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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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I sent everyone (hope I didn't miss anyone) 3 pix of New Years Eve w/ Susanne and I. Out of respect for her, I won't post them here, but will send to my friends. I figured out how to get the pix from the camera to the puter!!! Gonna finally send some of the new couch and our finished closet. All the other ones were from the phone. Anyway, just wanted you all to see us!


I didn't get them! :(:(

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Hi gals.

going to bed. so sick and tired. I ate 1/4 of a pc of garlic bread with a 1/2 chicken tender tonight and my stomach is not happy. was down to 207 = but i feel like i'm retaining tonight so keep your fingers crossed for me , or maybe i won't weigh in until Tuesday when ai have not been at work, either way, i know i'm not back up to 217 again.

Tracyks, CONGRATS... i'm going to catch you if it kills me ... LOL

you deserve those bananna's from Pam

Kat - dbf is dad of both my kids.... and I understand his accident screwed him up and I'm surprised he didn't do this months ago, court is going to suck... going to get to see his x wife too, and that is not going to be pretty

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yup... now that i think about it... going to be in a court room full of people who hate me and blame me for all their problems... JOY

Pam - how nice, you are so cute... is that a little stud I see there? you guys look so happy

night all

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Thanks everyone for the congrats....... we just walked in the door from DH's work Christmas party.......... it was at the new dinner theater (dinner and a show) open bar prior......... OK for the amazing thing.......


I had a taco for lunch, and for dinner I actually ate a small amount of salmon, a bite or two of spinach Pasta, polenta, and some mashed taters............... and during intermission I had some creme brule (sp?)................... and NO PB.. I am stuffed like a a pig and feel like I ate the house, but dh assured me that I had very little on my plate and he also reminded me that I did NOT finish my desert.. he is so flipping happy to see me eat something but Soup....... I am not getting on that scale tomorrow.......... because I also had.

1. glass of wine, 1 rum and diet coke, and 1 amaretto sour......... I felt like I was partying like it was 1999 (singing it now in my head)............. and I DID NOT PB.. not even a tiny bit....... by the end of the night my power panty Spanx was killing me.........

Oh and Michelle! I know it is easy to see from my feet and the left over nail polish that I last put on my toes for our vacation IN AUGUST! that I've never had a pedicure...... (pick yourself up off the floor!) ROFL...........

Ok... I will catch up on the posts tomorrow.......... I am wayyyyyyy past my bed time.

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Sounds like me Tracy, I paint my nails once a year.. and the next year when I go to paint them, I still have some on the ends hah hah.

I was gonna make a recipe I found on the net.. with some ground beef (its new at our store..) it's called "Laura's Lean Ground Beef".. it's from the butcher area, but its only 4% fat! Didn't know they could go that low.. anyway, the recipe was cook 1lb beef and 1 onion chopped up in a skillet, then add 1 can of cream of celery, layer it in a baking dish, top with mashed potatoes and cheddar cheese. I was making the beef and realized I'm out of cream of celery.. argh.. all I had was cream of potato which would be too potatoey.. and cream of chicken which.. I didn't want to mix with beef.. so.. I just made my pretend shepherd's pie.. put it in a dish with corn on top, and mashed taters on top of that. I didn't like the beef, I didn't crumble it up enough, so it was big chunks which discourage me from eating.. so I ate the tater top and the corn.. and I made some fresh yellow squash. Something was giving me trouble.. I figured it was the bite I had of beef.. but I just reheated some of the squash for a snack, and it hurts.. weird, it's all mushy. That's all I've had today.. but I'll likely have some Funyuns when I go to bed.

Finally made me that martini, and going to enjoy it now.

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Judy great nsv!!!

Laura I wish I had a happy pill for you!!

Pamela I didn't get the pics either!

Terry, I never get tired of seeing jewelry!! Especially yours it is sooo pretty!!!

Going to bed and not going to church in am, they are having some kind of installation of new officers that takes forever and a day! So I am going to sleep late!!!!! Wanted something sweet today soooooo bad!!!!! But, I was a good girl and didn't give in!!


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We too are home from the company party. It was ok---we both got new coats---with the company logo on them, and stainless steel coffee mugs---also with the logo on them. We did not win any of the big prizes, although one of Rick's good friends did win a 42" plasma TV!!

We had a nice dinner--prime rib, roasted green Beans with red peppers, & salad for me. They also had chicken Cordon Bleu, twice baked potatoes, risotto, Pasta salad, breads of all kinds, and several other veggie options. I filled up on my plate, and avoided desert, although the Peanut Butter cup cake they had, tempted me seriously---but I just had another glass of tea! I bet I drank 10 glasses of tea!

We danced a few times, and I danced with a few of his co workers---including his boss, who is a sexy, sexy man!!! Of course he has a beautiful wife!!! And he is exactly our age--Rick and I are 2 weeks apart, and he falls between us! But he has a son the age of our granddaughter! He is on marriage #2 and family #2....better him than me!

It was an ok time, they tried for fancy again. And my former son in law, did the video they always have of the previous year, and he is such a big head, he starred himself, and his buddies, so that did not set well with me! He fancies himself a movie maker I guess. The company had a yearly video, called Game Day, and it kind of went through some video during different types of jobs within the company. But since it is a huge company, and deals mostly with oil world wide----and our little area deals in natural gas drilled and piped to California, it did not really fit for us. So he made one all about this camp---and did it all like Armageddon----in choppy black & white. It was hard to see, and loud, and he was in every other picture! NOT someone I care to see much of!

Oh well, we went, he gave some awards to some of his employees, and received one, from corporate, which is a joke, he is not company minded, like most of them!!! He is working to make retirement!!! If all goes well, with his other retirement plan in place, and our 401K and IRA's being dealt with now, hopefully in 5-7 years he can retire! YEA!!!!! But the corporate awards are usually given to the guys who are super company minded, and to be very honest, more often than not, he is ashamed of where he works, not bragging it up!!! But he cannot leave and walk into a job like he has now, and the benefits he has earned through the last 10 years are too good to just leave...so he stays!

Laura, sorry you are still feeling crummy, and that DH is letting you down right now. Hope it all gets better soon!

Jenn---hope you feel better soon too!

Terry---necklace is super cute, I had no idea you could stamp names and all like that! WAY COOL!!! Do the charms have special meaning among the 4 of you?

One of the office clerks, Lorinda (Rick's favorite by FAR!) was there tonight, and she has been making some jewelry the last few years, she does a lot of intricate Indian style (Zuni I believe) beading. Well she was there with her partner Cherise, and she had made this very cool earring for her, it connected each of the several hoops she wears in one ear it gradually changed as it went down the ear, very slowly in a full rainbow of colors---I am not doing it any justice describing it. Anyway I complimented her on it, and they cracked up, Lorinda added the beads to her existing hoops, and now it has to be fully dissassembled to get them out!!! Cracked me up!

TracyKS---good job girlie!!! I had no doubt you could and would do it!! You will be to goal in no time---not gonna be a poke along like me! Proud of you!

Pamela I got the pics, but for some reason #3 would not load! Now this is going to sound totally wierd because I had no idea what Susanne really looked like, but she looked just like I expected her too!!! You can send me any pics at all---I love them! Goes for everyone!

Well, my iced tea there tonight was not caffeine free, so I am wide awake, guess I will go play some pogo games!!



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kat what's your pogo name? i play at work when it's slow..

i'm gamingfairy711

I normally play jungle gin since I can go afk while playin the computer hehe.

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haha, it's ok, I have fairyfacade or something fairy for everything under the sun since I got a computer.. I was lauraj23 as I said, just cause I was signing up so I could post a question.. didn't plan to stick around :(

I'll add you and hopefully we can play sometime!

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Good morning violets!

Terri-once again a beautiful necklace!

Laura-sorry to hear you were blue yesterday. Men have a way of doing that to us from time to time :( Hope everything is better today.

Jane-good job not giving into the sweet monster!!

Jen-any news about the houston job?

Tracy-glad you had a good time last night! I have not had any alcohol in so long that I can not quite remember what it tastes like.

Judy-sorry your boys lost last night! Great NSV though!!!

Kat-I wish I could win a 42" plasma TV!! When you said Rick could retire in 5-7 years I grew green with envy :eek:

Cindy-sorry about your back!! I know how painful that can be. Take good care of yourself.

Michelle-Like Tracy, I have never had a pedicure either. I have had a facial before and OMG I sure would like to get another one. Talk about pampering!

OK ladies, this is not bragging by any means, kind of freakish to me actually. I always knew I had tiny legs and always wondered how they held up all this weight over the years BUT yesterday i had on a pair of shorts and was sitting down and it hit me how little they are now. I mean scarey little. I can take my thumb tips and connect them with my middle finger tips to make a circle around my ankle, drag all the way up to my knees and never touch my leg...can you get the visual? I mean never even touch skin at all, even over my calfs. I feel like I look goofy. Is it weird for me to wish I had more meat/muscle in my legs? The skinny legs are genetic from my dads side. I guess I will just have to work with what I have:straight

Have a great day ladies!!

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"If you want to accomplish anything in life, you can't just sit back and hope it will happen. You've got to make it happen."

---Chuck Norris

Good Morning, Violets!!

I weighed in today and am 3 oz. away from an angel. The good news is that in one week I lost the 6# I had gained. I am back on track and feeling soooo much better. The bad news is I'll be stepping on those dang scales every day hoping those 3 oz are finally gone. It will be this week sometime for sure!!

Today I head to church with the Bobster for the first time in ages. He pastors a little church 40 miles from here and I still am choir director at our home church where he pastored for 19 years before retirement. The little church has hired another part time pastor who will eventually take over from Bob so he can be officially retired. I don't have choir today so we can sit together !! Wooo hooooo. I can tell you that in 38 years of marriage, we have not sat together at a regular church service more than a couple of times. We'll go out to lunch afterwards and then I have a 1-4 singing rehearsal this afternoon. Then dinner out with the pastor of our church here. He treats his staff to dinner as his Christmas gift to us. It will be Bob's turn to pick a meal so we'll see what he chooses.

My goodness, you ladies were late evening/early morning talkers today!! I got to bed by midnight, but tossed and turned all night. I dreamed I had a consultation on a breast lift. The doc showed me how it would look by sticking some glue on one breast and hoisting it up. It looked darn good.. lol If only that's the way they could do it.. no stitches, no needles, just glue!

Pamela.. pics were great!! You both look so happy.

Jennifer.. sorry about all the court stuff. Hope it works out ok for you.

TracyinKS.. glad you are able to eat more than Soup without pbing. I had some venison sausage while ice fishing last night and I left 3 deposits in the snow.. yuck. Then we had walleye and perch for dinner. I split with Bob and of course I was the one heading towards the bathroom. DD Kristin says to her MIL.. not to worry.. it's becoming a regular occurance lately. Lovely. But then again I'd rather do an occasional PB, than be overweight like her MIL. I know she would love the band too, but their insurance won't cover it and they could never afford self pay. I just feel so blessed that we were able to do this for ourselves.

Terry.. the necklace is adorable!! such a beautiful reminder of your friendships! And don't ever be hesitant about posting pics. I LOVE seeing them!

Kat...sounds like you had a great time at the party aside from the movie stuff. Wish you could send us a pic of you in your party outfit!

Well, I better go get dressed for church and figure out what is for Breakfast. Not much goes down in the mornings, so I think I'll have some yogurt.

Everyone have a great day. TTFN........

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Morning gals

Just getting up, woke up at 8 an mom was in the shower so I stayed in bed waiting for her to get out, next think I know it is 10am. nice.

I'm going to shower and go get some more jeans... I got so many comliments and wear the others to work only and not care how disgusting they get and wear the cute ones to work on nights that I know I am not going to get dirty.

Well, dbf wants to work through this, but I'm getting the feeling something bigger is going on. He wants to sit down and talk through it tomorrow, nice huh... I don't know what to think.

Terry - i love looking at your jewelery, I get so many compliments on my necklace and love it to death.

Judy - that is so nice, enjoy the Bobster at church today. You are funny - now if they could do a Tummy Tuck that way too... LOL

Tracyks - isn't it funny to think how full you were and I had 3 small drinks on new year eve and I was feeling quite good, i'm sure you had a great time.

Tracyk - I was looking in the mirror yesterday and noticed how small my legs look, so I can't imagine how tiny your legs are. I have not done my measurements in a while - maybe i'll do them today.

All I know is i'm getting 16 mid rise levi's today and I can't remember ever getting a 16 levi let alone mid rise and getting so many compliments.

Love you all, thanks for helping me make it this far

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Judy - That's a strange dream, for sure! LOL It would take a LOT of tape to get mine to stay put. They seem to have a mind of their own these days! I'm so proud of you for losing those 6#!!! Just goes to show you it was probably just a bunch of Water weight from all the sugar we've ALL been eating! Good for you for getting back on track.

My mother is a chocolate junkie. She doesn't eat a lot of it, but she has to have some every day....so it's always around. I think I will challenge myself today to have a totally legal day ...hell, I don't even know if I can do it, it's been TOO long! :(

TracyK - Yes, girlfriend, that is some SKINNY legs you got there!! I tried the same test and I didn't touch skin until I got to almost mid-calf. Above the knee, if I scrunch pretty hard I can get my fingers to touch. My upper thighs are much, much, much bigger! Oy. I wish you could go for a day of pampering, sweetie! Mani, pedi and a facial is my idea of the perfect day. I'd much rather have a facial than a massage. I have one about 2-3x a year...and I always say that I'm going to do it once a month...but never do! At my age, my skin would benefit greatly, but I'd rather spend the money and time on BEADS! LOL! But seriously, you should treat yourself because you SO deserve it!! When's your birthday? Or ask for it for Valentine's Day!!!

The kids are going back to their dad's today and it's gonna get real quiet around here real fast! But at least I can clean up and it will stay clean for a few days! As much as I bitch about the holidays, I don't really look forward to the daily grind either. I wish so bad that I could retire! But with 2 kids heading for college, that is SO NOT going to happen!!!

Gotta go fix mom some breakfast....check ya'll laterz.

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OH, and TracyKS -- I somehow totally missed your post about hitting ONEDERLAND and I scrolled back several pages to fiind it finally!! Jeez! Sweetheart, I can't tell you how happy I am for you. You look so beautiful and even though it's "just a number" it's a really important one for all of us....a great milestone!! You have lost a TON of weight so far and I am incredibly proud and excited for you! You are going to be a BEAUTIFUL bride!!!

Oh, and BTW... I had to make a minor adjustment to your necklace, but the set will be in the mail to you tomorrow.


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