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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Thats because the April Bandsters are so wonderfully supportive. Its why a few of us March Bandsters joined in with you guys :D

I just realized today makes 1 year since I started on the Lap Band Journey! I'm right around 75lbs lost! While only 20 have been post banding I'm still damned proud of that :D

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TracyK... isn't it ironic how I'm happy to be on the way down at 269 & that's where you started??? It's all relative, isn't it!? Think how over the moon I'll be when I get to where you are now!! Whew!

You have done an outstanding job...I know how proud you must be!! Believe me, I know how "over the moon" you will be...I am over the moon myself....well, in 6 more pounds I will be in onederland and talk about over the moon? OMG I will be dancing on cloud 9. I love how we are all taking this journey together!

lilnena-you are doing a great job as well!! Isn't it fun to look at the world differently and be looked at differently? Good job...you have every right to be proud!

I just PBd on chicken...it was too dry. I knew it would be but I did it anyway...what a dummy:eek:

OK...confession time. I ate a candy bar last night. It was so good though. And considering I could not get my dinner down, it was an acceptable mistake....(is that an oxymoron)

I look at it this way, I have not had one since April, so its OK. That is my rationalization and I am sticking to it!:D

I will check in later....

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you know what I just thought about....

when I went to the seminar to learn about the lap-band, my dr said that people can expect to lose fifty percent of their excess body weight. Some "above average" people will lose more than that, some will be below average and not get to the half point.

Well, I have lost from 257 to 205. So, 52 pounds since the band...I am at the "average". But before I had my surgery I told my dr that I would be one of his "above averages". Now, it looks like the real work is about to begin....The great part is I have 2 advantages: #1 I have this unwaivering determination that will not let me fail.

#2 (last but not least) I have my violet sistas to support me. Life does not get any better!!

So, with that said...I wanted to say thank you to all of you. Your support can not be measured. (((hugs))))

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Good evening Violets!

Welcome back Nena!

I am currently boiling eggs for deviled eggs tomorrow and putting my extremely cranky 4 year old in the tub.. bribed with EXTRA pirate bubbles! I can hear him now sliding back and forth sloshing water.. so this needs to be quick!

I have been HORRIBLE on the water.... I'm just not very hungry or thirsty.. Weird.

I hope everyone has a great rest of the weekend!

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you know what I just thought about....

when I went to the seminar to learn about the lap-band, my dr said that people can expect to lose fifty percent of their excess body weight. Some "above average" people will lose more than that, some will be below average and not get to the half point.

Well, I have lost from 257 to 205. So, 52 pounds since the band...I am at the "average". But before I had my surgery I told my dr that I would be one of his "above averages". Now, it looks like the real work is about to begin....The great part is I have 2 advantages: #1 I have this unwaivering determination that will not let me fail.

#2 (last but not least) I have my violet sistas to support me. Life does not get any better!!

So, with that said...I wanted to say thank you to all of you. Your support can not be measured. (((hugs))))


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Thats because the April Bandsters are so wonderfully supportive. Its why a few of us March Bandsters joined in with you guys :o

I just realized today makes 1 year since I started on the Lap Band Journey! I'm right around 75lbs lost! While only 20 have been post banding I'm still damned proud of that :lol:

Lilnena -- That is wonderful results and Thanks for the congrat's -- what fill will this be for you?

My 1 year Anniversary of starting this LapBand Journey is this month as well -- As of today 84lbs lost - 37.4 since WLS! 4th fill. :) I have had slower results than I expected -- and quite a bit harder to get the results than I was expecting.

Have a great night everyone!

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Isnt that so true, Tracy? I so often wonder how I got so lucky to find LBT and especially to be a part of this group. Just 'kismet' I guess!

Ah, I remember the days when my kids took bubble baths!!!:o

Enjoy every day, Tracy.....they grow up in the blink of any eye.

I've been beading most of the day...working on a great necklace to take with me to Las Vegas and the wire is so hard that it's making my fingers, arms and even shoulders hurt!! It's worth it though...it's going to turn out so pretty...kind of a bohemian look in bronze, turquoise, brown and gold. I'll post a pic when/if it ever gets done.

I've got to start packing tomorrow...we leave Monday for a week. Vegas then San Jose, CA for the weekend to see some family. I am sooooo looking forward to getting away.

Oh, and today is my 20 year anniversary with my employer! I have a wonderful work family, the greatest bosses in the world, good salary and benefits...and now 5 weeks of vacation!! :whoo: I am grateful for all of it!

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That is wonderful Terri -- you have fun on your trips/vacation!

Can't wait to see the picture of your necklace.

Have a good night.

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Hey Violets~

Just a quick check in. I too have often thought about what it would be like w/o my violet sistas. I feel lucky as well. Some threads/groups are catty and not nice at all. It is good to go through my day and think, "I can't wait to post this for my violets..."

Terri~ How exciting for you. You deserve a nice vaca. Have fun fun fun! And I too want to see the necklace!

Been a long crazy and expensive day. We had Closet World come out today to add more shelves to the opposite wall in the closet. And we are getting an island!!!! W/ 8 drawers, 4 on each side! Susanne is moving in here in May when she retires, so we are getting ready. That has become an $8,000.00 closet...but so worth it.

Also, I was bitten by a red fire ant this morning. We were out scooping the poop from our Rottweiler, and one little son of a bitch got me. In between my 3rd and 4th toes. I took a shower and it was throbing and pulsating. Susanne was trying to put some vinegar on it (old German remedy) and I was balling like a baby. Loudly and screaming..wow that really hurt. It is ok now!

We were supposed to go to a party tonight, but we stayed home and relaxed instead! I hope everyone is having a great night!


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Hey everyone, just checking in and going to bed

My mom is back here with my kids, and OMG the drama she is teaching them is making me slightly insane. She has them convinced in thunder storms that they need to take fans out of windows that are under a porch, turn off ceiling fans, lights, close everything up!!!! They have stayed home all summer in storms while i've been at work, and tonight they were freaking so they are sleeping at my neighbors. That is just insane and needs to stop now! Although I am alone tonight and going to try to sleep.

I just don't know what to do, I am so stressed I can't stand it... It seems a lot of us have a tremendous amount of stress this month.

TracyK - I too am at my 1/2 way point, actually a little past, but I also have too much motivation and support from my violets and will not stop here. Although It will be nice to not be working in the heat on my feet like this because I feel so bloated and retaining.

So tonight during my meltdown, I ate so much for me. I got to work and had 4 chicken tenders, I needed to eat as it was 90 and tripical again today, then I had 1/2 cup of fresh tomatoe & mozz salad YUMMY. and then I made a pizza with a pita as the crust, 1/4 c mozz cheese and lots of sauce. I'm sure not a ton of cals but man, if i was not completely depressed I would not have eaten that much.

Terry - I hope you have a great time, you deserve to. You will be missed ... a whole week!!!

well off to bed.

hugs to you all

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HI Girlies!

I am home---we just pulled in a bit ago, what a wonderful day!!! I had so much fun watching my granddaughters amazement at things, and my DD's joy at watching her DD. It was a great day, we went to the zoo, the aquarium, and the botanical gardens...then I ate very, VERY little, at Olive Garden, and we come home! It is my DD's favorite, so we indulged!! Manda looked as stress free as I have seen her in several months--the situation at home, is not great.

Terry, you ask about Lindzie, and things are not real good. They are in a battle now, the counselor has suggested suspending visits with her Grandparents, unless they are willing to work within the boundaries set forth. This is (gonna get confusing here!!!)my daughters boyfriends---Mom and his stepdad. They married when he was only 2. He was raised by the 2 of them, and had open and steadt visitation with his real Dad, and eventually his stepMom. Well he graduated, and the year after, his gf ended up pregnant, by the time she found out they had already broke up. He took responsibility, and paid for everything, was there when Lindzie was born, and went to see her almost daily after work. Then one day she showed up at his Moms, and said "here take her, I can't do this, I don't want to raise a baby" and dissappeared for a couple of years. During that time, he moved back in with his Mom and stepDad. He and Lindzie lived there for about 3-4 years, and he bought a house. Well being on call, with his job, he still ended up leaving Lindzie quite often with them...and they took spoiling very seriously. The stepDad never had any children of his own, and he VERY seriously wanted to be the most important person in Lindzies life. So fast forward another year, and my DD is in the picture, and all in all things are going pretty well, they have gone to court and got full legal custody of Lindzie...life is good. Then his Mom and stepDad drop the bomb that they are divorcing. And it is not going to be a civil divorce. He is trying to take her retirement, and she won't move out of the house to sell it....on and on. Then they drug Lindzie into it. Lindzie calls them Mamma & Papa...and Mamma tells her she really isn't related to Papa, so she isn't going to see him anymore, and then when her Daddy says BS, and lets her go, Papa bought out the toystore...and said bad things about Mamma. So on and on it goes. And according to Lindzie, they say bad things about Kinsey. But it has escalated, to being a dangerous situation, so the councelor made the suggestion she not be allowed to see them at this time. Lindzie pushed Kinsey off the boat at the lake the other day! She ALWAYS has on life jacket, and thankfully the boat was docked---but purposely pushed her off! About 2 weeks ago she told Kinsey to put her finger in the fan, and before the StepMom could open her mouth in went Kinsey's finger! She is focusing her anger at Kinsey and the puppy---she slammed the sliding door closed on the puppy's head!

Manda said she is on the verge of moving out, just to keep Kinsey safe.

Lindzie is refusing to cooperate in school, just not even trying to do work. Not that she isn't "getting" it, just not attempting it.

She has not been back to her Mom's house--nor has she ask to go, she talks about her little brother, but nothing else. The counselor, has done several sessions with her, and he says the one thing she centers on each time, is her Grandparents divorce, not saying much one way or another about Mom or even the boyfriend. So we are hoping the anger issues with the boyfriend of hers was all she was wigging out about---that there was no molestation etc. He has seen nothing to suggest it he said, and nothing to cause traumatization of the exam.

So....after all that...to see my daughter relax, and enjoy her daughter all alone, and happy---was a wonderful day. Lindzie and her Daddy had a special day too---they went to the rec center, and went swimming, and to "buy her something" that was the day she requested. The "special" days were recommended by the therapist---and we fully enjoyed ours!!!

Ok---long post to answer a simple question!!!! But there is nothing simple about all these family dynamics anymore!!! My DD has half siblings, step siblings, step parents.....and so does her bf...so the kids have it even worse!!!! Me, I was the first divorce in my family pretty much---my grandparents, and parents all made 50+ years of marriage!!! I have a brother....period. No steps, no halfs, nuthin'!!!

Talk to y'all tomorrow!


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Good Sunday Morning, Violets~~

Up early for some reason this a.m.... dd is, too... & both dh & ds are still snoozing... the complete opposite of what it usually is around here! :o

Errands & such on the schedule for today... + getting prepped for the week...

Make it a great one, everyone! :lol:

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Good morning violets!!

Terri-have a great time and play some for me in vegas!! :lol: We will miss ya.

Jennifur-good Lord woman, I wish you were able to get out of the "funk" you are in!! I hate to see you so depressed. I am like Kat...I wish we could just run over to one anothers house and cheer each other up when we need to!! (((hugs)))

Pamela-you are getting an island in your closet? Or did I misunderstand? Sorry about the ant bite...but glad it is better :)

Kat-I am glad you all had fun yesterday! It soundd like a great time. I wish me & macy could have gone too! She spent Friday night with my mom & stepdad...(her mawmaw & pop). My mom called me and said that when they got in bed macy said, "I have a great idea pop, in the morning when we wake up you and me can go outside and plant my strawberry seeds (she got out of a strawberry shortcake DVD) and while we are doing that, maw maw can be fixing us some spaghetti !" Pop said he thought that was a GREAT idea! Then Macy took both of their hands and pulled them up to her chest and said "now my heart is all fixed". LOL Kids say the funniest things. Then yesterday my sister had her and she called to tell me that when they were in the backyard Macy stripped down to just her panties and when my sister asked her what she was doing she sayd she wanted to slide down the slide "naked". OMG, I may have an exhibitionist on my hands!! Then she plopped down in a mud puddle (in just her panties) and made mud pies laughing and saying the whole time that "this is so wonderful"....how nice it would be to be a kid like that again! OK, see, my posts can be a mile long too when I get to talking about my dd. :o

This morning I was down another pound to 204. One pound in a week but I will take it! The countdown to onederland is here!! I am so psyched!!

Everyone have a great day!

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Good for you TracyK ! I am up 4 lbs that I lost this week, but my feet are swollen and my hands too. I worked so hard this week and was down to 210 and then 1 night of work. In reality, I know what I ate yesterday was not that bad and was not enough to gain 4#.

Did I mention I need to get out of there!

So a good thing, one of my very real true friends who I met there working 15 years ago, we are still the best of friends, we can not talk for ever it seems and then pick up right were we left off. I have a handful of them and they are worth not having a ton of friends... Anyway, she came in last night and she is having relationship issues and needs to get her bills all paid - so she is going to start working next week I think. Fridays & Sats. That is going to be so good for me to have her back. I miss her and we have crazy lives so It will be nice to see her regularly

well I'm going to drink my coffee and make a plan.

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Gina - this will be my third fill. I'm at 1.75cc of saline so far.

Jen, I'm so sorry for the drama. Doesn't your mom know you don't need that right now?? Sorry about the Water retention as well. This humidity sucks! That is great you are getting your friend back. Just don't forget about me ok? :o

:hug: for Kat

So this morning I weighed myself for the first time this weekend - and.....

I'm down to 240.5 so that is 76.5 lbs lost in 1 year and 22.5 lbs lost since surgery :clap2:

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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