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Just wanted to share. Feb 8th was the date of my surgery and 2 months out I am down 42lbs. Have I lost this amount of weight before? Sure, but not in this time frame and have always gained it back, and a bit more. I could not be happier with my new life choice, family and friends have been sooooo supportive which has made the journey more worthwhile. I am off 4 of my 5 meds (all 4 were for high blood pressure). Half that completes me has booked us a holiday to Spain next month! This is the first time that I have not stressed about which clothes will not fit me - as this time they all will!

I am based in the UK where things are geared up differently to the US, example: unable to find turkey pepperoni to make a tortilla pizza so may have to make do with ham. Buying some low carb items like wraps are very expensive and often has to be done online from specialist food sites. If there is anyone from the UK who can help with food ideas I'd really appreciate it.

The future for me now is so bright I got my shades on! I have now broken the cycle and can see a great future ahead of me. It is one where my knees no longer click when I walk or I'm not adding another health issue to a previously expanding list.

Without this forum I would not have heard of other experiences and that has helped an awful lot. To know you are you are not the only person going through a post-op issue helps you roll with it and take it in your stride. You guys on here are amazing!!

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Wow brandnewme, thank you for posting this!!

I am so happy to hear you are so elated and doing so well 2 months out.

Make me feel more positive! I am currently a week away from my op and I am having a difficult old time.

Cannot wait to be 2 months out. Then we will actually be on holiday ourselves. Cannot wait to have the energy and have more clothes fitting me!

What has been the worst of this journey for you so far?

And on the other hand, what has been the best of this journey for you so far?

I wish you all the best of luck. And I hope things just keep on going better, and enjoy that holiday in Spain, lucky sister!

Kind greetings


(from South Africa)

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Wow brandnewme, thank you for posting this!!

I am so happy to hear you are so elated and doing so well 2 months out.

Make me feel more positive! I am currently a week away from my op and I am having a difficult old time.

Cannot wait to be 2 months out. Then we will actually be on holiday ourselves. Cannot wait to have the energy and have more clothes fitting me!

What has been the worst of this journey for you so far?

And on the other hand, what has been the best of this journey for you so far?

I wish you all the best of luck. And I hope things just keep on going better, and enjoy that holiday in Spain, lucky sister!

Kind greetings


(from South Africa)

Hello, really glad you found the post useful. I really know what you mean about this being a difficult time for you. I had researched over and over again about the different procedures out there and in some cases I think I over researched before joining the site. More often the searches I did only seemed to result in negative stories about the RNY surgery. That’s why I am soooo happy that I found this site. There are always going to be risks with anything we do, I was open to that and didn’t want to put my head in the sand. I figured that not having the surgery posed greater risks for me as it was discovered I was well on the way of developing Diabetes that added onto my already high blood pressure (although controlled with 4 different tablets) didn’t make for a good combination as on top of that I would have to take medication for the Diabetes. I was really scared with the pre-op diet for liver shrinkage as I was warned that if there was not enough weight loss then the operation couldn’t take place. They were strict on that and had previously cancelled a couple of operations due to this. Only way they know if you’ve lost enough is when you are on the table and all cuts and instruments are in place. They stitch you back up and you have to go through the whole process again. I was scared so much I lost 14lbs LOL. Mind you my diet was low carb and not liquid so was easier in some respects for me I think.

I was told that I wasn’t allowed to have a long haul flight for 2 - 3 months but short haul is fine after 2 months. I think the flight is under 4 hours, so that’s ok. I know that I’m going to struggle with my luggage allowance already as so many more things fit and I can’t wait to show myself off!

Might sound like a cliché but the worst part of the journey has been that I regret not having this surgery before, I really do. In the UK as you may know we have the National Health Service (NHS) and for years I have struggled with my weight and been told that if I wanted it done I would have to pay and have it done privately. Recently as the obesity crisis worsened and put more of a strain on the NHS the criteria has been lowered. Where I didn’t previously qualify as my BMI although high wasn’t high enough I now qualified as I had pre-existing conditions and was allowed to have the surgery. I went to St Mary’s Hospital in Paddington, London and a fantastic Bariatric team done the surgery.

Don’t get me wrong, I did have rough days. The initial pain from the surgery was in fact trapped wind under my ribs! Once I got that into my head it wasn’t anything serious I weathered the storm and all was ok. I was in hospital for 2 nights and had to return after 10 days to have my clips removed. I saw my Surgeon and nobody could guess I was only 10 days post op, they thought I was much further along. This I firmly believe was because I was in that frame of mind before and knew what to expect and just dealt with it and didn’t dwell on anything. I am quite a bubbly person and really wanted to ensure that was the case post-op. I few days post-op it did run through my mind “why have I done” but as the pain goes it does get better. I had a couple of dumping issues one of them was from eggs – was able to eat the previous week. I didn’t dwell on it and moved on.

The best part of the journey so far has been that I am off 4 of my 5 tablets – something I’d though I’d never do. I’ve broken the cycle and it’s only up from here on in. I am looking forward to the Summer, it used to fill me with dread as I felt like a big blob and couldn’t get anything nice to wear without showing all the “wobbly” back fat. Or, finding something nice in the shops only to find out they don’t do my size.

Your sense of smell and taste changes and it’s given me the opportunity to try foods that I used to not previously like and I actually enjoy them!

Had a look at your blogsite, looks awesome – will check back from time to time for updates. Please feel free to ask any questions on the forum - there is no such thing as a silly question, People here are amazing and you will get answers from people that are going through the same thing.

Things can only get better from here and I really think it’s an amazing journey and you will learn so much about yourself in the process……

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Many thanks! In your head you MUST be in a good place before having the surgery. It is not a cure for what is wrong in your life nor is it a quick fix. I was lucky to have the surgery within 8 weeks of being approved by my Doctor. I know some people in the UK that are still going through the hoops up to 2 years after being approved.

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dear brandnewme

thank you for taking the time to reply! i enjoyed reading it so much, and you know what, you really put me at ease and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Here in South Africa they show reruns from The Fat Doctor from time to time, so I am quite familiar with your NHS process.

I am glad that it could happen so fast for you. So funny that you mention Paddington. Last night my partner and I was actually watching the Travel Channel and there we watched a travel programme on London. I have been there before, but my partner hasn't.

And the lady was walking there at Paddington station and the sites and things they showed made my partner go - "I want to go to there!"

They also showed Oxford and Richmond and that was also a big sell, hehe.

Anyhoo, just funny always how it works that you hear from a place and then immediately here from it again almost straight after. Have you found that?

Sorry for being totally off topic!

I also believe in the power of positive thinking. And I am back on the positive train. I think emotionally I am doing better today, perhaps my body is getting used to my crazy pills' smaller dosage.

And the excitement is starting to build!

Oh dear goodness, I am just so afraid that I wake up only to find they cancelled my op as my liver didn't shrink enough or something like that!

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Soz long post :)...

I’m glad I could help! It’s perfectly normal to feel anxious about having this sort of surgery but at least you know everyone on here has either gone through it or considering it and you are getting answers from someone that has previously experienced the surgery. Of course, this is no substitute for medical advice from your Doctor, I like to think of it as running alongside and complementing it.

It was amazing how quickly this all happened. I was approved by my Doctor I think around mid December and got my first appointment New Years Eve which was a group consultation with about 20 other people. My second appointment was Jan 17th and after seeing at least 4 different people and a blood test later I was given the date of Feb 8th……

A new TV program started here called Big Body Squad it’s in it’s 2nd series and it shows the strain on the NHS caused to obesity and it’s related health issues. I was told this was the reason the Bariatric Dept at St Mary’s had secured extra funding from the NHS and the long term costs were worth the initial investment. Some other parts of the UK still have long waiting lists but I think the speed of which I went through shows their dedication and the seriousness of the problem.

The hospital is to the back of Paddington Station, and parts of it back onto the canal. It moved from Charring Cross Hospital so it could all be in the one building. They have been amazing there and offer a phone service so if you have any questions you can ring up and speak to one of the Clinical nurses. There is even an emergency mobile number to call and if all else fails you have to go to Casualty at the Hospital and if you say you are a Bariatric Patient they will make sure you are seen quicker. I have been told that the surgery cost varies in the UK and in London is around £15,000 for the surgery. Prior to be approved I was thinking of having a Gastric Band done privately, and when I was approved I was still considering the band. I was told that it had it’s place, but for me it wouldn’t help and the Bypass was best suited to me. Many people that had the Band were being referred to have the Bypass. So, I was glad I didn’t have the Band done privately as it would have been money spent and not a great deal of results and still having to take my high Blood Pressure medication.

I was sooo focused after the surgery and nothing was going to stop me. Initially, I had no appetite whatsoever and just craved Water and cat naps during the day. I still cooked for my partner and bless him he did fend for himself when I wasn’t able. It didn’t bother me that people were eating around me, not in the slightest. I know people that have to leave the room or house – I chose to face it head on. I don’t currently work so had to fill my days. I went out on walks a lot and shopping (some window shopping LOL).

I had nightmares regarding having my op cancelled. The nurse explained that some people depending on what is wrong just can’t lose the weight as it is a direct result of what is wrong with them. What they want to see is some commitment to change and a few pounds is ok for St Mary’s, some people on the forum didn’t have a liver shrinkage diet. It was also explained by eating a healthier diet your liver will shrink anyway. I had a low carb diet sheet, 100g of carbs a day. I know other Doctors like liquid diets to get you used to what to expect after the operation.

I made friends with someone who had the op on the same day. We just clicked and speak or text every single day. We support each other and it keeps our spirits up. The support is key, without this it can make the journey harder (I feel). There will of course be some people that will tell you they didn’t tell anyone as they knew they wouldn’t get the support so decided on the journey alone – and it works for them.

Another tip I will give is when you are able to cook on the different phases to buy some little containers (that hold a few oz’s) and to batch cook and put in the freezer. They defrost in no time at all and just zap them in the microwave. As my Doctor has recommended 60g of Protein a day minimum I struggle to get Protein in. This morning I have had some chilli odd thing but I know if I don’t get the protein in from the start I will be short of my target. Since the operation I can only have lactose free milk so couldn’t fortify my milk as recommended as to much made me feel so sick, Protein shakes didn’t work for me either.

Hope I didn’t bore you too much LOL but hey this is now my pet topic to discuss!

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Just wanted to share. Feb 8th was the date of my surgery and 2 months out I am down 42lbs. Have I lost this amount of weight before? Sure' date=' but not in this time frame and have always gained it back, and a bit more. I could not be happier with my new life choice, family and friends have been sooooo supportive which has made the journey more worthwhile. I am off 4 of my 5 meds (all 4 were for high blood pressure). Half that completes me has booked us a holiday to Spain next month! This is the first time that I have not stressed about which clothes will not fit me - as this time they all will!

I am based in the UK where things are geared up differently to the US, example: unable to find turkey pepperoni to make a tortilla pizza so may have to make do with ham. Buying some low carb items like wraps are very expensive and often has to be done online from specialist food sites. If there is anyone from the UK who can help with food ideas I'd really appreciate it.

The future for me now is so bright I got my shades on! I have now broken the cycle and can see a great future ahead of me. It is one where my knees no longer click when I walk or I'm not adding another health issue to a previously expanding list.

Without this forum I would not have heard of other experiences and that has helped an awful lot. To know you are you are not the only person going through a post-op issue helps you roll with it and take it in your stride. You guys on here are amazing!![/quote']

Homemade ? U can use recipes or allcooks.com for RECEIPES to make turkey pepperoni and everything you want and emilybites site, congrats on ur lost I'll be 3 months out April 21 I had gb on 1-21 and down 69 lbs , keep up the good work love


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Hello, last night I made the "pizza" and it was amazing! Instead of pepperoni I used wafer thin ham which was awesome as it crisped up and charred and gave a lovely smokey taste. I got the recipe from you tube and will certainly be making again very soon.

I have bookmarked many of the sites mentioned on the forums here, all have amazing food ideas. As I am in the UK some of the ingredients are difficult to source eg: turkey pepperoni so I have to find alternatives. The US is more geared up for a low carb lifestyle just hope we are to follow shortly!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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