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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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I have trouble with deli turkey too.......dang if I know why.

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Doh, I just ordered a turkey & swiss sandwhich from tropical smoothie. I'll let ya'll know in about an hour if I had any trouble!

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TRACYK: That suit is almost tooooooooooo big!!!!!!!!!!!!! HECK if I LOOKED AS GOOD AS YOU DO IN THAT SUIT I MIGHT JUST GO SKINNY DIPPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You have thin arms and thin legs, nice boobs, and since its a skirt suit I can't even tell how your belly is.......... I agree with schexymomma... you need a SEXIER SUIT cause girl you need to FLAUNT IT!!!!!!!!!!

LMAO!! OK, since it is a childs b-day party I will hold off on the skinny dipping part LOL

Actually, my arms are way far from thin...a side view would have proved that one...I have angel wings....but boy the pic is flattering as far as that is concerned. The belly? Well, I will have to have a TT, but thank GOD for my small legs. Sometimes I wonder how they held all this weight up for so many years!

Thanks to all of you for the inspiration I need to just DO IT...I will wear the suit Saturday. And like I said before, I know I needed a cuter suit, but they did not have any at this time of year. Not that would fit me anyway.

Love the boat Judy!!

So Terri is the resident alcoholic? :nervous I learn something new every day!! (just kidding)

TracyKS...our TOMs our gonna get worse as we keep losing weight, hormone inbalance thing going on. Just wanted to give you something to look forward to. I am in the same boat. My last TOM was horrible :sick

Everyone have a super duper evening!!

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Jennifur...good luck with the interview!! I know how you must really miss being with your family in the evening!! So good luck! (for in case I forget to tell you that later)

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When we first got the elliptical, I struggled and I do mean struggled to do 5 minutes. My DD come in and effortlessly went for 35 and then got off because she had to get home---good thing I love that child! I worked it up by the minute...I used to do it EVERY day, then DH went into A-fib, and he couldn't use it, so guess who slacked off with him!!! Now he has been released...so I hopped on, and even on standard, no resistance, I could only go 25 minutes, without feeling jelly legged. I used to quit on the time, not because I was feeling the workout...back when I did it daily! DH wanted to do the programs again, so we began that, and OMG!!! I was gasping and wobbly legged after 15 minutes of the easiest one on there, it is a 20 minute program, and I could not finish! That is my goal, to finish that first workout, and do it without dying, then move on to the next! My legs are not my weak spot...I have VERY defined, and toned legs....if the rest of my body were in the shape my legs are---I would be in excellent shape, unfortunately---the rest of me is far from toned!!! In my legs, I can see each muscle separately, they are so defined. hmmmmm my legs are the only place I will ever have a 6 pack!!! I have the entire KEG on my belly!!!! I am using the elliptical more for the cardiovascular workout than anything. But thanks, I feel better about doing it last night!!!

I feel so bad for you girls fighting the TOM---I suffered (and that is not an exageration) for years, trying to get something done, and they hated to do a hysterectomy, insurance was hard to approve, yadda, yadda, yadda....then lo and behold cancer struck, and wham! bam! thank ya Ma'am it was GONE!!! I don't miss it a bit!

Tonight when my DD come to get the girls, we were eating shaved ice, because they had been sooooo good! It was a great day for both girls. Lindzie behaved for Nana and for me too---so we celebrated. I love their SF French vanilla shaved ice.....anyway, Manda told them to hurry they had to get home and pack Lindzies clothes, she was going to go camping with her Mommie---and all hell broke loose. She was crying and screaming, and repeating she wasn't going, she was NOT going....on and on and on. Manda went right to her and tried to talk to her, but she was borderline hysterical. Earlier when they were playing on the swingset, I had the little digital recorder out, so it was on the table, I picked it up and turned it on, and recorded her out of control hysteria over going to her Mommies. She was bargaining, and begging....Manda finally got her calmed down, and by then, she and both girls were in tears. Kinsey saw her Mama and Lindzie crying and had to join them. I kid you not she was wild eyed, and freaking out, for 15 minutes straight. She never said WHY....just begged not to go. It was unreal. Manda finally told her they will talk to Daddy, and she will do what she can to let her stay home. I sent the camera home so he could see it. She just called a few minutes ago, and said he called her Mom and said she was not going, and from here on out her visits will be supervised, and if she doesn't like it, get a lawyer, because he damn well will.

In hindsight now, it has seemed as each day went by she improved just a hair.....maybe since her last visit. Anyway, Manda said their counselling session was supposed to be tonight with just her and Ryan, but they are taking Lindzie, I am keeping Kinsey. And she is calling for an appointment with her pediatrician tomorrow, to have a check up done on her.

Breaks my heart, I know I have been less understanding than I could have been, I feel bad, but I was/am at my wits end. Maybe if she doesn't go, and can talk about what ever is bothering her there, or at least feel Daddy & Mom (Manda) are backing her up, she will be easier. And school starts in a week. Anyway---pretty sad...something sure has her in a tizzy. I would hate to be her Mommies bf if they find out he did anything to her---my future son in law, may go to jail!

Well I need to go crush some nuts (sorry the reference to the above sentence made me laugh!!! Maybe Granny is a weebit emotionally strained too)---I am using these--- macadamias to encrust some fish for dinner. DH is not a big fish eater, but he will eat it this way, so if that's what it takes!!!

I will talk to y'all later!


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Well, I guess you all have figured out that I don't know how to add my before and after picture. But I did figure out had to put one on my signature.

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Oh, Kat....that is so scary!!! How did the mom react to the supervised visits? There is something going on at that house! I am sooooo glad they are doing all they can to get this figured out...taking her to the doc and therapist. Please keep us informed and I will pray for her. Sounds like she needs it. Poor baby. Has she always been a handful or has this just recently started or what?

I've just been HUNGRY for 3 days now. But when i eat I'm quite restricted. I don't get it. Maybe I'm just eating the wrong things....too many carbs or something. I know I'm worse at work so maybe it's boredom (head hunger) ...I dunno. But I'm pretty sure my calories must be way up. I haven't tracked in a while. Today I had:

cottage cheese & raspberries (150 cals)

granola (250 cals)

1/3 of a chicken quesadilla (?400 cals?)

Peanut M&Ms :/ (350 cals)

mixed nuts (190 cals)

1 oz cheddar cheese (100 cals)

oatmeal (low sugar) (250 cals)

1700 CALORIES!!!!!! :)

I did a lower body workout and only about 15 mins on the cycle....so maybe -200 calores. Net 1500. Gotta do a lot better than that!! Crap!

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Morning All

Judy, the boat looks fantastic, I love the sherif badge too, its a shame youve got to take it off!

Terry, re wine...your right who needs the stuff .....lol

Kat, gosh I read your last post, I hope it's not as bad as you feel it could be (I pray not) maybe she gets more love and attention from you, and she doesnt want to leave you, it could be that simple? Nans always spoil there grandkids, I loved mine to bits.

Jennifur, good luck with the job interview.

Tracy, wow you sound like you have quite a restriction if its hard to eat cheese/turkey etc, I'm a bit scared of that to be truthful, I've got 7.5mls in my 10ml band, and I probably could manage 0.5 more, but I can eat a tea plate full (childs plate) so I figure its ok, before the last fill i could eat a full adults plate and more. I hope it eases off a bit for you.

Well its Friday (Yeeehaaa!) and the weekend approaches, Ive had an easier week this week (re work) as Ive not booked so much it, and I feel so much better. I saw my Dr yesterday (a week since I last saw her for stress) and I told her I felt 95% better, she was pleased, so I dont have to see her again for another 4 weeks. Next week I have to get back into full swing again re work, just hope it goes ok, but I feel a lot more calmer, and getting back to my old self. I feel more positive too, Dave is getting better, he still gets pain, but hes cheerful, and more into a routein at home.

Look after your selves,

Lots of love

Sara xxxxxxxx

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Morning everyone. last night was a lazy night but still so tired. I was off. Last weekend my dd ran into my foot so hard with a shopping cart. I am pretty sure she broke my 2 toes, but, now that they are not hurting I realize that the side of my foot that she hit has some serious damage. A few years ago I fell down my garage stairs and did some serious damage to some ligiments in the same spot. I don't have the money for weekly therapy and can't take time off work, but I think I might go and have it x-ray'd to make sure the bone is not broken and get a brace or something that will help.

I am up getting ready for my interview, man this is early but will be nice when I am on a normal schedule again. Wish me luck

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Good luck Jennifur!!!! I have my fingers & toes crossed!!

Kat-what an emotional roller coaster for all of you. i will say a prayer that everything comes up roses. Just keep on showing her the love & attention you have been!! You are such a great lady!!

Terri-you know what? Once we see the calories in black and white, it hurts but it makes us more conscious of what not to do next time. Don't beat ourself up because if anyone on here will do the RIGHT things, its you...my hero :)

Tomorrow is bathing suit day at the party ... OMG!!

Everyone have a great day and I will check in after work....

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The more you try, the greater your chance of succeeding.

The law of averages is on your side.

Taking a risk is often your first necessary step toward success.

If you don't take some risks, you won't get the chance to succeed.

While you are trying, you are winning.

Never get discouraged.

Every wrong attempt is another step forward.

People that make no mistakes usually don't make anything.

Make up your mind not merely to overcome a thousand obstacles,

but to win in spite of a thousand defeats.

Your mistakes are stepping stones

to success and your installment payments to victory.

You can't be a winner and be afraid to lose.

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Good Morning, Violets..

Yesterday was a busy day and a yucky one. I was really stiff and sore all day. But I'm feeling better today and I have all the bruises to show for my bike tumble. And YES, the bike is fine.. it fell on me!!!

Today is the last day for VBS. I've really enjoyed teaching the little ones, but I'm ready for a vacation. I sure wouldn't be able to do it for a whole school year anymore! We pick up our boat on Monday. the officer says he wants to go over everything on the boat with us. Says it will need some TLC which we already knew, but for the price, it was a great deal for us.

I came home yesterday from VBS and went directly to bed and slept for 2 hours. Then I had to go to my my former school district and play a concert from 8-9 so I didn't get home until 10:30 and I was just too tired to post. Today I hope to get in the pool for a bit and try some aerobics. I'm supposed to go to Curves today, but don't think my muscles will take it. But at least I'll be all healed up and ready to head to Disney in two weeks!!

GOOD LUCK on your interview Jennifur!!! Soooooo sorry to hear about your foot!!! You sound much worse off than me!!!!! At least I didn't break anything.

Sara... great to see your post first thing when I log on here in the morning! We've missed you! Glad to hear Dave is doing better too.

Terry... I track my daily intake in mydailyplate.com I stick to 600-800 calories a day before exercise. Not recommending it for everyone, but it works for me.

I better scoot and get my hair curled before I leave. Everyone have a great day and remember WWJD??!! And ALWAYS WEAR A HELMET WHEN YOU'RE ON A BIKE!!!

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Hello to All you wonderful loosing Violets!!

My schedule has been over the top lately. I try to catch up on the reading when I can. Kudo's to all of you. :whoo:You're all winners!

My hindsight is this. Last month I was having problems with *sticking*. For those that haven't experienced it..well it HURTS and then makes your esophagus swollen and more likely to get stuck again.

My Doctor wanted to give me another fill and said I had plenty of room and I wasn't too full (he always does a fluro..one of the reasons I picked him). I told him NO...I wanted to wait another month...I couldn't get much down because of the sticking. He said to slow down I was eating too fast and taking too big of bites. He was totally CORRECT.

Sad part of the story..I feel better since I've done what he said but haven't lost a pound this whole month. I eat more, I'm hungerier and don't feel full. Next Tuesday is weigh day:angry, I don't like to loose my momentum.

Sooo, long story short..don't do what I did. I've missed a whole month of opportunity to loose.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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