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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Nothing much going on in my corner of the world---ignore any extra c's, I did not get in to exchange the keyboard. I shopped, but chose not to get that mixed up in the ordeal!!!

I got all the items for the punch, got some ribbon for the balloons---fabric for the tablecloth. The fabric looks like a quilt, made up of red, and blue, gingham check, and bandana print, as well as solid squares. It is very cool looking. I think I will edge it and give it to Connor for a lightweight cover. Kinsey has a sheet she uses, because she has to be covered to sleep!

I finished up the table decorations, my SIL and I did. We give my FIL a hard time because he uses duct tape on EVERYTHING!!! He has even went so far as to tape a pair of coveralls as opposed to coming in and changing when he ripped them!!! So we always give him duct tape in one form or another. He even has a wallet made from duct tape. So my SIL and I did a flower arrangement, and we even took some daisy style flowers and covered the petals with duct tape, and then taped the can we made the arrangement in---it looks good---pretty funny!! We even made the bow from duct tape! The cake is white, with big black spots---like a cow. The balloons are white with cows on them---all of the tableware is red & white. We rolled the forks in the napkins, and tied them with artificial barbed wire. We have bales of hay, that we are putting around, and then tomorrow night the kids are going to use it for a hay ride! We looked at all these western/rustic things and decided the punch bowl looked ridiculously out of place, so off to the feed store we went, and bought a small galvanized tub! With a big service type ladle---looks good now! Family will all be in in the morning. There are over 20 coming from Denver. We told him today they need about 4 more bales of hay, so Rick loaded them in his Dads truck---so he is supposed to meet them there to drop it off tomorrow at 2 is all he knows!! After we do the cake and party with friends and all, then the family is gathering and going to dinner. It was all working well, then he went and got this damn job!!! Which I hate, but I think it will do his kids in Denver good to see that things are not easy for them. They want to buy them a group gift of a big screen TV for Christmas---we want to do something more practical---but that part of the family is not known for practicality!!

Michelle---love the pics!!! Can't wait to see you in person!

Laura, girl you are looking good!! Lucky you--your belly is going away so well!!! Not so lucky for me!! Costume is cool!

I do not dress up! I have tons of people in and out on Halloween, I always have food, and fresh baked Cookies or cupcakes---hot chocolate, and coffee. It is not unusual for us to have 20-30 people milling about. My DIL informed me she is coming and just hanging out, hoping to get to see my oldest grandkids. I am usually excited about it---but this year, I am not so much.

I am fighting depression. This is a small issue in the overall scheme of things, my thyroid is, but it is affecting a lot of things in my life. I am not sleeping well. I am afraid to eat when I am alone, because I choke so easy. And my vision is getting so much worse, I am in a panic the last 2 days. I want it fixed, just in case it doesn't get better afterwards....I want to see.

I am incredibly short tempered. I made Rick mad complaining about Connors messes, and that I am going to be chasing him all day Halloween. But my DIL----when someone else is around to run herd on him, she just sits on her butt, and lets them, she does not correct him, she does nothing! He takes it personally---I really am not put out with Connor but with his parents! Our son does better if he brings him around, he watches him, and makes him mind, but not his Mama.

Put our pumpkins on the porch, and hung the witch and skeleton, and put candy out on the table, and with all my scarecrows around it looks nice and festive for the company to come. I am not as good as Michelle---my big thing to DO---was I changed the sheets on the extra bed!!! WoooHooo!!!! No paint, no room swaps!!!

Well I think I will head off to the shower, so my hair can dry before bed. It sure doesn't take as long as it used to! I hate that.

Wish me luck tomorrow. It will be a looooooooooong day of hearing how well my SIL did with the band, and people wondering if I will lose any more weight....it is never easy anymore. I hate that the weight loss changed her sooo drastically. I know it has truly made me obssessive with not being that way though!

Everyone have a good night, and enjoy your Saturday! It is supposed to be really nice here, which will be good for the kids and their hayride!

Check with y'all when I get the chance!


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This is the first time ever we've lived in a neighborhood RAMPANT (and I mean this literally) with kids! So this year, I WILL have trick or treaters. I decorated for the first time and everything. I'm very excited. We've bought candy in the past, and never had a single kid come (lived in a ghetto neighborhood in Albuquerque, and then an apartment in Albuquerque).. then lived in a house on a street that only had 8 houses on it, with 1 set of kids.. who likely went somewhere else to trick or treat.

So.. I have my costume.. and I am killing 2 birds with 1 stone.. If I'm going to pay for a costume, I want it to be something that doubles as kinky for the DH :car: It shimmies down a little more up top and up a little more in front.

And just for the record Judy.. I've heard that minister's wives can be PARTICULARLY kinky :):o That's all I'm going to say B);)

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It's 10:30 and i am just winding up the Day From Hell.

I go into work knowing full well it's going to be a very busy day. I work in the "executive suite" and my partner secretary has her Friday off. So, it's just me taking care of the group...which is usually not a problem because they're all gone on their days off, or hunting or golfing or fishing.... nice work if you can get it. But today is different... we just wrapped up our board meetings yesterday and today is the 3Q teleconference to discuss our earnings release. Everyone is already exhausted from a very hard week. However, 2 of the guys are hitting the road on Monday for an investor road trip and need to get their 40 slides finalized...the ones I've been working on all week. They finally start working on the 4th draft at about 10:30 or 11:00a and they have to be FedEx'd by 5:00p. So we're hacking away at them, one at a time...nothing too drastic...but still a lot of work. At 11:30 my mother calls...she is very ill and needs to go to the doctor...or the ER. My sister is out of town, and I can't reach my husband (find out later he's on the golfcourse). My work partner (Kathy) has worked her ass off all week and is haviing a very well-deserved day off. My mother is calling ever 15 minutes wondering when am I coming to pick her up and the executives are handing me slide drafts at the rate of one every 3 minutes. I finally have to call my partner in from her day off and explain that it can't be helped...I am VERY sorry, but I have to get my mom to the doctor right now...and can she come in to finish up the slides. She's a wonderful human being and says, sure, no problem. I RUSH to get my mom to the doctor (where we wait for 45 minutes) and he tells her she either has to go into the hospital or home for the weekend with me. Choice is obvious. We go back to her place which is a wreck because she hasn't been well. I get dishes washed, bed made, load up the dirty laundry, her clothes, toiletries, cpap machine, oxygen machine, walker, drugs, etc. into the car. Go to the drug store to get 3 Rx's ...and they're screwed up (on a Friday afternoon) and spend another hour trying to get the drugs she needs. All this time I can't find DH...I need his SUV to get the stuff over to my house. Turns out he's golfing!!! ....and I don't find this out until 4:00p. He's in the doghouse in a major way now. Finally get Mom packed up and we're on the road to my house...at 5:15p on a Friday afternoon in the city with the 4th worst traffic in the country. My mom is having anxiety attacks and I haven't eaten anything since 8:00 this morning. We finally get to my house by 6:30p. I get her unloaded while DH watches TV. He then goes to get something to eat while I go to the grocery store and then get laundry for my mom started. I come home, unload groceries (while they watch game shows) and re-heat some leftover eggplant for myself and it's now8:30p. In the meantime, I'm running back and forth all over getting what mom needs to be comfortable, and loading up on some wine I bought at the store. :car: At 9:30 I get her to bed, fold laundry, eat cold eggplant and finally get to sit down with my Violets!


You all look wonderful

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Terry, you get a big jewel in your crown for this day!!! I hope tomorrow is better!!

I've been thinking about the band and what Kat said about her SIL having one and being quite successful. When I went to the lecture the Dr. said that the band people don't lose as much % of body weight as gastric bypass, but in the long run, it looks like the band people keep what they have lost off better. I guess we are all different.

I remember when I first got the band I couldn't understand and felt guilty about the fact that you couldn't help but lose weight with the band, but then the reality of living with it hits me in the face every day. It is easy to eat wrong. I know longer feel guilty about how 'easy' it is, cause it is not. I feel like I am at a crossroad that I have been many times, on the verge of not losing any more weight. I am scared, but am trying harder this time to control things. Does this make sense to anyone or is it just aimless rambling....


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Wow Terry! You deserve a glass of wine with that cold eggplant!!

DH said he always wanted to know how to play guitar (bass guitar particularly), I was looking online at costs of guitars and finding lessons in the area.. Found both, and was debating getting that for him for X-mas. Any ideas on that? I can't decide if that's a good gift or not. Because, secretly it's for me too.. I think that would be major hot :car:

I know he's building me a new computer for x-mas (shhh I don't know). And that's more of a gift to him. I told him a couple valentine's days ago (when he bought me RAM for my computer as a b'day/v'day gift).. I'm sentimental and gushy, I don't want PRACTICAL gifts lol. And yet he is building me a computer. I get along fine on this hand me down, and I've told him before not to ever buy me something that has to be plugged into the wall. Thought that counts, right? So, it makes me wanna do the lessons more and more. He's the opposite, every gift giving oppertunity he gets something electronic from me. Maybe this x-mas we'll both be different.. I'll give him something fun and impractical, and he'll give me a computer.. hehe.

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I hope your mom is gonna mend well this weekend. I will be thinking about you this weekend!


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hi all

i'm just getting in... speed reading so I am sure I missed lot

bad food day again... I need to do shakes for a few days... i need to get rid of this bloat.

back to the gym monday, no excuses!!!

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YEAAAAAAA!!! WE'RE BACK IN BUSINESS. Sure did miss this site yesterday!!!

Catch up with everyone later day... gotta get ready for church!

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OMG....no LBT all day yesterday pushed me into a DQ blizzard frenzy last night!! (no joke) I tried all day to get in here and then finally last night I was craving sweets really badly, so I tried to log in once more for support...I had nobodys phone number because I did not print it out and then went to DQ and got a blizzard. UGH...what a sinner :) To top it off, I just realized (as I am typing this) that I have the list the Kat sent me in my e-mail...what a dummy. To realize that all of those calories could have been avoided with one phone call to one of the violet sistas! UGH...oh well, whats done is done and today is a new day. (note to self....print the flippin list out)

By the way, who would not mind being a long distance help line in case of a food crisis? I don't wanna bug anyone....

Terri-you are a great daughter! I hope things are better for you now!

Jane-what you said makes sense and you know what? It is a mind game...you are thinking and feeling what we have all thought at one time or another. Like the little devil sitting on your shoulder saying "EAT IT...come on you know you want to" and the lapband angel on the other shoulder saying "no no no, I am just a tool to help you make good choices!" Look whos talking, right...ms snicker blizzard herself...LOL. But, like I said, today is a new day, LBT is back up and running and I can't let the past dictate the future. The food choices have to be made every meal...not a day ahead or 3 hours ahead but the minute the food is on its way in your mouth. Its not easy, but, nothing worthwhile is easy. Now I am probably rambling...and I am sure I am just saying things you already know...but it doesn't hurt to be reminded sometimes :o Especially from people who care. Group hug :car:

Denise-you are doing great too....just a little bump in the road, but after you talk to your dr I am sure you will be in onederland in no time!!

DD is coming home today...wooohoooo!! I really miss her.

I am planning on bringing her to an assisted living home to trick or treat. The place had flyers at her school and I thought it would be a sweet thing to bring her to see them. I am sure that alot of them are quite lonely and if we can brighten their day, what a treasure it will be. Just the smiles on the residents faces will make it all worthwhile. After that I will bring her door to door for a while.

I sure did miss you guys yesterday! I need to gets some odds & ends done before my dd arrival....I will pop back in later.

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Tracy - I just love the idea of taking your daughter to see all those elderly folks....they will love it!! My mother literally lives on news and pictures about her great-granddaughter. She brightens up significantly when she talks about her. She lives in Austin but still gets to see her about 5-6x a year, so that's good. Bless you for doing that...she will make a big difference in their lives for more than just a day. They will be talking about those children for a long time! I always wanted to take my Golden to visit the elderly, but never did because her arthritis wouldn't allow her much activity....but I will definitely do that with my next doggie.

Jane - Tracy is right. You are in a major head-game battle right now. If I recall, you said you live alone, right? The first thing I want you to do this morning is to go into that pantry and get rid of EVERY SINGLE item you know shouldn't be in there...donate it to a food pantry. Then do the same with your refrigerator. Why tempt yourself 24/7 with bad food choices? Are they there for when you want to "treat" yourself? Well, guess what....they're not treats!! They're self-sabotage bullets! Every time you eat something you 'shouldn't' you're reinforcing that behavior. Alternatively, every time you eat something healthy, and reward yourself for the choice, you reinforce that behavior! So which behavior is going to win this battle? Which one are you choosing to reinforce? It is NOT out of your control, is it??

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Morning gals

what a treat to wake up and have the site working. I am running late.didn't sleep well or much last night and I'm getting ready for church.

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Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't begin to share how much I missed you all. Thank God I had the email list saved on Word. I was freakin out w/o you all!

TracyK~ I too had a blizzard yesterday (choc Heath). I am allowed to have one a month. I had my MIL here this weekend, and she cooked schnitzle (no breading) and I had that, a very small bit of spatzla (german noodles). I had to cut the meat in 1/2 it was too big. Then I didn't have enough of the low carb ice cream so we went to DQ. Not the best choice, but hey, I am done w/ my DQ fix for the month. Don't feel bad, today is a new day!

I have tons of work to do today, so will be sitting at the puter all day:ranger:. I'll be back in a bit.

I had a dream about Kat again. It was mixed in w/ 2 conference calls I have today! Weird, huh. I don't remember the details but when I woke up, I thought what was I just talking to Kat about? LOL, that is 2 dreams about Kat!

Have a great great day!!


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I will clean out my pantry/sources of goodies, but I going to see my nephew at college today. His fraternity is having a fundraiser so my mom and dad and my neice (my sister and brother in law are already there) are driving down. It is only an hour and a half drive, maybe here in Missouri it will be a pretty fall color drive.

I think the Blizzard is okay to have everyonce in awhile, am I right??????

Have a good day!!!!!


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I think the Blizzard is okay to have everyonce in awhile, am I right??????

Have a good day!!!!!


Everyone has different ideas of treats every once in a while vs. not. I am a not. I am more of a "Hi, my name is Tracy and I am a junk-a-holic". So, one blizzard for me is like one drink to an alcoholic. Last night was a binge, but after six and a half months...I am not gonna be too hard on myself. Next time when I get that kind of craving it should not be that bad because I actually did not enjoy it as much as I thought I would....so it will be easier to "just say no". :(

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I'm always available to whip anyone back into shape!!

I actually had a sonic blast (same as a DQ blizzard) yesterday.. But I did it un-guiltily. I bowled and gardened yesterday.. had eggs & bacon for b'fast, bowl of chicken Soup for dinner.. went to parents house to watch Mr. Brooks and they went to Sonic for treats.. I split a Reese Sonic Blast with my mom.. was alright, but I honestly think my 100 calorie Cookies & cream cups taste better.

I was worried about the board being down yesterday, I use to be part of a cat forum that one day out of the blue closed up. No warning, nothing. Then a couple months later someone contacted me that someone from the forum decided to open up their own. But the first one, poof. I was like oh no, what will I do!!

Was relieved to see it back today. Did some X-mas shopping last night to entertain myself. Got mom, dad & sister's presents. I like getting that stuff done EARLY..before people jack up prices for the holidays.

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