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Obsessive Exercising and Weighing

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I am concerned!

I've come across quite a few bandsters on here who are totally obsessed with exercise, weighing themselves and counting calories!

Now this is the kinda stuff eating disorders are made of and that scares the hell out of me. I have suffered from a binge eating disorder for years and feel that I'm getting better but I know that if I start obsessing again I will be right back to square one, which is why I cannot do slimmimg clubs.

The idea of the band was to restrict the amount I eat but at the same time it was to help me learn to eat when i am hungry and to stop when I am not. I am not going to count calories, i don't need to, we all know when we have eaten too much or something naughty! I will only weigh myself when necessary as i refuse to judge myself by the number on the scales and I don't intend to exercise more than once a day.

I just want to be normal!!!!!

If you ask any naturally slim person when they last weighed themselves they will probably tell you they cannot remember, ask them how many calories they eat a day and they won't have a clue they are too busy having a life, their food and weight is simply not an issue to them, they are in tune with their bodies and feed it whatever they want when they are hungry and stop when they are satisfied.

I would love to hear everyones opinions on this.

x katie

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I dont count calories, log anywhere, follow any rules either. I eat what I want to, when I am hungry, until I am not hungry anymore. If I go out a bit or its my birthday or its Christmas and I have a few days where there's a bit too much grog and good food, so what? I get back on the bandwagon when I can. Its worked for me and food no longer rules my life. I didnt get the band to be obsessed with food.

Now, exercise, ah, lol. I love running, I am utterly addicted to it, I would never give it up, I get mad with my husband when he comes with me and pikes out and wants to walk, I do it six times a week, I want to run faster, further, etc. I think about it, anticipating my next run I dont take time off for holidays, I just run wherever I am. Am I "obsessed". Well yes and no, I'm obsessed because I want to be, but I dont get stupid over it. If I cant go, I cant go, if its pouring rain, I wouldnt run through an injury, I take rest days and easy days and I"m realistic with my goals. I'm not forcing myself to do anythign and I dont commit more than an hour or so a day to it. Its something I'm passionate about and love doing and it really completes me and is an important part of my life so I'd call that a good obsession.

Its just a pity everybody cant love exercising so much, because it makes ALL the difference to weight loss.

However I beg to differ on the weighing thing. I dont know a single woman, naturally slim or not who is not obsessed with her weight, doesnt weigh often and doesnt panic if the scale is up. All my naturally slim friends do this as much as I do.

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We're all different and have to fnd what works for us, I do count calories and I do log what I eat as a self awareness tool to work with my band. I can do minimal physical activity ( I am dependant on an electric wheelchair due to MS and being an amputee) so to lose weight I need to keep my calorie count between 600 and 800 ( this is advised by my surgeon and Dietician)- the journaling makes it easier for me to keep track not just of calories, but other nutrients which on such as low calorie intake, is essential. If you can manage to lose weight without calorie counting, journaling etc. thats great and if you are trying to avoid becoming over obsessed with diet and excercise- I can understand why it worries you. Don't forget that one reason that a lot of people become overweight is because we don't know how to differentiate between head hunger, real hunger. We have made poor choices- not helped by deceptive food labeling and we need to re learn about a healthy diet that is sustainable for life. Eventually, perhaps the calorie counting and will not be needed.

As for weighing, I could not weigh myself for over a year as I did not have access to a wheelchair capable scales, in that time I piled on 35kgs, I could not see that I was gaining weight. Now that I have spent a small fortune to get a scales that I can use, I know that I have lost 60 pounds (28kg) but if it were not for the scales I would be discouraged as when I look at my fortnightly progress photos, i can see very llittle if any difference. I need the objective measures of weight and measurements to help me readjust my slef image- again its a tool

FInally, excercise- I can understand how someone may become "obssessive" re exercise after being very overweight. If movement and excercise has been painful, difficult or unpleasant and with weightloss it becomes easier, less painful and pleasant- a source of enjoyment and accomplishment- thats a strong positive reinforcement to keep doing the same thing! As someone who has been unable to walk for years if i ever got mobile again, I'd be like energizer bunny for quite some time. THere is a distinction between be keen and eager, enjoying something in a healthy way- and unhealthy obession.

There is so much more to this than just the band, the band is one tool in the toolbox

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I think your passion for running is fantastic! It's brilliant you've found something that you enjoy and at the same time is soooo good for you. I don't think it's obsessive for you to run 6 times a week, like I said I expect to be exercising once a day, I was actually referring to people who exercise two or three times a day and feel really bad about themselves if they don't.

As it goes I do know people who don't weigh themselves at all but as I am not lucky enough to be naturally slim I will be weighing. Some of the bandsters on here are weighing 3 or 4 times a day and getting really upset when their weight fluctuates as it naturally will. Another thing that worries me is having expectations that are too high, I've read journals on here written by bandsters who are stressed because they have only lost 2lbs in a week! I've been down that road before and it sets you up for failure.


You are absolutely right,we are all different and what works for one will not necessarily work for another. I can completely understand why you would need to be more self aware considering the amount of calories you are restricted to.

There is a distinction between being eager to exercise and unhealthy obsession but I suppose it's a fine line. I can't wait until I am fit enough to get out and be active and I am well aware that if i don't the chances of me losing weight and keeping it off are jeopardised.

I strongly agree that the band should be used as a tool that we need to work with if we want success.

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Some of the bandsters on here are weighing 3 or 4 times a day and getting really upset when their weight fluctuates as it naturally will. Another thing that worries me is having expectations that are too high, I've read journals on here written by bandsters who are stressed because they have only lost 2lbs in a week! I've been down that road before and it sets you up for failure.

This is exactly why I do not have a scale in my house. I do not want to obsess over it. I weigh once a week at work and that is it.

And some do need to realize that at 2 pounds a week you will lose 100 pounds in a year. I would love to lose 5 or 10 a week but you know what it took me a lot longer than a week to put on 5 or 10 pounds so I can't expect it to come off that quickly.

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Yes, I agree with that - 2lb a week is fantastic. Even less than that is fantastic, real weight loss is a slow process!

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I agree. While I definitely think that it was unhealthy habits that got a lot of us into the situations we are in with our weight, going too far the other way isn't healthy, either. Weighing yourself, counting calories, and exercising is good. Getting obsessed with any of those is just as bad as when we were obsessed with the food we were eating before we were banded.

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I am concerned!

I've come across quite a few bandsters on here who are totally obsessed with exercise, weighing themselves and counting calories!


I just want to be normal!!!!!

I'm with you, katieo. I had this surgery so I could live a more normal life. Thin people eat moderate amounts of food and then stop. Thin people exercise moderately for 20-30 minutes 3-5 times a week. Thin people weigh themselves annually when they visit the doctor. That's the life I want!

I'm tired of my weight being the focus of my life. My ultimate goal is not to count calories for the rest of my life. (I've been doing that for the past 25 years and it's only made me fatter.) I also will not have Protein drinks -- I'll get my Protein through regular foods like fish, beef, and chicken, just like normal people do. And if I do not like the taste of them, I will not buy low-fat or non-fat mayo, cheese, Cookies, salad dressing, Soups, etc. Instead, I will eat regular foods in smaller portions, just like normal people do.

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If you are going to have an obsession - definitely go with exercise. You pretty much can't go wrong with that.


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Was I one of the people you were thinking of when writing this post??? I have to admit that I am obsessed with exercise now. I'm not obsessed with counting calories, though I DO count them. I allow for fluctuations and don't deny myself typically. I'm definitely not obsessed with weighing myself, but I do have a goal.

Here's the thing: We are DIFFERENT from normal, skinny people. At least I am. I can't NOT pay attention to the calories that I eat, or I'll go overboard. Since my band is fairly loose (because I need the energy to exercise), I eat around 2,000 calories/day now. It's just the way I have to do it. If loving exercise is what you've come to know, then I say embrace it. I came to love it when I hated it before. This new passion has freed me in so many ways.

I can see the point though about the weighing/calorie counting obsession. There are some on this board who go below 1,000 calories/day. In my opinion, this is definitely unhealthy obsession that just can't last. For me, it was about making lasting lifestyle changes.

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I'm envious. I hate excercise now. Hmmm, one reason I'm fat??? Duh. But seriously, I so envy the excercise enthusiasts. I aspire, some day - to have the passion for it as you do.

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Puddin, going below 1000 calories is not automatcally unhealthy as long as it is a nutrionist and bariatric specalist MO that has advsed it- As stated before, I have been dependant on an electric wheelchair for 12 yrs, i have a degenaritive neurological condition, so although I am very heavy, i have much lower muscle mass than average so I literally use less calories than most- those charts and formulas that talk about calculating basal metabolic rates are assuming that you are average in terms of muscle mass etc.

I tried the 1500 cals per day- gained weight

I tried the 1200 cals per day gained some weight

I tried the 1000 cals per day I maintained weight

Now I have been prescribed 600 to 800 ( average about 650-700) and I am losing weight finally and once I get to goal, they will help me re evaluate what I need for maintainance.

There are lot of morbidly obese people who are wheelchair dependant due to disablities they had prior to becomng overweight- the average calorie intakes etc often do not apply to us, so what keeps you in a healthy range will gradually over time make us fat

I hope to god that as I lose weight, i will be able to increase my physical activity, increase my muscle mass - in the meantime I will do waht Ihave to lose weight in as healthly a way as possible, at the moment that means what seems like a severe calorie restriction and close medical/nutrionist support to make sure that I am doing things right.

I may be at one extreme example and then there are extreme examples in the other direction that excercise vigorously and have a much higher caorie intake and still lose weight- and lots a variation in the middle, as long as what we are doing is deemed to medically/nutrionally appropriatte for us as individuals, we are all heading in the same direction- We are all different. I would fail dismally if I tried to follow the same path that you are but it works very well for you

it gets really tiring and very discouraging to read posts that criticise some of us because we journal, calorie count and have a low calorie intake- I trust the medical experts I am seeing and finally, I am losing weight

Rant over!

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Interesting thread.

I am addicted to exercise now. I have switched from one addiction to another. I do exercise (for me) once a day. Exercising the pet I consider icing on the cake. You have given me food for thought.

I saw a show about how some people after wls switch to drinking or sex addiction so.....


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it gets really tiring and very discouraging to read posts that criticise some of us because we journal, calorie count and have a low calorie intake- I trust the medical experts I am seeing and finally, I am losing weight
I don't think anyone is criticising the people who actually need to be obsessive about these things, like you do. For you, being obsessive about these things is healthy because you have to monitor your intake. But for those people that are otherwise average, it can go too far. Most average people should lose weight if they are eating a healthy diet and making sure they exercise. I don't think they should have to count calories, if they are doing that. If they are obsessing over calories to the point where they literally freak out if they went over their limit by 20 or 30 calories, that is an unhealthy obsession, IMO.

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I quite agree with you, but the prevous message had said that going below 1000 calories was definately an unhealthy obsession that can't last. I am not attacking the post, just pointng out that there are 2 sdes to everystory. These sorts of comments are not infrequent and are not very encouraging or helpful to those of us who must go down this path- its like we have been criticised pre op for bad choices that made us fat and now we are being criticised by others that we hoped would understand the challenges we face. I know that is probably not the intention. If someone were to drop there calories this low wthout expert supervision I would agree that its unwise. I would also be worried about someone who agonized/obssessed over an extra 40 calories in a day or ran 500m less than they aimed for- too me thats focusing on the -ve instead of the positives that we have achieved and for many it takes quite a bit of practice to focus on what has been achieved

BTW I do not think I am obssesive simply because I journal and calorie count- I do not beat myself up if go over the 800, its away of making sure I meet the requirements that have been set for me. Journaling was able to help show me that my diet was low on B group Vitamins and magnesium, i would not have realised this without the journaling- when you kno better, you do better! Hopefully one day I can perhaps do occasional journals as spot checks, one day maybe stop them because it has become ingrained- for me it is self education, not obession

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