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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Wooo Hoooooooo for you Janie!!!!! :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

and yes, you can use egg beaters in any recipe just like regular eggs.< /span>

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YAY JANIE!! I remember passing that hump, it is exciting :P

Ok I never heard the vicks on the feet, what's that suppose to do? I mean why is that better than on the chest?

Yesterday was an.. odd.. day. I've told you guys how DH is a complete jerk when drunk.. well, my parents are re-doing their house.. trying to clean it out and fix it up (it's an expensive house, it was trashed from having kids, they're on the lake so the back has rotted from Water damage, etc.). Their attic has collected so much random crap (they have biggest house in entire family so everyone puts stuff in their attic when they don't have room for it at their house). They said.. everything is going in the trash, if you want anything, come get it!

So I told DH we gotta go get some of my old stuff.. we go over there, ends up they needed DH for a strong body to move big things up & down the stairs. I did feel bad for him, cause no one told me that's what they were gonna make him do!

They have a big spiral staircase, and he had to help take down over 50 loads of trash including big & small things. THEN dad decided while he had hands around the house, he wanted to move the furniture from the living room to an upstairs bedroom so he can turn it into a game room or something. I was so nervous they were going to fall with those big couches!! Then they had to take a couch from my sister's old room down to the garage. It was a lot of work. I kept apologizing to DH.

Afterward, we decided to have some libations! We went and picked up some baileys, baileys caramel, butter shots, vodka, and after shock.

It started out fun.. I made a milkshake thing that was good.. chocolate chip ice cream, baileys, butter shots, and vodka in a blender. Everyone loved it. Then DH and my dad decided to shoot a LOT of After Shock.. which is 80% proof. Me and my mom drank baileys & butter shots (I hardly ate yesterday, so first off I knew my calories would be alright, and 2nd I thought I'd get drunk quick). I ended up never getting drunk somehow. My mom acted tipsy, but in control.. DH & Dad were DRUNK!

My dad apparently is super goofy when drunk, and DH of course.. a jerk!

It was really akward, I kept thinking.. my family is going to hate Russell now. Luckily my dad was being silly enough me and my mom just kept exchanging glances, muttering things like 'men...', and laughin at them. Hours later, (DH never 'sobers up' the same night, I don't get that either), I drove us the mile home, and he did emberass me a lot.. due to him being drunk we now all know he wants us to adopt asian kids because they'll be good mathmaticians.. and when my mom said 'what if they aren't good at math?' he said 'well then they better be damn good at sports'. Oh jeez. He sounded like such a jackass. This is just one of many things he got into a heated debate about.

Anyway on our drive home, he's asking 'Am I in trouble?' and 'I did good right?'.. and I said 'well..' then I remembered last time I called him out while drunk it turned into a big fight, I just said no you're not in trouble, yes you did good. I figured I can talk to him about damage control when he's sober.

So weird.. me & my mom have gotten 'drunk' before, and we just giggle and laugh at things.. my dad was dancing and telling my mom how she's the light of his life etc... and my DH is trying to explain (and losing his train of thought or making absolutely no sense at all) all kinds of different random things.

Mom called this morning to tell me my dog opened a bag of cement on her porch and got it all over (gah, I don't know why she does that at their house.. she's an indoor dog and I only guess she's rebelling for being kept outside).. and didn't mention anything about DH.. guess this is going to be one of those things we just don't talk about :x

I still have my Philosophy final due on 12/11 I have barely looked at.. I need to get on it!! And today I'm to go over and help them set up their christmas tree.

263lb on the scale though, woot woot. 3lbs till my all time new record!!!!!!!!

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Good Sunday afternoon, Vi's~~

A grey, drizzly day here... all the snow is gone now... DH & DS went to the 2nd round of tryouts for the ODP... DD & I went & saw "Enchanted" -- how cute! Just like real life -- not! Now I've got a pot of chili bubbling away on the stove... how cozy!

Vicks on the feet... hmmmmm... will have to try that next time, Judy!

Laura... some say that our "true" selves come out when we drink... be careful, friend!

Jane... Yay you!! Fantastic!! You're melting away!

Pam... post a pic of the sectional... sounds comfy cozy!

Tracy... Did you ever get to read a bit??

Enjoy your eves, friends!

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I'm back, I'm tired and I'm in pain right now............. OHHH I ate way too much crap and I drank wayyy to much and I ended up having reflux all night so my throat is sore........ the only "meal" I've tried to eat today didn't work either so I'm putting myself of straight liquids for two days..........

Had a GREAT GREAT GREAT weekend...... she was cussing me all weekend about the weather but I just told her that it was too damn bad she was here and I might just keep her for a while! :) I ended up chaufering her in her big ol Yukon... so we did fine ... the highway was closed a bit before the meeting but several people made it.. including Diane "theghost" and jtbulis who post on here all the time! Plus they had a lady who sells compression garments and after some discussion we actually gave her some ideas that she wrote down and will be taking back to production.... The ghost was wearing Spanx and after seeing them B wanted some so we went to the mall and bought her some..... then out to eat... I had tortilla Soup and picked at some of the stuff on her appetizer plate....... then to the hotel, our room was a suite with the most luxurious bedding............. we then went to the cheesecake factory... for dinner/dessert........ Tiramisu Cheesecake was my dinner... she is a RNY patient that does NOT dump....... well not until now 5 years after her surgery.. Cheesecake had her in cold sweats and jittery and coming out both ends........ cheesecake went down FINE for me! So........the funny thing that happened is that when we came out of the restraunt... the Yukon was totally blocked in by a bunch of horse drawn carriages!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yup I parked in the WRONG place didn't see the little sign........ so a big Cinderella bubble carriage was blocking the way..... and she was sick........ So I started smoozing the drivers... and before too long they were talking about their daughters and being kind of flirty telling us they would be waiting for us to come back for a carriage ride! LOL.. .. short version they moved two of the rigs so we could pull out....... back to the hotel so B could recover...... we decide to take a cab down to the music hall where the Nutcracker is.. cabs were at a premium due to the weather....... so when ours finally came another couple tried to jump into it...... they got out looking bewildered but then I offered to share it with them... they were SHOCKED and thankfull.......... (they were from NYC and not used to having to call for a cab) LOL.. anyway they were so happy that they flipped us a $20.00 which paid for the ride and a nice tip........ :) Our cab driver was CRAZY!!!!!!! a bunch of traffic jams and he decides to put the cab in reverse and back a full city block AND turn the corner and backed us right to the front door of the Music Hall! CRAZY but we made it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He was aslo waiting for us when we got out of the show.. 4 other parties tried to steal him, but he waiting for us!............... so then the night was not over we hit the hotel bar.......... and Suzie you might appreciate this....... our bartender was one of the guys on that MORE & Better commercial........ you know the two guys... one has the shirt that says MORE and the other BETTER......... I was like......... so are you the guy on the commerical?????? he was....... so a glass of wine later I was giving him total shit! Told him that I always saw that commercial when I was at the gym on the treadmill at 4:00 a.m. and that they were too happy that early in the morning.... SO ANYWAY.. he was actually the night manager at the hotel and he gave us our drinks FOR FREE!!!!!!!! I was on a ROLL!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Two glasses of wine and half of B's my tie (sp) I WAS 3 sheets to the wind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so then dumbass me decides that a cold chicken quesidilla sounds oh so tasty!!

OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!! I was MISERABLE and then I had reflux ALL NIGHT LONG! which is why I'm showered and in my jammies and having soup for two days.......................

B went home in the crappy weather but we promised each other that we would do this AT LEAST once a year from now on!

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Tracy!! What a rollicking romp!! That's exactly what a girl's weekend is supposed to be... so glad you had such a blast ('til the quesadilla, that is... "dang quesa-dilla"!).

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Tracy-sounds like it was a hoot! What fun!

Janie-congrats on the 239...way cool! Go girl!

Michelle-I did get to read a little bit.

Laura-I always thought is was strange how people act when hey are 3 sheets to the wind. As far as me, it depends on what I drink as to how I act....therefore, no tequila shots for me. In a mixed drink, fine, shots, no way!! That will give me skeletons in my closet, and the closet is at maximum capacity. LOL

Pamela-yes..we want to see a pic of the new couch!

We (the family) went driving around looking at christmas lights last night. Some people must spend a pretty penny decorating their yards!!

Have a great night everyone!!

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Well I am off for a night of people watching me try to sleep! have a good night!! I am going to miss One More Day, but I am going to tape it. I bet it is sooo good!! Love a good tearjerker!!


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Kat- Any news on the guys yet? I'm still holding them in my prayers.

Tracy- You don't know how sad I was to have missed you yesterday. It sounds like you had the best time though. What a great weekend you two had. I do know that commercial and can't figure out which one I would want. More or Better? Hmmmmm. They are both so cute.

Just stayed in all day and did computer work for my job. Baked a few Cookies for the family and watched a movie. Not much of a day. Just nice a cozy.

Everyone have a great week.

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Oh, one more thing..

Jane-:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

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Evening, Violets...

Just got in from the hot tub. Sure feels gooooooood!! The Advent Carol sing went very well.. we even got a standing O. I didn't tempt myself by going to the reception afterwards. There would have been Cookies everywhere and I don't think I could have resisted. So home I went.

Now it's on to Community Chorus rehearsal tomorrow night and Tuesday night for our concert Sunday. Wednesday is choir rehearsal and our Pageant is also next Sunday. After that, things will start to slow down a bit. I'll sing at Christmas Eve services and then be done until January. Choir gets a break over the holidays. (and so do I!!)

Jane.. hope the sleep study goes well.

Everyone sleep well.

Patience, Trust, Purple Power and WWJD??!!

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Good going, Jane and Laura and Judy!

Today was busy with church, giving the final exam, and taking my DH to the emergency room. While I was at church, he was working on a small project here at the house and sliced the knuckle of his thumb fairly deeply. Lots of blood, and my husband really can't handle either seeing or giving blood, and here he had both. After an hour of bleeding before I came home, the ER fixed him right up.

Kat, what's the word on your husband?

Judy, glad you're feeling better! Vicks to the rescue!

love to all,

Cindy (deciding what to pack for my cruise this Thursday--YIPPEE!)

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Hi girls-

Just a quick check in before I go to bed.

Word came in this morning, that the truck was still stuck---so Manda's boyfriend, Ryan and I took off--it is a 2-3 hour drive away. The next storm is on its way in, the sky is gray, and yucky all day! We made it to where we go off the main road, onto forest access roads. The snow was gorgeous! Thick in the forrest trees--looked like someone had blown white icing all over everything. That is the only good thing I can say about it! Other than that, it was cold---bitterly cold----and wet! We had 4 WD but didn't get 1/2 a mile in to the 5 mile venture, and had to chain up. Well this is a company truck, and lo and behold someone had taken off with one of his chain tighteners, so we kept throwing the chain, and everytime we did, we would slide into the snow bank, and have to dig ourselves back out, and rechain -a royal PITA with a dually truck. We eventually ended up breaking the chain. So we are trying to get there with both front tires chained and one rear dually. We made it about 2.75 miles, and damn near ended up off over an embankment. Dumped the truck into the trees...and were not going further without assistance. We were stuck as well. A couple of guys on little snow cat snow machines come by, they too had 2 trucks stuck further up. Ryan and I discussed it, and made the choice to walk on the next mile or 2 and get to their camp. We got about half a mile up the road, and a truck was coming down, we stepped to the side of the road--we were able to hear it, but not see it yet. When we stepped off the road, the snow went crotch deep! I am 5'9" that is pretty deep! Well it was my son coming down the mountain. He saw us, and tried to stop, which put him into a slide, right at us, Ryan grabbed me, and we ended up in the bar ditch, Lenny got stopped, and together they dug me out, I was in chest deep! So now I am soaked through and through! They finally got his truck out, Rick and Gary were finishing loading up the camp and heading down. So we rode back to our now stuck truck...and somehow my son managed to turn his truck around and get enough traction and speed, he yanked Ryans service truck out--that thing weighs 17,500 lbs! But we have 2 trucks free but no sign of Rick and Gary.....just as Lenny and I decide to go back that they must have slid off or got stuck again, they come around the curve!! YEA 3 trucks, 3 trucks unstuck!!! We have all 4 tires on the 2 trucks chained and in 4WD---and Ryan has 3 tires chained, and we manage to make it almost out, and come up on a truck----yep----stuck! The guys managed to help him get out, and we squeezed by him, and went on--we got home about 8 this evening. I landed my frozen butt in the shower! Rick showered and went straight to bed, he is exhausted. I am now going to join him! They fought for hours on end to unstick sons truck, and eventually it would not move because the chassis was froze to the ground!

As for NM weather, it is wierd...it changes fast and furious! Where I am, there is not lots of snow usually, small amounts, not lasting long. Occasionally we will hit a storm and end up with a foot of snow, but not real often. Where they were though was in the mountains. Well over 7500 feet in altitude...and there were 5 foot drifts, and deeper, that looked like just a layer of snow! Deceptive!

It is only about 11 miles from my front door to the Colorado State line---so weather is not what most expect out of NM!!

Well I will catch up tomorrow---just wanted you to all know we are all home, and dry! Thanks so much for the concern!



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Kat, thank you for giving us the details of your arctic adventure. Wow! I'm so glad that y'all made it out safely. (understatement!) When I got to the part where you and your daughter's boyfriend had to abandon his truck and were walking, even though I knew you were alright, I became frightened for you.

Welcome back to warmth and hot showers...so glad that this (mis-)adventure turned out as it did.


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<p>Wow Kat! You lead such a Wild West life!! Adventure! Daring Do! Yee Ha! I am just glad that everyone is home safely. So, no more winter hunting, I'm assuming! <img src="http://www.LapBandTalk.com/images/smilies/wink.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Wink" smilieid="5" class="inlineimg" /></p>

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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