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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Oh Lunasa---you can officially calm down---it is nothing like you are fearing!!!

There will be times between now and you finding a good spot of restriction that yes you may be hungry. But they will not last forever! Right now, you have the fear of the hunger, the upcoming surgery---everything coming in at you at one time. Once the surgery is behind you---you will likely have several days or even longer that you simply are not hungry. I don't know how much your Dr. told you, but the nerves (I think my Dr. called them the Vega nerves) are located at the top of your stomach, and they are the nerves that send the signal to the brain that you are done. Which is why now, pre banding, you have to eat a LOT to truly feel full. And once those nerves are hit, it takes awhile for your brain to fully recognize and tell you to stop eating. There are often times quiet simple signals---that you will learn, to know you are full. Once you are banded, and there is just a small pouch at the top, it is quite simple to hit those nerves quickly---in just a small amount of food. The first days following surgery the nerve pretty much stays activated, due to swelling---your stomach often swells over the indignity of that tight belt being slapped on there!!! Once the swelling goes down, hunger will return, often with a vengeance---because you are on liquids. Liquids are given to allow the band to set into place, and stitches used to do that to heal. When liquids are consumed, they usually slide right through, so the nerve is not triggered. This is the time referred to as bandster hell. A band with no restriction. It is not easy---but if you just repeat to yourself that this is the last time you truly have to "diet" ever again---and weight frequently to see the weight dropping off---you make it through. Then you begin the fill process. With my first fill of 1.25 cc.'s I suddenly felt my band work! I had allowed myself in the hunger of things to slip into some former bad eating habits! Suddenly when I ate too fast, or did not chew, it hurt! Nothing serious, but I knew that the band was there---and I was scared of a real PB or getting "stuck"---so I worked hard on my bandster eating habits. My Dr. allows a fill in 4 weeks, if you are still hungry within an hour or so after eating hard Protein. I was---so a month later I had my second fill. It was small, only 1/2 a cc. I thought if 1.25 didn't do anything--then .50 is going to be a waste of time and $$$. Wrong!!!! With that little tweak of .50cc I got excellent restriction! I was no longer hungry----EVER! I am still not ever what I would call hungry. I occasionally feel hollow or empty, and realize I need to eat---but hunger---like the raging, fear inducing, more important than ANYTHING, kind of hunger----gone from my life! Used to be when I would come in at the end of the day, I grabbed anything close and easy---a bag of chips, or Cookies, whatever, just so there was lots of it. Now, since I am not really hungry, it isn't a big deal to take a few minutes, and throw a salad in a bowl, or make a half a pita with some chicken salad...finding a healthy alternative, is easy, because there is no rush! I still can have some chips with a sandwich---but I get full very fast, so if I eat the worthless chips, I have taken up valuable space, with not so valuable of a quality of food. If I eat ribs, or a steak for lunch---I can easily not eat another bite of food until morning if I don't force myself. I get busy now and forget to eat---my granddaughter tells me when it is time to eat now!!! And we eat better than I used to, without a doubt. Food is no longer the center of my thoughts. I don't know what is for dinner tonight, and it is time for it---but I'll throw something together, and it will be fine, it will be enough---it isn't a concern. I used to plan dinner as I ate Breakfast. I always thought that was one of the reasons I was bigger than my DH, I planned all the meals to what sounded good to me! Occasionally he would say, let's have such and such for dinner, and I always tried to do it, but sometimes it just didn't appeal, so I didn't eat so much. But no, I planned meals way before time to have them, what side dishes would go best, based on the tastes.....now it isn't a big deal.

There is a saying I had always heard, of Eating to Live, not Living to Eat. I get it now---I live it! It isn't a real concious decision to change---but when you are not starving all the time, it loses its appeal. You learn that you actually only get the big pleasure of the taste in the first 2-3 bites, then your tastebuds are adjusted...so you totally enjoy the 2-3 bites---and are done with it.

I know I have gone on FOREVER---but I want you to know it DOES change---life simplifies, and changes----you enjoy moving your body----and not being chained to the kitchen----it is nice going, and not caring if someone else eats more than their share of an appetizer!

When you are going through the bandster hell---we will all be here, to help you and offer suggestions to make the time pass---and suddenly one day you will wake up and be heading out the door to go somewhere, and think, 'oh yeah I better grab a yogurt or something'----because you forgot to eat breakfast---it WILL happen. Your band will be in there waiting to work with you---so when you and your Drt. can begin the adjustment process---get ready for a change!!!

Til then, relax---it is all gonna be ok.


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Hi Laura..

I second that... cathetar no problem... you will be fine.. don't worry.

and how many down there's do you think they see Every day...don't even worry yourself about that! But in saying that I'll be trimming my "garden" so as to be nice & respectable for my inspection!!! LOL

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LOL. See, I'm worrying now that I need to make it all pretty and maybe put a bow down there. I hate my thighs too, I don't even let my fiance see or touch my thighs.. I don't want people looking at me when I'm not conscious, or talking about my nether regions.. I get paranoid about things like that. I'm still not nervous really about the surgery, just a tinge when they push and make me sign all these forms saying I understand I can die from the risks of surgery that come with any surgery. I do realize, I'm trying to push that to the back of my brain. I don't want to go in panic-y, so I wish it wouldn't keep being brought back up. I'm going through that phase in my life, so much is coming up/happening, I don't want to die anytime soon. Even before thinking about this surgery, I guess about 6 months ago I started having this feeling that.. so much is going great in my life, I'm so happy... I would hate to die and miss out on all this.. and then surgery. I should stop rambling.. Monday needs to come quicker so I can get on the other side of this and quit thinking about it. Oh forgot to mention (I'm so preoccupied), they also gave me a breathing thing, for breathing exercises.. suppose to toughen up the lungs against pnemonia.. and.. they said my white blood count is higher than usual white blood cells. She asked if I was sick, or had been sick.. I said no and no, so she said it might mean I'm getting sick, and if I get sick I can't get the surgery. So now I'm swearing to my body, that it better NOT get sick right now!!!!!

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:D:):D Kat...Thank You!! :huggie: :woot: :thanks:

I panicked ...I suppose it's natural, as you say with pre op nerves & all!!!

I am having small episodes of fretting about never being able to eat again!! Mainly I think it's this strict re-op stage which I am NOT liking...I don't like having NO meals to at least starve for!

And thank you for the wonderful insight into the up side of this, the road ahead we can all look forward to!...the other side!

I know I'll prob feel desperate at times durig the bandster hell period but I would be terrified to do anything to jeopardise my band...it slipping or erosion or improper healing etc...GOD no!

At the moment I am sticking to this thread as I don't want to go surfing & find a disaster story or even one where someone has found this is not working for them!! Even though there are prob lots of great story's too...I don't want any negativity catching my eye & getting into my head!

So thank you all here...for putting up with my mini nervous breakdown!!

I am flying home tomorrow..I bought a battery operated blender/mug for my day of travelling tomorrow...ah, my heart is in the right place!!

Laura.... they won't be looking at you in any other way but professional girl.. thighs, hips, teeth T#ts, (nipple rings) It's all the same to them...

And if you feel like doin a bow...then do!!..LOL

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LOL... I'm sure they'd get a kick out of a bow.. And I found out today no nip rings.. Not surprised and had planned on taking them out anyway.

Don't get nervous yet, lets all take a big glass of chill (or.. water.. we can ALL have Water right???) and see how we feel a week from today :D

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Have any of you tried the high Protein "test tube" beverages? I have tried Profect which has 25 gram of protein and no fat or carbs and the New Whey Protein Bullet which has 42 grams of protein and no fat or carbs. They both taste pretty good.

I also ordered the Bariatric Survival Kit from BariatricEating.com It is a great way to sample 16 different Protein Drinks. So far the Matrix Cookies and Cream is my favorite.

I just thought you all might want to check these out...might make Bandster hell a little less "hellish" :-)

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Hello Everyone! My appt for pre-surgery stuff is on the 16th and from what I understand as long as my insurance pays my surgery will be VERY soon after. The nurse said I would have it all done in 5-6 weeks from the day I talked to her last, which was over 4 weeks ago, so I am hoping I will be with you guys in April. I am SO excited to get my life back. I don't think I will have any prob with insurance as I have a 5+ year history of doctoring with weight issues and I have co-morbidities too. (PCOS, HIGH Cholesterol, Thyroid issues, and borderline diabetes, as well as other stuff like a lot of pain and trouble sleeping etc). So, wish me luck. And GOOD LUCK to all of you as well!!

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Hi all! Does anyone know about Profect? The 2.9 ounce test tube looking Protein Drink - it has 25g Protein, 0 carbs, 0 fat, and 100 calories? I ordered one to try - blue raspberry. It came today. I think this is the same stuff a woman at my support group meeting said she uses - but she freezes it to turn it into a popsicle. Does anyone know if you can do that? Does it effect the protein at all?

Also - when does everyone do their protein? Does it give you tons of energy so better to not have it at night?

Bandedme - day 6 YAY!!! :D

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Banded me, I froze some a couple of times, but the flavor to me was not something I wanted to savor, so shooting (as in the old days of tequila shooters!!) it as much as I could was best for me! It doesn't affect the Protein count.

As for when to take it....I was told not to do more than 20 grams per sitting, or your body eliminates it before being able to absorb and utilize it. So I would split it morning and afternoon. Nighttime would work, but you can use the fuller feeling the protein gives you to get through the day. At night, sleeping, the munchies don't get to you so badly---so I would keep the protein for the times of day or early evening that plague you with hunger.

Sounds like you are doing great!!!


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Thanks Kat! You are always a wonderful wealth of information!!!!

Can the profect be mixed with juice or Water? Would that help the taste? It's hard to get stuff down when you know you can only get a little bit down....and then to know it's nasty - ick! ...just makes it really hard to do, but I know it's necessary.

Is there a Protein you would recommend better?



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Have any of you tried the high Protein "test tube" beverages? I have tried Profect which has 25 gram of protein and no fat or carbs and the New whey Protein Bullet which has 42 grams of protein and no fat or carbs. They both taste pretty good.

I had my surgery Monday -- I have been adding 2 test tubes (42gr) each to 16 oz bottle of Water -- and that is my goal each day of protein. I am struggling just getting the 16oz in each day -- let alone the other 32oz minimum of water I am to get in.

I enjoy them diluted better than straight!


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You can mix it with anything you want, or use it to flavor plain water---personally I viewed it as a necessary evil, and chose to get it over with as quickly as possible. I did the Zero Carb Isopure like Tracy is doing, and those blended with ice, and some flavired syrups, made for some nice summer like drinks (think frozen margarita texture---or 7/11 icees). I also used unflavored Protein Powder from Unjury (www.unjury.com) . Now I do my best to get as much as possible from food---but will add some powder to a shake of some kind on occasion. The Protein really did make me feel more energetic---so I made myself drink it!

Someone ask earlier about Vitamin B12---I use a B complex, sublingual. It is by dropper, and goes under the tongue---and absorbs in quickly. Doesn't taste great, nor is it terrible. Use it, breath out with your mouth open kind of, and it is over!!!


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Kat thanks for sharing your story. Here is mine.

I had my surgery on 4/5, also my 40th Birthday. On the ride to the hospital with my parents, my mother mentioned that the three of us made the same trip 40 years ago. I thought that was so sweet and somehow comforting. The hosp (Westchester Medical) was wonderful, they cared for me from the moment I entered the hosp. Surgery went smoothly, when they wheeled me in to the OR everyone in the room came to me and introduced themselves to me it was so nice. No catheder and no tube down my throat. I woke up in recovery feeling really out of it, but not too much pain, I felt like I had been kicked in the belly (althought I have never been kicked in the belly so how would I know?) They took me to my room at three I went to recovery at 10:20 AM. Once in my room they took vitals and put those booties on my feet to prevent bloodclots. I had my magic button of morphine so I was fine. I walked alot that day because I had heard you feel worse on the second day. The worst part of day one was no drinking at ALL! I could use these sponges on a stick to wet my teeth and lips, but no swallowing it. Day 2 at 8:30 they came for me to do the barium swallow, the stuff was gross but it was wet so I was happy to drink it! Once the results of the swallow were in they let me drink Water, little sips but it was wonderful. I was able to walk just as easily as day one. Just as I thought I could get ready to come home they came in to say my potassium was low and they put that in the IV and said it would take 3 hours to drain. That hurt going in but they gave me an ice pack and that helped. Came home friday 4/6 at about 6:30 PM the ride gave me nausea and I was scarred to be alone at my house, the thought of throwing up scared the hell out of me. My parents stayed till I fell asleep and were sure I was comfortable and then the went home, only 3 miles away. Saturday I went to my niece's 5th birthday (just sat on their couch). Sunday went to Mom's for Easter. Monday my sister who is a Nurse practitioner took me to the mall, BIG MISTAKE. I had 2 cups of coffee on Monday because I had one cup on Sunday and all went fine so if one is good two is better! I ended up with a little dehydration and the mall was spinning around me. I was very light headed. But now it is Wed and I am doing great. I would recommend this to anyone. I don't know how people go home the same day but I think they give you meds to bring you out of it faster or something because I was flying high! But everyone's experience is different. I am so happy my birthday and my bandday are the same I feel like this is part II of my life!

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I ordered from Bariatriceating.com on April 1, and still have not received it. And when I check 'order status' on the website, it is blank. I e-mailed them (they were closed when I tried calling), and 2 days now and no response. Anyone else have a problem with their delivery time? I want my matrix orange&cream!! I was hoping to try some things I bought before the surgery so I knew what would be good, but this week is wearing thin...

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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