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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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I emailed Alexandra too, she told me to go to internet options, delete Cookies and restart, log in and click the remember me box again... and guess what

IT WORKED!!!!! I don't have to keep logging in thank goodness, it was driving me too

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good morning everyone,

well we did meet as terri said and i always am amazed when 4 people who dont know each other...can get together and there isnt any lull in the conversation. it reminds me as women we are connected...and more alike then not.

who would've THUNK it....a simple thing like this band (or what my brother calls "the collar") would open a whole new world to us.

we did say it would be way cool if everyone on this thread could get together.....

tracyK: your daughter is adorable.....have fun with your aunt. i have visitors coming today for a week and the weather is a bummer. we were going to schlitterbahn (cancelled) and then thinking of going towards your neck of the woods (kemah or moody gardens) but i guess the bad weather is there too...

kat: you have sooo many good things to say. if you ever want to switch careers you could definitely become a counselor. i really like your perspective to laura.

terri +haydee: it was great to meet you guys...

trackinKS: your wedding hall is so nice..your wedding is going to be fun...i like the dress code idea

gina: sorry about your episode....it really is quite a teacher and reminder.

well have a great day everyone. of course i've left alot to the last minute to do before my company arrives tonight

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Morning ladies!

We did have a wonderful night last night. Josie, Terri, Schexy, it felt like i've known ya'll for years! Also, wanted to share that usually when I get together with friends it's all about what are we gonna eat. What is so and so having and what are we sharing and what are we eating for dessert. Yesterday we were so enthralled in our conversation that we ate just as an afterthought. Just because we knew we had to get something in our bellies. That's the relashionship that I want with food all the time. I want it to just be in my peripheral vision not my whole focus.

Josie - what did you decide to do with your guests? Don't keep them cooped up in the house. They'll go nuts and you'll go nuts too!

Kat - your advice is very enlightning. I also have to remember to be more patient and not be quick to anger when I am faced with a situation like that.

Gina - how ya doing? You feel better? You might try staying on mushies today since your band might be irritated.

Jenn - try putting Monistat Chafing Cream on the rash on your thighs. Believe me, been there. The cream will soothe the rash.

Poker Patty - hi! ;)

Check in with ya'll later...</p>

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My boss is back from vacation today... well he's supposed to be! I am finishing my payroll and today is the day I'm hoping to pick up my rings...

I really need to get my Water in today because I'm still swollen... hoping to get into the 220's next week.

My son told the daycare yesterday............he's nearly 4

DS: "Hey Guys Guess What?"

Teach: "What?"

DS: "Mom, Charz, and Me are getting bornd and then we are getting married!!! Isn't that cool???"

Teach: "What? Your mom is getting married?"


(the bornd ref is him talking about his upcoming Birthday)

It is so funny what little ears pick up and more importantly it swells my heart to know that he is so excited.

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Oh Josie, I had to laugh---me a counselor---they get paid to listen, I talk way the hell too much!!! But that was a sweet thing to say, I know many times I should mind my own business, but things look so different when you are on the outside, it helps me when someone points out the obvious. And like I told Laura---reminding her of things, made me re-examine my own situation, and relax a bit in it!

TracyK, your DD is adorable! Is she your only one? Today I just have Kinsey, my 2 yr old granddaughter. I am looking forward to today, some special time with her again. I have babysit for her ever since she was tiny. My DD and her exH, split up when she was an infant. He had fooled around before, but she bought his excuses, and believed nothing happen, then one night when she was up in the wee hours with a newborn, his cell phone rang, she looked to see if it was work, and it was a picture...of a woman---nude! So she went through his phone, and then the computer, and found where he had sent nude photos of himself, and received same from many others. She confronted him, and he told her he was going to tell her to move out anyway, his girlfriend from Arkansas was on her way down to move in with him. He was cruel to my DD, showing her pics of this woman, and comparing her to my DD who had recently given birth, and was having nursing problems etc. So she and the baby moved in with us. 2 days later sure enough a car with Arkansas plates was in the drive way, which happened to be across the road from my parents, so we could kind of watch. But the sleek slim woman in the pic she sent was not what showed up! She was in need of a lapband in a serious way! Not that that made her less worthy, but him comparing her to my DD to make her feel bad, we found it hilarious! Then we find out this crazy woman moved across the country to live with him, and a male roommate, bringing her 6 year old daughter---knowing nothing about him, other than the obvious----he sends nude pics! a 6 year old little girl into a house with 2 unknown adult men! She only lasted about a month. Then it was a woman he worked with, then another....now he is engaged to a woman we really like, she is a sweet girl, but he texted Manda yesterday (which he does when he drinks) and said she beat him up and broke up with him!). Anyway, my point was that DD and the baby moved in with us when she was tiny. They stayed for 2 months, and moved into a mobile home on some property we own, and rent. She renovated the home, into a little showcase! After 7 or 8 months she began dating, and hooked up with a guy who could have been her ex husband, they were so similar! We were so upset! Then her friends she hung out with began telling her the same thing...and he finally went away. The friends never did, including one she went all through school with. He hung out, he helped her work on her house, he took her to the lake, showed her how to have fun again. He has full custody of his DD---he and his former GF never married, and she only kept the baby for a few days, and said, "here, I can't do this", so he has raised her ever since. Fast forward a year, and a wedding is in the planning, and I am getting a 6 year old granddaughter. She is a sweetheart, and I already love her. But having my little one all alone today is going to be a nice time. Lindzie, the 6 year old is spending the next 3 days with her Papa. So Kinsey and I get some us time. Yep-- Lindzie, and Kinsey---talk about tongue twisters!!! Of course when we go to the park or anywhere, people think we did that on purpose!!! LOL The girls are both blonde, and have similar shape to their features, but Lindzie has HUGE dark brown eyes, and Kinsey Big ol' blue eyes!

Kinsey was a preemie, and was only 4 pounds at birth. She had problems digesting even breast milk, finally they decided it was the dairy that Manda was eating, but as soon as she cut dairy from her diet, she dried up! We wonder now, if that isn't why she breaks bones so easily. She has broke both legs! The first she caught in the leg of a baby rocker when she just turned 1, then the one last month. She heals VERY quickly, so they say she is fine. She has remained very little. She is 2 1/2 and still under 20 pounds. But she is potty trained, and talking a blue streak, and I would bet within a couple of weeks she will be riding her little bike---Manda just got Lindzie to ride without training wheels, and Kinsey is flying on hers, training wheels seldom touching the ground! She is kinda fun, you take her into Walmart, and she insists on sitting crosswise in the basket seat, and she goes along singing her ABC's or counting, and people do these double takes, because she looks so much younger!

OK enough of Proud Granny Mode. But that is why this little one is so special to me.

Tracy the place for the wedding looks great! I am so glad he is this excited! Perhaps seeing you at the other wedding, and you not acting like you were next sent him into a panic of losing you! My son was that way, as soon as everyone quit pressuring him, and acted like he would never do it, he DID....lol He has aklways been that way tho. He and Manda both went and had their tongues pierced in H.S. I was livid!!! That someone would do it when they were under 18! Manda knew she better keep it in her mouth and hidden, Lenny on the other hand flipped his in and out non stop, so my DH ragged on him non stop. FINALLY I convinced Rick to try a different approach, and not say anything. Sure enough the thing began staying in his mouth. Then one night friends were over and the man said his son come home with guaging rings in his ears, and Rick said well he has his tongue pierced, and he says "no I don't" and stuck it out, and it was gone! Stubborn to the end! He was the worst of the "I can do it myself" when he was little too! Maybe your DF is the same way! Yep he is your DF now, not just DBF!!!!! WoooHoooo!!!!

Ok, Kinsey is awake, we need to bake a cake and get to Walmart before it gets too hot! See y'all in awhile!


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Morning Violets~

Still waiting for the pictures:) I just got home from the gym, and I did 4 miles on the bike! Plus 140 crunches, arms, and back. I needed to workout...I have a long day ahead of me.

I have the carpet guys coming to do the closet (remember, this is the largest room in the whole house); the acoustic removed from the master bedroom; the idiot who did the doors ALL day long yesterday has to come back to finish the door from the kitchen to the garage; and as if all that wasn't enough, I have the exterior painter coming today to start the prep work and pressure wash the house. I have to be in the back yard w/ my rottie (140 lbs) when the guys are out there...and he loves Water, so I am sure he is gonna be in their way. I slept so bad, just nervous about all this work today. And worse, I have to sleep on the couch tonight, because my room will smell really bad:(

I don't mean to complain, but I am just freaking out today. One thing I've learned is that construction people do not have the same "time" ethic as I do (teachers CAN NOT be later...period). They say 8...that is just a relative number...could be 9. It makes me crazy. I just need to remember is that is should all or nearly be done next week when we go to Cape Cod. After that vacation, I want to sit on my ass until I have to go back to work.

Have a great day Violets. Tracy, your dd is adorable! I'll check in later...send me patience PLEASE!

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Pamela, I'm cracking up... at least it is just an hour. My contractor has been coming over for 2 weeks to do a little project for me.

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Well the acoustic removal guy is not coming today, so I have to move the painter until Friday. I am so freaking pissed, I started crying (well, teared up). I am sorry, but how do you feed your family w/ this kind of work ethic. He said, "ooo Pamela, I am so sorry, I thought we said Thursday." I have an appointment w/ my attorney on thursday and this just f's up everything. I can't stand this. I just don't roll this way. Sorry to vent here, but Susanne's answer is to call the better Business Beaurau...(sp), well, then I don't get the work done either.

Shit, going back to work is looking good about now.

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Hang in there Pamela!!!!!!! Please do not tell me that you paid him yet, or given a "draw"............ been there, done that, got screwed....

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Morning all!

Kat- I really enjoyed the stories, and you're right. My biggest problem was timing. I didn't expect the 'or worse' part of the vows the day we got home. It's over now, he took his brother home last night, when he got home, I showed him how nice it is to have our house to ourself ;)

I showed him all over the place.. the kitchen table.. the living room couch... ho hum hehe!

I started doing myplate again. I dropped off on it since I wasn't restricted and irritated.. but I started 3 days ago, and I put my goal as 1200 calories a day. I'm not hitting that, BUT.. I am staying under 2,000 which still makes me happy. I did 1,400 3 days ago, 1800 2 days ago, 1600 yesterday. Shrug. That's better than the 4000-5000 I was doing pre-band, right? Hopefully this next fill will get me down to 1200.

And yes, since my back pain is gone, the lap-band was already 100% worth it.

It's funny how irritating people can be about planning wedding stuff. We made it much more casual (the reception on Aug. 4) but still doing food and cake. Well I asked everyone on invitations.. RSVP by yesterday. This morning I had final consult with cake lady to decide how many people. I knew to do at least 10 extra for slack people that come last minute. Well, I had 40 rsvp and made the cake for 60. This morning alone I get 4 more RSVPs'.. and this girl I work with, who is a friend, never RSVP'd, never mentioned to me, but I was surprised she wasn't coming. Instead of confronting her and making her feel weird.. if she wasn't coming, of course that's ok, but I figured she would, so I had to get someone else to question her and find out casually without making her feel weird. So it ends up today she IS coming, she just forgot to RSVP. People. I don't get why it's so hard to RSVP. I always RSVP immediately! If you don't know till last minute, then don't come cause people are TRYING to make a head count. For goodness sake. I know, I rant a lot. After Aug 6 (after reception and next fill) I should be pretty upbeat hah! Also, my kind of aunt (married my uncle and had a kid then divorced all before I was 5) who was best friends with my mom growing up.. well my cousin got married 2 years ago, we went, my mom and her cried talked about how babies growin up, caught up, etc (they don't get to see each other much anymore).. we sent her an invitation and no RSVP, no acknowledgement, etc.. My mom's feelings are hurt, she doesn't understand why she isn't getting back to her. There's a few people I invited that I am shocked they didn't at least respond.. I guess that's the way it goes?

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Thanks everone about the kind words on my dd pic.

Kat-I loved reading your story about your grand daughter!!

I was under the impression that I could not have kids. She was a big surprise to not just me but my DH and the whole family!! My DH has 2 kids from his first marriage, but Macy is my only natural child. She weighed 9 pounds when she was born. She turns 4 next month and I can hardly believe how fast the time has passed. I would have liked to had another baby but she is far more than I ever expected. Since that made 3 for my DH I decided she was enough for me. She is my girl...God saw fit for me to have her and I can not thank him enough. When I got the band I knew that I had a year and a half before she starts public school. I never wanted her to come home from school crying because one of her "friends" said her mommie is fat. Kids have enough issues these days and I did not want her to have to defend me. So, that is why I decided to do something about it. It would kill me for her to cry over me and feel like she has to defend me. I am her biggest role model and I will not let her down. I can't. Being her mother is the biggest responsibility I have. I want her to have the best life possible, therefore, I am going to lead by example. She deserves the best I can offer, so I have to strive to be the best.

OK, enough about that...

Have a great day!

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Hi everyone! It's been a long time since I've been on the website - just been very busy - but I'm back! (wink)

Hope everyone is doing well and continuing success with your bands!

I can't complain - I'm down 51 pounds since banding 4/5/07 (yay!) I was at 262 - now 211!

But, I have a question-

is anyone having Hair loss issues?

My dr says it's due to Protein deficiency, but I just cannot get 3 shakes in a day. I'm doing really good to have 2 but sometimes it's only 1. I am trying Nioxin (a special scalp treatment from Mitchell's) it does help only with the appearance of thinning hair, not with the prevention of losing it. I also started taking 2500mg of Biotin from GNC, but how long does this stuff take to take effect? I know my hair is thinning and it's really freaking me out! Help!?

Anyone - advice please!





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Hi everyone! It's been a long time since I've been on the website - just been very busy - but I'm back! (wink)

Hope everyone is doing well and continuing success with your bands!

I can't complain - I'm down 51 pounds since banding 4/5/07 (yay!) I was at 262 - now 211!

But, I have a question-

is anyone having Hair loss issues?

My dr says it's due to Protein deficiency, but I just cannot get 3 shakes in a day. I'm doing really good to have 2 but sometimes it's only 1. I am trying Nioxin (a special scalp treatment from Mitchell's) it does help only with the appearance of thinning hair, not with the prevention of losing it. I also started taking 2500mg of Biotin from GNC, but how long does this stuff take to take effect? I know my hair is thinning and it's really freaking me out! Help!?

Anyone - advice please!





Wow~ 51lbs. what is your secret? what do you eat during the day?

I hear there is not much you can do, and the way it was explained to me was that it is from the time around surgery when there was not protein. Like for me - I was on chicken broth and Jello for 2 weeks and then for the next 10 days not eating that much, hair loss is happening now because it is growing out to the place where there was not much protein in your hair ... does that make sense? It does to me but I'm not sure it is coming out right.

Wow - 51lbs... still amazed!

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Thanks Jenn!

What's my secret? What's yours? You've lost more than me - at 58 pounds lost! GOOD FOR YOU!!! ;)

So if the Hair loss is from surgery through the post-op diet phase of 6 weeks - I get that - but I'm 3 1/2 months out from surgery ----- when is this going to stop? Do you have the same problem?

Thanks -


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