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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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lol can you tell I'm in panic mode. I know that I need these things. I will stick with it again today day 3. Maybe I just need to knock off some cals. I go to my insane nutritionist tomorrow, at least I have a detailed journal to bring to her so she can advise. if she does not I will speak to my Dr. on the 14th when I go.

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Another "whoosher" reporting for duty! scale read "282.4" this a.m. -- yay! But it isn't "official" 'til Tuesday... now THAT's the challenge... keeping it off 'til Tues (or, dare I hope, even losing a bit MORE???)!

Jenn -- IMHO, you need to give your bod time to adjust to your new fiber/more cals eating regimen... drink tons of h20... & maybe take a break from the scale.

Another day in paradise here... work, take both kids to various activities, laundry, etc... just a regular day.

Enjoy YOUR regular day, Violets! :)

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GOOD MORNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After yesterday's WWJD comments I had a chance to USE them... :)seriously.... I was all set to have an omlett for dinner, but upon arriving at the homestead, dbf says we are going out for mexican...... hmmmmmm.... mexican........ hmmmmmmmmm.

So, we get there and I'm faced with a choice... do I opt for fajita's? (which I KNOW I will eat too much off because my restriction has loosened up quite a bit.. I will eat the better part of the platter if I order them not touching the tortillas mind you but I will eat too much.. I KNOW MYSELF) Taco salad that is on special (but it comes in a big delicious fried shell) So first I take ONE chip and the dilima Terry had at Taco Johns enters my mind........ I eat the one chip and push the basket away from me. I order ONE chicken taco.... the waiter asked me twice ONE? UNO? I said YES, I only want ONE..... dbf looked at me and asked ARE YOU SURE??? "I said YES... I've been good all week and I'm not blowing it tonight!" He's like "Whatever, its your deal"

So, WWJD? I ate ONE chicken taco at 5:30 p.m. and that was it or food the rest of the night...... and the scale dropped this morning 236.8!

ANNNNNNNNNNNNNND I got up and went to the gym!

ANNNNNNNNNNNNNND I just finished my cottage cheese and blueberries

ANnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnD that's it for now :)

Seriously, I don't know what I would do without you Violets! Thanks to EVERYONE who continues to post on our little thread.. IT REALLY HELPS ME!

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OK, THAT'S IT!!! Everytime you Violets have a food challenge and you think.. hmmmmmmm WWJD? I wanna commission. I'm thinkin' ohhhhh say 50 cents for each thought?? Then I'm guessing I would have more than I could get from a garage sale which I have to do again tomorrow. At least the weather looks good for the sale. No rain like last week. Only problem is I'm on my own tomorrow. DD who helped last week will not be here until 1 cause she works at Curves on Friday. arghhhhhhh

So keep those thoughts and half dollars coming, k???? Oh wait.. I have those same thoughts too.. hmmmmm this might not work.

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Whoops... 2 more things. Completely unrelated & one is even off-topic!

#1: Had my most major "sticking" episode last night & I did not like it one bit!! (I've had only 2 total before this.) It was on a shredded pork roast that I cooked all day in the crock pot so it was very juicy. I took a few bites, and WHAM!... that was all she wrote! I thought I'd been "stuck" before, but this time I had to leave the table, go in the bathroom, & walk around w/my arms in the air, praying I wouldn't start to slime (I didn't, phew!). But it hurt like... crazy... let's say. And when it hit I had more in my mouth and I'm sitting there like "ack! what do I do? I can't swallow!"

#2: Completely off topic: Anyone else here a Harry Potter fan??? My ds & I are!! We can't wait 'til midnight tomorrow night! We're going to the Borders party, in costume. I think he's going to be "Fred" & his friend is going to be "George"... I think I'm going as Dolores Umbridge! Too funny! I figure there won't be many of her! That or Tonks. & DD will be either Luna or Hermione. Anyhoo, we had to pre-order 2 books, as we both want to read it immediately (as in, we're going to come home & read ALL NIGHT!) and we know we can't share nicely... at least not this! We're wacky, I know... but as an editor I LOVE how she crafts her sentences and the fabulous vocabulary she uses... and as a Mom I love that this series has encouraged so many kids to read + gets adults & kids in families excited together & discussing them... something that we can share in.

Now really, I'm off to work! (Yeah, right!)

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Morning violets~

Tracy~ 1 chip...1 chip...you are a stronger woman than me.

Terry~ You would not want to hire us for your house. Well Susanne maybe, I just walk around and complain. The work is getting done, but she is doing 75% if not more of it...lol. We were at Lowes last night, couldn't believe what a bitch that store turns me into.

OK...ready for this Violets...(this is a true testament to a teacher, who has been off for a month, in the middle of July...I HAD A DREAM ABOUT THE VIOLETS)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:faint:I did...we were at a hotel and were all wearing our WWJD charms. Judy, your Bracelet was beautiful, w/ many many charms. I told you mine is sad w/ 1 charm...and as usual, you were cheerleading me telling me it won't be long. It was great to all be in the same room. I only remember Judy wearing her jumper she posted in the picture, don't recall what others were wearing. But we were all there. You know how dreams are...there are parts I remember better than other parts. HAHA...can't believe I dreamt about my Violets!

Well today, the guys are coming back to texture the ceiling and then Susanne and I have to paint the ceiling, "fix" some of the walls we painted the other day. Oh yeah, I've got my cleaning lady coming, and I've got to met w/ my primary doctor and my attorney (setting up our estate w/ my brother). I am bummed to see doctor, last time, I was at the same weight, actually think I was at the lowest 257, that is my 23 pound loss. Now, I am at 261. This is so weird...I got my fill yesterday and when I went in last month on I was 263 (I gained 6 before my first fill). Well yesterday, I was 261! I can't believe that I lost 2 pounds eating out and not working out for 2 weeks. Hell, I am not complaining. I am hoping this fill works...I have 1.8 in total. I don't feel much restriction, but then again, I also have only been on liquids. I really really really want it to work better...and I know I have to do my part, which I really do try. I love working out (not going today, am sooo tired and the guys will be here at 7), and I eat pretty good too. I have not had fast food since March 20 (except 1 small hamburger on our road trip...it was the last place to eat for a few hundred miles and we didn't want to go into a resturaunt, so i caved).

Ok, I've written sooo much. Have a great day ladies. I need a WWJD charm!!! I will check in later!

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Michelle: Thats sounds like SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!! I sure hope she didn't kill Harry off... maybe turn him into a teacher or something but DON'T kill him off! (congrats on the whoosh too!)

Pamela: THAT IS SOOOO FUNNY! our violet connection creeps into our Real Lives and in your case Dreams! awesome

Judy: Did you EVER think your being completely anal would keep us in check??????

Terry: let us know if you get in to see Spivak... I've been looking at my scars now wondering what the heck that spot is!

Jennifur: I bought some "suck me in" undies last night and Ohhhhh MY I think I need a degree in gymnastics to get into the the dang thing!

I bought 2 versions.......... one is the bicycle pants and the other is a brief with a high waist that actually hooks like a bra around the middle... it works but dannnnnnnnnnnng it is not comfortable..... it does smooth out my gut though and I tried a dress on with it and it REALLY helped.

about time for me to start on my water!

WWJD? :) (add it to my tab)

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Never in my life did I think that being anal would get me famous!! I'm happy to do it and if it helps anyone else, then it's worth it!!

WWJD is so much easier for me to type than.. "remember to follow those bandster rules" anyways!!

Off to finish my 2nd glass of slushy Crystal Light.. yums

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THIS is a web cam shot of Houston weather right now. Don't think I'll be going to see the good doctor today!

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Jennifur: I bought some "suck me in" undies last night and Ohhhhh MY I think I need a degree in gymnastics to get into the the dang thing!

I bought 2 versions.......... one is the bicycle pants and the other is a brief with a high waist that actually hooks like a bra around the middle... it works but dannnnnnnnnnnng it is not comfortable..... it does smooth out my gut though and I tried a dress on with it and it REALLY helped.

Yeah, breathing is overrated anyway.:tired

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Alright TracyK what is your secret

I gained another lb, I was at 219 and now back up to 222. I don't think I'm making bad choices - I don't get it! I'm now eating some whole grains and fruit and vegies and I'm gaining!!!!! Can I take the bridge. I'm ready to do Protein Shakes for a few days again - I am following the rules, I am even following an old diet that I was given at the beginning. I can't gain - that is just not acceptable!

I've been doing a little reading. In the book, Bob Green's Total Body Makeover on page 62 it says "...As you become more active and drink more Water, you muscles will retain water. The primary culprit here is glycogen, a form of carbohydrate that's stored in your muscles and is the main fuel for exercise. The more active you are, the more glycogen your muscles will retain and thus the more water you'll hold on to: Each gram of glycogen stores an additional 2.5 grams of water. What's more, the fitter you become, the more glycogen you store.

This initial water weight gain can be disheartening, but hang in there. Water-weight gain will cover up the body fat losses that you will be experiencing. After a few weeks, you will begin to see the fat loss. And the reality is, this is a part of charging up you metabloism, which will ultimately lead to an increase in your fat-burning power."

So think about it, you are doing weight training and building more muscle. More muscle, more glycogen, thus more water weight. That'w why it is necessary to measure yourself. The very fact that you are wearing smaller sizes shows that you are losing.

Another point he brings up is: "Did you know that your body allows for only about a loss of three pounds of fat per week? Sure, you can lose water and muscle tissue that's how quick-fix diets thaqt promise you'll drop a lot of pounds instantly work, but you don't want to. ...but in general losing one pound or even a half pound a week means that you aare losing in a way that can last."

A added more grains to my diet and seem to be more regular now. My weight loss may be a little slower but I know I'm healthier and I'm down 2 sizes. In fact I measured my neck last night and have lost 1-1/2 inches in a month. Now that's what I'm talking about!!!:clap2:

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.I HAD A DREAM ABOUT THE VIOLETS)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:faint:I did...we were at a hotel and were all wearing our WWJD charms. Judy, your Bracelet was beautiful, w/ many many charms. I told you mine is sad w/ 1 charm...and as usual, you were cheerleading me telling me it won't be long. It was great to all be in the same room. I only remember Judy wearing her jumper she posted in the picture, don't recall what others were wearing. But we were all there. You know how dreams are...there are parts I remember better than other parts. HAHA...can't believe I dreamt about my Violets!

Where we all thin????

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AAARRRGGGHHH I just lost my post---full of personals!

Last time I think I began with Good Morning Ladies! LOL

How irritating! It suddenly took me back to the homepage, and of course what I was working on was gone! Guess I'll try again!!!

Jenn--I would have been very surprised if you had not had some weight gain with the new high Fiber plan you have begun. The way the fiber works is to bulk things up and in order for that to work it needs added Fluid. Once your system begins to "flush" (oh yeah I intended it) out, it should stabalize your weight, and your bathroom habits again. I would ask for Dr. advice if the nutritionist is not helpful as well!

Michelle---Sounds like you will have fun tonight. I have never even read a single sentence of any of the books. I am not real sure why, I am an avid reader, usually a couple books going at a time. I don't know if it is that they were based on kids, or if it was the original fervor over it being anti religious or what but I was never drawn in. My step daughter wanted to go to the 1st movie, and we took her, but it made no impression on me, likely because I never read it. I thought about them when we began our summer reading, but thought it too advanced. I read to the girls each day at nap time, and have begun reading "chapter" books to Lindzie, attempting to help her with her recall abilities. She does not remember well. Things have improved some, with the steady daily one on one work we do, and my DD works with her a lot at home. I hope it helps her, I hate the thought of her struggling in school.

Hope you guys have fun---take some pictures of you all in costume!! See you after your nap tomorrow!!!

Terry--I am going to try to hit Curves sometime today. I am packing us to go to the rally. Rick went to the lake with our son. I could have gone, but opted not to. We will be outside for the rally, in the sun for the next 2 days---I didn't need today too. Plus they are working on the new motor, and I hate rowing, and being around men who are having fits working on something!!! DH controls his temper much better than DS!!!

Tracy---girl I am so impressed and proud of you!!! One chip and One chicken taco!!! If I had that control, I'd be at goal now!!! You are soooo good!

Pamela---same with you, vacation and one measly hamburger??? I wish for control like y'all have! Hope your appointments go well, and your closet is finished soon. I cannot imagine at this point having a closet that more than one person could fit in!!! Ours is made to walk in....but when we did the first stage of our remodel, we took out one bedroom, and enlarged the living room, when we did that, we lost the bedroom closet, and our living room coat closet.....so guess where it all migrated to!!! Our closets are appalling, but I do know what is in them, and where to find it, they just LOOK horrid!

Judy---question! If I wear a WWJD charm, will it scorch my arm if I don't make as good of choices as say Tracy and Pamela????!!! Maybe it would work better for me if it did!!!

TracyK---girl you are melting! WTG---Do you feel good?

Well I didn't get to everyone this time around---will try to remember what I thought of before---but I need to go and help Lindzie with some math she is stuck on....we moved to double digits!



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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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