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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Good morning Violets...

Today is a busy day for me. I'm trying to get all the little chores done before we leave tomorrow afternoon for our cruise. I'm doing laundry right now and will have to head to the bank and then get dog food and then make brownies for a funeral reception tomorrow.. and on and on it goes. But come Monday we will be on a big ship headed for the Western Caribbean and hopefully out of the way of Noel.

This morning my cottage cheese and blueberries are getting stuck. I sure know I had a fill this time! Can't seem to get much down without that golfball feeling. But I'm learning to take it easy.. one little bite at a time. I was down a pound this morning so that's a good thing. The Bobster and I are going to weigh in tomorrow before we leave and we are REALLY going to work on losing during this cruise. I know I will have to have Key Lime pie in Key West, but we'll split a piece and that will be it. Then we'll hit the ship gym extra that day.

Jennifur.. the right guy is out there for you. And trust me.. there are plenty out there who are not just interested in one thing. You just have to have Patience and Trust. I know it sounds like a sermon, but it's true. Keep your mind open to possibilities and he just might show up in the most unexpected way.

I'm off to get some things done. TTFN....

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I love eggplant, whenever I make it, I always cut it up and soak it in salt for 30 minutes (to draw the moisture out and make it crispier when cooked). Then you brush off the salt before preparing.

Ricotta is pretty good with pizza sauce (which I ordinarily do not like!!). I may have to try this, I have not had a good eggplant recipe since banding. I use to put it in not-so-healthy recipes :)

This is our busy season too, so I have customers ringing me off the hook, on top of our accounting still out so I have to do her job... So I'm feeling overwhelmed. Chain smoking in between swapping offices. Her dad's funeral was yesterday so I'm praying she comes back Monday. Summer is pretty dead here, then August 30th it slams us. And it is chaotic until January. Everyone is getting their CD's and DVD's ready for the holidays. And boy, I've been seeing a LOT. We also have done some 50 cent, alicia keys, Jay-Z, Kanye West (I was surprised all of these artists go with the CHEAP/boring inserts) this week. Did some Queen, and 30 Days (tv show with the guy from Supersize Me, I watched it for a little while), Dante's Cove.. which I've heard of but never seen, and looking at the cover I have to say it looks like an eye-candy show.

My tummy is upset right now, not sure why. I guess anxiety of knowing it's going to be yet another long day. I slept from about 7pm last night till 8am this morning. 13 hours! And I'm still exhausted. I don't know what to do anymore for this fatigue.

The meeting with customer yesterday.. the artist girl who told the customer girl I actually talk to the lies about XYZ, was there. I've never met her, never talked to her. And good for her, she didn't bring up the lie with me sitting there. She did mention.. how their stuff is 'unprofessional' with quotations in the air. That's something I said to the girl I am dealing with.. when she said they are professional graphic artists (my ass!). They did a whole yearbook on POWER POINT. Anyone who knows anything about graphic art, knows Power Point is NOT NOT NOT a graphic art program. And they didn't know what CMYK is. I'm telling ya, I do graphic art as merely a hobby and I knew more than they did. They were like any joe schmoe off the street who thinks you can use whatever comes on Windows to produce a professional printable book. So she did the quotations in the air and 'unprofessional' a few times, to make sure I knew she was offended by me saying this to the other girl. Oh well, she's not hosing me over.. its her 'client'. Looks like we're moving forward, they're bringing in new half-ass artwork on Monday and we're going from there.

Hope everyone is enjoying November so far ;)

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And Jennifur, they're not all like that. The only way you can find out, is if you don't give it to them :)

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Michelle that is too funny dreamin about us, are we skinny?

Terry I don't know how your husband can sleep through that either, if my seal is off it wakes me up right away! He must be a very very sound sleeper cause that is loud! I am SURE it kept you up!!!!

Jennifer, I want a man like that too, maybe we can find twins that are willing to relocate??

Tracy, I have found that in my weight loss, I lose a bunch, then gain a bit, then stay the same, then lose a bunch. Luckily I lose more than I gain (except last month). So your goal may still come true!!!

I hope everybody is getting ready for a great weekend and our November goals are engraved in our (my) brains!!

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Laura - I feel the same way, so tired... could sleep all the time. How frustrating... I guess I could get that job with no experience. LOL

well, I don't give it to them... but for some reason they all think I will... I don't get it... I don't give the impression I will but I'm so tired of them all. Jane, if i find a twin... I'll send 1 your way... oh wait.... I can't find 1 let alone 2 >LOL

So after that mess with dbf yesterday, he is aparently not talking to me today and keeps saying that I have replaced him... I am very insecure, that is not a secret... but either he has found someone to replace me or might actually be seeing me in a new light... that someone else might want to be with me? who knows... it is complete bs... I don't have time to breathe and he usually consumes any free time during the day i might have, let alone working 5-6 nights a week, I sleep on my night off... are you kidding?

I just don't know why I let everyone make me think about my faults and nothing positive about myself, and these useless other guys who just want sex may think it is a compliment, but I don't think so... it just tells me I'm not good enough to be with as a person

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This is a first...no posts since this morning. I'll fix that. 1 hour and 2o minutes until 1:50!!!! Thank God, Praise the Lord. I've been counting the minutes.

I get my new fridge tomorrow!!! It is a Amana AFI2538AE 25 Cu. Ft. Ice and Easy French Door Refrigerator with In-Door Water and Ice FrontFill Dispenser ...well, I'll just let you take a look!

Other than that work work work here for me this weekend. Susanne has drill weekend and wont be home. It is Palm Springs Pride, but I'll stay home and get some things done (lol, watch tv).

What is going on w/ everyone this weekend? Terry, how is mom?

Judy~ If I don't get a chance...enjoy your vacation! I swear, you have a wonderful life! You deserve the best. We can't wait to see the pix!


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Good afternoon, Violets..

Boy, sure has been quiet here today. Pamela... what an awesome fridge!! Ya know, the cost of that little item is the same as the cruise we're taking!! Glad my fridge is working, cause I wouldn't want to miss this cruise!!

I got all my little errands done today. I raked leaves and burned them and I guess I got a little too close, cause I now have a red forehead and cheeks. And I thought you could only get sunburned in November in the Caribbean!!

We upgraded to a balcony room this morning and now when I'm checking the site, there are no rooms left except for Deluxe suites and that's just not me!! Gonna be full ship. The weather looks good for us and I'm excited to get on the ship and get going. I'll take lots of pics. We got a new camera .. today's special value on QVC.. lol Hope I can figure out how to use the dang thing before we get on the ship. I bought all my favorite tabloids today and left them in the car so I wouldn't be tempted to read them before tomorrow. I gotta have something to read on the plane!!

The brownies are made and the Bobster and I split a little one.. just to make sure we weren't gonna make anyone ill at the funeral reception tomorrow. (somehow that just doesn't sound right!)

Well, we're off to have fish and chips for supper.. or rather baked fish, coleslaw and baked Beans. Then home to relax and make sure we have everything packed. I'll check back in later tonight. I sure am gonna miss not being able to talk to you all for a week!! I'll have pages and pages of posts to read when I get back.


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Judy-have a great time!! Lucky lady!! We'll be thinking about you!

Have a good evening violets...TGIF

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Judy, have a great cruise!!! The brownies are just about quality control!!! You take great pride and need to check them first!!

Hope you are having a better day today TracyK.

Just got home from work, one more day to go!!

Have a good night!


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Have fun Judy!! Wish I could trade places :)

Had something very odd happen today. The house me and DH rented before we bought this house, my sister now rents and lives in. She called and said a sheriff came by her house looking for me?!

She told my mom, who called and told me. Then moms asking me what I did. I don't do 'illegal' things, besides speeding in my car.. So I have no idea what that's about. So I called my county's sheriff, the next county over, my city, the city next door.. no one had a dispatch to that house. So I called sister back, she said it was an older black man in a tan uniform in a white cop car. So had DH call the city police back, they said there are no officers in this vacinity with tan uniforms.. and if they were wearing a UNIFORM to call the cops if he shows up again.. and if it was a tan golf shirt, it could have been a private investigator. So, sister (who has become quite the pill popper) who is in a stupor, I didn't call back and ask if it was a uniform (which is what she said) or a golf shirt, just decided if someone is looking for me, they'll find me. They were using my maiden name too. Very weird, I can't think of what this is about. One of the departments asked if I had someone suing me for child support, an ex-husband, etc.. nope and nope! I really truely have NO IDEA why someone would be looking for me. And no one has me in their records, and said PI are only people who don't have to report dispatches. Whatever.. but if someone in a tan uniform shows up at my door, I'm calling 911 and hiding till they get here. Sounds creepy.

DH thinks my sister might have hallucinated the whole thing, since she's been on a lot of legal & illegal drugs and sick latey.

But if not, how weird is this?!

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WOW - first time in months I am actually caught up with everyone to date. Wheew -

Judy - have fun and enjoy!

Laura - that is weird.. Could it been a private firm serving a supena (as a witness, collection matter of unpaid item overlooked)?

Kat - I am keeping you and your family in my prayers!

Good night everyone.

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Wow, it is quiet here today. i'm just gtting in from work, long late night but working with an old friend who did things the way we use to and we worked together, not against each other, and it was a good, fun night.

I have emailed the lady about returning my dog several times this week and she is not answering me. WTF? I was suppose to meet her tomorrow to bring him to a foster home. I need to get my life in order and until he is gone, I really can't.... but Hello????? anyone seen Ellen's situation on the news with the foster dog??? I have the same deal here.

Well, I'm going to go climb into bed... I am tired and I am going to get up and go to the gym. I am going to do shakes for the next few days, I have to, I'm out of control

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Hi girlies~~

Wow---what a long day, and I might as well have been on a treadmill, I got a lot accomplished but in the end, it got me nowhere, so I have to do it all again tomorrow!!! Well most of it! I took the car today, and had it serviced, tires rotated, cleaned, and fueled. Then the inlaws changed up plans on us...again...and we are taking the van! So tomorrow, I get to do it all over again with the van! Oh well, then if they change their minds again, which would in NO way surprise me, we are ready regardless. And in the end it was almost time for the van to be serviced anyway, and the car needed it 200 miles ago!!!

Cool fridge Pamela***yeah pun intended!***, what color? I will never, ever have another fridge that does not have crushed ice out the door! I go to my folks, and they have an ice maker, but not crushed and not in the door, and I feel lost! Color me spoiled!

Went to lunch today with my friends. Was kinda stressful, they were both very emotional. They have both lost their brothers this last year in crushing accidents...one had a car fall on him when he was under it working, and the other in the fork lift accident. I just feel at a loss as to what to say.

Then tonight we went to see my next door neighbor in the hospital, she had back surgery. They fused several vertabrae in her back---she has polymyalgia, and several bone disorders, she has her ankle and one wrist fused, and this is like her 4th back surgery. She is doing well, has been up and walking, hoping to come home tomorrow or Sunday. I feel bad we won't be around to check on her.

Speaking of hospitals, I have been trying to reschedule my pre-op and cannot get the woman to return my call. Makes me so damn mad!

Laura, did you ever get your hospital stuff straightened out?

Jane, my Mom is like Terry's DH when her mask come a bit loose the night in the motel, she slept on. I was ready to throw a pillow at her, when I think Dad finally jarred her awake! I cannot imagine the tornado being worse than the bulldozer snoring I hear at night!! But have to admit when he is not there snoring, I miss it something crazy!

Judy, if I haven't already missed you--enjoy yourself! I know you will have a wonderful time!! Our little local paper has a picture section that is something like "Where has your Talon (name of the paper) been?" And people send in photos of them with the paper in far off places. We are going to have to get you something to take with you so we can rack up where the Violets have been!!

Sure do wish Amanda would check in, so we know she is not locked up somewhere! Poor thing!

Well I got my house pretty well cleaned...have the last minute things to do of course, but in general it is done. I need to finish up last of the laundry and put our stuff in the suitcase. I also have a bunch of things to take to my Moms for Miss Kinsey to have while I am gone!

After we went to the hospital tonight, we met friends for dinner, and while we were there, we run into my dentist and his wife and new baby. She is 5 weeks old now, and is over 7 pounds---she was 3lbs. 9oz. when she was born (she is a Macy too TracyK), she is teeny tiny, and so delicate and perfect!! It is hard for me to remember my grandkids being smaller than she was tonight...omg!

Tracy---let your body catch up to the weight loss---and you will kick in again! I have been stalled for months! But in its own way it has been a relief of sorts. I know now without a doubt, that I CAN and WILL be able to maintain this without trouble, without dieting all the time, all the while living a perfectly normal life! The regain is not going to happen. There is a normal, where you are not losing, and not gaining. I was afraid for a time it would always be a balancing act, and it isn't. I hope to lose the last of this weight, and maybe even a bit more, plus get my belly chopped! But I feel so good about where I am fill wise right now. I am worried how surgery is going to affect that! But I can eat, and eat more than a few bites, but less than I ever would have been satisfied with without the band. If I was at my goal weight, I would be ecstatic, I remain in the same 2+ 2-.....without effort. With doing enough exercise to feel healthy...it is reassuring to know it is possible. BUT I will really be glad to get to goal and do this!

Ok....going to go will check in with you guys tomorrow......



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Good Saturday morning violets!

Kat-hope you will be able to check in with us violets while you're here in TX. If not, you & Judy may have alot to catch up on.

Seems like alot of us are bouncing around at the same weight. I am bouncing around right now between 192 and 193.5. The cool part is that it does not bother me too much because I know it will eventually start downwards again. Not anything like without having a band...I would be so worried that it would all come back on. Now that worry is not there. That is what makes the band so special for me! At the point I would normally throw in the towel....I can't. How wonderful is that?

Janie-I feel much better today. Thank you! I was just in a little funk.

Now that halloween is over I can not wait until all of my dd candy is out of this house. Here is why....she does not like anything chocolate with nuts in it. OMG...she goes, here momma, you can have this one. She is more the sucker, Gummy bears and hard candy girl and leaves all the really good stuff for me to try and fight myself off of. LOL TORTURE!! I told her this morning, if you do not want it, just throw it in the trash!!

Tuesday we have a cold front coming in...it is supposed to be 70 when we wake up then go down to the 50s during the day. I need to go buy dd some long sleeves and more pants. Poor baby only has shorts & summer dresses in her closet right now. Thank god for Wal-Mart!! I can not even believe it is November! This past year flew by.

The place where my dh works screwed up on his paycheck last week and overpaid him and this next week the are taking it all back in one whack...ouch!! That is gonna suck! Oh well, this too shall pass....

Everyone have a super duper weekend!! I will check back in later vi's

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Good Morning!

TracyK - why are you up so early this morning??

I had to get my son out the door to take his SAT this morning! <biting nails> He had arranged last night to pick up his girlfriend so they could ride together -- she lives about 15 mins away from here, but 1 minute away from their school. So last night he asks me what time he should leave the house and we settled on 7:00 to be there in plenty of time for 7:45a. Well, this morning he asks me where Langham Creek High School is! That's where the test is!!! CRAP!! I thought it was at his high school!! That changes everything and now we are RUSHING around trying to get his Breakfast down him, his supplies and ID together, etc.... then throw him out the door!! Not the vision I had for him this morning! Well, at least he had a good dinner last night, 8 hours sleep, a hearty breakfast this morning and a healthy snack packed for later. I did my job!!!

Well, I went shopping yesterday and bought a few things but not enough work clothes to get me thru the winter...I much prefer to shop for casual clothes and that's what I got!! I'll have to go out again on Sunday, I guess. It was nice to shop at normal stores...sure expands your choices! I'm teetering between a L and XL, or 14-16 pants. Nice.

Well, I just got back from RUSHING my son's calculator to him...LOL. He forgot it. What a morning.

I think I'll go do some beading. No wait, I have to go to the grocery store! Grrrr. See why I never get to bead?

We have to leave at 12:30 to go to the funeral :confused:

Ya'll have a good day! Judy....have a GREAT TRIP!!!

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      Woohoo! I have 7 more days till surgery, So far I am already down a total of 20lbs since I started this journey. 
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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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        Congrats on the surgery!

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