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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Pardon the frumpy undies lol


1 Day before Surgery, and then 2 days ago.

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HI everyone!

Terry---girl what can I say? The Bracelet is beautiful---I LOVE IT!!!! Mine has kind of a gold overtone with turquoise beaded highlights....I wear tons of turquoise right hand rings---I mean I live in the southwest---border a reservation!!! I LOVE IT!!! THANK YOU!!!! Seriously, thank you from the tip of my head to the soles of my feet! You are too sweet for words!

Laura---A HUGE difference girl! Wow! No wonder the shirts fit so much better! You are right, the curve of a waist is there for sure---hourglass here she comes!!!

Tracy---I have always been a girlie girl---but I find myself, wearing sundresses to go shop, or to hang around the house in! Not dressy---but dresses! My FIL laughs at me, says I am the only person he knows who wears make up, and jewelry, with painted finger nails to brand cows!!! I too need my eyebrows done---mine are very pale, but I know they are getting shaggy---I am afraid of getting old people wild hair eyebrows! The biggest difference I find in how I dress, is that I am enjoying more fitted clothes. Before I would wear stretch jeans, or capri's in the summer, and a full cut loose, long, t-shirt cut type of shirt. Now I like the embellishments on my shirts, a bit lower cut (shows my new collar bones!!!) And I enjoy them actually fitting my body. Now when the belly is gone all the way I will really enjoy it more, but, I like not feeling weighed down by my bulky hanging clothes.

And I am wearing my hair up again. I had quit putting it up in pony tails, or french twists, anything, because it showed how wide and fat my face was. Now I have some bone structure again, I put it up and wear pretty earrings!

My weight has finally dropped back to where it was, I need to update my ticker---take that pound and a half!!! I worked it off, I'll tell you!!!

Denise, love the new avatar! As well as Haydee's signature picture, I love seeing you guys too!!!

TracyK you are MIA and the kiddo is gone for the weekend---do I dare ask what you are up to??? You are alone for the weekend, and I have the granddaughter all weekend. We cleaned up her room, and got her settled in, she even took her nap on her bed in there! I am terrible, I had it piled with stacks of clothes, to get rid of. Wish there was someone who could use them!

Jenn, Jennifer, Michelle, Gina, Pamela---and all you I know I missed, don't forget I have an OOOLLLDDD brain!!!! Where ya at?

We are off to Chinese for dinner, Papa ask Kinsey what we were having for dinner, and she answered in all seriousness "pot stickers". So now he wants to take her!!!

Will check in with y'all later!!!


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Dang Laura!!!!!!!! I can see a HUGE difference.... not only in your back but also in your arm and neck .... and look at those skinny legs!!!!!!!!!!



TERRY: I LOVE MY BRACELETT!!!!!!!! DF doesn't "get" our connection here on this board... but now he knows its REAL (I talk about you guys all the time and he just looks at me) I am wearing it right now! THANK YOU! I already treasure it ;)

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I have huge news...at least for me it is and I know that the "violets" will be able to appreciate this kind of break through. I just got in from....drumroll........cutting me grass with a push mower!! I have never done the whole thing by myself...my DH is so proud of me. My hands are still trembling from doing it. But the first thing I did was run in here to tell you all about it. LOL Yes, it is 8:30 PM and the neighbors are probably thouroughly pissed off at me cutting the grass so late, but who cares? So, there, I can officially say I exercised today!!!!

Laura-you can see such a huge difference!! YOU GO GIRL!!

Michelle-congrats on the 5 pounds & moving the ticker!!

Kat-I am not MIA...just listening to the quiet since my babygirl is gone.

I read the posts about all the hair coloring going on...what a coincidence...I colored mine today. Great violets think alike!!

I am going to take a bath. I will post my haircut pic tomorrow. (still nervous though)

Good night friends....

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Laura - 1st things 1st -- WOW!! I can really tell a difference!! Especially across your shoulder blade area and your arms! Hey! Where's your butt??

i also am losing my enthusiasm for exercising too. i have to stop this right now. i feel like i'm going into a funk. this is how it starts.

.............he's a fast talker and i feel he got the best of me. so i am calling him again today to clarify because i will be dipped if i am going to have to deal with his junk in my house.........

I am losing my "enthusiasm" too Josie. As a matter of fact I took off this whole week! My attitude was just really sucking because of my Quit and I just didn't care!! Then I thought that maybe it would not be such a bad idea to purposely take a week off every 2-3 months....like a vacation. When you go up to NY what will you do for exercise anyway? Maybe you can take some time off then. I'll make sure you get back on track!! Uh, did we decide what day we're meeting for lunch? Any day but Monday for me.

THANK YOU for the beautiful Bracelet & lovely note! I was thrilled when I went to the mailbox today! I really think this will help me... a concrete, visual reminder of What Judy Would Do... THANK YOU! ((hugs))

I'm glad ya'll like your bracelets! You're so very welcome!
TERRY: I LOVE MY BRACELETT!!!!!!!! DF doesn't "get" our connection here on this board... but now he knows its REAL (I talk about you guys all the time and he just looks at me) I am wearing it right now! THANK YOU! I already treasure it :D
I think DH believes I'm delusional or something...the way I talk about you guys like you're "real" and I consider you my "friends"! :) Men. You can't really expect them to understand. ;)
TERRY WENT DOWN TO 188.2!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yep!! :D

Well, this weekend DH and I are at Lake Conroe in a huge golf/boating neighborhood where we'd like to move in a couple of years. They have little townhomes that you can rent and stay for the weekend...eat at the yacht club, go to the spa, workout in the gym, go swim, etc....get the feel of living here. It was probably a mistake because we've been here only a few hours and I'm already whining!!! The houses range from $175K to over $1.5 million (for example! Search Detail) and the neighborhoods are stunning. Uh, we're looking near the bottom of that price range, BTW!! DH lives for golf and he's worked really hard his whole life. He deserves this. (sounds good eh? :heh:) He's playiing golf and I'm going for a workout and a facial tomorrow. That'll be nice. I love facials!! If you've never had one....go immediately and get one. OMG!! They're better than getting a massage in my book.

Restriction is better! I've been very strictly eating mushies and liquid.< /p>

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Terry I got my beautiful Bracelet today!!! I LOVE it!!!! It's so pretty and colorful...I can wear it with just about anything! Thank you SO much!!!!

Oh, and I explained to my hubby, Joe, what WWJD meant....he laughed and said to tell you it should mean "What would JOE do??"...I said "Right, if that's what it meant, I'd be 500 lbs!"

He is SO bad about food...and could care less if I'm fat or not...he loves me either way, but *I* want to be loved AND healthy!!!

Anyway, thank you so much...it really means a lot to me. I'm wearing it as I type. ;)

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Terry~ Wow...it is so pretty. I meant what I said earlier. Thank you so much!

Laura~ Lookin good girlie! You can totally tell a difference!

TracyK~ Congrats on the mowing. But now DH will expect you to do it everytime. Is this the best way you can think of to spend a "child free weekend"? I don't know who I want to win the BB. I am totally loving this season (do every season). I disrespect Dick so much, but, I could see him winning. I can't stand Dani, she layed down the first 6 weeks of the show. I don't know who will get it, but I am enjoying the ride. Who do you want?

Update on my fill~ IT DIDN'T HAPPEN. He poked, proded, and pushed on me and could not find it. Ready for this...he said he has NEVER had this problem. Soooo, I go next Friday to the hospital. I am a tad bit scared...I hope it didn't flip. He said he could feel the sides, but not the port and that could be bad. Honestly, after the last 2 days I've had (spent the last 36 hours crying...just having a tough time w/ some things), I could've cried at that news too. Not to mention how sore I am now. And the worst part...I gained 2 pounds. I can't stand it. Oh, well, I am trying to stay positive...but it is hard, especially now.

Denise, Tracy and Haydee~ cute cute pix...you girls look beautiful!

Have a good one!

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Pamela-I know how worried you must be. Keep the faith that everything is going to be just fine. We are here for you. Friday will seem like an eternity getting here for you. Everything will be fine. Chin up!!

As far as BB...I want anyone to win other than Amber to be quite honest. I just can't stand when someone that rides coat tails ends up winning. As far as mowing the grass goes...I wanted to do it and get it out of the way to spend the rest of the child free weekend doing what I wanted to do. Plus...I had eaten some onion rings so I decided to do whatever I could to make sure that I worked it off ;)

Have a great day!!!

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Thanks Tracy, your words mean a lot to me. I totally agree w/ Amber leaving. Do you know who is nominated yet? I don't want to spoil it for you. Dont read on if you don't want to know.


Zach and Amber are nom'd and I think think think the plan is to backdoor Dani. Jess has wanted her out of the house for a while.! I check in w/ Big Brother Chatter on a regular basis. Enjoy your weekend!

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Morning everyone

i just got back from Breakfast, 3 hrs sleep, went out after work last night. I'll fill you all in later when I can think...I am going to sleep for a couple of hours, it is my night on the ovens and it is high 90's and tropical. If i don't sweat out 10lbs tonight i'll be shocked!!!

Terry - you taking orders for bracelets????? my bf is jealous and said you should go in business, she will be your first paying customer!!! LOL

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Terri- I don't have a butt! :phanvan And the Bracelet I got was perfect, the gems match my birthstone..and purple's my favorite color!

Kity- Don't scare yourself too much about your port! My 1st fill was quick and easy, 2nd fill they poked a LOT and couldn't get it, had to go to hospital. 3rd fill same way, they could feel the sides of my port, and were baffled why the needle wouldn't go in (must be more complex than I think..I thought I felt them get in the 'screen' several times), and at the hospital under the x-ray they said my port like moved forward and tilted down. So it just got rotated. Maybe that's all it is :)

My sister and her gf spent the night last night, they're sleeping on my la-z-boys.. they can sleep allll day, tryin to let them naturally wake up, but I got house cleanin to do! One of my best friends growing up, who moved off to Florida and is working as a human resource person at Disney World.. is in town for the weekend. It's weird, when I see all my old friends from high school, I feel like they haven't grown up. They are all still that.. 'mean to be funny', if you know what I mean? They make me feel very adult, and they're actually a little older, because I graduated early to graduate with their class. He would say remarks--for no reason--to be funny, but they were mean comments (mostly to my sister). And he got super skinny (he use to be 'little more than average') now he looks anorexic, and he was asking if I had all kinds of code words, for either heroin or coke.. I'm not a drug connoseur (sp), so I don't know which he was looking for. So he apparently is into something now. So anyway, it bums me out when they come back home to visit and I get together with them and the whole time I just think "I can't stand this person anymore". ;)

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Pamela, I am so sorry you had issues getting your fill. My first fill was a bit traumatic, and almost didn't happen either. I cannot tell you how many times I was poked. He filled out the paperwork to send me to the hospital for it to be done under fluoro. At the time he was having a new office built, and it was the week before the move, so some things had transferred over, but it was not ready--so I was going to be sent to the hospital. So I went sadly out to the waiting room, and my SIL went in for her fill, and he hit her 1st shot out of the box. She has always been able to feel her port. He said surgeons tend to place them in patients the same way, but I have VERY dense muscles he said, and also carry all of my weight in my belly. So he wanted to try one more time since he had figured out where it should be by where my SIL's was. Sure enough, he went right into it that time, and it was maybe an inch from where he thought it was. Add to that I have the low profile, smaller port, and the area to hit on it, is about the size of a pencil eraser. So I come home, and made a map!!!! Took a piece of paper, and drew where my port scar is, and then an exact location of where he hit my port at. I took it with me to the next fill. By then we could actually feel my port...and it still took 4 pokes to hit it! Mine is tipped a little sideways, and deep as I said before. So it has never been easy. In hind sight, that may have been good for me. When my SIL went for her 3rd fill, I declined, not wanting to deal with it, while DH was going through his heart surgery and all---and that is when she ended up overfilled. To this day I have fair restriction, but am able to eat most all things, in moderation and often in modified ways---but I can eat, and am still losing very slowly. So it has been over a year since my last fill.

I'd bet they get it pictured, and fill you without issue. Hang in there Hon, it will be alright. He told me even if mine had flipped all the way over, it is an office procedure to put it back in place.

I don't know what else has you so upset, but consider yourself (((((cyber hugged))))) Don't forget we are here for you!

Jenn, I agree Terry has true talent! When I first joined LBT, there was a woman on here, by the name of Penni--and she was SOOO welcoming, and helpful to me. She was a jewelry designer, and sold her creations, for a living. She lives in CA, and she had a thread on here awhile back, they filmed Ghost Whisperer in her house! She sent me a huge box of books when we found out we read the same author. There was a terrible mess on LBT quite awhile back, and while we lost the one causing most of the problems, we lost good members too! Most (including Penni) can be found on another board---2 of them actually started the other board---but I sure miss some of them here! This other board does gift exchanges on holidays--I actually got Penni's name once, I always hoped she'd get mine so I could get some cool jewelry! Now I got some!!! Thanks again Terry!!!!!

Sounds like you had a wild night girl!!! 3 hours sleep! I am too old!

Lucky for me, Kinsey is quite comfortable being here, she went to bed, and slept til Papa woke her this morning while he was getting ready, and I brought her into bed with me and she slept then til 7:30. We are supposed to go to a church picnic today---but they changed the time, and now it is in the heat of the day, so thinking we might skip it. There will not be enough playground equipment for all the kids, and I don't care to stand in the sun pushing the swing!!! Originally they were going to start at 4, and have dinner, then the youth were going to do a little service. But I got a flyer in the mail, that they changed it, and now it is begining at 11 and running until 4. And we are supposed to break high temperature records today. Kinsey is such a little blondie she flushes beet red in the heat too!

On the other thread I visit regularly, we have exchanged home addresses, and emails---we did it when out of the blue one of our regulars disappeared---she posted daily for a year, then nothing. She had a son in Iraq, and we have all worried over it. So at Christmas, we all shared our addresses, so we could exchange cards.

I will be glad to make the list, and when it is complete send it off to each of you by email---if you want. If you want to be included, PM me your info, I will compile it into a simple list for all of us. Nothing will be given out to anyone else, and I won't bombard anyones email with Viagra ads!!!

You know Denise, What Would Joe DO? Might not be the best answer for weight loss, but it sounds like a perfect reminder to love yourself all the time! My DH is the same way, he never made any negative remarks about my weight, never made me feel less loved, or less desirable---but I can guarantee you he loves the change!!! But WWRD---just doesn't have the right sound!!!

Well my FIL is coming over for a haircut, and my house looks like a wreck---like I have a 2 year old!!! So guess I'll get busy! Gotta decide if I am going pic-nic-ing or not too!!!

Will catch the rest of you later today!


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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