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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Before I go to bed, just wanted to whine some more.

From sitting at my desk, the weight of my boobs leaning forward and incision between them.. I started to ache a little.. and if I turn/bend it's a horrible burning pain.. feels like my muscles are ripping apart.. so I've been trying hard not to bend or turn!!

I am SO IN THE MOOD tonight. It's been like a week or so :peep: ;)

I had sex not long after being banded, but the inside hurts much more with this one. I'm not use to having to hold out.. pfff.

So, that's my whine. I want it tonight and can't have it!


I finally earned me booby bananas. I feel all warm and tingly now :)

Today's calories: 1,100 (and that's with a Curves granola bar as an indulgent snack)


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Morning Violets!

I'm at work.. in a pain killer stooper!

This morning the scale said 283.

You know what this means? OFFICIALLY -50lb GONE FOR GOOD!

I have been daydreaming about 199. 100's. Wow. Let's see, the last time I was in the 100's was probably middle school.

Onederland.. I may actually achieve it this time. Woowoo.

Had coffee for b'fast.. I'm not getting hungry anymore. Thank you band <3 <3 <3

Going to dinner with my cousin and her husband tonight. My DH hasn't met them yet, and they wanted to meet him.. I picked the place where we had our wedding reception.. they have yummy veggie kabobs. I could just have that for dinner and be happy. My mood has so changed, I'm so happy with this restriction. I just keep praying it doesn't go away. I am waiting to wake up one day and it's back to nothing.. like maybe I'm just swollen from surgery?? :peep:

Anyway.. the incision between my boobs ITCHES LIKE CRAZY. It doesn't feel/look infected or anything, but it's driving me nuts. I've been putting cortaid on it, and that's not even helping.

Hope everyone has a great day!


Congratulations on your -50 lbs!!! WOOOHOOO!!!! You go girl!!! Can you tell a huge difference???? By the way your avatar is absolutely darling!!! :whoo:

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Just stopping by to say sorry I forgot to mention it earlier Laura...but WAY TO GO!!!!! What a goal you have reached, especially with the problems you had---you are doing so well!!!! And sorry you have to do without. I am too if it helps any....DH and I are fighting!!!

It is very rare, and even more so that neither of us wants to talk it out, but this one is gonna be a doozy!!!! As it stands now we are just not speaking....I thought so seriously about going outside and yanking the cable, so his Boston Legal would go off, bet he'd say something then!!!!! But would rather not even hear him right now!

deep, deep sigh.......

Anyway, y'all have a good one, and I'll catch up with you tomorrow.


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Laura, that is great about the 50 pounds. I too think about hitting 199!! I am just glad right now to be under 250, hope that same holds true at my Dr.'s scale on Thursday!!

Pam, I think a cookbook of the violets recipes and their favorite "band" foods and the resources is a great idea!! Like the website from Laura on the beef jerky!

Terry, loved the vegetable soup!!!


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gooooooooooooood mornin' violets

i'm up after little sleep once again. I stayed up until 12:30 watching the biggest looser. then I tossed and turned all night, my burn is killing me. mom who is a RN looked at it this am, it is raw, 2nd degree, 3rd in some places and hurts, my entire arm hurts. There is a 1x1 blister that has popped and just showing bright pink skin.

Ok I need hazard pay. LOL

So i have worked out like a crazy person and watched what I ate and nothing, not an ounce gone, so here is my new thought, i'm going to keep doing this but will not anticipate loosing before my fill - but once I get my fill get down into onderland quickly. I can do 14lbs after a fill easy, I dropped 18 last time just from the fill.

well enough of the blah blah blah, just thinking outloud so I don't get too hard on myself.

Not sure what i'm going to do today, maybe clean my room, go to the gym with my ds, take a little nap before I have to go to work.

mom made polish Soup last night for one of her cancer patients, who is done with his kemo tomorrow and she loves her patients, she does stuff like that for them all the time. Let me tell you, I can't eat it but it smells so good. It has bacon, kielbasa, Beans, cabbage. Not food for us. LOL

hope everyone has a great day

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Pamela-I would do the show too, bt I would not be able to stand being away from my dd that long!! If I were still single, I would be all over it!!

Good morning everyone!!

Just enough time to wish everyone a great day!!

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Good morning, Violets..

I'm sitting here eating my cottage cheese and blueberries waiting for Ethan to arrive. I have a flute rehearsal at 11 and choir at 6 so it's another one of those days for me.

Jennifur..I wish I could give you some of the stuff I got in Alaska. It's called Doctor's club and the natives swear by it. I got a little burn from a roasting pan and put the stuff on and it took the pain away very quickly. I'd never heard of it before, but our tour guide showed us where he'd had surgery on his arm and said it helped so much. I'm all for anything that works!! At least you have your mom to keep watch over you and the boo boo. I don't know what to tell you about the stall in your weight loss. Just keep on keepin' on. It WILL show up one of these days!!! You have got to be losing inches for sure with all the exercise you're doing.

TracyK..good morning to you and you have a good day too!!

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I just did measurements - since i had slowed down on the gym the past month, i slowed down there too, but i have lost 49 inches so I'll take that! and with getting back in 100% again, I hope to at least lose some more inches. I guess if I lose anymore before my fill appt he won't give me one. Either way - I am officially at my lowest in over 10 years, only by a lb or 2 but still.

I was joking the other night after my drink with my friend, we were walking in the parking lot and I said to her, I actually like my shadow from a front view, it is the side view with my belly I don't' like. The shadow didn't even look like me. LOL

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Good Weds Morn, Vi's~~

Still plugging along w/the same 3 lbs... up, down, up, down, down, up... and so it goes... I *did* eat well yesterday... am = shake, lunch = egg beaters omelette w/cheese, pm = shake, all day = Water & tea. Plan to do the same today... & all week if I can... want to shake this "plateau" or whatever it is!

Have aqua core this a.m., then lots of errands: copy , collate & distribute the PTA newsletter; kids hither, thither & yon, etc... + a new editing job coming in!

I watched Biggest Loser last night & the funniest part was when they were "tempted" w/all that food (which honestly didn't look that good to me all piled up like that & probably cold...) and the one guy eats a piece of pizza & starts jogging & doing jumping jacks while he's eating it -- HA HA! For some reason, that cracked me up!

Make it a great day, everyone!

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Good Weds Morn, Vi's~~

Still plugging along w/the same 3 lbs... up, down, up, down, down, up... and so it goes... I *did* eat well yesterday... am = shake, lunch = egg beaters omelette w/cheese, pm = shake, all day = Water & tea. Plan to do the same today... & all week if I can... want to shake this "plateau" or whatever it is!

Have aqua core this a.m., then lots of errands: copy , collate & distribute the PTA newsletter; kids hither, thither & yon, etc... + a new editing job coming in!

I watched Biggest Loser last night & the funniest part was when they were "tempted" w/all that food (which honestly didn't look that good to me all piled up like that & probably cold...) and the one guy eats a piece of pizza & starts jogging & doing jumping jacks while he's eating it -- HA HA! For some reason, that cracked me up!

Make it a great day, everyone!


I thought that was funny too, jogging around like they were going to work it off right there. I was sad to see Jerry go, that man is amazing. and his after!!!! Holy crap!

Here is a thought about all that. I know I was a complete fat ass, but some of those ladies weigh less than I did and even are about my weight now and they are so much bigger. Do they pick ladies who are short and round? I don't know, but I just keep thinking, I don't look like that anymore... do I? I know I'm not small but if they can do it, there has to be hope right?

well off to the gym

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Morning Violets~

Up a pound...but still going strong. We are having our lunches catered these 3 days and I knew I was eating bad at lunch yesterday. I knew because 1 hour later...I was on the potty. That is fun at a conference. Yesterday was Mexican (my fav fav fav) but today is deli sands, pot sal, and a pickle. Tomorrow is pizza and salad! Today I can just pick around w/ some meat. I am scared of deli meat after my 1st PB! I will also have a Protein Shake this am, and some more veggie Soup for dinner.

Looking forward to Jazzercise today! I felt great although I couldn't do the push-ups. Those suckers hurt my wrist. My study group will meet on Wed. night, starting next week, so I am gonna miss class that night. But still, 3 days during the week, and a Sat. class when I am here will be good. Honestly, I'd rather workout than do homework. I secretly want to quit my dissertation, but I know I will regret it for the rest of my life. So onward I plug. I've spent $70,000 on this damn degree...would feel like crapola if I just walked away from it. :faint:

Have a great day everyone!


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I apologize ahead of time for what might be a long, rambling, self-indulgent post. This is more me talking out loud to myself, than it is an address to any of you...but someone may get some benefit from it.

I changed the quote in my signature this morning. This question is directed at myself. How bad do you want it, Terry? How bad do you want it and what are you willing to do to get it? I was ON FIRE before and after surgery. My goals and plan to get there were shining before me like a holy grail and there was nothing that was going to stand in my way. I absolutely loved this person that I'd become -- a totally reinvented self that for once in my life was 100% sure that I would get slim and fit....and most of all, healthy. I had no doubts.

The doubts are starting to raise their ugly heads and I want to beat them back with a vengence!! I see the 'old me' creeping in the back door and I want to slam that door, bolt it and nail it shut!!!

I have to find the strength somewhere (but where?) to re-commit. I have to rekindle that fire (but how?) to reinvent myself once again. I have to love myself enough (huh?) to do this for me!

And so what is it that I am raving about?? 3 'simple' things:

1) Regular, intense, meaningful EXERCISE

2) Eating according to my doctor's guidelines and following The Rules

3) Not smoking

My scale registered 188 this morning. It's going UP, not down. I have not exercised in any meaningful way for this entire month. Gee, you think those two things are connected?? It is crystal clear that I will not reach my ultimate goal unless I make regular, intense, meaningful EXERCISE a regular part of my routine at least 4-5x/week. And, in fact, I not only have to make it a part of my life for this weight loss process, but FOREVER. I have to decide...which do I want:

1) Eat fewer calories (enjoy food less, be hungry more) and be lazy (i.e. have a mushy body but more time to do 'nothing'!) OR

2) Eat more of the foods I enjoy, have occasional treats without guilt, and enjoy a body that is firm and fit although it requires effort?

I choose #2.

I CHOOSE #2!!!

Yes, I CHOOSE it. Nobody is making me do it. I can be somewhat satisfied at this weight but I CHOOSE a to be something different! I CHOOSE to set a goal and reach it!! I CHOOSE to be as healthy as I can be!!! This is what I choose. I have free will! I can choose to eat Snickers all day if I want to, but that IS NOT WHAT I WANT!! I WANT TO BE HEALTHY AND FEEL ATTRACTIVE. I want to wear a size 10!!!!!!

How bad do I want it??? I want it BAD!! I want it so bad that I am willing to do whatever it takes to re-invent myself once again. I will go into therapy or hire a life coach. I will enlist the help of any- and every- one on this message board. I will read inspirational books. I will COOK healthy meals! I will EXERCISE 5x a week. I will get back into training. I will have faith in myself and I will love myself.

And I will succeed! [ROAR!!!!!]

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Terry.. you are exactly right.. HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT??? I too was falling back into bad habits on the cruise. I was eating things I shouldn't and in between meals. I was exercising and doing some of the right things, but the eating was not what it should have been. The great thing about the band is it pulls you back in just when you think you've lost control. I have a new resolve now that I have my fill. I only got .5cc and don't feel much difference in restriction, but it's so much a head game. I am back to following the bandster rules to a T and feeling so good about it. You will too... and the scale is only about numbers. Like I told Tracy.. it's all about how you feel, how your clothes feel and how others see you. The compliments always work wonders, don't they?

YOU take care of YOU and know that we are all here for YOU and each other!!! Remember.. PATIENCE and TRUST!!!!! And on a good day when she's following the rules.. WWJD??!!

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      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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