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Why post if you don't want advice or suggestions? Posting then shooting down every response with a rude comment is pointless. People were just trying to help, out of honest concern for you. And constantly pointing out that you believe yourself to be simply overweight but not unhealthy comes off as completely patronizing, as though you believe you're better than any of us who were unhealthy and overweight. You're not. And if you have sleep apnea and only ate one meal a day I have news for you. That's unhealthy.

To everyone else, sorry for the rant. This thread really bothered me.

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Why post if you don't want advice or suggestions? Posting then shooting down every response with a rude comment is pointless. People were just trying to help' date=' out of honest concern for you. And constantly pointing out that you believe yourself to be simply overweight but not unhealthy comes off as completely patronizing, as though you believe you're better than any of us who were unhealthy and overweight. You're not. And if you have sleep apnea and only ate one meal a day I have news for you. That's unhealthy.

To everyone else, sorry for the rant. This thread really bothered me.[/quote']

I'm sorry I didn't know there was rules and posting. people post to say how there feeling some people post because they have questions I didn't post because I had a question.

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Why post if you don't want advice or suggestions? Posting then shooting down every response with a rude comment is pointless. People were just trying to help' date=' out of honest concern for you. And constantly pointing out that you believe yourself to be simply overweight but not unhealthy comes off as completely patronizing, as though you believe you're better than any of us who were unhealthy and overweight. You're not. And if you have sleep apnea and only ate one meal a day I have news for you. That's unhealthy.

To everyone else, sorry for the rant. This thread really bothered me.[/quote']

I'm sorry are you a doctor or psychiatrist? if you don't like what I have to say simply walk away.

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I'm sorry are you a doctor or psychiatrist? if you don't like what I have to say simply walk away.

And yet you didn't identify it as something you just needed to get out there. I don't have to walk away. I don't like how rude and patronizing you are and I told you so. You want to be nasty? then take it as well as you can give it. love a free country. Now I'm going to ignore you because you're a small person with a small mind and I have so many other people who I'd like to support.

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And yet you didn't identify it as something you just needed to get out there. I don't have to walk away. I don't like how rude and patronizing you are and I told you so. You want to be nasty? then take it as well as you can give it. love a free country. Now I'm going to ignore you because you're a small person with a small mind and I have so many other people who I'd like to support.

thank you cyber bully

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its not letting me

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