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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Kat - Welcome home! Ok, all my violets are safe and sound and accounted for. I can rest now. Hey, where's Haydee?? Where's Ms Jen? I know where Michelle is...she's got her feet propped up somewhere (I hope). Denise??? You haven't checked in for a couple of days!! Guess I can't rest after all.

I like the Bugg so far. It's keeping me from eating when I'd really like to right now! It's telling me I've only burned about 1800 calories so far today (ah, the life of a secretary) and I'm not going to the gym, so I'll burn maybe 2000 total today. My calories are at 1300 and I shoot for a 750 calorie deficit, so I can't eat anymore tonight! This really IS interesting seeing how many calories I am burning ...'hard' numbers as opposed to estimating. It's a pretty cool little gadget and the web program is very good, too. You don't have to count calories if you don't want to. It will give you an average after a week or so on the program by seeing how much weight you lost vs. how many calories your burned, then computing what you must have taken in from that. Make sense?

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So Terry... if it says you've deficient enough calories to lose 5lbs in a week. And say you don't. Does that mean it's wrong, or what?

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Tracyks- Congrats on the size 12, man am i jealous. LOL I am glad things worked out today.

Kat, I'm sorry you have to go back. crazy nippy dogs.

Laura - I have some special tea... Nature's Reply from LA Weightloss. Would you like some, they are having a special at 30% off $12 next week, and since I use to go there they are letting me buy anything at any time. I'm drinking some right now

Everyone else... Hello...

just getting in from work, I think i'm just drained so i'm going to bed.


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Do some of you follow weight loss programs such as Weight Watchers etc.? Which programs seems to work best for bandsters?

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Hey Violets~

Well, I must say, my dog sure love my band. Another dinner he got to eat, as I stood over the sink and slimed and PB'd. Man, I was hungry too. Made some hot tea, and gonna do a protien bar later.

Terry~ What the hell did you just say? I was almost following them whamo...I lost you. I am not sure if I can follow it. But I love the idea. How does it feel/fit w/ you work clothes? I would so already have it if it weren't so expensive. Or should I say, I would spend the money if I knew I could committ to it!

TracyK~ Quitting smoking is the BEST gift you can give yourself. I am not kidding...I LOVED my ciggy's. But, now, I know I can't go back. Take my advice...buy yourself a new purse. Once you quit smoking, your purse will totally stink. I used to put my purse in my desk drawer at work (I still do). But this summer on vaca, I bought a beautiful leather (and expensive) purse. Now that I've put in into the same drawer (where my stinky purse used to go), it has somehow made my new one smell too:(. Long story long...you will need a new purse. Remember, if you fail...quit again the next day. Don't say, 'oh, next monday..." just do it. You'll be able to work out so much better/harder and will love how your hair smells at the end of the day. (I am a total smell person, love love love perfume and smelling good). Keep us posted on progress!

Where the hell has Sara and Denise been?

Got a nice compliment on my Bracelet. They said, "it is beautiful, I didn't know you were that into Jesus." I giggled and told the Violet story. Judy...your famous! (Although I have a close and personal relationship w/ JC...this bracelet is all about the Violets).

Kat~ OMG...is Kinsey ok? My mom was bitten in the face and it was very traumatic for her. I don't like chihuahuas...most of them are mean. I have a Rottenwieller (yes, rotten) but he is a sweet heart. All he has ever known is love and kisses...he is my baby.

Laura~your hamburgers sound so good...not that I could eat them. I love cresents. I am hungry.

Michelle~OMG...that looks soooo nice! How many people are in your group? What fun fun fun! Got room for anymore? We should rent that for our Violet meeting...now that would be cool. Some kind of retreat thingy.

Ok, enough typing...gotta go do some work. Get to sleep in until 5 am tomorrow! Looking forward to it.


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Just a quick check in before heading off to bed. This is the night I could have went to sleep at 7 PM, and Kinsey is not sleepy in the least. She is laying in there, fairly quiet, I hear her singing now and then....but still awake. I remember as a kid, hating my parents going to bed before I was asleep! I thought it was just me, until my DD got old enough I was able to go to bed and leave her up...she refused, if she thought I was going to bed, she was in and under the sheets in a hurry---so I can't bring myself to go to bed, until Kins falls to sleep!!! "You are my shunshine..."more singing coming from her room!!!

Yes I have to go back tomorrow and then again on Friday. Today I did the MRI, and 2 different contrast scans. Then they did a test to determine if I were going to have a problem with the iodine...and I didn't so they gave me a pill to swallow, and it seems to have passed without issue. It will make the iodine gather in the thyroid for another scan of some sort. Then Friday I have fine needle biopsies. Then my fun is over for a few days anyway---and I hope for good results!

DD and her bf are headed home, will be in tomorrow. I will be glad, and yet sad, it has been a pleasure having Kinsey with us. She is definitely going to have to stay with us more often!

Wind is blowing like crazy outside---leaves are going to really come down now! Is supposed to gust to 50 mph tomorrow. It sprinkled rain tonight. Weather is turning to fall in a hurry now!

Yep it is time for some of our girls to check in!!!

My best friend I talk about so much they too have a rottenwieller!!! I love the new name!!! Her real name is Hershey, and I would take that dog in a second, she is such a sweetheart!!! Her companion, Walker a rhodesian ridgeback had to be put down a couple of months ago from complications from diabetes! They gave him insulin shots twice a day. Poor Hershey wants someone to play with so bad! It would take 50 or more of this little chihuahua "Dozer" to make 1 Hershey and there is no comparison!!! One is a dog, the other a PITA!!!

Kinsey is not wanting to go to sleep tonight, she just called in and ask could she get up, so I shut off all the lights and TV, and told her no, even Granny was going to bed in a minute---which is true, Granny is ready to drop!!!

So gonna go brush my teeth, do all the go to bed things!!!

Talk to ya in the morning!


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Good news! I got a pretty significant raise today, PLUS a $2000 bonus, that doesn't include my Christmas bonus that I'll be getting in December. This was for my annual performance eval...apparently I'm doing a great job! ;)

Terry congrats on the scale moving!!!!

TracyinKS - ok girlie you've passed me up...We can't let that happen, I need a fill!!! How much do you have in your band?? I'm just not at proper restriction I don't think. In the morning I feel tighter, however by lunch and dinner I can eat WAY too much and I'm HUNGRY as a horse by dinner, no matter what I eat for lunch...I'm at 3cc's in my 4cc band....I go back to the doctor on 10/30.....I'm eating WAY too much, but I have been exercising (walking a mile a day...not much but better than I was doing and I'm doing it EVERY day!) :clap2:

One a more serious note, I hope things work out with your situation...I know how it feels to be involved with a deadbeat dad...I lose and my kids lose.

KAt - things with the DD's are going ok....not so sure about the oldest DD, but I saw her Sunday and she looks good...I'm sure she's still drinking, but I'm trying not to worry about it...she's an adult, and I've done everything I can...she needs to be accountable to herself from now on. My youngest DD is doing great...she is barely 8 weeks pregnant but they did an ultrasound to give a more definitive due date - May 27th it is!!! 3 days before my wedding anniversary, and 8 days my DD's birthday! Here's a picture of the little thing...you can't even tell it's a baby yet! LOL


Laura - you're an animal lover like me! I have 2 dogs and 5 cats...love them all to pieces!!! They're indoor/outdoor pets as well...they all sleep inside at night or whenever they darn well feel like it LOL~!

Pamela - I'm right here!!!! I have been SO busy - I haven't had a chance to respond, but I've been trying to keep up! You all are a chatty bunch! LOL

mdrai - I'm SO jealous of that cabin!!! I love the mountains!!!

Everyone that I missed (didn't have time to go through all of the postings) - I hope you're all doing well!!!

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Well Kinsey is FINALLY asleep after I rubbed her back for awhile, she just wanted to visit!!!

Denise, when we got that ultrasound pic of her we called her a jellybean!!!

Glad all is well!

Nighty-Night all!


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I just love ultrasound pics. They are so amazing to me. They tug at my heartstrings!!

Kat-when can you expect the results of your tests?

Good morning everyone!! The boss is away today, so I am a mouse today :eek: When I get to work I plan on reading all day!! I am still hanging around at 195 but the best part of that is I finally started my TOM so I am hoping for the best when "aunt flow" leaves! Since I was a few days late I will probably have her around about 2 weeks since my hormones are probably all jacked up over the weight loss. ;)

Everyone have a great wednesday!!

Isn't burning 1800 calories alot? Explain what you did during the day please Terri...I guess I am just "dumb" as far as that stuff goes!!

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Hey Hey Hey...Have a great day! Gonna play a game of scrabble then get ready for work. I'll check in later.


Kat~Good luck today w/ round 2! We'll be thinking about you!



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So Terry... if it says you've deficient enough calories to lose 5lbs in a week. And say you don't. Does that mean it's wrong, or what?
Well, first of all, to lose 5# in one week you'd have to have a calorie deficit of 2500 calories/day....which is essentially NOT eating at all. Secondly, that is not a healthy thing to do as your body would immediately start shutting down your metabolism to conserve energy......this is a big no-no!! But to address the theory of your question, that would mean you're in a plateau (if you're eating less than you're burning but not losing) ....and these are caused my many factors, most of which are not clearly understood. This is a great article on that subject: http://application.bodybugg.com/files/static/kb/15_understanding_fitness_plateaus.pdf

Obviously I just experienced a 7 week plateau which can't be explained by my eating/exercising. I was doing the 'right' things most of the time.

All I can say is that I am incredibly jealous. :phanvan BUT, I am happy that you're getting to enjoy it!! Lucky dogs!

Isn't burning 1800 calories alot? Explain what you did during the day please Terri...I guess I am just "dumb" as far as that stuff goes!!

It would be if I was burning 1800 EXTRA calories, beyond my basal metabolic state. If i don't do any exercise at all...if I am just a slug all day and don't do any chores around the house, no shopping, no cooking, no gym...like I'm just laying in bed sick, for instance, I'll still burn maybe 1800 calories (at my age, weight, level of fitness) just in order to keep my body functioning. If I want to lose one pound per week, I have to average a calorie deficit of 500/day. So I can manage that deficit by either moving more or eating less. The body bugg basically monitors that intake/output and records it in my profile.

The website is one of the best I've seen in the area of "dieting", the science of metabolism, the latest research, and fitness. If you go to Welcome to myApex! and click on "Fitness Resources" there are tons of articles and Q&A's that aren't even related to the Body Bugg per se. Good reading.

scale stuck at 184 today. That's a good thing!

Denise - Love your 'jellybean' picture!! That is soooooooo exciting!!!

Kat - I love Kinsey's choice of song...it's the one I used to sing to my babies when they were little! ....still do!!

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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

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      2. BabySpoons

        Seems it would be more compassionate not to perform a WLS on someone until they are mentally ready for it. Unless of course they are on death's door...

    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

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      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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