped in mid sentance. Got to my feet and left everyone at the table. I drove home at 70 miles an hour (we were about 30 min away) and came in the door just in time to see the candle a tower of flame, wax dripping onto the table aflame and the floor starting to go on fire. My cats were afraid and hiding.

If that voice had not said that, that moment. I would have lost everything and killed my cats. I am sure as anything that was angelic intervention.

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I just thought I'd let you all know one of my hobbies is actually a paranormal investigator aka Ghosthunter.

I have conducted my own private ones, by myself or with a couple of others and belong to an organization here in NJ.

I have some EVP and photographic experience from a home recorder and digital camera used in various places. I have been feeling, seeing and hearing ghosts since childhood. I'm not a "psychic" like the ones you see on TV,I'm no Derek Acora, but the years has really tuned me into feeling or sensing different energies, feelings, get impressions, etc. I am one that likes to make sure what I'm experiencing can't be debunked or explained by some other naturally or artificially occurring phenomenon. In other words, I want to make sure what I am experiencing is real, and not something else. :-) I like the validation from the techno side. I think it's great to have a balance of the two in an investigation.

I've had some of my experiences and some of my true ghost stories published . The internet, in books like Coast to Coast Ghosts, Weird Nj and a upcoming book called Animal Spirits. One was was televised on local cable and I've done some public speaking, lectures and been on the radio about this stuff..

My interest and fascination with this phenomenon began in childhood and has never waned. If anything, it gets stronger. I want to know why, how and where. Why things are happening and find out details to a haunting. I want to help people and help them understand and not be afraid. Above all, it's about helping others.

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I enjoy reading about the paranormal, watching Ghost Hunters, etc. but do not believe in ghosts. To each their own. But my dad shared a story with me I figured I'd pass on. My father is not one to lie. Do I believe this really happened? No, but I believe that he believes it, and that's all that matters. I will tell this "matter of factly" only because it's how it was told to me.

My dad is the youngest of three, he has a brother and a sister. Growing up they were pretty poor and would have to entertain themselves. One of them found a ouija board, but they didn't have a pointer for it so they used a shot glass. They went in their basement, lit some candles, and started playing with the ouija board. After a few minutes the shot glass started moving to answer questions they were asking. They'd established communication with a male - I can't remember the name. They'd ask questions and "he" would answer. Convinced that one or the other was making the shot glass move, they took turns being blindfolded, two at a time, so that only one person would ever be able to see what was being selected. Even though the others were blindfolded, their questions continued to be answered accurately, and not just yes/no questions... but also ones that had to be spelled out. Anyway, apparently this went on for about an hour. Then were asking generic questions, but then my uncle tried to ask a question about his sister, something about how old she would be when she died, and the shot glass moved to "no" so quickly that they couldn't keep their fingers on it. After that the "person" they had contacted seemed to get agitated. The shot glass would keep going to "Good Bye" but they'd ask if they could have one more question, and it would go to "Yes" so they'd ask. It would get answered, and then they'd ask for one more question... apparently this happened about 6 times and the last time they asked for one more question, the shot glass flew out of their hands, went over to "No", sat there for a few seconds, then flew up into the air, across the room, and smashed into the wall.

My father never owned a oiuja board after that, and wouldn't allow one in our house (when I was younger they were "cool" again and I wanted one to play with friends when we had slumber parties). He refuses to watch "ghost movies" or anything that focuses on the supernatural. He will watch a movie that has a ghost in it (e.g. "Ghost"), but will not watch something specifically about a ghost, like the "A Haunting in..." series.

Like I said, he has high integrity and is not someone to tell a lie. I was younger when he first told me the story and I didn't believe him so he told me to call my aunt and ask her what happened "the night with the ouija board". I never did, but he was confident she'd be able to tell the exact same story.

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If you're easily disturbed/scared, don't go to this site, or at the very least, don't click on the audio clips. I would recommend following what the site suggests and read the story before listening to the clips.

(I've shown this site to alot of people and I've sat and watched as the hairs on their arm stand up... this really gets some people's goats) :Banane56:

Woman allegedly being possessed by a man and a child.

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I heard those when they first came out. They were very interesting. Quite spooky.

I love the show Most Haunted on the travel channel. Most investigations don't really show anything that would have me saying "yes there wasa ghost there" but occasionally things happen that are just completely unexplainable. One episode they were doing table tipping, and the camera was running and the three guys had their hand barely touching the table (i think they were still getting ready to do the tipping) and the whole table shifted quite violently towards one of the guys, almost knocking him down. It was very clear on the video that none of them caused this to happen. There was also one they did in a brewery where at one point the investigator was in the keg room, and kegs started rolling across the concrete right on camera! the floor was not slanted, but they were rolling, and changing speed by slowing and then speeding up. It was quite fascinating. They just recently did an investigation of the Queen Mary in California (an old ship that is now a hotel) and one of the investigators had a camera running all night in his room. It shows him sleeping in bed, and you can hear a kids voice clearly say "Mommy" and hear hangers hitting the floor or walls. They also videoed wet footprints that had come out of a pool that had no Water in it. Another investigation I just loved!! There were 4 investigators/cameramen were in a bedroom, and they were saying things like "why don't you show yourself? We aren't afraid of you! You couldn't hurt us if you tried!" and all of a sudden the TV in the room switched on and the volume was cranked up really loud. The looks on those guys faces was priceless!! They all jumped into each others arms. It was funnier than all get out.

I LOVE Derek who is a medium on that show. I don't believe him most of the time, cause i have seen him on camera moving a table during table tipping. But I think his personality is fabulous!! He loves having an audience, that is for sure. But occasionally he does pick up some weird things. He was in an attic on one episode talking to any spirits that might have been in the room, and a a bookshelf fell on him. it was very surprising.

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Ok, Here's mine. My husband and I lived in Pueblo Colorado, (our hometown) It was May 12, 1982 (I believe). I was approx. 3 months pregnant. My husband was a manager for a well known fast food restaurant and was sometime called to go to the restaurant when the alarms would go off. A policeman would meet him and they would go into the restaurant and check things out..... Well this one night about 2am) the alarm company called and said that the alarms were going off all over the south side of the city and he would need to go to the store and check it our alone. I was nervous about that and decided to stay up and wait for him. It was a warm night and It had rained pretty hard, but had cleared and the air was so refreshing, I sat with the lights off at our kitchen table and watched for my husband to come up the street. The door was open with just the screen door between me and the outside. This is where it gets crazy. All of a sudden I heard this weird noise (almost like bacon frying) and the sound of a click (loud) and then a BRIGHT GREEN light came flooding into the house through the doors and every inch of area that was not covered by curtains etc. First the noise, then the light... This happened 3 times. I got up and walked to the front door (the screen) and looked out and was going to step out onto the porch and take a look up... I had this overwhelming feeling that "I don't want to see whats up there" about the time my husband come barreling up the road and jumps out of the car and yells "get in the house !" and pushes me back in. I asked what he saw and to this day he says that he didn't see anything. Now you tell me. what you think it was? Do i believe in UFO's? What do you think. I worried my whole pregnancy that something might be wrong with the baby. Nothing was, but I will never forget that and I still think that if I would have looked up I would of seen some kind of UFO.

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when he said that he saw nothing do you think he really couldn't see what was making the light, that he didn't see the light at all, or that he just doesn't want to say what he saw?

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Oh, he saw something! Not too long after that, he was standing looking out our window (upstairs) and the reflection from my daughters bedroom was (like shining and a reflection) on our window, but it looked like a bright light in the sky.. He said to me in a whisper, Dovie come here... take a look at that. He was scared. So was I, but as I moved in front of the window to look out, I must of blocked the reflection and the light was gone. I did that a couple of time and we were both relieved that we had not seen anything. So yes, he saw something, but he says he didn't.

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love this my mum has been dead for 12 year's and in that time for no reason havn't even been thinking of my family oversea's but iwill get a whiff of her perfume that hasn't been made for many year's and a couple of time's i have dreamt of my mum and dad and some sort of problem has followed

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Okay, okay I've got a good one too. My dad passed over 18 years ago. A month after he passed My husband and I found out we were pregnant! It brought great joy to our family just knowing this at this time. When I was a very 9 months pregnant and was giving a verbal eviction notice to my daughter who was 2 weeks late, I started to think how sad it would be since my dad was not here with us. Strangely something prompted me to open a drawer in my dresser. There was an old photo album I had made up as a kid. I opened it to the middle and there was a picture of my dad and grama (both passed) embraced and smiling in the picture we took at Disneyland. Not two seconds later my daughter's mobile in her room started to play all by itself! Not to mention I once told my dad that when I died I wanted my ashes to be put in all the fun places I loved like Disneyland. The other strange thing was my daughter was born 1 year to the date of my dads funeral which was a beautiful service.

I get teared up just thinking about this experience and there were more, that were just as great. I know my dad has always watched over our entire family especially my daughter.

When my daughter was about 3, I walked into her room to greet her as I did every morning. When she reached her arms out for a hug, she said "mommy, grampa said not to be so sad about him" I looked at her in shock I was thinking about at the moment. I said "really, when did you see him?" she said very camly, oh early this morning, he was flying around my room and he told me that" shocked I said "well, did he tell you anything else?" she said, "yes. he said I was pretty like my mom and that I was a good girl too" as I stood there in shock a few tears started to flow. My daughter looked at me and padded my back and said "don't worry mommy he is so happy up there" ;) My daughter is now 17 and she still remembers this experience.

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Out of everything Ive read on this thread, YOUR story gave me the creeps.

sooooo weird. And your husband has NEVER talked about it? wow.

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Dovie, sounds like a UFO experience to me. His reaction is classic response to such an event.

This may sound crazy but I know real people who are very sane and down to earth that have seen them too.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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