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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Hi guys.

well, I'm worried I might have strep, one of the gals at work I got sick has it. Not good

I just had a sweet potatoe and some scallops for dinner, no idea how many cals but it was soft and good. I was hungry and needed something I could swollow.

so I'm just going to coast and eat what I eat and next week I'll do a shake week. then I'll have 2 weeks to keep it off and then a fill.. ... yipee. I need that and I think I can get to onderland. I have a plan. I hope that I can kick this cold so I can get back to the gym, I am just so stinking tired.

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Hiya Ladies---I'm home!!! More importantly so is my Dad and he is doing well. Already his color has improved.

Sitting here anxiously waiting for Rick to get home! I hate having to go without him! We did the long distance thing for almost 2 years way back when....have no idea how we managed it. Soon you will feel the same way Pamela, wondering how you and Susanne managed apart!!!

Haydee---yeah!!!! NOW you have a new house!!! I am betting you still have rooms christen....better get started!

Jenn---sorry you are still sick!

TracyK---Do we need a new thread....Coochie Watch??!!

Tracy---ideally that is the goal, for marriage to be as good as before...so it sounds like it is good!!! I am so glad I am not alone in enjoying the difference in dressing, and all, for awhile I wondered if I was getting too vain. Turning into one of "those" women, who do nothing but concern themselves with how they look! But I think caring about how we look and obssessing over it are 2 different things!

I bought 2 tops and a pair of jeans at Old Navy this weekend. I bought these 2 tops, 3/4 length sleeves, kind of the new fuller style at the bottom, tight at the top (babydoll is what JCPenney called them in their ad), and for the first time, I can wear it and not look pregnant! I still ended up buying size 14 jeans. Til I can get rid of some more belly, I am going to be stuck there. But I tried on like 6 pairs of jeans, and all 6 fit, I just chose the ones I liked best. Instead of the only pair I could find that fit!

My Dad's nurse did not believe I had lost 100 pounds! She ask me if I minded her telling a friend, who was considering the band. I said not at all, but no one ever come to talk to me about it. Was nice feeling, and yet, it also kind of made me feel like she was shocked that anyone was ever that fat, to lose 100 pounds...she was as you can imagine tall and super thin!

When asking Dad some questions for a new nasal swab/staph infection study they are doing, one of the questions was whether he had lost or gained a significant amount of weight in the last 12 months. He said he hadn't but I had....and the conversation went from there....

Terry---I am so glad you enjoyed your trip, but girl we missed you!!! Glad you are back!

Sara---we miss you too, don't go away like that!!!

Judy----where are you? Now did she go away....AGAIN????

Denise---I know we have been concentrating on the younger daughter, but how are things going with the oldest DD??

Ms. Jen----you sounded bored, what's new???

Michele---I almost bought a gold vest this weekend at the Himalyan store I love so much. I found myself buying nothing, and usually buy tons there!!! It is all gauzy, and loose flowing.....go figure! I wanted a vest---but there were some colors in the one I looked at I was not thrilled with...so I am still looking!

Pamela---sorry about the nightmare, as you all know I recently had a horrible one, they are hard to leave behind when you wake up! Sorry about yours---I'll help kick the subs ass!!!

Gina---what's new chickie??

Sorry if I missed you---my DH is home, and I missed him lots!!!! See ya laterz!!!


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Night all

I'm actually going to go to bed, or so I hope, going to watch Fried Green Tomatoes on Lifetime. I love that movie. but i hope to be asleep quickly.

Kat, I've been wearing the babydoll tops all summer. I had a few spaghetti strap ones in a size L and they are now too big so I look prego, I got a new, long sleve hoddie at old navy, LOVE IT and it fits. All my xl fitted t's are now so big they look very yucky, so I'm in a LG and even a MED in some things.

I called my dr, because I don't have insurance they are going to give me an antibiotic I can fill at Walmart for $8 just in case, I'm sure I have strep, I do feel much better, but OMG still not good, I can hardly swollow. Anyway

Kat - so glad dad is doing well

it seems we all have something happening in our lives - I am so glad I have you gals.

Laura - my thoughts are with you girlfriend

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Not bored, just stressed and trying not to eat. I can't retreat to the bed as I ususally do because I won't burn calories, I can't eat. I went and worked out to feel better Monday & Tuesday twice and walked a total of 6 miles each day. Went again of Wednesday after work and was tired so only walked for 1/2 hour (1.75 miles) went home cooked dinner for husband and guests then decided to go to group.

By the way, they did talk about hair lost.... Hair is going to fall out because of all the trauma to the body from surgery, massive/rapid weight loss, hormonal changes, diet changes. Even pregnant women lose hair from all the changes the body goes through. I can last anywhere from 3 to six months.

What helps is Biotin, the over the counter kind for hair nails and skin, making sure you get 60 grams of Protein. You must take a good "bariatric" vitimin and take your sublingual B12 ofhave the injection.

By the way, Biotin is only found in eggs.< /span>

They also talked about accountability and we should have three main support resources so that we can discuss/be questioned about our concerns and successes along with our goals. It helps to keep us on track. And when you seem to stop losing make sure that you measure yourself at leas once a month to check on the inches. Even your measurements may change during the day just like our weight does.

There was a couple there that made me think of Pamela. Both had RNY I think anyway one was 6 weeks out and had question after question after question and she kept goo-goo eying her partner. I wanted to yell "get a room". I guess was in a bad mood.

O well, this too shall pass.

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Hey V's~

Kat~ Your post made me lol and smile. I am so glad to call you friend.

Jenn~ Fried Green Tomatoes!! One of the fav's.

Judy~ Where the hell are you? Did I miss a post?

Laura~ You are not alone!!! We are all with you. We will be waiting to hear from you.

RESTRICTION! RESTRICTION! WHERE FOR ART THOU????? What the hell...restriction for 3 weeks, it was great while it lasted. I paid 6k for 5 years of appointments and fills, so I should call soon. It is fleeting. And what the hell with my emotions. I am laughing (normal self), crying, queen bitch...up and down and everywhere in between...ALL THIS IN 15 MINUTES! Gotta go have a mood swing. Have a great night!


PS...just watched Reba and Justin sing their new duet...OMG...LOVE THEM BOTH. It was on Oprah yesterday...very good!!!!

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lol MS Jen. We are not all like that. Susanne and I are like any other couple who've been together for a while...Just get it when you can, like everyone else. AAAHHH, but I do remember the early months!


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LOL---well Rick and I were apart for daaaaays.........so I was getting lucky, and making up for lost time, and we got interupted/busted, by the guy giving us an estimate for our concrete for the shop. Not sure which of us was more embarassed about it!!! Now I think it is funny, I was too busy then, discreetly feeling around to see if my clothes were all right side out to see the humor!!!

47 freaking years old----and busted!

Note to self..........close front door even if we don't lock it we can pretend not to be home!!!! LOL

Guess we will have to go back to the goo-goo eyes!!!

Cheer up Michelle-----I hate knowing you are down!

Ok, off to the shower, and then to bed, with not a parent in sight.....love them so much, but man am I glad to have separate houses!!!!


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Denise---I know we have been concentrating on the younger daughter, but how are things going with the oldest DD??


My oldest daughter still hasn't come home. She's staying with friends I believe - between her friend and her boyfriends house. I'm sure she's still drinking, but I've come to the conclusion that I'm not going to change her. All that I can hope for is that she'll get tired of it, grow up and snap out of it. All that I can do is be her mom and be here (to an extent) if she needs me. I talk to her several times a week and she's coming for dinner this weekend.

Thanks for asking <3

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Good morning everyone....TGIF

I have had a headache for the past 3 days that just wont quit, so hopefully it will subside soon!

Everyone have a great day!


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morning violets

I am up, not by choice, ds woke up.

Man I just can't wait to get some antibiotics today, I am so run down and have such a sore throat and I never watched the movie, made it to the first commercial and next thing i know the alarm is going off. and I still didn't get up until after 8. called my dr and they won't have my script called in until 1. ugh

I don't have a clue how I'm doing, I don't care, I don't have enough energy to get out of my own way and I can only eat warm soft things, so I got some potatoe cheese Soup at the store yesterday 220 for the entire can and 16g Protein so could have made a worse choice. So I have decided to do the best I can and just get better so I can get to the gym. i am going to walk 2 nights a week with my friend who is coming back to work with me. she goes to a gym but not mine, so that is not an option, but I don't mind going on my own either, just nice to have company.

well going to have a cup of coffee, i'll be lurking

Oh - Kat - good for you for getting caught. DBF & I got caught by state police in the park a few years ago, I wanted to die but we still laugh about it (only because we did not get arrested) OH that was the same night I screwed up my foot the first time running out my garage door.

Funny as I think about that story, I didn't have the skin I do now, but I was 6lbs heavier than I am right now and liked myself. how ironic

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OWWWWWWW coffee OUT THE NOSE HURTS! ROFLMAO at the Kat getting caught! LOL

Good morning............. 218.8 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that makes a total of 2 lbs for the week..... and I was able to button and zip the Old navy jeans... but they are ultra low rise and not comfy..... but they zipped.

I am moving our office around today trying to make room for a filing cabinet...so I won't be stuck looking at my pc.. I wore jeans and already have my hair up in a pony tail because I moved my bosses desk from one side of the office to the other and then didn't like it so I had to move it back........... maintenence is avoiding me! LOL

I just had to pop in and check on my violets!

Thinking about Laura!

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Good morning, Violets..

Been a very busy week with babysitting and getting ready for three concerts in the next two weeks.

I've hit the gym with DH every day and do 30 min. on the stationary bike. I did the aerobics class last Tuesday, but probably won't go back. They do step stuff and my knee can't take that plus they do a LOT of mat stuff and I can do all that and more at Curves and the gym. Soooooooo I'll stick with what I've been doing and hope it continues to work. I've only lost 3# since the cruise, but that doesn't bring be back to pre-cruise weight, but I know I need a fill and will be happy when that happens on Monday. I get hungry inbetween meals and it's tough to just ignore it. I've been doing ok, but I know I'll be much better with a fill.

KAT.. glad your dad is doing better.

TracyK... hope your headache gets better very soon.

GROUP HUG:hug:for Laura today, knowing she'll be just fine after this glitch.

Ethan is here and needs to be read to so I'm off to do the grandma stuff. Everyone have a great day!!


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OWWWWWWW coffee OUT THE NOSE HURTS! ROFLMAO at the Kat getting caught! LOL

Good morning............. 218.8 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that makes a total of 2 lbs for the week..... and I was able to button and zip the Old navy jeans... but they are ultra low rise and not comfy..... but they zipped.

I am moving our office around today trying to make room for a filing cabinet...so I won't be stuck looking at my pc.. I wore jeans and already have my hair up in a pony tail because I moved my bosses desk from one side of the office to the other and then didn't like it so I had to move it back........... maintenence is avoiding me! LOL

I just had to pop in and check on my violets!

Thinking about Laura!

OMG you're in the teens!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I swear you're catching up to me! (keeps me motivated LOL) :clap2:

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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

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    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

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