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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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darn lost my post

We just got back, I hate to say but this is a lot more painful than the original surgery !!

I'm going to pop a demorol then hobble to bed.

I'll give ya the scoop tomorrow, just wanted to let you guys know I made it and all is good! (aside from the unavoidable pain)

Welcome back to Lapband land Laura!!!! We missed you!! hehe :eek:

Hope you have a restful Demerol sleep! :D

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Oh Denise, I agree totally, the only reason I said we were counting the days til he turned 18 was with his attitude, and his disregard for things---we wanted HIM to be responsible for his actions, not us, legally anyway!!! My kids are now 27, 25 (will be 26 in November), and 24 (she turns 25 next month!) And I still worry about them all the time! Heck, my folks all but smothered me trying to take care of me this week in Albq. I don't think we ever quit worrying, or taking care of them, or at least trying!!!

And now my friend, the intensity increases!!! Grandbabies---omg, nothing seems quite so precious!! You greet them in a whole new way, with a maturity, and a knowledge of how fast time goes by with children---and you cherish every minute. And your heart once again leaves your body to live with them!!!!

My heart goes out to all of you still raising kids, it is hard....but through the troubles outlined above....these kids are now such amazing people, adults. They are responsible, caring, giving, wonderful individuals---ones I am immensley proud of.

As I said year 17 was our killer time, I think they just smelled freedom from parents right around the corner---plus as I have said in many instances, it is so much easier for kids (and men) to resort to anger when they are faced with other emotions! And the later teens they are filled with emotional highs and lows, and the one person who will love them unconditionally, and love them even if they act horrid, is Mom.....as the saying goes, when they are little they step on your toes, when they grow up they step on your heart. But it should go on to say when they REALLY grow up---they pick up your heart, and gently give it back.....


Laura---sorry you hurt sweetie!!! Feel better soon---glad it is over, and you are ok though!

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I found this and seems it's probably VERY true! LOL

"GRANDCHILDREN: God's reward for allowing your children to live."


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Hi gals, just checking in, just got in from work and going to pass out.

Kat- thanks for the info, and yes that did concern me. I have an antibiotic called in but it was too late to pick up before work, so i'm going to get them and take them in the am. I on't know what it looks like, I know I can see red bloches and a couple of sores, but my nurse mom is going to look tomorrow when we have good light.

Laura, sorry worse than original but glad to know you are home.

DOH..... cheese is dairy. LOL

well off to bed. night

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morning chicks!

last one to bed , first one up. sad - well going to Breakfast then going to get my antibiotics.

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Kat - you are just so wise! I just love your sweet philosophies. You really warm the heart and I would LOVE to meet you and Rick sometime in person. (I'll call first :eek: ) I think your artistic child sounds so interesting!! My DS kinda walks to the beat of a different drummer too, but I love that about him. My DH (his stepfather) thinks he's just weird. His kids were all 'perfect'....if you know what I mean. Mine are more like me....very flawed!! I love DH's kids, dont get me wrong, but they were athletes and cheerleaders, now they are professionals with high salaries. My DS will probably be a bartender or a tattoo artist! LOL No, I hope not...but even if he is, he's got a beautiful, sensitive heart and treats all people with kindness....and that's very important too. If he could only love himself as much as he loves others....

Laura - How are you feeling today? Stay on top of the pain by taking your meds as prescribed for a couple of days. By Monday I bet you'll be feeling much better. After all, you're a veteran!! I'm sure DH will take good care of you, so you're in good hands. Remember all your 'rules' from the previous surgery?? We're here to remind you if you dont!! LOL

As of today I have officially lost 30 pounds!!We all have our little threshholds that we look forward to and mine is coming up....the halfway mark....33 pounds lost. That will also mark my previous all-time high that I reached in 2001, 182#. I am relieved that I am still able to lose weight while not smoking. Whew!!!

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Good morning, Violets..

Another beautiful fall day here in Northern Michigan. We had a storm last night.. lots of wind and rain and that pushed out all the warm air. DH and DS are going golfing today and I'll have Ethan for a little while. Before that, I'm going to try and weed through the guest room and get all the clothes out that don't fit me anymore. I can't even begin to tell you how many clothes I had accumulated. It's been a real eye opener! I found some yesterday that fit me now and they still had price tags on them and were from years ago. wooo hooooo NSV!!

Laura...hope you're feeling better today. At least it's over and done with and you've made it across that bump in the journey and are ready to go full speed ahead again. (no, I was NOT a driver's ed teacher).

Terry.... CONGRATS on the 30#!!:clap2::clap2: Isn't it great to hear about all the weight we're losing?? We're ALL doing a fantastic job and will continue to do so til we all congratulate each other on getting to goal!! (from my lips to God's ear)!!

I just finished my cottage cheese and blueberries.. man those things are expensive this time of year!!! I'm off to do laundry and get the guest room shoveled out. Everyone have a great day and remember.. Patience, Trust and WWJD??!!!

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Welcome back Laura!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dang it Denise you are making it hard for me to catch you! :eek:

Terry: CONGRATS on 30lbs! and a big hug for the non smoking status!

I'm at my sisters right now peeking in, but its about time for us to start working on her windows.........

Have a great day!

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Morning guys!!

I wish this wasn't so painful, I feel kind of panicy about it. I didn't expect to be hurting this bad. If I do anything that moves the trunk of my body, it feels like someone is ripping my muscles open over and over inside. I sleep on my side, but last night everytime I moved an inch to get off of my back, it shot pains all over..so had to sleep solid on my back. Getting up, walking, etc.. all bad!!! Sitting is about all I can do right now lol.

The good news is, the port wasn't defective.

It actually disconnected from wherevr they put it, and it completely flipped around! So when they tried filling it, they were injected into the back of the port, which you apparently can access through 1 chamber, but it doesn't go into your band. When they realized the port was flipped, they saw the 1cc they put during the first surgery still there, so no leaking. Yay!

So they flipped it over, and moved it up about 5 inches (I have bandages so can't tell and it all hurts, but one bandage is right between my boobs!!!) They made 2 incisions, one in the original port scar, and a new one up from that.

Mom said he told them he moved it below my left breast bone?

He also told them, when I lose weight it will be very visible so I'll likely want to have it removed when I get to goal, and he can tie off the tube. I said no way. I"m not making it non-manipulative when I get to goal, who knows if I'll need it adjusted more at some point. I wasn't there for this conversation, so this was them paraphrasing it.

I was waking up all night from the pain, took another demerol at 6am and just woke up again. It says 1 every 6 hours, so trying to stick to that at least. I don't like takin pain meds, but this stuff barely takes the edge off, so I"m taking it like a good girl!! I remember what happened last time I didn't take them, ended up hurtin myself more!

Mom said in retrospect she wishes she told me no to the band surgery for at least another year, when more 'kinks' are worked out. My doctor told them due to my port moving, he's no longer going to be putting ports there, he's going to put them all wherever my new location is. But, a year from now I'm going to be so grateful I didn't have to wait another year :eek:

No one told me my post-op info, the nurse kept thinking I just had RNY done, and I was getting frustrated with her. She said, your next appt. is oct 24, so don't go back to work till you see the doctor then. Yea right.

Then she said "And you're suppose to do liquid diet for a while right?" and I said.. uh no.. they didn't mess with my band, I shouldn't!

But he DID fill it while I was under! YAY! 1.5cc.

They made me eat crackers before leaving..

I haven't been hungry yet, DH got chinese last night, so I had him get me crab rangoons so I could eat the middle out of them.

Literally.. 1 bite and I felt stuck and ooky for an hour. Surprisingly, this really makes me happy. Maybe now I have restriction! But, I can get liquids down fine, been drinking a lot of Water and apple juice and my Protein bullets, no problem.

OK done talking, all in all I am anxious and happy to see where this goes, and I'm going to tough out this pain!

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Morning Violets~

Laura, I am so glad your back on track. So sorry you had to be the statistic! But honey, your gonna whooosh w/ weight loss! You'll be a skinny biotch soon! Take care of yourself for the next few days!xoxo

Terri and Kat~ Here's to people who march to their own drums!!! There are so few of "us" out there!

I miss the care free-ness of my youth! LOL...shit, I wouldn't go back if you paid me!

Well, gotta run and put my face on. My MIL is coming from Phoenix today (just for 1 day) and we are going to the casino buffet to eat! Lawd, give me strength.

PS~ Terri, I am w/ you. I would love to met Kat and the violets. Words can not express how much you all mean to me. Things will happen in my day, and my first thought is, "oh, I can't wait to tell the violets".

The Ya-Ya's aint got nothing on the Violets!


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I wish we could get together sometime :eek:

One more note I thought was weird.. when I did my original surgery April 16.. was the day of the virginia tech shootings.. so thats all that was on the news all day.

For my surgery yesterday, it was the delaware university shooting!!

They don't seem to be in the same context, but its like..

Surgery for me=school shooting!

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Laura... so glad to hear from you & that everything is going to be great for you from now on!! You'll get through this painful period and then ROCK the weight off! Watch out Lap Band World -- here she comes!!

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Woohoo, and I wouldn't have survived last week without the support of my violets!

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Good morning, Laura!!! Welcome back and so glad to hear that you didn't have a defective port. My port is up high under my left breast bone. So is DH's. You'll be up and losing and no time now. Your ticker will be smokin'!!!

Gosh, wouldn't it be nice to be able to meet everyone in person?? I've been to Oklahoma and Texas and Florida to meet people I have chatted with online. I'd be more than willing to go anywhere to meet up with everyone!!! Wouldn't that be a hoot to have us all together in one place for at least one day??? I'll be the designated driver.. :eek:

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Good morning everyone! I feel like I have been on a 3 day drunk. My dh and I went to the casino last night and did not get home until 3:30 this morning. I woke up at ten because I don't want to sleep the whole "momma weekend" away.

I really do think that this headache is my capped tooth. Great, just wonderful..:sick..that sucks!! Now I am going through the indecision of pull or root canal? I would like to save the tooth, but hey, I don't actually eat enough anymore to need that tooth to chew...LOL

Since I just get off my TOM I am hoping to break into onederland soon. It on't be soon enough for me. I have been teetering from 202-203. I knew this would be a plateau....:straight

Denise, thanks for the info on the liquid motrin!!

Terri-congrats on your -30. You and Jusy are so close to your goal I'll bet you can smell it!

Laura-I am glad that you came through your surgery OK. It was also good to hear that you did not have faulty equipment inside you! Sorry about your pain but now....scales watch out!!

:ranger: OK, I need to stop doing ths and get moving and do something productive today. Everyone have a great day....

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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

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    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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