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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Morning gals

Tracy- i'm glad you sister is ok.

Terry - yes... I am stuck about 5-10lbs lower than where I was for over a year, but when I felt good about myself. I don't know why I don't feel good about my self now.

About the jeans, I'm not going to try any on until after xmas, only because I asked dad for a gift card for JC Penny because I need some new jeans. that should be about perfect, even if i only lose a lb or 2 I will go to they Y every day and maybe lose an inch or 2.

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TracyK~ OMG...the same sister you told us about this am??? Keep us posted. We will send some purple power too!

OOOOO I am sooo freakin excited! IM GOING TO GARTH! And I am buying TracyKS a T-shirt because she couldn't go. This is a life long dream, since I became hooked in 1993. SSSSOOO happy.

CONGRATS on the tix!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (and wow! thanks for the t-shirt) You are so sweet!!!!

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Good morning...................

Well I was the dumbass who STARTED SMOKING after my divorce! Luckily for me the phase only lasted a few years... I stopped October 2005.. I got the flu and just stopped..... it was easy for me because I was never really physically addicted just mentally......... but it is the same time that I started repacking on the weight.......

Terry: Set points........ oh yeah...... 224 is a big one for me, and I think that I hovered around this weight (206) for a while as well........ once I hit ONEderland... getting to the 170's will be my next set point and 160's....... well I don't EVER remember getting that low..........

The weatherman is calling for 1-3" of snow today... YIPPEEEE! NOT

TracyK: Glad to hear your sister is OK!

Haydee: It was good to hear from you yesterday!

OK.. .gotta sign off for now....

have a great day!


I've been TRYING to drink one of those Protein bullets every morning this week to see if it helps..... the scale was 206 this morning.. so I'm hoping for a new low tomorrow! CTCD!

P.s. Laura: CONGRATS on the restriction!

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sorry - it is crazy here, phone ringing off the hook, ds's speech therapist (my good friend) is here

so ... lets finish our thoughts...

Terry - I hope you can get mom "out of jail" real soon LOL I remember when my gram was in rehab when she broke her hip, she was insane and just wanted to be home.

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Morning, Violets..

No Ethan today so I can get some chores done. Going to do my shift at the hospital and then get my SS gift in the mail plus some other stuff to mail and also get my stamps for Christmas cards so I can get started on them. I got our annual Christmas letter all done so that's one to check off the list.

TracyK.. so scary about your sister, but glad it turned out as a wake up call only.

I quit smoking the day I found out I was pregnant back in 1974. Have only had lapse when Bob's dad got sick, but stopped within a week or two. It was the same for me as it was for Suzie.. smoking one day and done the next. And I too wish it was the same for eating junk stuff.

I'm at my lowest weight now since the 1990's and I'm sure I'm at a set point, but I'm working to get past it. Got the glider set up in our bedroom and the elliptical is on it's way here and should be here by the beginning of next week. The Nordic Track one we are getting was on display at Sears and I tried it there and was very happy with how it felt. I want to get another angel charm before Christmas so have to work off 4# in 2 and a half weeks. That's my goal and I'm stickin' to it!!!

I'm off to start all the events of the day. Only one rehearsal tonight for Advent Carol Sing and tomorrow I have Ethan all day so gotta get my poop in a group... no Terry... not a preacher's wife's translation, but a Kindergarten Teacher's translation of gettin my shit together!!! :) I know, I know.. I'm a role model, but dang, that word slips out of my mouth much too frequently!!!! arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Everyone have a great day!!! TTFN...

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Good Thursday Morn, Vi's!~~

We ended up getting about 5+" of snow yesterday... schools got out early yesterday & are CLOSED today... and I STILL don't have a car!! It is supposedly fine now w/its new battery, but is stuck @ the shop. I'm hoping that one of my gf's can take me down to get it later... I'm bribing them w/a "Thank You" Starbucks treat! :)

Set points. YES! I had considered this. The 250s are the lowest weight I can ever remember being in... well... ever. I know I was lower in college, but I can't remember a number. So getting out of them will be a BIG accomplishment. And guess what?? The scale today read:


So I'm out!! I can't believe it! Hark the Herald Angels Sing!!

And I am not doing ANYTHING differently EXCEPT -- I haven't worked out in a week!! That's not good!! But it's true. Hmmmmmmm. Maybe I just won the war of the wills & my bod finally figured out that I wasn't "giving in" this time like I always do at about this point (& so being my climb back up the scale) & my PATIENCE and TRUST won! Altho I really wasn't so very patient, was I?? (I'm still not... I want MORE!! I want to be 242 by 12/31!!!)

OK! Time to go find the shovels & get some exercise out in the snow! OH!! 1 more thing!! I have no winter "gear" (snow pants/boots...) because I generally don't "do" snow... dh & the kids do... but dh isn't here, so if I want to be able to get my car up the hill to the house, I've got to go do it... & I'm actually looking forward to it rather than dreading lugging my fat self out there & fearing a heart attack, etc... looking like an overstuffed sausage in my winter coat... ANYWAY... I thought I'd try to wear 2 pair of pants for warmth so I put on this pair of nylon-type sports pants that I've had for 10 years or something like that that I was bursting @ the seams 5 years ago when I wore them last & now they're falling off... so then I put on the too-big sweat pants that I still wear around the house on OVER the other pants and the 2nd pair are STILL falling off as well!! AMAZING! My dd thinks it's crazy! It's like she was seeing me for the first time this a.m.... she said, "Mommy, those pants didn't fit you... and now you have them both on?? But they're falling off!" Then she said that my arms looked skinny, too.

What a day!

I go for my fill tomorrow! Hallelujah!

Off to shovel... bbl!

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I give

just not going to have time to say everything I was trying to. I am dressed and waiting for ds to get motivated, he is in one of his stop modes today. He drove keri (speech therapist) nuts today. she asked if I was going to bring him to sitters today and when I said no, she wished me luck... GREAT.. so tomorrow morning he will be out of here! LOL

I hope to have ss gift in the mail Sat or Monday at the latest. There is no way I can get it out today with ds.

I am going to make an appt with my primary today, my glands in my throat hurt to touch and feel a little swollen, which scares the crap out of me, plus the Migraines I've been having for the last week, and I'm out of Water pills.

well, Pam I am super jealous - I hope Garth comes to Albany

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Just had to come over here to share this joke with you!!! ..........


A police officer pulls over a speeding car. The officer says, “I clocked you at 80 miles per hour, sir."

The driver says, "Gee, officer I had it on cruise control at 60, perhaps your radar gun needs calibrating."

Not looking up from her knitting the wife says: "Now don't be silly dear, you know that this car doesn't have cruise control." As the officer writes out the ticket, the driver looks over at his wife and growls, "Can't you please keep your mouth shut for once?"

The wife smiles demurely and says, "You should be thankful your radar detector went off when it did."

As the officer makes out the second ticket for the illegal radar detector unit, the man glowers at his wife and says through clenched teeth, "Damit, woman, can't you keep your mouth shut?"

The officer frowns and says, "And I notice that you're not wearing your seat belt, sir. That's an automatic $75 fine." The driver says, "Yeah, well, you see officer, I had it on, but took it off when you pulled me over so that I could get my license out of my back pocket."

The wife says, "Now, dear, you know very well that you didn't have your seat belt on. You never wear your seat belt when you’re driving."

And as the police officer is writing out the third ticket the driver turns to his wife and barks, "WHY DON'T YOU PLEASE SHUT UP??"

The officer looks over at the woman and asks, "Does your husband always talk to you this way, Ma'am?"

I love this part....

"Only when he’s been drinking."

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I got my SS gift, I got my SS gift!!! Was I the first??? I couldn't resist opening it! I took a peek and then closed it back up and stuck it under the tree. It's WONDERFUL and my FAVORITE!! Laura, how did you guess?? When I wear that lotion to bed Juan can't keep his hands off me. It's his favorite too!

MICHELLE - :clap2: You have caught up to me! Your scale just gave me the motivation to get my ass in gear!!! I can't have you pass me on up! Congrats on the scale moving!

Pam - I can't believe you get to go to Garth!!! He's awesome. You'll love his show. I don't think he's coming to Houston, but I wish he was. Does anyone like Celine Dion? She's already selling tickets to her January 2009 concert. We are so there! We love her! She's a little cuckoo but she has an amazing voice.

TracyK - I'm so glad your sis is okay. Has she ever had this happen to her before from her diabetes?

TracyKS - $3.49??? WOW! That's an awesome deal! That reminds me that I have to run to Target on my lunch hour. They have the cutest sweater there and I have to see if it's on sale yet!

I still have tons of stuff to do before Saturday. I finished putting up most of the wall decore up yesterday. It felt so good to finally be done with that. They had just been sitting in the garage for months now. I've weeded alot of stuff out and I've got tons of stuff for a garage sale. What do ya'll think, should I wait until after the holidays or do one next weekend?

Janiebug, Denise, Terry, Kat, Judy, Cindy, Suzie, Jennifur - HI! :sleep

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I am sooooooooooooo stinking excited!

One of my best friends in the whole entire world is coming up for the weekend! She just emailed me and plans to be here around 4:00 p.m. tomorrow....

We are planning to GO TO THE BANDWAGON meeting on Saturday (so Suzie I hope to meet you in person) and then she and I are off to the Coutry Club Plaza to either.. 1. Nutcracker 2. A Christmas Carol or 3. New Theater Restraunt........

and then staying somewhere on the Plaza.....

NO KIDS, NO HUSBANDS, just us girls.................it has been 3 years since I've seen her.. she is my friend that had the Bypass in 2002, had a regain and is also the one who has suffered from depression and went into seclusion.... (so Suzie don't say anything to her about her surgery I'm not sure how she feels about it) but I LOVE THIS WOMAN... I'm almost teary just typing it...... she is the one I would call at 3:a.m. crying when I was going through the dark days of my divorce.... The dept of sorrow I felt when I realized I had almost lost her to depression........ was a huge black hole in my heart....... ANYWAY!!!!!!!!!! Please pray that the ice stays away so that she will come......... I will be taking pics.... Oh MY GOD........ I will be a house cleaning maniac tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

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I smoked for about 15 years and tried to quit about every 6 months. Never worked, but the last time I tried it worked. Nothing special that I am aware of, maybe the stars were aligned just right. I didn't have a problem at all. Never really wanted another cigarette. I always thought that would work with my eating too, one day a diet would finally work!

I think my setpoint will be around 220 to 230. I am about 240 right now. Then I think I will have another problem around 180. I weighed about 225 for about 3 or 4 years and then before that was always around 180. It is so easy to get discouraged, I have so much to lose. I do have the pictures that Tracy was nice enough to put together that helps me see where I have been. But I am over halfway there, so that helps too!!!! I ramble sometimes don't I!?

Here in St. Louis they are calling for ice and snow tonight! Don't mind the snow, but hate the ice. Plus I am so booked tomorrow that if we have bad weather I will be slow, and I need the money!!!

Okay off to start my day!!!


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Haydee- Hah, I didn't know! I was just browsing scents, and I have a lotion (not B&:Banane48: that scent, and I always thought it was a nice neutral smell.. something most people can agree on (unlike thinks like cucumber melon, which I think are a personal choice kind of thing hah hah). I'm glad you like it, now keep it under the tree for a little longer!! :)

Terry- Oh I thought you quit. Well, it's hard.. period! I have seriously tried to quit once.. it lasted for 2 weeks.. trying gum, Patches, etc..and the longest I actually went without a smoke was 24 hours.. and I flipped my lid. I was bawling and shaking and said.. screw this, I can buy smokes.. and did.. and that was that.

In my Atkins days I got to 260's. I've never been able to lose beyond 260's.. this is where I fall off the wagon and gain it all back + some. When I see 259, I'll just be delighted!

Me & DH got sick last night.. I guess from the eggs.. only thing I ate, and he got some too. At 4am, I woke up with diarhea, and it was SO PAINFUL in my stomach, severe cramps and made me buckle over.. When I woke up this morning he said how around 2am he woke up throwing up. But we both felt fine when we got up this morning... well, I say that but I actually have a little bit of residiual pain in my tummy.

Speaking of tummy though, last night in the mirror I was playing with my stomach trying to see what I may or may not look like when I lose more weight, where my loose skin is, etc.

Ok if I stand straight and hold my gut in, I look almost normal.. but here's the thing.. if I bend over, and on top of that don't hold my gut in, I swear to God my stomach gets 5x the size it was. It's GIGANTIC. I'm wondering why that is, and if that will go away with weightloss.. or will I always have a crap load of belly that appears when I bend over???

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Haydee!~~ This cracked me up: "I couldn't resist opening it! I took a peek and then closed it back up and stuck it under the tree." That's so funny!! You opened it so now why stick it under the tree?? No reason to... but omg, I thought I was the only one who'd do that!! ha ha ha! :)

I've caught up to you?? Amazing! Now the race is on, girlfriend!!

TracyKS~~ How wonderful for you!! Enjoy it & tell us all about it, natch!

Janie~~ I hate snow & ice! It discombobulates everything! We live on the side of a big hill and we can never get up/down the driveway when it's snowy/icy. Last winter we were iced in for more than 1 week!! Everyone else in the town was fine... it's just us... we can see the cars going up & down the street from our house... we just can't get to the street! I finally had to hike to the street, my gf picked me up & took me to the grocery store, and the kids met us & we had to haul the groceries up to the house on sleds! "Just like the pioneers" my kids said (well, not really, but... ok...). So anyway... I dread snow & ice... if I get my car tonight, I'll park it @ my neighbor's house so I can get out tomorrow a.m. for my fill!!

That was funny, Terri!!

Time to shower, so that when my friend is ready to take me for the car, I'll be ready! Get me out of here!!!

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Laura... Just don't bend over! ("Doctor, my arm hurts when I go like this." "Don't go like that." HA HA HA!)

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