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I get chills reading all this stuff. I had never read this thread before, but relate to alot of the stories being told.

Here are some of mine:

My cousin Gloria lived in an older home and we went to visit her a couple of years ago, when we got there her husband and daughter were not home and a few minutes later while we were standing in the kitchen next to the window, I clearly saw a little girl skip up the front walkway, headed to the front door, thinking it was her daughter I went into the living room to greet her daughter, well there was no one there, I went outside to see if maybe she had gone to the backyard and there was no one there, no car in the driveway either, thinking it was odd, I went back in the kitchen and told Gloria that I thought I had seen Cassie coming in the house. She was so surprised, she told me her little girl often told her that she had a friend who she talked with that lived in her room, but that she thought it was just her little girls overactive imagination. I was truly freaked as I clearly saw that little girl.

I know that there are many strange things out there and have experienced some really frightning things, but when my ex-husband and I were getting divorced it got a bit overwhelming for me. You see my ex-husband and his family all believe in witchcraft. When we were in the middle of our very messy nasty divorce, I would get letters in the mail from his girlfriend that had ashes in them and letters that were colored w/ crayons and had weird sayings in them and then in my little girls diaper bag (when she came back from a visit w/ her dad) there was a brown stone that had a carving of a black wolf in the center and lots of other odd things. It was very frightning for me. My mother always told me to just put myself in God's hands and that nothing would ever harm me, and that if I was ever scared to just call out Jehova's name and he would save me. Well I can't tell you how many times, while sleeping the bad people (or something) would try to take me and harm me, I would be laying in bed and wake up from my sleep and all of a sudden the dark room would get darker and these shadows would start hoovering over me trying to pull on me and take me (very frightning to me) I remember crying out for help, and then remembered my mother's words. I would say Jehova please help me, don't let them take me away, and I'd say evil cringes when they hear the name of the lord and it would stop, just like that, I would reopen my eyes, covered in sweat, crying hysterically. This went on and on and everytime, JEhova God would save me. After the divorce became final and the fighting stopped and what ever they were doing to me stopped, these episodes stopped. I feel truly blessed for my mother's words, I honestly think that if I didn't call on God's name at those times, something very bad might have happened to me, I can't really explain it, but I just know that they would have taken me away.

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My angel saved me from becoming one of Leonard Lake and Charles Ng's victime. I had been working at the Ren Faire in Novato, CA, when I met Leonard. He took a fancy to me, and invited me to go visit him at his cabin in the Mountians. As soon as he touched my arm, it was.. aweful. A voice told to me run away as fast as I could, but make sure I didn't upset him in any way...

Who is Leonard Lake and Charles NG's?

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I hear you On the Witch Craft Estella

Back in Jan or around there I had vacumed our living room completely so I know there was nothing on the floor. The same day my husband went to vacume when I got home there was handful of hair sitting on the counter and he comes in and tells me where did I get that from? I tell him it was not there nor did I bring it in from outside.

It was not my hair nor anyone's hair within my house hold. I called my mom ASAP and asked her what she thought since she believes in Brujera (witchcraft) so she comes over and looks at it and says someone is trying to put a spell on us so she picks up a newspaper takes it outside and burns it. Next I have to go get candles light them and put holy Water through out the house. I also have on each door to my home Ojos de venow (deer eyes) not actually but thats what they are called. To this day I do not know where it came from or how it got in the house and was in a place that you could see it.

I do believe in things like that but I know the Good Lord is stronger and does protect us from that kind of evil.

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Wow, I don't know how I missed this thread. I am very interested in spirits, ghost stories, hauntings...I have had a few experiences. The weirdest being : One night, early morning, like around 2am, I was driving home from a friends house. I was about 18, driving my camero...tee tops down....beautiful clear night in the summer. As I went downt the road, I could see a boy, young man, about 18-19 years old, standing in the middle of the street with blonde hair. I said out loud,get out of the way schmuck your gonna get hit...and he didn't move.....Said it again...didn't move, I went from like 55-40-30 ...and when I got within feet of this boy, he DISAPPEARED.....As I talked to other people I heard a story where a boy was killed in a car accident and he was about 18 years old! When he disappeared in front of me, I hauled butt and got home, and ran inside!! I get the creeps when I drive past that place now!!! I love to get the creeps!

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I googled that...YIKES!!!!!!


I looked it up, how terribly scary. I had never heard of this before, wonder why? You always hear all the stories of the mass murderers, I totally had missed this.

You sometimes have to wonder, how we encounter these kinds of people sometimes. As you all know I am from a very small rural town and after I was divorced, I dated a few losers. Well one of them, I went on two dates w/ but discovered I didn't like him really quick. He got really mad at me on our second date because I wouldn't sleep w/ him, hello loser I just met you!! Well anyways, a year later he killed his ex-wife with a bat. He apparently asked her to meet him in a remote area and they got into an agruement over child support money (she had their son's baseball bat in her car) well it got violent and he blugened (sp?) her to death with this bat, well he then called his brother who brough him a gasoline container and they set her car on fire w/ her in it. It was horrible. He is serving a life term for his horrible crime. And to think I was alone w/ this monster.

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The grounds of the ranch were dug up and twelve corpses were uncovered in shallow graves. Amongst these victims were two entire families; Harvey Dubs and his wife and baby son, and Lonnie and Brenda O'Conner and their baby son. The women had been abused and killed after their husband and infants were disposed of. Five of the bodies were of men lured to the ranch to be robbed and killed - including Robin Stapley and Paul Cosner - and the twelfth was identified as 18-year-old Kathleen Allen, who knew Ng because her boyfriend had once been his cellmate in prison. As well as these complete remains, police found many charred fragments of human bones, but they were unable to determine the identity of the victims they had come from, or how many there had been.

The authorities concluded that Lake and Ng had murdered as many as twenty-five people. http://www.answers.com/topic/leonard-lake

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jeez this is the first I have heard of that.. OMG that is horrible.

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Ohhh I know th Ng guy. I have heard his story before and saw parts of his trial on TV...He made me sooo sick I couldn't even watch the whole story. I don't understand....Thank God I don't understand!!! But you were soooo lucky Vines.....I always believe when something doesn't feel right, it isn't! Thankfully you were listeing to those voices YELLING at you to get outta there!!! I had an experience like that, but not on such a big scale. I went to the mall one night, and I was alone. I parked away from the mall, facing the main entrence way, under a light....all the things your supose to do. When I was getting out of the car, a big white van pulled up right next to me, like within inches. I saw there was one man in the driver seat...who knows who else was in the back of the van....The driver was looking at me, looking at him. My view was totally blocked of the entrence way to the mall...and it was like we were on a stale mate. He was looking at me, I was waiting for him to get out of his car...his door was ajar a little bit.....my doors were locked at this point....Then the hair started to stand up and a voice told me This isn't good...get the hell outta here. So I put my car in gear.....and left. I didn't even turn my car off during this whole stalemate....scared the bejesus outta me! I left the mall and went home!!! I totally believe someone was watching out for me that night. I am pretty observent as it is, I know my surroundings at all times...but this was over and above. Someone was watchin out for me that night!

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Okay, this is a story about my 3 year old Grandaughter Valerie. She has recently come up with an imaginary friend. She says her name was Stella. Unusual becasue that is an older name.

One day she was very upset and came to my daughter crying and said that Stella died. My daughter comforted her and assured her it would be okay. Then the next day they were driving down the street and Valerie said..."there goes Stella". My daughter said, "where is she going"? "To our house, she lives there". She told my daughter that Stella has 2 kids, a boy and a girl. Then my daughter knew that her imaginary friend was an older person. Last week she was getting ready for dress rehersal a dance recital and my daughter put her hair up in a bun and she said "oh! my hair looks like Stella's". My daughter asked "Does Stella have brown hair"? "No, she has white hair" . Then the day of the recital she said that Stella was coming to the recital and she was going to sit next to Grandma (Valerie's Great Grandmother). The thing that makes me believe that Stella is a ghost is that Valerie's Great Great Grandmother (Grandma's Mother) was named Stella. She had white hair and always wore in a bun. She had 2 children, a boy and a girl and she is deceased. She lived to be 95 so may daughter knew her well and admired her so much. Coincidence? Well maybe, it just seems so stange how everthing matches.

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These stories are all amazing. I too googled that story on Ng and Lake after reading Vines' first post. I hadn't heard of it before.

This story isn't mine, but my family's on my dad's side.

10 years ago my dad, my aunt, and 2 of my cousins (all separately and unknown to eachother) saw a robin in their yard, or on the way to wherever they were going at the time. They all took note of their robins, because it seemed interested in them and not afraid of them. I probably don't have all this right (I just heard the story last month), but I know one of my cousins talked to it and said hi, and my dad walked to within 3 or 4 feet of it without it being nervous. They found out that day that my grandmother had died in her sleep the night before. They've all seen the robin (could be the same one or not) multiple times since then, along with some of my other cousins.

Last month my cousin Polly saw the robin, and then a 2nd robin. My dad saw 2 robins, and my aunt saw 2 robins. My grandfather had passed away the night before. Robins were always my gramma's favorite bird.

They all live in Colorado and I was living in Texas at the time of my grandmother's passing. When I heard this story last month, I really hoped that I hadn't missed something, but had the feeling that if my grandmother had visited me there, she would have made it clear to me that she was there.

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bumping to get more stories since we have so many new faces!!


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hmmm, things that go "BUMP" in the night....glad you bumped, i had not seen this thread before.

when i was about 7 or 8 my dad's mom died. granny was not very old, 55, but she apparently died of natural causes. she lived with my aunt, and upon returning from the circus one night, she was sitting in her favorite chair with her head slumped to the side. maybe a heart attack? who knows since no autopsy was done.

dad got the call as we were winding down for the evening. i was in mom and dad's room playing with our pet cat. as soon as dad answered the phone, i remember having a feeling that i recognize now as a sort of adrenaline rush. back then, i interpretted this as fear. i started crying and throwing a fit. dad had to get off the phone to help settle me before calling my uncle back. he asked me what was wrong, i told him "It's Granny, It's Granny, why is she gone?!" He had not even told my mom yet what the call was about. i don't remember hearing him say anything on the phone. it has always been puzzling to us how i knew that something was wrong with Granny. We werent especially close or anything. she was a little loopy best i can recollect. she lived a very difficult life...drama drama. then complicating matters, she had a baby that developed normally until she was 10 months old, then stopped developing at all! my grandmother refused to let her go to a home until she was almost ten years old. the child could do nothing but smile every once in a while.

well, back to topic...that night, we went to my aunts. i slept in my aunts room on a love seat. at some point in the night, i either had a dream or it really happened, but i went to Granny's favorite chair, where she passed. she was sitting there in the dark smoking a cigarette. she pulled me over to her and hugged me tight. we made small talk, and at thetime, my mind was not remembering that she had died the night before. it was not until the next day when i woke up that i realized i had seen her. it was so casual though. i wasnt scared or anything. i did not even tell anyone until later in the morning. it did not occur to me that i had seen a "ghost" as she had no stereotypical ghostly "glow" and she was not floating, or doing any of the other things i would typically associate with my idea of a ghost when i was 7-8. as we were cleaning up after Breakfast, my dad had picke dup my granny's cigarette lighter. it was out of Fluid. he was sitting there sparking the flint, like a nervous habit sort of thing. the flame caught after he had sat striking it for at least five minutes. the flame was really tall. he stood the lighter upright on the table and let go of it. it stood on the table for at least 15 minutes before it finally shrunk and faded away. that is when i told everyone about what i experienced. but of course, i was just matter of factly stating my facts, i had no idea how dramatic this really was. when i was older, i asked dad about the incident. he said that before i got up, they were all talking about things, and everyone had odd encounters in the night. mom and dad slept in granny's bed. dad talked to granny as she sat at her vanity. when they would sleep, the bed would shake violently waking them. the window would open, and they would shut it only to find it open when they woke, and the closet door, which my mom shut because open doors scare her at night kept opening. they also noted that my granny died with an unlit cigarette in her hand and a lighter in the other. they pondered the possiblity of her dying with a lit cigarette in her hand, and how the house may have burned down. they noted that he lighter was out of lighter Fluid, and they were glad that the house had not burned. this is when i woke up and interupted their conversation. dad was still playing with the light when the flame caught.

dad has always been able to sense the presence. he claims that they can be communicated with but he won't discuss any conversations he may have had. my older brother and one of my younger brothers apparently have this same ability. i never really picked it up. when i was pregnant with my third child, my trysemme(*i have no idea how to spell that*) test came back positive for the marker for down's syndrome. i was terrified and devastated. we had the specialist do the more detailed ultrasounds and had some other tests, but they were inconclusive. we opted not to have the amnio as this was an unecessary risk to the baby. i worried constantly about the health of the baby. i started noticing that, on a regular basis, i was mistakenly looking in one direction or another thinking that i had seen someone. once i was watching tv, and through the cracks of the blinds on the window, i SWORE that i saw someone standing on the front porch. thinking it was one of the kids friends, i went to the door...NOONE. this kept happening, sometimes i was startled when i thought i saw someone in the hallway, sometimes it was just casual as i became used to the fact that i was seeing things. my dad notice me do it one time. he got up and wrote down something on a piece of paper, without saying anything to me. he folded the paper up and handed it to me, closing his hand around mine, my hand closed around the paper. he asked me if i thought i saw someone. i said yes, he asked who i thought it was, i said, i don't know, but my mind, for a split second, thought whoever it was looked like my aunt robi. he turned my hand over and opened his and said read the paper. he had written, "that is your aunt robi, she wants you to know that everything is ok with the baby." i was amazed. these "sightings" continued until i was in the delivery room. i have bad reactions to the epidural and spinal, but i had to have a c-section. as i was in and out of things, i was definitely aware of EVERY person that i had ever lost. it was dreamy, but i know it was real.

by the way, Hanna was born very healthy. the docs decided that my due date must have been wrong, and that the ultrasounds were inconclusive due to Hanna growing abnormally in the womb. i was prepared for a baby, sick or healthy, but Hanna came out with no chromosomal defect.

so glad you made this thread go BUMP...

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I love these stories, I even go to Ghost walks in little Texas towns. I have never seen nor felt anything myself personally but had a roommate that "saw people" plain as day and when we would just be standing around talking I could see her head turn in a certain direction and turn back and I knew she had just seen someone. It would scare the crap outta me! Since we moved from that apartment she hasn't really seen much since. Creeps me out and I love that feeling!!!

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OK so I will give you just a brief overview of my experience. There are hundreds of them. When I was little I had premotions, saw things, had feelings, etc. It was a little overwhelming to me. When I was 16 after a most intense experience, I prayed that these visions would only happen in my dreams. I thought I could handle them better that way, rather than living them in real time. My prayers were answered. Sometimes its hard to interupt my dreams, but most of them I can. Sometimes a real vision or feeling still comes through.

8/13/96 I was cooking eggs for dinner. As I was scrambling the eggs I watched my father die, try to be revived by paramedics. I knew he was dead and the vision left. I decided not to call my sister (he was visiting her at the time) because I knew she was dealing with it. My sister called 90 minutes later to let me know my father died. I told her I knew and told her how. I was exactly right, down to the time of death. I had dreamed of his death 10 days before and was prepared.

Not sure why me, but I accept it.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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