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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Good morning! Everyone have a great day!

Rain here, again.

Judy-best of luck with Garage sale Part II.

Terri-Your idea about the pedicure is a great idea (the nap is a given, especially today)

A whole weekend without having to watch Blues Clues or Barbies Fairytopia....I am not gonna know how to act!!

Take care everyone!

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Oh Judy! You are feeling naughty today, aren't you!?!?! Actually, I cancelled the 'party' since consciousness is usually appreciated.

And I did actually LOL at your comment to Pamela! (We love you, Pammy!!)

HAYDEE - I was wondering how all the car washes are staying in business because this is going on 2 months of rain here! I looked at the 10-day forecast and it's all 40-60% chance of rain every day!! :rolleyes: My car is pretty disgusting both inside and out and I'd love to go get it cleaned up but I can't even find a car wash that bothers opening its doors!! I did notice a Bubbles Express that was offering $1 outside-only car washes. Wow--they ARE getting desperate.

LAURA - You are SO quiet these days!! What gives??


Ok. If you recall this about me I have always always always been a picture-perfect couch potato. LIke my whole life. Oh, sure there have been bouts of enthusiastic plunges into sports and exercise programs but they were sporatic and short lived ALWAYS. (I am a Gemini. I get bored. It's a curse.) So this track record of mine - 3 consistent months at the gym - is a totally new experience for me. I REALLY am contantly amazed - every day - at how great my body feels under this layer of fat. Exercise really works!! WOW! Who'da thunk it? Get this: my Buns are actually getting tight. Yes! You heard me! My BUNS! My waist is getting trim. My quads are amazing. My abs, not so much....LOL. Point is, I feel so strong and 'tight' and I can't imagine ever giving this up again! This is the point at which one becomes totally addicted. I feel this little sense of 'panic' if I miss one day at the gym! Now, mind you, I do not spend a lot of time there normally....usually an hour or less....so its not like i'm committing my whole life to it or anything, which is good. I wouldn't be able to keep up that kind of commitment for long. This is so do-able. I just hope that some of you can carve out the time to do the same. I KNOW how difficult it is to find it. My circumstances are such that I can do this now, but this is probably the first time in 20 years that it's worked out this way. blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Sorry!

I've got the day off today. Going to Mom's, then to the gym, then relax with hubby....maybe even 'party' :hat:

Good Luck with your garage sale Judy!!!

I'll see ya'll later!

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GOOD MORNING! TGIF to all the "slackers" today who have a day off.. LOL! I have been chuckling at everyones comments, and Haydee I would like to know how to make homeade Beans too.

I did not get to work out this morning BUT.......

I had a WHOOOOOOOOOOSH...... I know it has something to do with weighing at 6:10a.m. instead of 4:20 a.m. but I DON'T CARE :rolleyes:... I'm claiming it............ 232.2...... I am preparing myself to bounce tomorrow, but I AM CLAIMING IT! What a way to go into the weekend!


Good luck on the garage sale Judy!

I have about 4 nice suits that I'm going to try and find home for.... I think I will try to find a womens charity that retrains and outfits women for entry into the business world.

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I did not get to work out this morning BUT.......

I had a WHOOOOOOOOOOSH...... I know it has something to do with weighing at 6:10a.m. instead of 4:20 a.m. but I DON'T CARE :hat:... I'm claiming it............ 232.2...... I am preparing myself to bounce tomorrow, but I AM CLAIMING IT! What a way to go into the weekend!


That's terrific!! CONGRATS!!! You're catching up with me!!!!! I better get my butt in gear!!! LOL :rolleyes:

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Hello, well finally got my drain out from my 2nd hernia surgery, it feels great not to have that attached to me! I think all is going to be great now, and can finally start this exercise thing for real now! All I have been doing is the treadmill. I think maybe next week or the following I will start back at curves. I do like it, but it is going to be hard to start it again! With all the problems I have had with the hernia, I havn't been there since mid April.

I am always constantly amazed by everyones resolve to exercise. I have not felt that yet. I hate getting on my treadmill, hate it while I am on it, and really don't feel better when I am done. Maybe getting back to curves will be my answer?

I hope everyone has a nice weekend!!


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Good Morning Violets~

So much to say, gotta say it fast before I forget.

Haydee~ I loved loved loved the pix of your work yesterday...I would kill for a day like that. Makes me want to lay on the couch w/ blankets and watch movies. I looked at that for a while, loved it. And yes, I am waiting for the bean recipe too!

Judy~ I too LOL when I read you closet comment. I promise to take pix of the closet, and then me coming out of it for giggles. I know you all love this liberal lesbian from California...and I love you all too!


Tracy~ Your kicking ass girl. :clap2: I am very impressed and looking forward to when I break the 23 pound loss. I will update the ticker then. You, and so many other violets are doing great! Keep it up!

Kat~ Have a great weekend! Sounds like fun!

TracyK~ I really hope you enjoy your "momma" weekend...do something indulgent and a little naughty! We want all the details!

Today is do nothing day! Sadly, we have to go to HOme Depot to pick exterior lights and a color for the master. Yes, yesterday, we decided to remove acoustic AND paint the master...I can't believe it. My feet and legs hurt so bad today from all the work this week. Susanne fingers actually hurt. It is also "take your girlfriend to the movies day!" but she isnt buying it. Her mom will be here tomorrow early, then out to breakfast! That will be fun!

Ok...I am moving myself to soft foods today. The doctor told me to go on liquids for a week last time. So Wednesday, when he started to say go on liquids, I interrupted him and didn't let him finish the comment. I think I will do liquids and soft foods for a week...I just can't live on liquids, especially w/ all the work we are doing. So cottage cheese and scrambled eggs here I come...oh yeah, and refried Beans.

Jennifer~ Have fun at your picnic tomorrow. Tell Hillary hi! (I think she is brillant).

Have a great Friday ladies. Send $$$$$$$$$$$ thoughts to Judy! And for those of you suffering w/ this:rain::rain:...remember how badly the Earth needs it!

(Sorry, just wanted to use that icon).

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Hi all...

Well, the kids & I just got back from waiting for an hour in a line that wrapped around the outside of our Border's store for our "wristbands" that will allow us to wait in ANOTHER long line tonight to get our books! Phew! I know we're crazy, but it's the last one... no more after this one! +, being an editor & book lover, it warms the cockles of my heart to think that a lowly BOOK can cause this much fervor & excitement -- for kids & adults alike! So the plan now is to work on our costumes, eat, & then go back around 6:30p to ensure that we get an INSIDE THE STORE spot for the evening's activities, which begin @ 9pm. So woo hoo... I get to spend 6+ hours at a book store tonight! Then come home & READ ALL NIGHT!

The scale was down another lb today! I'm shocked, but I'll take it! I keep waiting for it to stop... or go up... but it hasn't. I have my 2nd fill on Monday & since my first one 2 weeks ago I'm down 6lbs, so I hope they still do it! I do feel some restriction, but not what I think it should be... I still feel like I'm doing a lot of it w/sheer strength of will, and would like a bit more help from the band. My private, personal goal is to be at -40+ by Aug. 1, -50+ by Sept. 1... and (dare I say it?) -90 to 100 by Jan 1!!

Janie... SOOOO glad to read that your FINALLY recovered from the hernia operation! That's really been quite a battle for you! I'm so glad that you're back to "normal" & can get in the groove now. You're doing so great w/the losses, despite your obstacles!

Tracy... Yay on your continued losses! 20s are coming up soon!

Judy... Hope your yard sale goes well, w/lots of fluffly women coming in!

Terry... I'm definitely not at the place you are w/exercise, but I do feel better when I do it... I hope I can get to the place you are soon!

Pam... Good luck w/"Do Nothing Day"!

Everyone have a great day!

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Beans, Beans, Beans...

Recipe is on the back of package.

Now my recipe!

1 lb beans (I prefer pinto) clean and rinse. Soak in very warm Water for 1 hour and rinse again

4 strips of bacon cut into pieces (optional) or olive oil*

1 - 2 large onions

1 bell pepper

garlic (fresh, granulated, or powder to taste. I like a lot)

celery (if you have it)


pepper or Ms Dash

1 bay leaf

Dice up all veggies and cook along with bacon untill soft, add beans and cover with water ( I, use beef or chicken stock) bring to boil. The turn down heat and simmer until beans are tender and liquid has cooked down.

I serve over brown rice.

You can use any type of smoked meat. If you do, simmer the meat for about 1/2 hour before you add the beans so the meat will be tender. Yo can add other things to your taste ie., mild or hot peppers, Tomato, sause or diced tomatoes. Adding meat will bump up your Protein.< /p>

If you are going to re-fry them omit the meat and veggies if you want to. I prefer all the flavor.:hungry:

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Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. that's a sigh of relief that the garage sale is over. I made over $200 so I can go shopping next week for some new clothes and fun things. BUT the best part of the sale was all the nice comments I got! I had upteen fluffy ladies say.. "these can't be your clothes!". They all wanted to know how I had lost weight so I became the Alpena Michigan spokesperson for lap bands. And one lady who was going to buy my 6 Week Makeover kit said she had been turned down because the doc didn't take medicare patients. I told her not to buy the kit, but to call my doc and gave her the number plus this website and my number in case she had any questions. She asked about the support groups and I said I just can't go 4 hours for a meeting in the evening, stay overnight and come back each month. I do that already with my doc. appointments. I told her one of the best support groups you can find is at lapbandtalk.com!

I hope she's able to get things in order to get it done. It will be neat to have someone close to compare notes with. My friend who had it done is 40 miles away and I only get to see her on some Sundays. DH is serving a little church now that he's retired from our big church, but I still direct the choir at our big church and only go with him during the summer when my choir is off. Everybody following this?? FOCUS, K? Soooooooo ummmmmmmmmmmmmm where was I?

Anyway.. it was a great day. Lots of nice people.. sold a lot of books and was told I had really beautiful clothes. We have a consignment shop in town so after the Garage Sale Part Three in August, I'll take the better stuff there and see what I can get for it.

I'm off to make dessert for after dinner out tonight with our cruising buddies. chocolate Mousse with fresh raspberries. I'm going to have a LITTLE bit just to say I did.. ;o))

Everyone have a good evening and remember........ WWJD??

Pamela.. ya know I love ya. As we always say in my church (United Church of Christ).. no matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you're welcome here. Is that a great church or what??

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Ms_Jen: thanks for the recipee!

Judy: YOU CRACK ME UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pam: Yes we love our liberal lesbian from California!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am going to a wedding tomorrow and I have been TRYING to figure out how to look HAWT! which reminds me... Jennifer are you ready for your saturday picnic?????

I think I'm going for a pair of my dress black capris.. (that I shopped for in my closet last night and THEY FIT!) A black lacey dress tank top, Covered by a White short sleeved blouse...

The wedding is outside in a park SMACKDAB in the middle of dbfs EXstomping grounds............ I am going to be eyeballed from head to toe, (he used to be Fire Chief and the groom was the Chief before him...) so it is going to be SMALL TOWN HELL.. (especially because exwife and NEW husband are both still involved with the fire department) We all get along, and we have biweekly pow wows about the boys, but this is different................ AWEEEEEE I'm already sweating from the pressure............. ANYWAY!

Michelle: Have a great time tonight! I'll be SLEEPING! Who are you going as?????

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Enjoy the wedding tomorrow, Tracy... I bet they'll all be whispering, "She's gotten smaller! How's she doing that???!!" as they stuff their faces w/cake! <evil grin!>

I'm going as Dolores Umbridge, cuz' as we all know, it's more fun to be evil! :rolleyes: DS & a friend are going as Fred & George Weasly, the jokester twins. DD is going as Hermione. My friend is going as Tonks, her dd is going as Ginny Weasly, and her littlest one is going as Harry. Oh, and I'm taking 2 extra kids (because I am a glutton for punishment!) & I think they'll be Harry & Hermione.

I'm getting so excited! How weird am I???????

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...she had been turned down because the doc didn't take medicare patients. quote]

I get medicare. Every year medicare sends out benefit book and in the back of it lists other medical plans that "they" will pay for. I Have Secure Horizons by UnitedHealthCare. They have a plan that you pay nothing for and the Choice, which I have, and I pay an extra $28 a month. They paid 100% for my surgery and 6 fills. She can change over and get apporval in 2 weeks.

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LOL...."Focus, K?" Judy, I hope we can go on a cruise together someday!! Three Hundred Dolla!! Three Large. Three Hundred Smackaroos!! Don't buy too many clothes....they'll be in the Garage Sale Tres soon enough!

Didn't go to mom's today 'cause it was too rainy and she didn't want me driving across town. So I went for a 2-hour workout then came home to start organizing my bead stuff AGAIN. It's a constant battle. My daughter really has fun with it but she has the organization skills of a monkey. It's almost done. In two weeks it'll look like a tornado hit the room....again.

My best friend called earlier. She lives 4 hours away in Tyler. She just moved there to be close to her dad who is in ill health. She's been practicing tough love with her 26 year old son who has hit bottom and landed in jail. He got out and she let him back in the house 3 days ago and he has a week to come up with a plan. He's either going into the military or into residential treatment. She just started a new and very responsible job. Her previous house hasn't sold and is causing big time money problems. (Stay with me here....FOCUS, K?) Oh, and before she moved she sold her car to my son and she and DH are making do with one until her house sells. Ok. So last night she gets off work and is heading home when she gets a call that her dad has taken a bad fall, might be stroking and is in the E.R. She rushes home to get her son and DH...takes son to A.A. and then she goes over to the hospital. Dad is in ICU, combative, disoriented, pulling tubes out and trying to get out of bed. She sends DH to pick up the son from AA and says she'll call him when she wants to come home. Dad is not doing well and she is very distraught. At midnight she calls for DH to come pick her up because she has 2 very important meetings in the morning and has to get to bed even though she isn't sure Dad is gonna make it thru the night. She goes to the lobby to wait for DH. She waits...and waits....and waits. No answer on his cell and he is not at home. Eventually a police officer finds her in the lobby to tell her that her DH has been in a bad accident and he is in the ER. He was hit from behind by a massively drunk driver and his truck rolled 4 times before coming to rest. He has no broken bones, but possibly a head injury and they send him home at 6:00 a.m. She had to cancel her meetings (bad!), take care of DH, get him some food, talk to insurance agents, line up a rent car, talk to police, make sure son is behaving, take care of the dogs, go back to the hospital to relive her stepmom, etc etc etc etc....and on top of this has a huge paper due on Monday for her Masters degree program. AND YOU THOUGHT YOU HAD A BAD DAY???

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Good Morning Violets~

So much to say, gotta say it fast before I forget.

TracyK~ I really hope you enjoy your "momma" weekend...do something indulgent and a little naughty! We want all the details!

LMAO..All the details? Ummm, I don't think so :)

I have had a great day so far....visited with my mom, then went to the casino for a while. I did not think I would make it there due to this wonderful weather we are having, but I did. Looking back, I wish I would have just stayed here and saved the money to shop!! I am going to buy a new scale tomorrow....that really freaks me out but mine has had it. If I don't like what it says I will just return it and keep my wore out scales.< /p>

Tracy-wooohoooo YOU!! That is an awesome woooosh!!!

Judy-Congrats on the moolah!! way to go!

Hello everyone else. I meant to say other things to other people but I am about brain dead right now. Time for a long hot bath and then the stuff that Pamela wanted all the details about ;)

Have a great night violets!

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Terry... I focused on your post.

OMG.. that is so sad all the things your friend had to go through. And it just goes to show you when you think things are bad.. others have it much worse. It sure puts everything in perspective when you hear a story like that. I hope everything comes together for her and her family.

Speaking of having it worse.. did anyone see Tammy Faye Baker on Larry King the other night.??? Now THAT was scarey!! The poor woman weighs 65# after gaining 5#. She looked like someone from a concentration camp, but there she was with her wig and her black eye makeup and her lipstick dressed up with fancy jewelry. She could barely talk, but she's still hangin' in there. It was very painful to watch. And I was worried about ODing on chocolate mousse tonight. :)((( (I didn't).

I have an 8 a.m flute rehearsal tomorrow morning so I'm heading to bed. This is what retirement is like!!!

Everyone have a good night.. sleep well and remember.... WWJD??

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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