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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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OK>>> crap......

an employee just walked into my office and had a question about the insurance..........

Well they googled the website for bcbs and guess what came up................. ME.......... and my post from January on the insurance threads....... OMG...... guess my cyberlife is outed..... shit.

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Good morning ladies! I hope everyone had a good weekend. Mine started out productive and we ended it on a lazy note. The weather was beautiful here in Houston this weekend. My sister’s birthday was on Friday so my mom and I planned a BBQ for her for Saturday. We had lots of fun and of course I ate way too much. Ribs, steak, tamales, beans… A little bit of everything. And of course birthday cake! Oh my tummy hurt so bad Saturday night. Then Sunday we had made all these plans to be productive after church. We were going to set up the office and the guest room because right now they are just in chaos. Well we went to church and then we went to lunch afterwards. When we came home Juan said he was gonna take a tiny nap so I decided that I was going catch up on Oprah. I didn’t even make it halfway through one show. I woke up and it was 6:30 pm. The day was gone! I got up, made dinner and we just puttered around the house. Didn’t really do much but I felt guilty about sitting back down on the couch! Oh and my internet’s been down at my house for three days now! I really hate Comcast. Nothing but problems since they took over from Time Warner.

Well I was supposed to get a fill on Saturday but my doctor called and cancelled my appointment. She had to leave town and won’t be back until this week. She only does fills on Saturday so now I have to wait until the week after next. Next weekend is my birthday and all of us girls are taking off for one of the casinos in Louisiana. So two more weeks of “dieting” for me. I’m hungry all the time now and I’m not making very good food choices. Sigh. The only good thing is that I’m starting the 5 day a week gym routine today. Last week was so crazy! Juan’s brother came in from NY just out of the blue so we spent a lot of time with him. It seems like this week is the first real “normal” week I’m gonna have since this whole moving craziness started.

Well back to work for me…

Oh by the way, I typed this message out in Word first and then I came on the site and pasted it. Someone suggested that a few pages back and I was getting sick of losing my posts. This worked great, thanks to whoever recommended it!

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Good morning all!

All your talk about children and grandchildren makes me wish I had some.

I finally feel like I'm losing weight!:clap2: 8 more lbs to Onderland:whoo:

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I am starting to graze very badly. BAD LAURA BAD!!!!!

I think it's because I get panick-y about not being able to eat. I made chicken & dumplings yesterday, for us to eat lunch & dinner.

I had Protein Shake for b'fast, some broth for lunch, and at dinner I tried 1 dumpling. Wouldn't go down. PB'd. So then I ate yogurt. Then pudding (with Fiber, that makes it ok right?!). Then chewed on some beef jerkey. Then had some ritz chips (painfully, but not as painful as the dumpling). I am just snacking on crap!!!!!!!!

I'm getting really tired of this. I'm not going to get anywhere if I can't eat my normal meals. I kick myself while I do it too. Like when I had the ritz, I was at war with myself mentally. I said.. PUT THEM DOWN! Then the other side said, No we can't eat, and finally we can eat something! EAT THEM! NO! WAAAAAH.

I'm letting myself down, and I wonder if I'm trying to make myself fail :cool:

I want to blame this all on my over-fill, but damn if I can tell myself to put it down, and I don't listen.. that's all me!

My appt. is Oct 22, going to ask for something to help hair loss (I remember at the pre-op meeting he mentioned he would give me rx for something if I needed it), and an unfill. I hate myself for sabotaging me. DARN ME DARN ME!!

I am so tired of not being able to eat the good food. This isn't helping me. I keep looking longingly at the good food, as I fill my face with crap that will go down.

On another note, I'm doing the couch-5k program losingjusme posted. Anyone else see it? Husband is currently trying to fix my stupid iPod.. I hate apple stuff. Hopefully he'll have it fixed and tonight I'm going to be doing that instead of grazing. SIGH!

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I received a copy of this and thought it was a good reminder not to let others dump their garbage on me!!!

Beware of Garbage Trucks

by David J. Pollay

How often do you let other people's nonsense change your mood?

Do you let a bad driver, rude waiter, curt boss, or an insensitive co-worker ruin your day?

Unless you're the Terminator, for an instant you're probably set back on your heels.

However, the mark of a successful person is how quickly he/she can get back her focus on what's important.

Sixteen years ago I learned this lesson. I learned it in the back of a New York City taxi cab.

Here's what happened:

I hopped in a taxi, and we took off for Grand Central Station. We were driving in the right lane when, all of a sudden, a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on his breaks, skidded, and missed the other car's back end by just inches!

The driver of the other car, the guy who almost caused a big accident, whipped his head around and he started yelling bad words at us.

My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And I mean he was friendly. So, I said, 'Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!'

And this is when my taxi driver told me what I now call, 'The Law of the Garbage Truck.'

“Many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, full of self importance, full of jealousy and full of disappointment. As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it. And if you let them, they'll dump it on you. When someone wants to dump on you, don't take it personally. You just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. You'll be happy you did.”

So this was it: The 'Law of the Garbage Truck.'

I started thinking, how often do I let Garbage Trucks run right over me? And how often do I take their garbage and spread it to other people: at work, at home, on the streets? It was that day I said, 'I'm not going to do it anymore.'

I began to see garbage trucks. I see the load they're carrying. I see them coming to drop it off. And like my Taxi Driver, I don't make it a personal thing; I just smile, wave, wish them well, and I move on.

One of my favorite football players of all time, Walter Payton, did this every day on the football field. He would jump up as quickly as he hit the ground after being tackled. He never dwelled on a hit. Payton was ready to make the next play his best.

Good leaders know they have to be ready for their next meeting. Good parents know that they have to welcome their children home from school with hugs and kisses. Teachers and parents know that they have to be fully present, and at their best for the people they care about.

The bottom line is that successful people do not let Garbage Trucks take over their day.

What about you? What would happen in your life, starting today, if you let more garbage trucks pass you by? You'll be happier Here's my bet.

So. Love the people who treat you right.

Forget about the ones who don't.

Believe that everything happens for a reason.

If you get a chance, TAKE IT!

If it changes your life, LET IT!

Nobody said it would be easy...

They just promised it would be worth it!

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Good last few minutes of morning in my time zone!!!! I looked down as I typed morning and my computer says it is 11:53!!! This day has passed in a hurry, and I have so much more I wanted to do!

Kinsey and I decorated for Halloween---put out all of Granny's scarecrows! She laughed at them---does not think they are scary at all!!! Then we lost her 'little princess dress'---a short one piece tutu/leotard, that the child just almost lives in!!! We hunted and looked and searched...finally finding it in Granny's hamper!!! Trying to make a point, since she put it in the hamper, I took it to the laundry, and am taking the time to wash it! It was looking pretty rough!!!

We spent the morning making cinnamon rolls---such a glutton for punishment!!! Actually they are not an issue, the thought of eating one causes pain, and makes me want to slime!!! But Kinsey and Rick both love them. So we made some for our house, and made a pan to take to a friend who just lost her brother. I won't be able to attend the service, I will having my biopsy, so wanted to do something.

We are heading out to Walmart in a few minutes, I have to get a few things, and want to have some simple easy things for the next few days of testing fun. Rick can and does cook, but he doesn't normally get home until 6:30 at the earliest---so I usually try to have it ready by then, so we are not eating so late.

Tracy, I feel your pain, some men are soooo slick!!! One time many years ago, my ex come to get Manda, I should have sensed something was up, because he NEVER come after her! But this was early in my learning process!!! He told her when he picked her up they were going to go have pizza...really talked it up! About 10 minutes after they left, he shows back up...Manda upset, saying that pizza Hut would not take a check, and so he couldn't take her. Then he had an idea, maybe I could cash a check for him----stupid foolish me!!! My biggest concern was he would stop payment on the check! I cashed a check for him gave him all the cash I had, was a whopping like $32.00. I run to the bank the next morning, got my cash back, and relaxed. Then about a month later, I got a letter from the Child support enforcement, chewing me out, telling me I was not allowed to receive support directly, blah blah blah---he turned the check in as support paid!!! A$$hole that he was! It caused everything I had done to be eliminated, and I had to wait another several months to show he was again not paying! All over $32.00!!! And the kicker???? Manda said they didn't get to eat pizza! At the time that made me mad, I was just secretly relieved he had not stopped payment...I had no idea what was coming! I learned not to trust anything from him!

He did the same thing with Manda's birthday---he would give her a check, and make it out to me, since she didn't have an account. I knew better, I refused it! I refused it so guess what she got??? Same thing she has received every year since, a big fat nothing! She told me the other day he told her he has early staged COPD, and his blood pressure was like 192/120---I could not find much sympathy. I told her I would add him to our prayer chain, and I would pray that I could be civil! Judy I think I am going to be struck first without a doubt!!!!

Well, I am going to fold this load of laundry and head into town, to do our shopping....well maybe, Kinsey is looking like a nap is on the way, maybe I can wait and do it all tomorrow after my first test....

we'll see!!!



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Tracyks- i wish you all the luck in the world with court. I am up to $3750 in back support so I know the feeling, it sucks.

Anyway - just checking in, going to take a little nap

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Well the girlie is asleep, so I was going to get some things done, and let her nap. As I took chicken from the freezer, I was going over in my head, all the things I do with chicken, and decided I am tired of them all!!!

So I am asking my Violet Sistahs----for each of you to post your favorite chicken recipe....help me find new ones!!



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Good Morning, Violets.

I've been to my staff meeting at church, done Curves with daugher Kris and had lunch with Kris and Bob. And now for my biggest NSV evah!! Kris left her jeans here after changing for Curves and when I went into the bathroom, I thought I'll just try them on. They are size 14 regular from Old Navy. No way would I think they would ever go over my belly....... welllllllllllllllll THEY DID!!! I could even wear them comfortably and even a big baggy in the butt. Now, the question is.. do I tell Kris I can wear her size?? Cause she's trying to lose weight and it might not be the best thing to hear.. that your 60 year old mom can wear your new jeans. She just got word that she passed her final for one of her nursing classes and so she can go on to the next phase of classes. She is really happy about that. I guess I'll just be quiet and enjoy the NSV with Bob. He gave me a double thumbs up. Kewl!

Well, I'm headed for a nap now and then going to the gym tonight to do the stationary bike.

Everyone have a great day and remember ....

Patience, trust and WWJD??!!!

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Ooooooopsssss.... DUH... It's WAYYYYYYYYYY past morning here. So scratch that good morning, and replace it with good afternoon.. k?

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Judy - how impressive is that??????? You go girl

Terry - that was a great article

there is a support group tonight, i think I'm going to go, I need it

Kat. What kind of chicken it is? I have such issues with it that I will think about the one i miss the most. I am making a pot roast for dinner, but I went to friendly's for lunch and had a side salad and 1 chicken finger and 5 fries, I am still so full I want to bust.

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Well.... the upside to this day is that my payroll is almost complete! :cool:

Please everyone "Say a prayer" that the best interest of my son comes to be tomorrow........ I don't care about the money part of it....... I knew I would never get money..... and if I can get his parental rights relinquished I am writing off the money!

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Fingers crossed for you tracy!!!!

Judy- that's awesome, I use to really resent my mom for things like that. But I was never a size 14. I was a size 22-26 around middle school up till high school. At that time my mom was a size 12. And when we'd do our clothes shopping, I would get so mad that she could wear the (what we called) "Britney Spears" pants. Low cut, makes your butt look good, etc. And she could wear the fitted shirts that show off her figure. And there I was in old lady looking clothes from Lame bryant!

Such is life I guess.

I made an easy chicken dumpling Soup yesterday. (Lazy day)

I couldn't eat the dumplings, but if you're not over filled you probably can!!

Big can of chunked chicken (I used 1 large can from Sam's.. equiv of about 2 normal size cans). You could use normal chicken breasts, sear them in the pan with a dash of EVOO, cut it up, and then let them cook 30 minutes in the broth before continuing with the recipe.

Toss it in a pot, cover it with 2 14oz cans of chicken broth (I used 4c of Water & 3 buillion cubes). Bring it to a boil.. I added garlic salt, parsley, salt, pepper, and a dash of thyme. Then I made biscuik dumplings (2/3c of biscuik, 1/3c of skim milk). Dropped them in, let them cook 10 minutes uncovered. Then I sprinkled them with garlic salt & parsley, cover and cook 10 more minutes.

I added a little corn starch to make the soup thicker too. Husband gave me a thumbs up on this, he said he liked them better than Cracker Barrel! (That's all he gets there).

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Tracyinks..you will definitely be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow. My son and dil went through the same things. The finally got my granddaughter, Mara, free and clear in lieu of suport payments. It was the best deal ever. My son adopted her shortly afterwards and she's always called him daddy. This all happened when she was 4 years old. She's 11 now. Such a long battle and I hope yours turns out equally as well for you and your son.

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