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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Tracy-I agree with the others about "do it" but no secrets. You don't need to hide anythng. Then PARTY!!

At fast food places when you order a medium drink it is the size of a 2 liter....I think they are trying to kill us....its a conspiracy. :)

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Terry- I got my Bracelet today! It's wonderful, thank you!!!! :)

The doctor that did the metabolism breathalizer thing, was a bariatric surgeon, was one of his pre-op requirements. I backed out on this doctor because I was really upset by how they run their office, so ended up with another doctor. But I got a metabolism test out of it!

On that note, I rebought a scale tonight.. stupid me, I remember now why I threw it out last time. 291! FEH! GRRRR. :)

It's the steak & shake I tell ya.

Kat- tea didn't help? :) And as much as being called Mrs. was at the wedding, to this day all my customers and anyone who calls me, I'm still 'Ms. Laura MaidenName". But I agree, I wouldn't want you to shortchange the excitement Tracy :D I ended up shortchanging mine, by doing Vegas instead of the elaborate fall wedding.. but we made it a lot of fun by going to Vegas and less formal and stuffy (which I don't like)

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thanks all........... the problem is the boys the best man the EVERYTHING can NOT be pulled together by next week..... we are definately having the THING in March.. people have already put full deposits down on lodging the hall.. etc... and we DO want a WEDDING...... the problem is economics.... I could add the boys on my insurance for NOTHING because I already have employee plus children premiums... I'm the contact with BCBS so its just as easy as going online and adding 3 names. No one would be the wiser at work....... otherwise DF's new job will be around $450 per month.. for crappy coverage... thats a lot of money to be throwing away.......... I don't know.... we are still discussing it. If we DO it.... NO ONE will know.. my name won't change, I won't wear the band... we will still have the fully blown ceremony, invitations, dress, cake, motorcycle mints (that I bought special candy molds for) the works........... AHHHHHHH if we were made of money it would be one thing be we are not..... hell the Home DEpot card is still maxed out from the sewer disaster.. we are just a small town family with bill overload.... We want to wait... but I don't think we can afford too......... and I've been calling him husband for a long time anyway. :)

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thank you sooooooooooooo much. I think you saw the necklace I have that matches it...?

I love my WWJD bracelet!!!

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This is a true story: A local woman went to Mex for her surgery. The doctor knicked her bowel during the surgery. In her post op and the days following she complained of sharp pain in the tummy. Less than a week later, she was rushed to our hospital, where my doctor had to perform emergency surgery on her. It was too late, and she died. Her bowel had leaked. She was 36 years old. This again is a true story and this just happened 2 weeks ago. Just thought I'd share.

Interestingly enough, I read this SAME story on the internet, while I was researching surgery in Mexico, EXCEPT the doctor was NOT from MX, but was from Canada. It always amazes me how people can jump in and condemn a person for going to MX to have surgery, when they know NOTHING at all about it.

I researched my doctor VERY WELL. Dr. Ortiz actually helped design the Inamed Lap Band. He also wrote the book "Lap Band for Life" which can be bought from Amazon.com. He has done over 6000 surgeries to date, was featured on the Discovery Health Channel, and taught sattelite classes for Yale University on the procedure. Not to menthion all the US surgeons he has protored on the surgery. He was one of Inamed's FIRST doctors to be designated a proctor surgeon.

His clinic wasBRAND NEW, VERY NICE, and cleaner than most US hospitals. I was given EXCEPTIONAL care, and would do it again in a heartbeat. Not just for PRICE, but because I KNOW I had an AWESOME doctor, that knew what he was doing. I know there are some bad doctors in MX, just like there are some bad doctors in the US. But don't knock them all, when you don't have all the facts. I wasn't lucky enough to h ave insurance that would pay for my surgery, and I didn't have 23,000 for surgery in the US, so YES, I'm happy to admit I paid 8,000 dollars for my surgery, and had one of the BEST doctors in the world to do it!


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Things I can't eat/get stuck on??


dry chicken

deli meat

anything fried

Pizza Crust

fruit peels

nuts, unless I chew the heck out of 'em

watermelon :)

beef, unless it's filet mignon or Jerky (!)

soft part of bread (sometimes)

flour tortillas

eggs (don't try them often, got stuck bad 2-3 times)

.... that's all for now; I'm quite sure I'll be adding to the list!!

Ya'll have a good day.

Day 4!! yea!!!

It's sad but true---- Ther is nothing thast I can't eat. I just have to make sure that I make good food choices and stop if I'm full or not.

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Night all, i'm going to go to bed nice and early, have to get up early in the morning to deal with health insurance stuff. then to the sweat shop. going to get hot here again tomorrow, thank goodness

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Me too, I am taking my headache to bed. It has eased some without a doubt---hoping the dark will help. I would prefer it to be quiet as well...but DH has the TV on in there. Boston Legal has a rerun on, and with his schedule he missed it the first time! Oh well, I will sleep anyway!!! He seldom turns that TV on....I won't complain...maybe just a deep sigh or two!

Night girlies!


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I did not read a story on the internet about the women in the aforementioned post. This is a true local story. I have never been against going to Mexico for this or any other surgery. I would never be so pompous to assume that one country is better than another for this surgery or any other type of surgery. I actually signed a paper authorizing my surgery, where this very thing was discussed as a possibility. I was just posting the information. I wasn't making a judgement on her decision, or yours for that matter.

Don't be so defensive. This happened here...and it didn't happen to you!

It always amazes me how people can jump in and condemn a person for going to MX to have surgery, when they know NOTHING at all about it.

Quote by Sparkette

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Yeah, a bowel getting nicked is something that could just as easily happen here as in Mexico....that's just one of the risks of this surgery. I suppose the bowel leakage thing is hard to detect?? Seems like the girl would have been running a high fever..but maybe that comes later. What a shame!!!

On a GOOD note....the scale finally moved for me today after a day and a half of liquids! 188.2...and on my official weigh in day, too :)

This Chantix I'm taking is giving me wierd, vivid dreams. I'm up again early today even though I have the day off just because the dream was making me mad and would not stop!!! I was so mad in the dream that I had a cigarette! LOL Glas it was just a dream. But I did wake up wanting one in the worst way!

Glad you girls like your bracelets. It was fun making them. They're all different so I don't know who got what ('cause I can't remember now). If they break or are too small or too big, send it back and I can fix that real easy. The rest of you should be getting yours today or tomorrow...they were all sent on Tuesday.

Kat - are you feeling better today? I have this REAL thing about noise!! I just can't stand it. I hate the TV (generally) for that same reason. Wouldn't y'know that my DH is an addict. :rolleyes: Hope you have a good day today.

Tracy - I'm still laughing about the nuns! :lol: Thanks for that. Too funny.

Josie - How was your BBQ and the visit with the kids??

SchexyMomma - How are you doing??? Time for you to check in, eh?

I'm gonna stay on liquids today...maybe very soft mushies...but nothing more! I'm gonna baby this thing for 2 weeks.

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Morning ladies

I hate noise too, my dd always has the tv so loud i tell her the neighbors can hear it. now that dm is back she encourages it. ughhhh

so I went to bed nice and early last night. well it was getting muggy when I went to bed, something happened to a transformer or something and we lost power, ceiling fans went off and it got so uncomfortably hot - ds woke up freaking out because night light was out and he couldn't see so they all ended up in bed with me. so very tired, my back is killing me and I had to get up because I have an 11am appt that I am not ready for.

so speaking of headaches, did I mention i closed my trunk/back hatch door on my head yesterday trying to balance a case of Water on my leg? ok so my immediate tought was OMG if I'm bleeding no one is here and i'll have to call 911 and explain that. I saw stars so I would have called if there was blood. I was not bleeding but holy smokes, do i have an egg on my head and it is so very tender.

And on a happy note. I am down another lb today, so I'll officially claim my mini goal from yesterday. I don't know if I'm going to meet my exercise challange for this month - which stresses me out. but it is a bad month. at least I'm going when i can - which is much more than I would have 4 months ago!

Terry - you can do it on liquids, if I can with no fill... you will be fine. Maybe jumpstart a loss. You look fantastic!

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thanks all........... the problem is the boys the best man the EVERYTHING can NOT be pulled together by next week..... we are definately having the THING in March.. people have already put full deposits down on lodging the hall.. etc... and we DO want a WEDDING...... the problem is economics.... I could add the boys on my insurance for NOTHING because I already have employee plus children premiums... I'm the contact with BCBS so its just as easy as going online and adding 3 names. No one would be the wiser at work....... otherwise DF's new job will be around $450 per month.. for crappy coverage... thats a lot of money to be throwing away.......... I don't know.... we are still discussing it. If we DO it.... NO ONE will know.. my name won't change, I won't wear the band... we will still have the fully blown ceremony, invitations, dress, cake, motorcycle mints (that I bought special candy molds for) the works........... AHHHHHHH if we were made of money it would be one thing be we are not..... hell the Home DEpot card is still maxed out from the sewer disaster.. we are just a small town family with bill overload.... We want to wait... but I don't think we can afford too......... and I've been calling him husband for a long time anyway. :rolleyes:


I was in a situation like yours... but with my fiance's insurance he could add me and my daughter as a domestic partner (of same sex or opposite sex..it did not matter)... the cost and coverage was the same as if we were already married. Does your BCBS have the same deal? My previous employer had CRAP insurance.. very expensive with hardly any coverage... his insurance is much cheaper and covers much more... He added us both in January with no problems.

Now... we also had an issue with trying to use his VA loan to get a better mortgage... but sadly we do have to be married to use that... so we opted to just wait it out.. save money and then get a house...

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Morning TracyK - I see you

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Kat-I hope you feel better this morning!

I took the day off today. My mom & step dad are coming to visit and to pick Macy up for the weekend. Another "momma" weekend :lol:

Terri-happy restriction to you (or at least I hope it is not too much) Way to go on the new low!!

Jennifur-way to go girlie!! I know how happy you must be with the scale on the move again!! I am so happy for you!

TracyKS-do what is best for you and your family....that is the bottom line and we all wish you the best!!

I miss Judy...I bet she is having a ball!!

My TOM is finally winding down. Thank goodness. I have so much restriction when it is this TOM. That is a good thing though considering when it is TOM I like to eat...lol

Since Macy is going to be gone this weekend I plan on getting some exercise in (i hope terri is listening) :rolleyes:

Pamela-are you going to watch the game show that the BB girls are on? It comes on Tuesday before BB. I do not normally watch that game show, but I will since Amber & Daniele are going to be on it. Who do you hope ends up being the winner of BB?

I hope everyone has a great weekend!!

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      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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