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Terrified of Lap Band or any other surgeries

Guest heather

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Guest heather

I am 25 and the last time I weighted myself I was 247 lbs. Everyone I know is a size 10 or smaller. I am the heaviest on both sides of my family. I have completly withdrawn myself from all my friends.

I feel miserable. I look at myself in the mirror and I want to look away asap. I gaze at old photos of myself (In my skinnier days), and wonder what it would be like to be that size again.

My BMI is 38.8. I talked to my doctor about some sort of weight loss therapy. He chose to put me on diet pills. They did nothing for my weight, but made me feel high as a kite all day. I couldn't continue feeling that way being a teacher.

I read an article on Lap Band vs. Gastric Bypass. I talked to my doctor. He said that I am a canidate for L.B.

I went home and have been researching it day and night.

I have so many concerns, a bunch of "what if's".

"What if I am in too much pain."

"What if I can't take care of myself for months."


I am absolutly terrified of the pain. I can go through child labor with no pain medication, and be fine, but I can go get a small tattoo on my back and scream like a baby.

PAIN... is there any. Can anyone answer my what if questions above. All the articles that I have read cover it, BUT I would like to hear from someone who has actually been through it. How much weight do you loose, and how fast?

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Heather, sweetie, I can hear the fear in your post!! Take a deep breath, relax, and exhale. Now, again. There, feel better?

OK. Now. You say you can handle the pain of childbirth but are scared of surgery? Believe me, cupcake, lapband surgery is NOTHING compared to the pain of childbirth. Having children stretches apart your entire body so you can pass something the size of a watermelon. IN NO WAY does banding compare!

In fact, with the surgery itself I have virtually no memory of pain. I got home the same day as the operation and took a pain pill that afternoon, and what sticks with me the most is the number of days it took to feel mentally complete again. Anaesthesia and I don't really get along, I guess. :)

The pain in the days after surgery is easy to handle. In my case it was a soreness that faded with each passing day, and after that first day I didn't need any pain relief. I was able to take care of myself the next day. (Months? Why wouldn't you be able to take care of yourself for months? This can be outpatient surgery and I was driving the day after it.)

Your last question about weight loss is one that only you can answer. People use their bands in different ways, but there's no question that it helps with hunger and feeling satisfied. That's what it's there for. Only you can decide if having such a tool would help you lose weight.

You're in the right place to hear personal stories, though! Poke around here and ask questions and you'll get lots of great information.

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Oh my! My Anaesthesia wore off during my delivery and never came back, so needles to say, I basically gave birth and felt it all. There is absolutely no comparison between childbirth pain and lapband pain.

I took a total leap of faith, but a jump that I was willing to take if it could help me lose weight, get healthier and feel better about myself mentally. I jumped on an airplane, flew to Mexico and had a surgeon that had never seen me before perform Arthroscopic surgery on me. Was I scared? Maybe a little, but honestly, after I made the decision to have lapband surgery, my excitement out shadowed any fears or anxieties I had.

Now about the actual surgery, pain ect..ect.... I'm just going to be honest about my experience which may differ from other's. I was sick to my stomach while in the recover room, that was the most discomfort I felt. Having the dry heaves was not pleasant, but they gave me Phenergan pretty quick and it went away, but had another episode in my room. I'm sure it was a reaction to the Anaesthesia. Having to cough or sneeze might hurt a little for a couple of days after surgery, but every day after, I felt better and better. It amazed me at how just one day can make such a big difference.

Getting up and down, like off the couch or out of bed was a little painful at first, but very tolerable. My husband would help pull me up but I only needed help right after surgery and the next day, after that I was solo! I went to a mall the day after surgery to try and walk off the gas that they fill you with. I felt bloated and gassy, but no major pain involved.

I have 5 small incisions that are almost completely healed. No major problems with them at all.

If this is truly something that you have decided that will help you to achieve a "better you" then just make the thought of you being thin again, liking what you see in the mirror again and becoming a healther you again your motivation and it will overshadow any small amount of pain that is involved with this surgery. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.

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Heather, I understand your fear. This is a big decision and one that should not be undertaken lightly.

Everybody has different experiences with the band post-surgery and we all have different experiences with weight loss. I can only share my own experience:

The first time I stood up after surgery, I felt a sharp pain. It lasted no more than 3 seconds. I never had any other pain or discomfort.

What if I am unable to care for myself for months?

This is extremely unlikely, I think. I could take care of myself on the day of surgery. I live alone, so that was important. Even our friends here who have had complications were not so ill that they couldn't take care of themselves, I don't think.

How much weight will you lose? That depends very much on whether you diet and exercise after you get the band or whether you let the band do all the work. I weighed four pounds more than you do when I had the band put in almost exactly a year ago. Today I weigh 195. That means I have lost about 48% of my excess weight in one year. I do exercise, but I have never dieted in any way, shape, or form.

You might want to check out the thread August Bandsters to see the variety of weight loss responses and experiences of those of us who have been banded one year.

The only other thing I will say is that I wish I could have had this procedure when I was much younger - before obesity took a toll on my mental and physical health and while my skin was still elastic enough to handle a large weight loss without sagging.

Whatever you decide, good luck.


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Heather, Just be sure and research thoroughly whatever weight loss help you decide to use. Knowledge is powerful! Please don't compare yourself to all the "size 10s". That has nothing to do with who you are. I don't know if you've had an ongoing problem with weight or not. Do you have serious health problems -- diabetes, blood pressure, asthma, thyroid, arthritis, etc.? Only you can decide if you're wanting to do this to be healthier or just for the physical appearances. The band will help you, but you have to be willing to take responsibility for what you are eating and how much. I, also, wish that I could have had this done at a much younger age. But, for me, maybe I really wasn't at the mental point that I needed to be. You do need to take care of yourself. A little bit of laproscopic surgery is absolutely nothing compared to open-heart surgery and recovery time (from a heart attack and/or blockage)! Best of luck to you as you start your journey!

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Hi Heather. I agree alot with Nancy. I weighed 248 when I got my lap band in May of this year, I now weigh 209. I am 10 lbs from being under 200 which is my first goal . But I am 54 years old. I would had loved to have had this tool when I was younger. Maybe I could have avoided High blood pressure, sleep apenea, and some joint pain. My pain after surgery wasnt bad. I was uncomfortable for about 2 weeks but it didnot keep me from doing things. It really is a good weight loss tool...Best wishes...Janie

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Ya know...I'm gonna be odd man out. I think you have to be emotionally ready for any elective surgery. Our daughter was a certifiable candyass when it came to even getting a shot. So you can imagine how amazed we were that she wanted breast reduction surgery. I asked her what made her want to go through something that would normally have scared her half to death. She said that when living with the problem becomes a bigger hassle than doing whatever it takes to get rid of the problem, it's time for surgery. She's a wise woman. When you find that living your life, as it is, becomes so problematic that you'll do almost anything to change your life, you'll be ready. If you're not there yet, don't push yourself.


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I agree a 100% with Sue. Weight loss surgery was brought up to me many times and I wouldn't even let them finish the sentence. I always thought that was just too drastic. Now, I have tried everything I can and could not lose it. Now, my feet and legs hurt and I need to do something in order to have a quality life. I don't want to be in a wheel chair, or sitting on the sidelines while everyone else is having fun. I don't want to be helped up and down to a chair. You come to a point that you know this is the right decission and that is when you should do it. I think everyone is nervous about the surgery, but if you have doubts, then you should wait until you don't and can accept what needs to be done. I know this surgery is for me, I don't have a doubt in the world. Am I scared? You're damn right, but not enough to say no! I want to live!


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Heather: I have a daughter the same age as you. My heart goes out to you. I just wanna take you and hug you.

Pain: I had minor discomfort after surgery. I attribute that to the staff not making me get up after I rested that first day. If I had gotten up and walked I would not have as much discomfort as I did. The pain is NOTHING compared to child birth. I had 4 children and all naturally. NO MEDICATION at all. The only thing I can suggest to get over the discomfort sooner is to walk as much as you can. Splint your abdomen with a pillow to support that area while walking, coughing, and or sneezing. I was up and walking around that next day and taking a shower on my own and getting up and down on my own. The more you do it the quicker you will work out the pain. But you also need to rest as much as you can too.

Breaking of the Band: Haven't heard of this happening at all. Can't really speak to that.

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I must tell you I was very anxious for the 2 months before my surgery. My recovery was more uncomfortable than others. But, boy, I would hope on that table again in a second. The results are worth all the anxiety.

On the childbirth front (my "kids" are 27 and 28 :D ) I had an easier than normal time, so it doesn't always correlate. My new tattoo hurt, but I'm glad I got that, too! :)

I read a support board for gastric bypass for a while a year before my surgery, just to see what it was like. I didn't really consider it, but when I read about the band, it took me a very short time to make up my mind. So.... if you don't feel ready now, don't feel like it can't happen later. You'll know when it is time, but that doesn't necessarily take away the nervousness.

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Hello there,

I am 22, and am amoung a group of very slender, beautiful friends. For years I felt like the black sheep amoung my friends. As you say, you couldnt look in the mirror anymore. I felt the same way. I just didnt want to be FAT anymore. I have been overweight for 15 years and enough is enough. I had to change.

The pain after surgery was there for about 3 days. After that I was doing almost everything on my own. Iw as driving on the 4th days. My surgery was 11 days ago and all my bandages are off. My incisions look great, and I've lost 7lbs! I even worked out 6 days after surgery. This is the perfect time for you to do this. Your skin is more elastic in your 20s. Think about how many wonderful years you have ahead of you to be healthy and happy. If anything, I would tell you to strongly consider it.

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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

        This is a place to feel safe to vent, seek advice, hopefully without judgement.

        Compassion goes a long way :)

      2. BabySpoons

        Seems it would be more compassionate not to perform a WLS on someone until they are mentally ready for it. Unless of course they are on death's door...

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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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    • Teriesa

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