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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Yay, we're back!! :(

Thanks for e-mailing Pam... gosh you're smart! I just sat here & whined! YOU did something about it! Yay you!

My theory on "treats" is... it's all part of the journey... this is a life-long process & "treats" are a part of it... of course, I realize that I didn't get here because I'm good at rationing them (ha ha)... so I really try to avoid eating them... but if I do... I try to ENJOY it & not feel guilty or blame myself... & then get right back on the straight & narrow asap! That's just me!

Time to go do some work... catch ya'll later!

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I agree Michelle. I am having my protien shake now (280 cal) and will be a good girl for today and the week. I just forgive myself too easily, lol. Which for an Italian Catholic, that is pretty good.

Do any of you watch "Workout" on Bravo. It is with professional trainer Jackie Warner. Anyway, she says if your good all week, have one treat on Sunday. That way, you know on Wed. if you pass "it" up you can have something on Sunday! You use it as a reward. But, like TracyK said, to some it is a slippery slope. A junk a holic might not be able to govern themselves in such a fashion. Either way, life is short..."Let them eat cake..."


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Hi guys

just getting in from Church, they had a Fellowship lunch today, which was very nice, but in the last week on my eating frenzie, I have realized that hamburger meat is not for me, I ate a meatball from stepmoms with ricotta cheese and sauce, that was good... cheeseburger without the bun... NO GOOD. Meatballs in general without lots to moisten it... NO GOOD. pork sausage NO GOOD... turkey sausage is ok and turkey meatballs is ok. strange, but... everything at the lunch was hamburger meat or sausage and peppers. I left hungry. So i'm home trying to eat some chicken I eat all the time and PB, slime and all. what in the world is going on. Last week I could and did eat everything in sight, and the last 2 days... nothing.

Well I'm getting ready for work... talk to you all later

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Let me jump onto the blizzard wagon and admit that I had one last night too!

I did not even weigh today because I had salty crap and the DQ last night.

I'm making enchilada's tonight...... I don't know if I'll be able to eat them or not, but DH loves when I cook mexican.

Terry: I missed you on Friday. I hope your doing ok with mom this weekend.

Laura: Your costume is so HOT! and I can tell a HUGE difference in your B&A pics!

Denise: Thanks for the comments.......... I don't feel like I'm melting today......... but

NSV: I can now zip my leather coat!

My legs are really hurting today because I polycoated pretty much all the woodwork in the kitchen yesterday.. (pine wainscoat & chair rail)

Don't have much else to say....

Have a great evening!

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Wow...yesterday must have just been "blizzard day". Now I feel much better knowing that I am amongst a group of sinners!! LOL I can't think of a better group of folks to be associated with!!! :(

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Hi all. Well, mom is going to check into the hospital tonight, if they can find a room for her...waiting on a phone call now. She's not worse, but not much better either. It basically boiled down to the fact that both my sister and I HAVE to go to work tomorrow, and she probably should have been admitted Friday anyway. I did work hard on getting her rehydrated which is a huge issue for her. She is stubborn like a mule when it comes to getting fluids in and I finally got angry with her and said, "Mom, you're willing to feel like crap, willing to take 12 different drugs, willing to go to the doctor 2x a week...but you're not willing to do the one thing that will make you feel MUCH better and that is to simply drink more fluids???" I think a lightbulb finally clicked on and yesterday she drank. Today, not so much. She's weak and lethargic and is on oxygen 24/7 now. She's had several falls and fortunately none have resulted in broken bones, but it's just a matter of time! She had one Thurs. night (at home alone) in her bathroom and said she was on the floor for 2 hours before she could get up. So, obviously, we have some big decisions to make here in the next few days and weeks.

Then....about an hour ago I got a call from my boss saying that our CEO's 22 yr old son was killed in a car accident last night. I work very closely with the CEO, too, and know his son well. This is a horrible tragedy, obviously... the boy's mother is what I would call "fragile" anyway and I can't imagine how in the world she will cope with this. It's just horrible, horrible news. So I HAVE to go to the office tomorrow because there will be all kinds of things that need to be done, and now my boss will be "in charge" until the CEO gets back....whenever in the world that will be. There but for the grace of God go I....

Not a good day in TerriDoodleLand. :(

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((Terri))... So sorry to hear all that you have going on right now... my good thoughts are with you... those in your life are so lucky to have you!!

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Hey Terry~

So sorry to hear about your mom. I have lots of experience w/ private duty nurses that work in the home if you ever wanna chat about it. We hired private duty nurses for gpa after he fell and broke his hip while he was alone. I know what your facing, trust me. I hope your mom feels better soon, it sucks being in the hospital.

So sorry to hear about your CEO. When I was 20 (way too young) I was going to marry a wonderful young man. He was killed in a car accident, he was 24. I was devastated. But what was worse, his mother had lost her only child. It was so sad.

Hang tough honey. Come here and vent or share! We are thinking about you!


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Terry that is horrible what is happening right now!!! Hugs and good thoughts for you, your mom and your CEO and family!!!

It does sound like a blizzard kind of day!!! My nephew is soo nice!!! it was good to see him, his fraternity did a fund raiser chicken dinner, didn't eat fried, had barbeque. Did get a frosty, because they shut all the Wendys down in St. Louis, so we stopped to get my nephew some gift cards and......

Was a very pretty day out, but not too many fall colors, no rain here, so really blah trees, with a few Patches of pretty.

Have a good rest of night!!!


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I was wanting to add a November challenge but when I tried it said I was only allowed 10 lines, anyway to change that??


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quiet day here

Terry, so sorry to hear all you have going on.

just getting in from work, off to sleep.< /p>

i wish i could get my child support, I would give up 1 night in a minute. this is getting crazy

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Ok here's the 6 month comparison 04/25/2007 to 10/27/2007:




Not sure if you can tell how baggy that outfit is now LOL

Here's some current pics - I can tell a little difference but not a whole lot. Maybe because I see myself every day LOL


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Hi girlies--glad we are back up and running! Was such a busy day yesterday, I wasn't aware of it til I turned on the computer, and my email was there with y'all in it!!! I liked seeing those there too!!!

Tracy---yes,you can call me anytime at all!!! I will help fend off the blizzard....just don't speak to my DH about it---he will try to rationalize a blizzard!!! Man is an ice cream fanatic!!!

Pamela--- that is too wierd I dreamed about you and TracyK too!!! I was teaching you to ride a 4 wheeler---like it is something that needs to be taught???!!! Hilarious, we were all out on the farm, and Tracy's DD looked EXACTLY like my oldest Granddaughter, Ally!!

I have no idea if in my dream you even looked anything like the pictures I have seen of y'all, I cannot remember anyone looking anyway but that Macy looked like Ally!!! I have no doubt we were all beautiful!!!

Terry----wanna run away from it all and go ride the 4 wheelers with us? I know, so much of what you are going through is totally not something to joke about. I hope your Mom is doing better. Is there any type of respite care where you are? When we had to hire someone to stay with my Grandma for awhile, we went through the local nursing program at the college. We had several people willing to spend the nights, they could study...she seldom needed much at night, but we couldn't leave her alone. And then we had a couple of women who worked for a respite care that come in. We found them through a woman we knew who worked with hospice.

I know where you are coming from with your boss' son, it was just last week we buried one of "my" kids, my daycare kiddos. I stood at that funeral, surrounded by huge numbers of young kids---it is soo sad to lose them.

Hang in there this week, sorry DH is being unhelpful.

A few days ago, I would have said lets put him and Rick on a raft and send them down river! But Rick redeemed himself today---hope yours does the same!

We met up with the family for Breakfast. Was pretty nice, did not have to deal with the bitchy __________ much! Will have to send y'all an explanation email on that---found out I am not alone here. Must suck to have such a lame life, that your best entertainment is following the life of a 47 year old woman!!! Glad I have always found more important things to do---and made my own life! Then again my life is sooooo much better than this persons---or more technically these persons--plural! Oh well.....

Anyway, we had breakfast, and took my nephews who are city boys born and bred, to the farm! We toured the cows! And then we got out the 4 wheelers (I swear to you, the thought come from my Violet dream!!!) My 4 nephews, ranging in age from 4 to 12--were in hog heaven! We rode them all over. When they left, Rick and I took them and went riding for a little while. Then we come home, and I went to my brothers for a little bit, to see some things he had done to his house---usually Rick always goes over with me, but he begged off, to watch football. When I come home, he told me to suit up---we were going riding! I had wanted to go earlier, but thought he was watching football. So we rode up into Colorado on the highway, and then turned off on a side road, that comes all the way back, but it runs down by the river. There is a man made lake out there, that is just beautiful, one of the local marine shops uses it for showcasing and test riding the boats. Today it was empty of boats, and full of geese, heading south! I was kind of surprised when he pulled off down to the lake. (****side note---crap---Rockies just got washed out of the series!!!---they were massively over played---but was fun watching!) Anyway, we get down there, and he opens the trunk on the bike, and he had a blanket, and he had some cheese and crackers that we had made to have if anyone come over to the house, and some bottles of cider we had bought last week at a roadside stand. We watched the geese, and snacked, and talked,and I got an awesome neck massage....and the assurance from him that he knew I was going to be ok, but he would be here for me every step of the way. He had been very distant about my diagnosis---and it hurt my feelings soooo bad. Guess he too had to digest the news. He said he did not know how to act---act happy that it was not as bad as it could have been...but yet he could not act happy---it is still serious in his opinion. Or to act upset, and have me thinking he was afraid I was not acknowledging how serious it could be. He too felt in a no win situation I guess. But we sat there under a huge canopy of gold leafed Cottonwood trees, and found a place to connect on our dealing with things! He actually did it to thank me for doing what we did for his Dad, and coping with the things involving that!!

Wonderful way to end our weekend.

One of our friends who come down from Denver is very, very heavy. He was telling us that his employer, Qwest, has now implemented a ruling at work that you either get your weight under control, or you do not work for them! He is seriously worrying about it! He has probably 150-200 pounds to lose. He would not consider the lap band he said because he cannot imagine only eating a tablespoon of food at a time. I told him, I definitely eat more than that---and he has watched me lose it. So it just so happened he sat next to me at breakfast. By the end of the meal, he was rethinking his options. My SIL being unable to eat, and puking 10 times a day minimally, etc. had swayed his opinion on the band. I told him everyone has different reactions to the band, but hers is the worse I have ever personally seen, or damn close to the worst I have ever read about on here. I invited him to the site to look around, and I would not be surprised to see him be banded!

Well, I need to get the coffee pot made for morning, and pick up some things. We come home last night, and our power had been out at some point yesterday, and it trashed our cable box. It will not power up. So we had to pull the TV out of the wall unit, and change up the cable connection so he could see the last of the game!!! Which would not be too bad with a normal TV but Rick bought a 60" screen TV!!!! LMAO! So I have a mess!!! A TV that size does not get moved often, so when it is out, I clean!!

Will check with you guys tomorrow. And once again TracyK---as well as all the rest of you---email, and phone are both free to all of you to use!!! I would love it!

Talk to ya tomorrow!!


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Big difference Denise!!! You look so much younger as well!!!! Time to pick one for your new avatar!!! Of course I am computer challenged, don't ask me to help make it!!! Looks like you have the picture thing down though!!

You are doing great---gonna be a hot Grammy!!


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Great job Dense...I can see a big difference..way to go girl!!!

Terri-my thoughts & prayers are with you during this trying time!

Kat-your dream sounds like great fun. Me & Macy will be there this weekend ;) (I wish)

I hate to have such a short post but my dh OT is gone at work so I have to kick up my work hours to try to take up some of the slack. Gonna be some rough holidays around SE Texas...ugh. But, been there and done that. We made it before, we will make it again.

Everyone have a great day!

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